
Showing posts with label New Earth Ascension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Earth Ascension. Show all posts

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Remember You’re Light

The identity crisis humanity is now encountering originates in ignoring who and what we all are: an original Created Presence of the Universe’s Light, Love, and Harmony! We are not just physical bodies, or the status we’ve attained or even the jobs we’ve had in our lifetime – We are all Souls simultaneously experiencing the physical plane upon our home planet of Mother Earth!

Why we are here NOW is not to preserve 3D Life but here NOW to serve within Mother Earth’s growth and expansion of her 5D Life! But where is our 5D Life “located” if we cannot see, hear, or touch it yet? Searching only into our mind’s Knowledge not only leads to the nullification of our Soul’s Nature but also induces frustration, confusion, and ultimately, chaos!

Our only solutions in these days of Mother Earth’s Change and Transformation originates within us – by remembering WE ARE Created Presence of the Universe’s Light, Love, and Harmony! Finding time alone with the Alone will work wonders in alleviating the cause of all our internal confusion, frustration, and pending chaos, as we are Light Remembering We Are Light!

When we Remember We Are Light, we are actually synchronizing our internal alignment to achieving and activating our Soul’s Purpose within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional Frequency – Aligning, Applying, and Activating what we have come to do with Mother Earth in these days of Change and Transformation!

The achievement of each one of us Remembering We are Light may seem slow and as tedious as yesteryear’s attempts but our internal responses are NOW synchronized with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional Reality, if we only choose to Align, Apply, and Activate it! The days for this achievement are NOW upon us!

Wave           Begin Date               Completion Date

1st Wave     Sept 9, 2020 Sept 22, 2020

2nd Wave    Nov 25, 2020 Dec 27, 2020

3rd Wave     Feb 7, 2021         Mar 31, 2021

4th Wave     Apr 29, 2021 Jul 4, 2021

5th Wave     Jul 12, 2021 Sep 28, 2021

6th Wave     Jan 12, 2022 Feb 27, 2022

7th Wave     Apr 17, 2022 May 10, 2022

Remembering We Are Light is serving to herald in humanity’s movement into a New Reality within Mother Earth’s evolving 5D Life – through the Presence of Unity and Oneness! There will be no any other way, as humanity’s Unity IS THE FOUNDATION of ALL 5D Life! The waves of Remembering We Are Light will resonate their most impactful impulses from April 29 through July 4, 2021 and again from July 12 through September 28, 2021.

By May 11, 2022 humanity’s Remembering We Are Light will either be serving as humanity’s Foundation of 5D Life through Unity and Oneness with All There IS within our Milky Way Galaxy and Universe, or not! In which case separation and division will have overcome humanity’s collective pathway!

But fear not, dear Ones, for there will be no frustrated, confused, or chaotic human beings leading us – Mother Earth is leading the entire 5D Life Pathway into motion! Remember We Are ALL Light! Remember the Pathway of your Light is through Unity and Oneness – Remember You Are Light! Remember You’re LIGHT!

Friday, June 12, 2020

The Endless Summer

The existence of – and our Presence within – the NOW moment is a declaration, a verb, and an illumination of Life.  NOW is leading us NOW to decide and to define what it is means to be human in the world. 

As we draw upon the wisdom of this very NOW moment, we see that all of humanity is confined as One within a unique moment of Space, Time and Motion upon this traveling planet.  We get it.  We understand that all that is occurring AS IT IS NOW is Creating a new rhythm of NOW – a New Frequency.  The world is in Transition.

Do we put the brakes on creation of a "new normal" of NOW? Do we choose to remain in the past by simply falling back into the "old normal" as if nothing has changed, when in our hearts we Know that everything has changed?  It's obvious, isn't it?  This is humanity’s present choice and dilemma.

These days of June 2020 are not leading us to revive and relive the old ways and ideas and programs and structures of the past.  Rather, these days of June 2020 are leading us to focus and concentrate upon our definition of what it means to be a human upon Mother Earth!

Will we promote the individuality of each human being’s unique Soul’s Plan and potential in the world?  Or, does humanity's focus and priority continue to be one of slavery and survival through the systems designed to keep us believing that our Soul’s Plan and priority is purely economic.  

