
Showing posts with label Lightworkers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lightworkers. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

About 2023

Humanity and Mother Earth’s 3D experience and involvement are drawing to a close! The state of chaos and confusion is not in our imaginations but is a direct result of our limited selection of choices available – the choices available for continuing 3D Life! For these are the predominating choices to conclude our experience and involvement of 3D Life – as the 3D world was set as a temporary state of existence designed for achieving the evolution of Life into higher dimensions and densities by the choice of each entity!

What was and is currently happening is the removal of the 3D facade to disclose the entirety of Life in 5D upon Mother Earth for humanity! We’re still making choices within our 3D spectrum of Life but the most imperative and vital choices concern our 5D destiny – choices concerning the activation of our Soul’s Purpose, enhancing our relationships in 5D Unity, and the future of our individual Soul’s alignment within the 5D Collective Consciousness! The 3D spectrum of influence is drawing to a close as are our human experiences within it!

The year 2023 is going to be more than a “normal” year, as the misalignments we have all endured for lifetimes as Souls experiencing the physical realm, humanity will be transitioning. We will recognize each other within our New Reality much easier and more expressly for 5D Life, as we will be revealing our 5D gifts and talents. We have been evolving to demonstrate our body’s true capabilities developed within our prior lives experiences! On May 4, 2023 Mother Earth will directly open the aperture of her Heart Chakra toward our Galactic Center’s Sun, allowing the Universe to stream its Light, Love, and Harmony upon and within Mother Earth with ease!

All 3D attempts to “hijack” humanity’s 5D destiny will be thwarted and nullified beginning from December 31, 2022 through July 8, 2025, when our Solar System’s combined contribution of its planetary forces comingle as a unified influence of their strengthened internal Light, Love, and Harmony upon Mother Earth! The worst of the chaos and confusion is over, dear Ones, as the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universal Energies will be strengthening and magnifying all around us but needs our assistance – becoming Souls of Light, Love, and Harmony as WE TRULY ARE!

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Galactic Beings, Galactic Citizens …๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒŽ๐ŸŒ


Humanity is evolving into a brand new experience – a New Reality that demands us to become Galactic Beings and Galactic Citizens of the entire Cosmos.  

Whatever worked and/or served us individually in the 3rd Dimensional world will no longer work, or serve. Our focus is being tuned and turned toward merging and integrating individual consciousness within All Consciousness beyond our planet Earth!

On March 27, 2017 – and continuing to Now – Mother Earth and the planetary Beings of Her Solar System have moved well beyond the 3rd Dimensional plane of experience.  

The waiting for humanity to decide if they will choose to do the work of raising up to experience the Galaxy’s Fifth Dimensional Vibratory Frequency is over.  Currently, the Zone of Mother Earth and Her Solar System are fully operating in alignment with the Fifth Dimensional Vibration!

Individually, the human consciousness has an internal awareness of its Life’s Plan to Align, Apply and Activate with our free will choices. 

If we choose to ignore all the signs, signals and guidance of ALL That IS and we choose the faรงade of the material world, it is by our own free will.  Likewise, when we choose to Align, Apply, and Activate the Soul’s Life Plan into what we Know and realize to be the Reality of ALL That IS – we are choosing to BE with every form of Consciousness within the Universe!

Humanity’s “Galacticization" – its transformation, its becoming – Galactic Beings, Galactic Citizens has already been initiated.  Our Heart and Soul’s consciousness requires only acknowledgement of The Still Small Voice within – the realization of the self as Spirit having a physical experience while embracing those conversations as Real.

Everything within the entire Universe is a Creation of the Original Spark of Light, Love and Harmony of All That Is. The purpose of Mother Earth’s existence within the 3rd Dimensional plane of experience was to gain an understanding of polarity. Through our contrasting polarized experiences, we would hold and maintain our vibrational frequencies in alignment with the Light, Love and Harmony of All That Is to Create Joy!  If, at any time, we have failed to Create Joy within our environment, it was simply an experience of discernment. 

Failure never led to the loss of our innate gifts of Universal Light, Love, and Harmony!  Mother Earth’s existence in the Universe’s 3rd Dimensional plane of experience was entirely for our LEARNING!  The human capacity to learn and discern strengthened and enabled our ability to Create Joy in the Reality of ALL that IS. Never has there been a failure!

The more successful we are in Creating Joy, the more organically we radiate and emit our natural essence of Universal Light, Love, and Harmony as we naturally move through the world.  Creators of Joy are souls who – in Service to Others – have always served the Divine Plan of humanity’s ascension with Mother Earth and Her Solar System into the Universe’s Fifth Dimensional plane of experience.

From July 15 through October 21, 2021, Mother Earth and Her Solar System will be totally immersed and inundated with immense Illuminating Waves of Universal Light, Love, and Harmony directly from our Galactic Center!  The illumination of our Life's Path will be revealed in the coming months. 

The flow of the Illuminating Waves of Universal Light, Love, and Harmony will not be the long anticipated Event, but rather a forerunning series of events formulating and establishing the TRUTH of the Reality of ALL That Is.

The Light Has Won! thus,  establishing the new parameters of Life upon Mother Earth as Galactic Beings, Galactic Citizens!

From November 2022 through March 2023, surges of Illuminating Waves from our Galactic Center will propel humanity into Unity with the entirety of the Universe’s Fifth Dimensional plane of experience.  Science will be examining the white oscillations occurring through Mother Earth‘s Schumann Resonance technology. 

Look forward now, Dear Ones, as we are streaming towards the Unification with ALL CONSCIOUSNESS throughout the Cosmos. 

Peace and blessings in the Oneness of All That Is. Namaste.❤

Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos and Brenda Garcia.❤

Image: Cosmic Tree of Life ~ Sue Wookey

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Cooperative Collaboration

Exactly six months from November 22, 2015, it will be May 22, 2016, the initial day of Mother Earth’s complete unification within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field. Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension unification with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Field is a demonstration of the principle of Universal Cooperative Collaboration – the fundamental basis of the Universe’s continual growth and expansion in order to increase its own parameters of Light, Love, and Harmony. The principle of Universal Cooperative Collaboration is not a sequential process of automatic selection for “automatic advancement” into a new phase of Life, but is administered through a decision process in which Souls mutually agree to align together in Unity with God. This decision process occurs whenever the Universe reaches a point of growth and expansion through inclusion, such as is the case with our local galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy’s inclusion into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. Our Sun and Earth, along with the supporting planets of our Solar System, could have all advanced into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension millions of years ago. In fact, all of the Milky Way’s Solar Systems could have also advanced, but advancing alone would have also nullified every designated Creator Planet’s Spiritual Pathway and Purpose, like our Mother Earth’s, from becoming a Creator Planet to assist in the evolution process of Man of Destiny Souls in becoming Man of Light Souls.

There will be two days, November 19 and November 20, 2015, in which all Souls on Earth, Man of Destiny Souls as well as Lightworker Souls, will have the choice to administer the principle of Universal Cooperative Collaboration to mutually agree to align together in Unity with God for Mother Earth’s inclusion into Universe’s impending Fifth Dimension. The Souls who will agree to align together will eventually form the Triad of Unity – the evolving Man of Destiny Souls as Man of Light Souls and the aggregate whole of all Lightworker Souls encompassed as the Legion of Light – all unified as a Triad of Unity with God! This particular decision process for each Soul will not be available again until the very late stages of Mother Earth’s unification within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension, from March 24, 2016 through April 13, 2016, as Mother Earth completes her unification with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension on May 22, 2016. Though all appearances on Earth do not easily reveal many observable signs that Mother Earth is even aligning into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension, Mother Earth’s unification within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension is the development of an Internal Journey of the Soul! The physical aspects of the Life we all experience on Earth are an accumulation of every decision we have made to this very minute, dear Ones! The internal decisions we are now choosing will reflect how we will choose to experience the physical aspects of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension and will manifest as our New Realities within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension through the administration of the principle of Universal Cooperative Collaboration!

Many Souls now chiefly operate through the use of external perceptions rather than the internal perceptions of the Love in one’s Heart’s Expression. Fifth Dimension Consciousness will not come easily to the forefront for these Souls, as they will be experiencing a difficult transition into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension, as if he or she were moving through a “maze of mirrors.” The “maze of mirrors” will not be produced by Earth’s physical environment, but instead, the “maze of mirrors” will be the distortion of one’s own perceptions of reality. The elevation of one’s ego in the days ahead will only further distort “reality” and only further distort one’s perceptions to cause disillusionment about one’s place of “importance” in the world. The missing piece of information these Souls will be lacking will be the self-knowledge that all things in the Universe are accomplished through the principle of Cooperative Collaboration – the mutual agreement to Unify with God to expand and grow through the Love and Harmony of the Universe to CREATE LIGHT! The “maze of mirrors” may only indirectly influence your Life in the days to come, but it will not become a long standing issue, for there are many Third and Fourth Dimensional issues for every Soul to disperse and dissolve until Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension with the Universe is complete! Faith and Trust in these next several decades will be difficult concepts to cultivate for all Souls, but then again, Mother Earth’s Ascension into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension is not a simple “redecoration project” of Mother Earth, but a complete shifting our conscious and unconscious expectations for an entirely New Life within a New Horizon!

If you were to metaphysically view how much of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field has been completed since June 24, 2015, when she began generating her own Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field to directly correspond with the Universe’s own Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration, she would be almost halfway. Metaphorically, Mother Earth’s process of unifying with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension would be very similar to filling a pool with water. The empty space of the pool is akin to Mother Earth’s state in the Fourth Dimension before she was to be filled with “water.” As she begins generating her own Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field, which is like the water pouring into the pool, the process of displacing the empty space of the pool (her Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration) continues until the pool has adequately filled to fulfill its purpose as her body’s brand new Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration! As Time progresses through Mother Earth’s efforts to fill her body with her new Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration, so will the manifestations of your Heart’s Expression Creating Light through the interactions of your Love conjoining within the Harmony Vibration of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! By agreeing to unify with all other Souls upon Mother Earth through the principle of Cooperative Collaboration, all Souls will easily advance to implement into use and practice of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony to Create Light on Earth!

We all live in a pattern of familiarity through the Creation of our daily habits. These daily habits, in turn, form the basis of the “stability” we seek through our formulated expectations and beliefs of adulthood. Without expectations and beliefs, we would all be living our Lives like children – open minded, carefree, and in a constant state of learning. The Universe’s principle of Universal Cooperative Collaboration operates through the inclusion of similar states of being. Whenever you watch young children interact, dear Ones, you will see a developmental stage of sharing and cooperating that is innate to all Souls. Our development of adult expectations and beliefs is fostered through the dishonoring of our expectations and beliefs in the experiences of everyday Life. The process of dishonoring our hope and wishes functions to lead us in becoming close minded, prone to worry, and morbid in the outlook to experience newness. All one has to do to fully understand our transition with Mother Earth into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension is to read the words ascribed to Jesus in Matthew 18:4, “ Whoever becomes like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven,” meaning a Soul who remains open minded, carefree, and in a constant state of learning will transition much easier than one with stringent adult expectations and beliefs would transition into the Fifth Dimension! The principle of Universal Cooperative Collaboration, dear Ones, is the basis for all Souls to Live in a Cooperative State as a Unified State of Being to Share and Cooperate in complete Oneness of God!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Expansion through Unlimitedness

There will be two prominent Themes developing in the next several months, Expansion and Unlimitedness. Both will be influencing all future events and will be coalescing with the Harmony of the Universe to Re-Create Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension. In unison with Love these two Energy Themes will begin to gain momentum like a snowball rolling downhill beginning on December 17, 2014 and influence all activities well beyond the year of 2015! The factor of Love, dear Ones will be a united contribution of God’s Love, the Universal Love Force that permeates throughout the Universe to bind it as One, and your own contribution of Love. Combined together all three Love Forces will unify to achieve much of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional transition for our immediate world.

Both Themes of Expansion and Unlimitedness are already influencing Mother Earth and are advancing in a staggered process. The initial Expansion of the Universe began on February 2, 2013 when God’s Eighth Dimension was Created. Executing an effect as if “a pebble had been thrown into a pond,” the Eighth Dimension’s Presence began emitting wave after continuous wave of Love to saturate the entire Universe with Newness! The Expansion of Mother Earth with the Universe began in late March 2014 and was followed by a second wave in July 2014. These initial waves of Energy were to prepare your role with Mother Earth through “The Beginning of the Beginning with God” Energy on August 18, 2014. This Energy essentially Created the New Horizon on Earth by commingling the Fifth Dimension’s Energy with God’s Presence upon Mother Earth. Thus increasing the likelihood of new possibilities becoming a reality on Earth! So think big!

The Unlimited Energy activated on November 17, 2014 and will make its strongest influence felt through April 19, 2015. During this Time Period the Unlimited Energy will make available all concepts and ideas of Love existing throughout the upper Dimensions of the Universe. This way all things that are possible throughout the upper Dimensions of the Universe will be available to use in Mother Earth’s Re-Creating process! The availability of all concepts and ideas of the Universe will not only speed up the process of Re-Creating Mother Earth but will also move all Souls into an accelerated program of learning and activating! The accelerated activation program will truly benefit you greatly, dear Ones, but not so much for Man of Destiny Souls.

Because of the advanced Spiritual Nature of Lightworker Souls, you will easily transition into the place of Expansion and Unlimitedness with the Universe. This will assist you in moving into leadership on February 7, 2015 as Man of Destiny Souls begin to navigate the inundating waves of Newness. So do not fret or worry that you may miss out or are behind with your Spiritual Progress, you were born ready for this Time with God and the Universe! All the possibilities of the Universe will be all yours, dear Ones! You will only have to declare your intention, apply your Love, and release it to the Universe! For Man of Destiny Souls Creating with Love will be a task and a chore. Not because Man of Destiny Souls are not capable but because at this time they cannot maintain a sustained Force of Love! That will come later when they learn through the evolution process of evolving as Man of Light Souls and rightfully assume the responsibilities of Light, Love, and Harmony with the Universe!