Humanity at large believes that they are their stuff. "If I lose my stuff, who will I be?"

Whenever our economic purpose supersedes our Soul’s Plan and potential, we lose the NOW Moment to fears of the Future …"How will I survive?"  

In that space of survival fear, we are swept away.  In that space there is no feeling of safety.  We forget what it truly means to be human in the world while remaining connected with everything and everyone upon Mother Earth able to emerge and merge with everything and everyone in the Universe!

Humanity's economic purpose is designed to develop self-responsibility.  Debt and living beyond our means is designed to enslave us. Imagine what could be accomplished if we focused on the Soul's Plan as deeply as we focus on paying creditors!

While humanity seeks to determine whether to resolve and redefine what it means to be human upon planet Earth, Mother Earth and Her Solar System are already advancing upon their own course and direction within the Universe.  Mother Earth and her Solar System are NOW organically creating their own new rhythm – new frequency – of NOW!  Will you align to this new organic frequency?

As we go within – as we focus on the NOW Moment – we can see, hear, and feel the unique Presence of Now. In those Now Moments we find safety.  Anytime and anywhere we go within! Trusting NOW is an action that illuminates our entire world – one human being at a time, creating a wave of Light upon Mother Earth. 

Summer 2020 makes its annual appearance on June 20, 2020.  Most will not realize that humanity is about to begin The Endless Summer. 

Mother Earth’s northern hemisphere will experience the season of summer.  Her southern hemisphere moves to winter.  There is one thing different in this configuration.  What will be different will be Mother Earth and her Solar System revealing the power of the new rhythm – the new organic frequency – of the New NOW.

Summer will linger into autumn. Autumn then leads us towards the northern hemisphere's winter. But will winter’s transition produce the result of spring? 

If humanity remains nebulous to the Truth of it’s dependence upon Mother Earth, then everything and everyone on Earth will remain within the confines of The Endless Summer – never growing up and never gaining the maturity by accepting responsibility for our experience and expansion into and within the Galactic Universe!  Evolution of humanity will be stymied by humanity.  No one else!

From August 13, 2020 to March 28, 2022 the Universal Energies will be producing an entirely UnSettled period of experience for humanity. The result of this UnSettling will ultimately lead to Mother Earth’s complete balance within the 5D Universe from March 29, 2022 to November 20, 2023.

What we NOW see, hear, and feel as increased chaos and confusion upon the world will continue to intensify. When – and if – we choose to release ourselves – to surrender all that has come before in order to create anew and move forward in our self-responsibility.  Then and only then – will humanity join Mother Earth and the entire Cosmos in fulfilling God/dess' Divine Plan to illuminate ALL Life within the Universe’s Light, Love, and Harmony!

Peace and blessings and Divine Illumination in Oneness.  Namaste.

Received and written, edited and shared in Co-creation, Alexandar Kosmos and Brenda Garcia.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Revealing of Discovery

You have the opportunity to re-make, re-do and re-Create your entire world!

The Time of Change and Transformation has come.  Are you open to the opportunity of re-making, re-doing and re-creating your Timelines for interacting within your New Reality?  What would make you hesitate and become reluctant to see and Be within The New Reality? Could it be that 3D reality is quickly vanishing in relevance; thereby forcing humanity to re-make, re-do and re-create our New World?

The 3D matrix of our former reality is rapidly collapsing and disintegrating.  This will continue to occur until we all shift to re-make, re-do and re-create our entire world!

The so called leadership of the 3D matrix will attempt to replicate what has come before with its former parameters. Lightworkers and Awakened Ones will rise to assist humanity out of the former world of comparison, competition, judgment and fear.

Mother Earth’s 5th Dimensional Vibratory Frequency has been anchoring us into the Universe's 5D Matrix since March 27, 2017. 5th Dimensional Life is now emerging within Mother Earth’s 5D Matrix!

Humanity continues to adjust and acclimate to these Divine influxes of energy. Ultimately, we are beginning to eliminate our former 3D structures, ideas and concepts around merely surviving on Earth to finally aligning with and revealing our Soul’s 5th Dimensional Plan and Purpose!