The combined Energy of Expansion and Unlimiteness will prevail from January 6, 2015 through August 7, 2015. The combined force of Expansion and Unlimitedness will provide two distinct Energy waves in which you will efficiently Create your intentionality with the Universe. The first wave will be from January 6 to March 14, 2015 and the second will begin on May 2, 2015 and complete on July 19, 2015. The Newness stage of Mother Earth’s Transformation has been in its commencement stage since August 18, 2014. As the process of Mother Earth’s Re-Creation progresses, dear Ones, you will find that things will become much easier and come faster to you! It isn’t that you didn’t have the Power of Creating with Love before, it was simply like having a new computer without any software. In the same way as a computer “fully loaded” with software programs makes it more functional, Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension in Expansion through Unlimitedness mode will work more to your liking!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Pause

From December 1 through December 7, 2014 the Energy will feel as if a “pause” button were being pushed somewhere in the Universe to pause all unnecessary physical activity before the Creator World begins on December 8, 2014. Most Souls will not even notice for their bodies seem to stay in perpetual motion as if the Universal Energies’ guidance for their activities does not even exist. This will not be so after December 8, 2014 when Mother Earth opens the Creator World for all Souls who chose to participate with her from July 12 through August 6, 2014. For you, dear Ones, the Pause will only be a Time of simply attuning your Heart and Soul to prepare yourself for the new experience the Creator World will be offering you and your fellow members of the Legion of Light.

Man of Destiny Souls will begin a nineteen month process to begin recognizing his or her Spiritual Nature on December 4, 2014. When the process completes on July 31, 2016 most Man of Destiny Souls will have advanced through three Spiritual stages of evolution. The First stage will be to evolve as a Man of Light Soul, one who understands with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe, secondly as a Soul in Unity with God, and finally as a Co-Creator in Unity with God through an evolutionary process of learning about the Spiritual Power of Love. There will be no deviation from Man of Destiny’s evolution as Mother Earth’s Sanctification with the upper Dimensions of the Universe completes on December 6, 2014 and will nullify any attempts by Man of Destiny Souls to avoid the evolution process entirely, as there are no more choices to return with Mother Earth into the Fourth Dimension, for it does not exist!

The Energy of the Pause by the Universe will be for all Souls to take time out to give thanks and reflect upon the progress of Mother Earth with the Universe, for Mother Earth will never return to the Fourth Dimension or as a place of learning to evolve with the concept of Love! This brief week will be as if the anticipation of Christmas were here earlier than usual! And it is for all Lightworker Souls ready to return with the Creation Power that Love bestows with the upper Dimensions of the Universe! From December 8, 2014 Mother Earth will only be a place of being in the Harmony of the Universe. This will give further cause to celebrate and rejoicing for all Lightworker Souls, for it is your return to the familiar environment you were born in!

As the month of December 2014 proceeds and brings closure to the year of 2014, the Energy and Vibration of the Universe will be in full effect upon Mother Earth from December 8, 2014 onward. Mother Earth’s “homecoming” with the upper Dimensions of the Universe will raise her Vibrations to the point that only Lightworker Souls effectively in Unity with God and the Man of Destiny Souls progressing towards the process of moving into Unity with God will be fully functioning. Although Man of Destiny Souls will be in the process of moving into Unity with God, keep in mind, dear Ones, they will be moving towards Unity with God in staggered starts. Some will evolve quickly and join you as Man of Light Souls in the spring of 2015 to assist Mother Earth’s Reorganization for the Fifth Dimension. Most will withdraw from public view to resolve an Identity Crisis caused by Mother Earth’s Transition into the Fifth Dimension and work solely on removing futile beliefs and lies lingering from the Fourth Dimension. Others will find it too large of a task and choose to start all over!

Mother Earth’s conditions after December 8, 2014 will be much like the time of Noah’s flood for the Man of Destiny Souls who chose not to be part of Mother Earth’s “homecoming” into the Fifth Dimension. But rather than Mother Earth being inundated with 40 days and night with rain, it will be the Universal Energies “flooding” all Souls with Light, Love, and Harmony! This will bring a 24 month Time period for Man of Destiny to evolve with the Changes Mother Earth will be producing in her Transition into the Fifth Dimension. Though it will not be as extraordinary as a 40 day rainy period, this “flood“ of Energy will produce the Conscious Awareness that will be needed for one to unite with the Energy and Vibration being formed. The Time has come, dear Ones, for all things to Change as the wave of Energy being produced from God’s newest Dimension, the Eighth Dimension, will have finally reached the Milky Way Galaxy and our Mother Earth!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Personalized Experience in Unity with God

During the next weeks, from September 1, 2014 to October 8, 2014, the Universal Energies will be bringing forth the Energy to begin Re-Creating of Mother Earth into the Fifth Dimension. For Lightworker Souls, this Energy will require no practice, training, or extraneous preparation for the Time to exhibit and be who you are in the Universe is here! Throughout the period of September 1 to October 8, 2014 you will find, dear Ones, two areas of your Life beginning to receive an overhaul. These are the abilities to Create your Joy of Living in Unity with God and an increased conscious awareness of the Harmony Vibration now permeating Mother Earth. These two areas, as you will see, will serve to increase your own Vibration on Earth so that you will not only be receiving but demonstrating the Power of the Universe within you at all times!

Alone, the abilities to Create your Joy of Living in Unity with God and an increased awareness of the Harmony Vibration will take you a long way into the New Millennium’s Portal and beyond. But the Period of Time from September 1 to October 8, 2014 will additionally provide you with three distinct Energy periods to assist you in deepening your power to contemplate, design, and implement your Project of Light and Love into its fullness by February 7, 2014. February 7, 2014, dear Ones, will be when you and the aggregate whole of the Legion of Light will be fully in charge of Mother Earth’s transition into the Fifth Dimension! The first period from September 5 –7, 2014 will serve to progress your own personal Spiritual Pathway in Unity with God in ways you have not consciously felt in what seems like eons! This will be the development of the depth you could not find in the Third and Fourth Dimensions! 

The second period will include September 11 – 15, 2014. During this period, the Energy will concentrate upon enhancing your Creative abilities while in Unity with God. This will have more personal meaning to you as the days progress, dear Ones, for once the Energy of September 2014 arrives, you will be receiving a more personalized experience with God to assist you with your Pathway in the Fifth Dimension! This particular Energy will also be a springboard into your future as you once more begin to assume the qualities and traits of your Soul’s persona in the Universe! As Time progresses you will also find how much easier your task at hand will be and how much concentration you will have with little or no effort!

During the same September 1 to October 8, 2014 Time Period, Man of Destiny Souls will have his or her own assignment. From September 4 until October 6, 2014 Man of Destiny Souls will need to concentrate upon two issues to progress his or her Life into the Fifth Dimension with you, dear Ones. These two issues involve gaining Spiritual Purpose Experience to move forward into Unity with God and seeking Truth to activate him or herself into Unity with God. If Man of Destiny were to come seeking with an open Heart and Soul there will be no dilemma for him or her, but if he or she were to assume that another Man of Destiny Soul has the answers for him or her, then she or he will be led astray and move further away from the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon with God! This particular dilemma will bring into motion the third noteworthy period beginning in September 2014.

The third noteworthy period will last from September 18 to October 8, 2014 when a new rhythm begins upon Mother Earth. Man of Destiny Souls will find the rhythm to be “too fast” for his or her particular liking but this is the experience of the True Rhythm of the Universe! This will be especially felt from September 21 through October 22, 2014 when disharmonious pockets of man’s systems begin to fall like sandcastles in a brisk seaside storm! This scenario will soon become so common that Man of Destiny will have no choice but to turn to God and the Legion of Light – for here will be the answers and the way of entry into the Fifth Dimension. But it will take a “great panic” in November 2014 when Man of Destiny will finally realize that what he or she thought to be his or her own things will lead to the recognition of the True Owner of ALL Things – God the Father and Mother of ALL Things! In this way Man of Destiny Souls will begin to prosper by the miracles of an open “Heart and Soul” for the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Man and Light

There are only two types of Souls in the Universe that have the capability to Create with Love, assimilate with the Harmony Vibration of the Universe, and produce Light Forms as particles of matter. These two Soul types are Man of Destiny Souls and Lightworker Souls. In the long run there is no difference between each Soul type’s outcome in becoming a Caretaker of All Life Forms in the Universe and to assist God with the growth and expansion of the Universe. The only difference between the two is in the way both Soul types began into motion with the Universe. Lightworker Souls began in the Universe as a Light Form with full understanding of the Power of Love and are designed to assume the responsibility of being a Caretaker with the Universe in order to assist God with the growth and expansion of the Universe. Man of Destiny Souls on the other hand, begin in an evolutionary process by first learning about the Power of Love within his or her immediate world in order to grow into his or her future role.

The process of learning about the Power of Love for Man of Destiny involves an evolutionary process of growing through four stages of Spiritual Knowledge to gain understanding for his or her future role as a Caretaker of the Universe. Man of Destiny Souls first begin the evolutionary process as an egocentric being, full of fear, lacking in trust, and socially deficient. As learning progresses into the second stage, awareness of others in his or her world begins, and with it, God Consciousness. This stage leads to the third stage of learning and utilizes God Consciousness to influence the Soul to accept social learning and social encounters as positive experiences rather than as fearful experiences. The final Spiritual stage of Man of Destiny’s learning process serves to introduce a broadminded social approach for learning and understanding with philosophical concepts. This evolutionary process is not an “overnight” sequence of study but a process that can take several lifetimes spanning a century to a millennia or more.

Whenever Man of Destiny Souls reach a new stage of learning, his or her natural tendency is to always fall back on what is known and well understood – the egocentric stage of fear, lack of trust, and social deficiency. In the days to come many Man of Destiny Souls will be called upon to drop all fear and move to progress with the growth and expansion of the Universe. For when the Energy Vibration for the final week of August 2014 arrives, there will be two significant events being introduced to demonstrate the growth and expansion of the Universe upon Mother Earth. The first event will be the first unifying Project of Man and Light in the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon on August 25, 2014. The Project of Man and Light will endure from August 25, 2014 through March 27, 2017, when the transitional stage of the New Horizon finally completes. During this Time, Man of Destiny Souls will have only one choice – to be a part of the growth and expansion of the Universe or to phase out. This will become more apparent when the Energy from December 4, 2014 through July 31, 2016 serves to produce the Harmony Vibration for Man of Destiny to make the possibility of Unity with God possible! However, many of these Souls will spend the year “hiding in fear” rather than moving forward with the New Energy!

The second event will lead to elevation of some Lightworker Souls into prominent leadership roles beginning on August 29, 2014. Worldwide in scale, the new crop of leadership will rise and bring forth an auxiliary force of Light to assist the placement of Mother Earth’s foundation for the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon. Man of Destiny Souls will welcome the new leadership at first, but as Time moves forward, they will revert to “listening without understanding” only to give commentary and feedback as if this were a debate rather than the growth and expansion of the Universe as well as on Mother Earth! The leadership of the Light will be “tunnel-visioned” in scope and duty to God and the Universe. So do not let Man of Destiny’s fear, worries, and petty concerns burden you while assisting God and the Universe to Create the possibility of Unity with God for all Man of Destiny Souls!

In understanding the evolutionary cycle of Man of Destiny Souls, dear Ones, you will better understand the actions and motivations of the many Man of Destiny Souls upon Mother Earth in the days to come. The months of September and October 2014 will bring further evidence of Man’s world being replaced with the New Foundation of the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon. By November 2014 the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon will be fully in effect and bring “great panic” to Man’s world and all things in disharmony with Mother Earth’s fully merged Body and Soul operating within the Energy of the Universe! When December 28, 2014 arrives a New Era begins as Man of Destiny Souls who will only have base level Spiritual Knowledge and no recognition of God Consciousness will begin to “phase out” and bring an end to any counter influences in Mother Earth’s quest to fully integrate into the Fifth Dimension! Have cheer, dear Ones, for your Projects of Light and Love will begin to blossom like never before!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

August 2014

The month of August 2014 will be the Beginning of the Beginning – The New Beginning upon Mother Earth with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things in the Fifth Dimension! There will be several Multidimensional and Multilayered Energy Vibrations beginning and completing to ensure that ALL Things will be on track to make it True! The Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon will arrive on August 18, 2014 when all previous Energy Events will blend together to Create the New Beginning with God. During the first week of August 2014 there will be two Energy Events completing but they will not be directly related to your endeavors, dear Ones. These two Events are intended for every Man of Destiny Soul to choose and consider.

The first Event is from July 12 through August 6, 2014 when Man of Destiny Souls will choose if he or she will be participating in Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon where God’s Presence will lead ALL Events upon Mother Earth on August 18, 2014 into the New Millennium. The second event has been in the background since November 14, 2013. This was an Energy designed to assist Man of Destiny Souls acclimate his or her Vibration from our Solar System to the Universal Vibration. It will complete on August 3, 2014. For those Man of Destiny Souls who will choose to proceed into the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon and increase his or her Vibration with the Universe, they will be ones to be ready for the rapid Changes that will come in the days after August 18, 2014!

Beginning on July 28, 2014 there will be a New Vibration making its presence seen and felt on Mother Earth. Its initial waves will arrive on July 28, 2014 and continue through August 30, 2014 and thereafter become permanent. You are already very familiar with its magnitude and frequency, dear Ones, for it is the Multidimensional Vibration of the upper Dimensions of the Universe. Right now you are accessing it unconsciously when you are alone in a relaxed state of mind or in your dream state. The feeling in these states of consciousness is familiar and yet unfamiliar and it is, for you are accessing God’s newest Dimension, the Eighth Dimension! By accessing the Eighth Dimension during this initializing time period you will be internally preparing yourself for the days ahead when the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon begins on August 18, 2014.