Slowly, but surely, the 3rd Dimensional beliefs, modes and methods and ways of being will vanish.  This process over time will lead us to fostering humanity’s maturity and Unity for Life within the 5D Universe!

Our 5D learning will occur by unlearning what we think we know.  Unlearning will not be an instantaneous process. Rather, by curiously and openly addressing our issues of need with new approaches, humanity will be led towards achievements and wonders previously not considered possible.

Mother Earth and the 5th Dimensional Universe are the anchors of everything we will serve to accomplish in our New Reality! In order to access your contribution, it will require discovering what’s truly inside of your Soul’s Plan, nothing else!

No one person has all the answers and proper responses to every issue we now face.  TOGETHER united in Oneness we have the answers – step by step – to prioritize and finalize our collective process of re-making, re-doing and re-creating our entire world!

As you can truly see, hear, and feel, dear Ones, the leadership of the 3D matrix seeks only to replicate the former parameters, built upon technology, to further control humanity with technology!

Our hopes to resolve the dilemma of humanity’s exit from the 3D matrix will come through the permission that We grant to our individual Hearts and Souls to enjoin with the Collective 5D Matrix to be and become the 5D Matrix!

From June 25, 2020 through December 30, 2020, there will be an even greater need for humanity to discover and develop the necessary Universal Mindset – our understanding and acknowledgment of humanity not being a “chosen” race – or the only race of Beings in our Great Universe.  More members of the human race must recognize humanity as a participating member within the Universe’s 5D Matrix!

Everything is in a process of Change and Transformation!

Change – or be changed – will seem like the mantra of humanity for the next several years. This is the Time of The Revealing of Discovery.

We will learn – and we will re-member – who we are individually, as well as collectively, on Earth.  Humanity will merge and emerge as a mature race with the contribution of our individual Hearts and Souls into the Collective Heart and Soul of humanity upon Mother Earth within the 5D Matrix!

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Unity Factor

The time of assembling Humanity’s Unity is now upon us! How will we all come together upon Mother Earth’s 7 continents? What about the multilayers of division and mistrust we have with each another? Is it now possible to Unite as One through our current dilemma?

Everything is now a probable but still a possibility as we work upon the elimination of all issues of division and mistrust within ourselves. Otherwise we just remain isolated individuals within a group of “sometimes” or “another time.”

Our current dilemma originates in the acceptance of the “societal normal:” Paying attention to our own affairs starting with our economic purpose while maintaining silence about anything the government says or does. This is not Unity but submission to the “societal norm.” 

The Unity of Humanity is expressed upon the foundation of our Hearts and Souls – the us seeking to express the fulfillment of our Soul’s Purpose upon Mother Earth! Moving in the motion of living exclusively as a physical form does not complete our Purpose for being on Earth at this time!

All of humanity now has a choice: Do we assemble as One Body and Unite as One or do we fight the dilemma alone? Although many will continue to consciously pass upon the fulfillment of their Soul’s Purpose, more than in the past will see The Calling to bring Peace and Love forward!

The only true enemy is fear! Everything invisible to our eyes has always been hidden like potent forces of the unconscious: What we can’t see won’t hurt us. We cannot see Peace and Love and fear for that matter but we can FEEL them!

To resonate with Peace and Love we just need to take respite from the world and relax to bring the Unity Factor within us – See and feel Peace and Love within us through the entirety of our unique Soul’s Purpose and let it become everyone and everything. Now See and feel the Peace and Love within us all, as the Light, Love, and Harmony of Unity is the Oneness within All!

Peace and blessings in Oneness.  Namaste.

Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Friday, February 28, 2020

The Next 22 Years

Our human world is comprised of sentient Beings learning to integrate their Higher Selves’ Consciousness within matter while –at the same time - discovering how our Soul’s Purpose is evolving in order to incorporate the Universal Mindset! 