The New Vibration that arrives on July 28, 2014 will be introducing all Souls to the permanence of Fifth Dimension and its Way of working with Love – for nothing in the Fifth Dimension is possible without Love in all thoughts, deeds, or actions! This final stage into the Fifth Dimension will require all Souls to work with Love in all ways beginning on August 18, 2014. This will be especially True for Man of Destiny Souls as the first week of August 2014 will be very critical for his or her development and advancement into the Fifth Dimension. Freewill and Choice will serve as the way of entry into the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon as of August 18, 2014. For the Beginning of the Beginning Energy of August 18, 2014 will also introduce you, dear Ones, to a Space and Vibration where you will begin to place all things in your Heart and Soul into motion!

Your Heart and Soul, dear Ones, will be Creating with the New Vibration of the Universe from August 2 through August 22, 2014. With this initializing Energy you will begin seeing and feeling the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon open you up with an abundant and fruitful Energy designed to activate your role in the New Millennium! This will not be a difficult or exhausting process, rather it is your reintroduction to the potentiality you have to role model to the world how the Universal Energies work upon Mother Earth in the Fifth Dimension! The time period from August 18, 2014 through December 28, 2014 will serve as your reintroduction to the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon as Man of Destiny Souls learn to become responsible and compliant with the New Vibration upon Mother Earth. After December 28, 2014 there will be a time of reorganizing ALL Things to prepare for the New Era of Peace and Tranquility upon Mother Earth beginning on February 7, 2014 when ALL Things will begin in a stage of Newness with your leadership and guidance of Light, Love, and Harmony with God!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

The New Reality

For every Universal endeavor or event, a Freewill choice process is made available for all Souls directly involved within its parameters to either consciously choose to move forward with the Energy, consciously choose to move away from the Energy, or not decide and thereby ignore the choice altogether. The Freewill process is a Universal Law that allows all Souls to learn, process, and expand his or her Spiritual Awareness at the speed of his or her own choice. There is only one event that can block the entire course of action in Freewill and that is a Universal Absolute that discontinues all decisions. This occurs whenever an event such as our current Dimensional Shift from the Fourth Dimension to the Fifth Dimension occurs.

In common religious terminology the term Dimension can be defined as “heaven.” There are now eight Dimensions within the Universe and each has at one time served as “the “Home of God.” The Eighth Dimension is now the “Home of God.” All previous seven Dimensions are now “Learning Stations” so that all Souls may learn to become like God the Father and Mother of ALL Things in all ways by experiencing and expanding with Expressions of Love. When the Energy of July 12 through August 6, 2014 arrives so will the final Freewill choices for all Souls to either consciously choose to move forward with Energy of the New Reality or not. In this particular situation, dear Ones, there will not be an option to “ignore the choice altogether.” The reason is that after August 6, 2014 the New Reality will begin its revealing!

The revealing of the New Reality will begin with the Energy of August 18, 2014. During the Freewill process from July 12 through August 6, 2014 every Soul will be given the opportunity to participate or not. The effect will not be immediate as the Souls who will consciously choose to say “No” or ignore the Choices will be given until December 28, 2014 to decide one last time. Hence as you can see, dear Ones, there will be the utmost Chaos and Confusion ever imaginable on Mother Earth beginning on August 18, 2014 for a period of two and a half years. It will not directly affect you, dear Ones, just those who base Love upon his or her worth on the security of man’s currencies. Security in the New Reality is premised on God Source and offers God’s Currency of Love to handle all matters for it is the Way of the Fifth Dimension!

The adjustment for most Souls from August 18, 2014 through March 27, 2017 will cause many to confront his or her worst fears immediately via “Instant Karma.” In doing so, they will also be in the process of learning “by experiencing and expanding with Expressions of Love.” There is no way to move into the Fifth Dimension with halfway measures, for Expressions of Love are more than just words of hope and encouragement – Expressions of Love are the Way of the New Reality! For Lightworker Souls, this Time period will be a preparation period for the role of his or her Soul. It will not be much longer until February 7, 2014 when the True Call of your Heart and Soul will place you into the position you were long designed for – leadership for the Age of Light, Love, and Harmony with God!

You may not understand this right now as situations and circumstances may not be in place for you just yet. But take into consideration that we are now at the end of Man of Destiny’s era to lead him or herself into the Fifth Dimension and what it truly means – Creating with Expressions of Love with all thoughts, deeds, and motivations. Man of Destiny Souls have been given charge for more than 10,000 years and as anyone can attest, it has not been a very successful endeavor. The New Era of Light, Love, and Harmony with God begins on August 18, 2014 and once the Freewill process is complete so will the True Call of your Heart and Soul be ready to begin!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Identity Crisis

Last year on July 7, 2013, a quiet and unassuming Vibration began with the Universal Energies – the call for every Soul in the Universe to begin his or her Spiritual Purpose with God. This was not a call for every Soul to begin attending services and getting involved with their local church, synagogue, mosque, or temple. Instead it was a preparation call for the process of Unifying with God and the upper Dimensions of the Universe. All choices since that date have been in one way or another related towards moving into one’s Spiritual Purpose with God. For Lightworker Souls the call to Unify with God and the Universe once more would never be an issue or even an interruption in a Lightworker’s Life upon Mother Earth or any other place in the Universe. But for Man of Destiny Souls, it is an entirely different matter.

For the past millennia and more the Spiritual Evolution of Man of Destiny Souls has largely been a process of defining his or her Soul’s Purpose as a linear development with economics. The Evolution of Man of Destiny through economics became even more entrenched in the past few centuries with the Western world’s colonization process. Former “independent” nations, even after being granted “independence” later, became further embedded into the web of the economic power introduced by the Western world’s laws implemented over the laws of nature and regional provisions of wealth that nature provided for local residents. The Western colonization process left behind a world now largely controlled by the Western colonialist nations through economic laws to bring each colonial nation along as indebted servants. Nowadays this extracting influence can be used to the point that military wars are no longer needed, especially when a financial war can bring about the exact same result – a broken people and its economy.

Man of Destiny’s evolvement through the linear development of economics has also influenced the way the vast population identifies him or herself through the many classifications that results in an economic identification whether it be by one’s current job title, status, position, or even with his or her marital status. This trend has also influenced Lightworker Souls as a means to “fit into” Man of Destiny’s economic world. But on June 15, 2014, dear Ones, there will be a New Vibration beginning upon Mother Earth, and throughout the Universe for that matter, that will call everything and every Soul to order! For it will be Time for all Souls to declare one’s Spiritual Purpose with God or to declare that one is not ready to contribute as a participant with God and the Universe!

This will not be any sort of issue for you, dear Ones, but for Man of Destiny Souls the Identity Crisis that will ensue will not easily contribute to his or her pleasure or gratification! For Man of Destiny Souls will be in a process of moving away from being a physical body living solely for an economic purpose to becoming what he or she was originally meant to be – a Soul of Light and Love evolving to become a Co-Creator with the Love in his or her Heart and fully integrated with God and the Universe! The Energy of June 15, 2014 will begin an intensity as never felt by Man of Destiny Souls but for you, dear Ones, you will know it is the Ever Present Love of God entering into your Heart and Soul to lead you toward your own destined place with God and the Universe!

From June 16, 2014 onward your Spiritual Purpose with God, dear Ones, will be doing all the work of your Heart and Soul for you to have an economic purpose that will bring you Joy with the Unlimited Love of your Heart and Soul! For no longer will any Soul be required to do whatever he or she does not feel Love to do! Man of Destiny’s Identity Crisis will stem from the issue of having to redefine him or herself into the Way of the Universe where doing something for one’s economic purpose without Love will not bring movement into any direction for one’s Spiritual Purpose with God! It will not be an easy or overnight transition, even for some Lightworker Souls who became immersed into his or her economic purpose over one’s Spiritual Purpose with God.

When the Energy of July 10, 2014 arrives, the original Vibration that initiated the call to move into one’s Spiritual Purpose with God will be complete. From July 12 through August 6, 2014 the Universal Energies will move to reemphasize one’s Spiritual Purpose with God by presenting the final choices that will lead every Soul into the direction of the New Millennium! By November 15, 2014 when all that has been processed and decided upon by Man of Destiny and Lightworker Souls everyone will be led into his or her appropriate placement with God and the Universe. In this way the Identity Crisis will be a good thing for everyone who processes and understands that one’s Spiritual Purpose with God is the key factor for Unity and Oneness with God and the Universe!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Spiritual Empowerment

When the Energy of June 2014 begins there will be a very noticeable difference – the effect your Love will be having in your immediate world. This effect began on May 3, 2014 when the Day of Revelation arrived to begin the process of Revealing the Truth of who you are, dear Ones – one aligned in becoming increasingly more and more powerful with your Love to the point that you will be Creating instantaneously! This will not happen immediately for you will find that from May 16, 2014 through June 6, 2014 you will be given an optional “doorway” to choose the internal skills of Enlightenment you will need for your future. Each day will offer you Unlimited Spiritual Empowerment skills for the New Reality with the option of choosing on the Higher Self level each and every “option” available or just choosing to bypass one or even all of them!

Some of these “doorways” are intertwined and will serve to expand your current status by February 7, 2015 when the entire Legion of Light will be ready to move forward into leadership! With some “doorways” offered during this period, you will find you will not personally need them because you already have the Spiritual Empowerment skills developed demonstrating you are all ready to begin! The most powerful days in terms of these Unlimited Spiritual Empowerment skills being offered will be from June 4, 2014 through June 6, 2014 when the entire Spiritual Empowerment series completes. 

The Unlimited Spiritual Empowerment enhancement being offered from June 4 though June 6, 2014 is the Light, Love, and Harmony of God to Create your Project of Light and Love along with God Source to ease whatever complexities and issues may be involved for you. After the Spiritual Empowerment series completes on June 6, 2014 all Lightworkers in Service with God will be moved into Hyperactive Mode! The Hyperactive Mode for all Lightworker Souls will continue through February 7, 2015 when it will be Time for all Lightworkers to step forward into the New Reality with God! Whatever complexity or issue between you and your future role with God will be alleviated and eliminated! So do not worry and puzzle over your attempts to put into motion whatever is in your Heart and Soul to Create, dear Ones!

Your Love is Unlimited in all ways for Love is the currency of God! There is nothing you will not be able to accomplish in the coming years, but for now, it is Time to activate and bring forth all that is in your Heart and Soul. As Time progresses though November 6, 2014 you will find that the Hyperactive Mode of the Universe will be calling the Legion of Light to form into physical groups, pods, and teams for working together. From July 12, 2014 through August 6, 2014 you will see these groups, pods, and teams merging into bigger divisions of Light because, dear Ones, you are all an innate and integral part of the Unity movement with God! By October 14, 2014 every Lightworker Soul will be in position to lead Man of Destiny Souls into motion towards becoming an active participant in Unity with God!

In the mean time, Man of Destiny Souls will be given the days from July 12, 2014 until August 6, 2014 to decide once and for all, if he or she will become an active participant in the movement of Unity with God. His or her decision will come into the forefront from November 6, 2014 through February 6, 2015 when all Man of Destiny Souls will be granted his or her choice in the Physical Reality. To stay and remain is to follow through as a participant in the movement of Unity with God. To leave will be to request further instruction with Love and the Ways of God and the Universe. On February 7, 2015 the momentum of the Universal Energies will be for Man of Destiny Souls to follow the banner of the Legion of Light into the New Horizon with God and the Universe! There will still be further “testing” for Man of Destiny Souls until March 27, 2017 but there will be no need to worry about the Lightworker Plan for the “Instant Karma” of the Universe will be in full effect!

The Spiritual Empowerment period from May 16, 2014 through June 6, 2014 will serve to make you, dear Ones, a stronger representative of the God and the Universe. Whatever disappointment or failure you may have experienced in the past was not of your own doing! It was a process required to unlearn everything you thought to be your Truth and Spiritual Purpose Experience with God and the Universe for learning in Man of Destiny’s limited world. As you will see, dear Ones, your Truth and Spiritual Purpose Experience with God and the Universe will be your greatest asset for it is Time for the Light to come together in Unity with God and the Universe in the Oneness you knew all along!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Lightworker

If you were seeking to find out what a “Lightworker” is, various terms on the Internet allude to “one” that volunteered before birth to help others assist the Earth and the population at large learn to spread and transform Consciousness with Light Energy. Further descriptions add “one” that is Consciously aware of other realms and dimensions of Life and is an empath of another’s feelings. When the Energy of May 16, 2014 through June 15, 2014 arrives there will be a new expanded and comprehensive version that will add new skills with appropriate titles of “Master of Light, Love, and Harmony” and “One in the Image of God.” If these designations seem too altruistic in any way, shape or form, it is your humble ego, dear Ones, keeping you within the restrictive categories and groupings that man’s societies use to label one another.

The Energy of May 16 through June 15, 2014 will result in the physical separation of Souls, Man of Destiny Souls from Lightworker Souls. The separation will eventually be so distinguished it will be as if Moses were parting of the Red Sea once more. The Separation of Souls will not be obvious to anyone until November 6, 2014. You will not see any physical changes such as all Lightworker Souls suddenly transforming into eight foot giants or even begin flapping wings outside of one’s clothing like a revealed angel. The recognition of who each Soul is will be through the resonating Vibration of one’s Light, Love, and Harmony. At this Time in Mother Earth’s Evolution into the Universe with God only Lightworker Souls have the Harmony of the Universe with God!