The world we left behind on March 27, 2017 signaled that a New Reality was emerging into our sphere of power.  The 3D Mindset is barraged with what seems to be a constant state of chaos and confusion as the 3D systems and structures fall apart.  What will be the catalyst to nudge the collective 3D Mindset of humanity into the place of our emerging Fifth Dimensional Community of Sun-Stars?

The technological advancements of the past decades and centuries co-created by humanity have given humanity the opportunity to improve mankind’s experience on earth and to realize our awesome potential.   

Through humanity’s evolutionary process, have we – along the way - improved the connection to our Soul’s Purpose – or not?  Have we come to understand the Knowledge needed, beyond the Earth Plane, to begin to understand our Universe – or not?  The 3D Mindset functions with and for our human experience within Mother Earth’s 3rd Dimension.  

Fully embracing the Isness of that experience – whatever it may be – with no emotional charge whatsoever will result in our transition into the Universe’s 5th Dimension.   

March 3, 2020 to February 4, 2042 will be a critical span of time for humanity.  Will we expand our Spiritual Knowledge – or, continue the decline into density.

For the next 22 Years – beginning on March 3, 2020 – Mother Earth’s Seven Chakra System will expand to 15 Chakras.  Humanity will get the same upgrade.  Our Chakras serve us with our Higher Self as Energy Vortex Centers within our Souls. 

To imagine our Soul is to understand our Soul as a spheroid – much like our Solar System’s Sun emitting Light to all points within our Solar System and beyond!  Our human bodies are not shaped like a spheroid, Mother Earth, or our Sun.  Nevertheless, to see the Soul as the center of our Beingness, is to see the body as a Soul in physical manifestation! 

The expansion to 15 Chakra Centers within the body of Mother Earth, as well as each individual human being on Earth, will be highlighted on September 17, 2025.  An Event to expand and increase the 5th Dimension’s Harmonic Vibrational Energy for our Universal Heart Chakras will occur.

Most of humanity does not actually use all Seven of their Soul’s Chakras now.  

Will the expansion to 15 Chakras make humanity more responsive to our Universe’s Energy? 
No.  Most of humanity will continue to use their 3 Primary Chakras (Root, Throat, Sacral) as they have.  They will choose not to access the new energies.

Will humanity prosper within an increased 5th Dimensional Harmonic Frequency? 
Yes and no.  Mother Earth - as well as the Universe’s increased 5th Dimensional Vibratory Frequency - will require humans to increase their own Vibration through the utilization of our own Energy Vortex Centers – all 15 Chakras!

The original Seven Chakra System will remain completely intact.  In sequence, these are the Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras. 

The beginning of humanity’s transformation to the 15 Chakras will actually begin on December 9, 2028 - exactly when Mother Earth expands her own Chakra System with the initiation of her 8th Chakra - a secondary Heart Chakra! 

The 9th and 13th Chakras will serve as a Universal Soul Identity to further expand how we decree what we will co-Create with the Universe’s 5th Dimensional Vibration. 

The 10th and 14th Chakras will enable our powers to co-Create with Mother Earth’s 5th Dimension. 

The 11th and 15th Chakras will be used to enable our Universal Pathways and Purpose for Mother Earth’s 5th Dimension. 

And, finally the 12th Chakra will serve our manifesting Universal Heart!

The next 22 Years will see humanity either expanding and unifying through the use of our newly re-membered Spiritual Knowledge, or continue the decline into density.

Unity for humanity is the comprehensive solution.  Unity will result in total and complete change in humanity’s Collective Destiny within the Universal Community! 

What could be better than a Unified Humanity actually fulfilling our Soul’s Purpose through Service to Others?  Humanity knows enough about what occurs when the collective supports service to self in its human endeavors? 

The new beginning of humanity’s next Collective Expansion is emerging through Mother Earth’s New 15 Chakras structure.  Humanity’s opportunity to expand to 15 Chakras is also emerging.  Free Will choice of each individual Soul to become One with Mother Earth’s 5th Dimensional Vibratory Frequency!

Peace and blessings in Unity, Gratitude and Love.  Namaste. 
Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Heaven on Earth

We all have a Plan.  Prior to reincarnation we make an intentioned Plan for each Lifetime Experience.  We Know the collaborators, friends and family who have lovingly agreed to participate in our Plan.  That Plan is imprinted within the soul and stays with the soul throughout that Lifetime.  