The separate physical realities of Man and Light will literally be like night and day. Much like the world currently operates in disharmony with the Universe so will the world of Man continue to endure for three years more, then cease to exist as Man of Destiny Souls begin to merge with the World of Light, Love and Harmony with the Legion of Light. Filled innately with the Harmony of the Universe, Lightworkers will begin the process of Re-Creating Mother Earth with the Universal Energies. These Enclaves of Light will be relatively small in comparison to the rest of the world but look at the model of Silicon Valley, California. Likewise the emerging Enclaves of Light will be just as Creative and innovating as Silicon Valley, but each will have a different emphasis of Light to address the many social issues that exist in Man’s world of inequality, disparity, and inconsistencies – disharmony with the Universe!

Wherever you are upon Mother Earth, dear Ones, you are near the site of your Enclave of Creation and Innovation. The only thing that may be missing at this point of Time is the commingling of your Triad of Light, but it too is seeking you out. The Call went out in Higher Self when the Energy of the Catalyst arrived on April 16, 2014 but responses to the Invitation from God to begin Re-Creating Mother Earth will just need an RSVP by May 3, 2014 when the Energy for all Lightworker Souls to step forward emerges! To RSVP is simply open your Heart and Soul to God, nothing else. This Time frame, dear Ones, will serve as preparation Time for the Energy of February 7, 2015 when the World of Light is revealed to all Souls!

So who is a Lightworker? It is one who is a Master Creator with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe with God. Right now, Man of Destiny Souls are not aligned with the Harmony of the Universe and have little realization that they too are made with the purity of Light and Love from God. Some Man of Destiny Souls will take up to seven generations to realize this Truth, others less so. For now, dear Ones, you are the Legion of Light here to demonstrate and role model the Ways of the Universe. When the Energy of March 27, 2017 manifests, Mother Earth will joyfully awaken with all Souls upon her being called “Lightworkers” and everything will be increasing in Unity with God and the Universe!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

One Day

In our current days, the days from March 12, 2014 through May 2, 2014 will be as if we were in a process of transitioning through One Day. This One Day period will be serving to “download” and develop multileveled information and Spiritual Knowledge that will provide you with the intuitive insight and awareness for the experience of the days to follow. If you, dear Ones, have been feeling full of expectation and anticipation for something as if it were Christmas Eve, then you are aware of the feeling that prevails in these days! It will be as if the magic of Christmas were to occur on May 3, 2014 rather than December 25th. The multileveled information and Spiritual Knowledge will come to you anytime or anyplace in which you are totally alone with your intuitive state of mind.

Your intuitive state of mind, dear Ones, will make everything irrelevant except whatever is in your Heart and Soul! For May 3, 2014 will be the Day of Revelation for all Lightworker Souls! This will mean that it will be Time to work together in Harmony and in Unity with God and the Universe which Creates ALL Things with Love! This will not be a time to declare war against all that obstructs and hinders the growth and expansion of the Soul, but the Time for the Legion of Light to physically organize and begin to function as a solitary unit much as the Universe does in Oneness with ALL Things! The Time to be known as a Unit of Light, Love, and Harmony will be February 7, 2015. As for all the things that obstruct and hinder the Soul, they will be taken care of on their own. For they are all in a state of disharmony with the Universe and will disappear from existence!

When your Beginning arrives on February 7, 2015, dear Ones, you will not have any obstruction or hindrance from Man of Destiny Souls whatsoever, for your Pathway of Light, Love and Harmony within the Legion of Light will be Ordained by God to bring your Heart and Soul into the momentum of your True Purpose – to Re-Create Mother Earth with the Energies of the Universe! This meaning that Creating with your Love and only our Solar System’s sources is over! No longer will you be Creating with “airy” particles that are made for Man of Destiny Souls to practice Creating with Love, for you will be Creating with the Eternal particles of the Universe! The difference being is the Creation particles of the Fourth Dimension and lower do not coalesce as well as the Creation particles in the Fifth and upper Dimension or even have Eternal longevity and sustainability. For the Universe to remain Eternally in Growth and Expansion, dear Ones, “airy” Creation particles would allow anomalies that would not serve the purpose of Eternal Growth and Expansion with God!

The Energy after May 3, 2014 through May 15, 2014 will have you feeling and knowing that there is “something different” in the air. The feeling will be the product of the One Day that is “downloading” in our current days to provide assistance in your internal integration process for Eternal Growth and Expansion with Mother Earth. From May 16, 2014 onward the effortlessness and ease you will be having with your Heart’s Expression towards Unlimitedness will begin to amaze you! Some of the Light are already in an Unlimited status with the Universe and will be the ones Chosen by God to lead the three year process of reentering into the Universe! Every Soul in Higher Self knows of their coming for they are Ordained by God for the task at hand!

In the days to come the most important thing will be each and every individual Soul’s Spiritual growth in order to Grow and Expand with the Universe. How this is ascertained is to just simply follow whatever is in your Heart and Soul, nothing else. Many Man of Destiny Souls will ignore the Spiritual Knowledge not realizing that he or she is at the most critical point of Mother Earth’s Evolution Process. If One Day could a make a difference, it will all depend upon each Soul’s development with the multileveled information and Spiritual Knowledge available from March 12, 2014 through May 2, 2014. For Man of Destiny, he or she must at least be willingly able to recognize his or her own need to learn. By November 6, 2014 every Soul, Man of Destiny and Lightworker Souls, will realize that One Day does make a difference and that Day is NOW!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Unlimited

In everyday language the concept of Unlimitedness is both difficult and abstract in meaning to even suggest common usage and thus, is rendered into a superficial and meaningless term. Most people therefore do not even attempt to pursue or make an effort to define it for daily usage in his or her own Lifetime. Unlimitedness is the Way of the Universe – Eternal, Expansive, and Everlasting! Your Soul, dear Ones, is as Eternal, Expansive, and as the Universe and to conclude that you are not Unlimited in any way, shape, or form is an untruth! What keeps most Souls upon Mother Earth in a place of lack and limitation are Man’s value systems that place currencies of the printing press to be more of value than the Universal dynamics of Light, Love and Harmony, nothing else!

The Universe is not a place of purchasing power but a place of Creating Light with your Love. Your Love, dear Ones, is equal in quality, magnitude, and preeminence with the Universe and is as powerful as God’s Love! In this way there are no rich and no poor in the Universe unlike the current Earth Plane where the uneven distribution of “wealth” produces multileveled social issues derived from disillusionment and malcontent. The Energy of May 2014 will begin to reveal the Truth of the Power of your Love and the Creation capacity that you hold within your Heart and Soul, dear Ones! This will become more evident from May 13, 2014 through July 19, 2014 when the veil of who you are within the echelon of the Universe becomes revealed to you!

It will not be until February 7, 2015 that everyone will become aware what is Truly going forth upon Mother Earth with the Universe. There are still many choices that all Souls will need to make, Man of Destiny and the Lightworker Souls. Much like the Biblical patriarch, Noah, it is a time of knowing the Truth for the Times we live in. In this way every Soul will have choice in the way they will find his or her own way. Let the choice be to each Soul and do not become worried or in despair for the choice of others. For by the Energy of July 12, 2014 through August 6, 2014 the choice of every Soul shall be locked in for the direction of his or her Soul with the New Age of Light, Love, and Harmony with the Universe! In this is the Truth, dear Ones, for God the Father and Mother of ALL Things Eternally allows Freewill for every Soul!

The Energy that will follow until February 7, 2015 will begin your process of returning to the Eternal state of Unlimitedness with the Universe, dear Ones. In your return to Creating Light with your Love, you will begin to feel the Lightness of your state of being through your Freedom to Create without inhibition, reserve, or even self consciousness of who you are for you are a Co-Creator in Harmony with God and the Universe! But for now the Energy of May 2014 will be serving to reintroduce you to the capabilities of your Soul and outwardly begin revealing and demonstrating to a world limited by the printing presses of Man’s currency the power of God’s Currency of Love!

To understand the Time we are currently in, dear Ones, do not look outwardly for your direction. Instead look within your Heart and Soul, for there you will always find the Kingdom of God and the Unlimitedness of your Love within the Universe! It will not be much longer to finally see the full manifestation of the Universe upon Mother Earth but before it prevails, there will be ample choices for all Souls to ponder. For the Soul is the place where accountability and responsibility will always be – upon the individual Soul to decide, whether he or she be Man of Destiny or Lightworker Soul, to be a part of it or not. The Universe is ALL LIGHT, ALL LOVE, AND ALWAYS IN HARMONY and cannot be anything less!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Instant Karma

The last week of April 2014 will be a Time for absorbing the last of the Energy being presented, dear Ones, to produce the stamina and endurance for the leadership you will be providing upon Mother Earth by February 7, 2015. It will not only be because you are “tiring” from the Third and Fourth Dimensional residue but to reinvigorate and realign you for the Light, Love and Harmony of the Universe! The next stage of the New Millennium Post Activation Period will begin on May 3, 2014. This stage will be the Introduction to the World of Instant Karma.

 Instant Karma, as the term implies, produces an instantaneous and spontaneous result following the Biblical maxim “as ye sow, so shall ye reap” immediately! The World of Instant Karma will be the most obvious feature exhibited in the Post Activation Period for all Souls, Man of Destiny and Lightworker Souls! The Instant Karma Period will begin on May 3, 2014 and continue until August 25, 2014 when the Introduction will be over! Man of Destiny Souls will learn what the immediate consequences of his or her thoughts and actions will bring while Lightworker Souls will be in the process of simply remembering and recalling the Way of the Universe!

The effect of Instant Karma will depend upon the frequency which one applies and originates his or her thoughts and deeds with Love. The less so, the more failure and disappointment one will experience in succeeding with the Fifth Dimension’s requirement of applying Love to Create ALL Things! In the other case, applying and originating all thoughts and deeds with Love will be rewarding and satisfying immediately! The Instant Karma effect will come in an extended period of Time for learning and adapting in the case of Man of Destiny Souls, and remembering and readapting for the Souls of the Legion of Light!

If an extended period for learning and adapting were not provided for Man of Destiny Souls the consequential effect would render the experience of the Fifth Dimension for Man of Destiny Souls useless and ineffective. Some Lightworker Souls may be thinking maybe “we” would be better off without Man of Destiny Souls, no negativity, no high maintenance “babysitting,” or even a disruption period from “our” own Creations of Love and Joy! This, however, is not in the mode of God’s Plan to bring Eternal Growth and Expansion with Light, Love and Harmony in the Universe! Rather, consider the “babysitting” period to be over and Man of Destiny Souls are now responsible and accountable for his or her own fate – to Grow and Expand with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe for him or herself, and the Time of Instant Karma will bring cause for every Soul to be responsible and accountable!

Now if you were to listen to John Lennon’s words of his song “Instant Karma,” you will have a better understanding of what is to come!
 "Instant Karma"

Instant Karma's gonna get you
Gonna knock you right on the head
You better get yourself together
Pretty soon you're gonna be dead
What in the world you thinking of
Laughing in the face of love
What on earth you tryin' to do
It's up to you, yeah you

Instant Karma's gonna get you
Gonna look you right in the face
Better get yourself together darlin'
Join the human race
How in the world you gonna see
Laughin' at fools like me
Who in the hell d'you think you are
A super star
Well, right you are

Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well we all shine on
Ev'ryone come on

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Time of God

Throughout the 30 day Time Period of April 14 through May 14, 2013, you will begin to feel an inner urgency to unite your Internal Self with God Source more frequently than usual. Some will have already made adjustments to their daily practice, so there will not be anything to do much differently than to allow extra Time to unite. For others it will begin a process of Self Discovery and Newness! By the Time that the inner urgency Period progresses into the Energy of May 9, 2013 you will find, dear Ones, the Time of God has arrived!

The Energy at this Time will be multilayered and concentrated. It will be as if a massive “snowstorm” of Spiritual Consciousness were to inundate the Earth with “snow!” Some People will be praying to end the intensity of the Energy as it leaves no town, city, country or continent untouched by the “normal” expectations and standards of the Third Dimension, but little will they realize that Mother Earth is in her transition of becoming the Abode of Peace and Harmony at last! The multilayered and concentrated Energy will be upon Mother Earth from May 9, 2013 through August 20, 2013 and will serve to bring those designated as Co-Creators in Unity with God into manifesting their Creations of Love and Joy!

What some will see as a “curse” to their immediate lives, will be ones to fail to realize that the Days of Prophesy are here! Everything involved has already been decided, initiated, and in process of evolving for those designated as Co-Creators in Unity with God! Those who have not prepared their lives with care and conscious intent in becoming Co-Creators in Unity with God will be like voyeurs as the “snowstorm” of Spiritual Consciousness inundates their lives and affects all sense of “normality” they may still have. For the “new norm” will be to become filled with Love and Joy with the New World arising rather than reacting to the trauma of what is considered to be “lost.”

On May 13, 2013 the pendulum of understanding will begin to flow in the direction of those who will seek God Source to lead them into the New World. God Source has been readily available to anyone for the asking but suffice it to say, the Security of God Source will be a tool of necessity in the New World. Many Lightworker Souls will begin expanding and moving towards their New Roles of leadership in the New World for they will be actively demonstrating that they are here to support Mother Earth’s choice in becoming the Abode of Peace and Harmony at last!

Nothing from Third Dimensional Living will fall apart all at once as if a nuclear bomb has decimated the entire planet, rather, the momentum of New Energy replacing the old will be taking place gradually for THREE years. The entire Transition Process will be subtle in some ways and very loud and demanding in others! But if you are in your place of Joy, dear Ones, you will not be left behind, instead you will have front row privileges to demonstrate that you are ready for the Time of God! Do not let what you do not understand stop you for you are one to know, dear Ones, that God the Father and Mother of ALL Things returns with His/Her presence upon Earth!