This particular lifetime is special.  This time we – each and every one of us in human bodies – intended to bring “Heaven to Earth.”   Mother Earth Her Self made this decision for her children and Her Kingdoms.  The Game would begin anew.  Much was left to Free Will choice, but codes and triggers – intended to get our attention and wake us up - were inserted at various places within our Plans.  

We experience these codes and triggers as a “timeless” moment – an aha moment.  Someone says something to us – we read a passage in a book – we have a meditational experience or we meet someone out of the blue  - or we lose someone from our lives that hurts so much it breaks us open and our lives are forever changed.

However the button gets pushed and the awakening occurs, Know that it is on Purpose.  It is a piece of the puzzle – an intention in your Plan.  We awaken to the Truth that our Plan is intricately linked with the Collective Plan.  We begin to feel the Unity and Oneness of the Divine Plan.  Father Sky moves closer to Mother Earth.

“Heaven on Earth” is not a religious tenet.  It is a human tenet that yearns for the fulfillment of humanity’s best and highest welfare in the pursuit of Unity and Oneness, while at the same time consciously taking responsibility for and accepting our duty to look after our only Home in the Universe – Mother Earth! 

In Unity and Oneness Consciousness humanity is activated as One Body, One Mind, and One Spirit.  Our days of being an immature race within the Galactic Community of the Fifth Dimension are quickly coming to an end.  

Will we see “First Contact” as our first shock at proof of Life outside our Solar System?  Or, will “First Contact” be a demonstration of humanity’s fulfillment of our Soul’s Purposeful Plan by co-creating “Heaven on Earth!” in accord with God/Goddesses’ own original Divine Plan?

From September 7, 2019 through February 17, 2020 humanity is immersed within a process of initiating our Society of Light.   The entire Cosmos conspires to assist and we are grateful.

Beginning March 3, 2020 through February 4, 2042 Mother Earth will begin her Trajectory of Evolution with her own process to realign her 7 Chakra System to 15 Chakras.  Sophia Wisdom and her complete entourage attend the birthings.

The direct correlation between humanity initiating our Society of Light and Mother Earth’s expansion to a 15 Chakra System is to bring Conscious Awareness to our expanding concepts of integrating humanity into the Galactic Community of the Fifth Dimension! 

The World, as humanity has known it, is ending in order to begin a New Reality – one in which humanity expands Consciousness from Life beyond our Solar System to Life within the Galactic Community that replicates “Heaven on Earth” through the Re-memberings of our Souls!

Peace and blessings in Unity and Oneness.  Namaste.

Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Trajectory of Evolution

To understand and comprehend our present world, we must step back and take a macro rather than a micro-view. In perceiving our present world with a micro-view, our future is distorted and blended with our past and becomes subjective. The macro-view offers the present world as it is NOW, a perspective of our world with its entire purpose. So what is humanity’s purpose within the world? Is it a world where each and every human being’s purpose is fulfilled as a micro-part of the big economic machine? Thus establishing our Life’s purpose by the economic contribution we make to the economic machine. Or is our purpose with the world actually fulfilled when our innate ability to develop relationships – relationships to support the macro-view of Enlightenment by understanding and comprehending the concepts of Love and Unity? We will only know when we finally step away from the micro-view!

With a macro-view we come to understand and comprehend the world’s systems at work as well as our contribution towards its wellbeing! We also come to understand and comprehend how our overall progress contributes to the present world! We can now see the Trajectory of Evolution at work! Our present world is transforming into a fully integrated Fifth Dimensional World! And with it, humanity’s transformation into a Fifth Dimensional Creator!  Our present world is at the end of its previous stage of evolution, the Fourth Dimensional experience of our world. Did we learn enough to fully integrate into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension? Did we all learn that Love and Unity are the keys for transforming our present world into Unified World? If we haven’t yet, the next 22 years are going to be quite revealing to say the least!

For 22 years, beginning on March 3, 2020 and completing on February 3, 2042, Mother Earth will be increasing her current 7 Chakra System to a 15 Chakra System – as will humanity! Our present world will not be changed by an external event! Rather, our present world will be changed completely through our own internal Change! Mother Earth’s transformation as well as humanity’s transformation was actually initiated on March 27, 2017, when Mother Earth completed her Final Event of shifting her Magnetic Pole alignment to enhance her emerging Fifth Dimension Reality. Mother Earth’s as well humanity’s internal expansion will result in considerable Change for all of us, but will we accept and acclimate with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency within our New Reality?

These are the Gregorian dates of Mother Earth’s Transformation from 7 Chakras to 15 Chakras:

Chakra 1         March 3, 2020
Chakra 2         August 19, 2021
Chakra 3         February 4, 2023
Chakra 4         July 21, 2024
Chakra 5         January 6, 2026
Chakra 6         June 24, 2027
Chakra 7         December 9, 2028
Chakra 8         May 27, 2030
Chakra 9         Nov 12, 2031
Chakra 10 April 29, 2033
Chakra 11 October 14, 2034
Chakra 12 March 31, 2036
Chakra 13 September 16, 2037
Chakra 14 March 4, 2039
Chakra 15 Aug 19, 2040
Re-Alignment February 4, 2042

The Trajectory of Evolution now begins into its evolutionary process of Change!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

There IS Pluto

“There Was,” “There Is” and “There Will Be.” 

Time is a key influence in all our past, present, and future endeavors. These are the processes available for achieving All Potential. 

“There Was” is a condition of the past.  “There Was” serves as a reminder of an action completed – a lesson learned. 

“There Will Be” fulfills the conditions of intention during a state of consciousness in transformation.

 “There Is” completely fulfills the Truth of ALL in the Now Present Moment. 

The Sun, Moon, and planets within Mother Earth’s Solar System contribute to our sense of Time. The Stars surrounding our Solar System provide a framework to assess the pattern of our Solar System’s movement. From the surface of our Mother Earth we see, we feel, and we sense our Presence and our Gifts within our Universe to co-create the entire world we live in!

We The People of the United States of America Are One Collective Energy.  We have a history as a nation and a people.  We have been big Light for the World.  We have been big Shadow for the world.  Not for the first time in history, we are at a chaotic fork in the road as a Collective.  Historically, as a united nation, the people have come together in times of chaos and darkness.  

Pluto, Mars and Jupiter are dancing towards the end of a 34 year cycle in which the good ole USofA is being asked to face its Shadow – to pay attention to the world within and above us and to ask “Who Are We Now?”  Ancestral woundings are triggered now.  Understanding the archetypical energies of Pluto assists and supports humanity – both individually, as well as Collectively – in our journey towards liberation from our past wounding.  

We ARE the Ones that we have been waiting for.   From Pluto’s perspective, the time is Now.  The land Itself – as well as The Ancestors of this “American Experience”, has lived through some pretty awful stuff. In some Circles, this American Land is known as “The Land of Light” and/or “God’s Country”.

Those of us born in the U.S. – identifying as “Americans” and living in these chaotic and historic times – chose to be here now.  We came into this lifetime with very specific intentions – one of which is to realize that we are not our history – not our “There Was”.  We have evolved through those ways of Being and – through this remembering – and this taking responsibility as the Creators that we are – and through forgiveness and letting go of the past, we change our “There Is” and our “There Will Be”.

Not only the U.S., but around the world and within Mother Earth and Her Forces of Light, there exist many karmic cycles and stories culminating over the next couple of years.  The influence and power of Pluto over other peoples and cultures and countries of the world cannot be denied. 
The Time of challenge for the USA has arrived!  The stakes are high. There is hope. In understanding the transformative energy of Pluto – facing the shadow – our history is understood, forgiven, healed, freed, and released back to the Light of Creation. 

Humanity is awakening from a long and deep sleep.  We are facing our denials.  We are confronting our beliefs.  This Shadow requires Unity!  “There IS” much available Now to support our actions.  Statistics attest to the growing numbers of courageous humans awakening and the growing strength of our Unity!  

All Potential is contained within each of our unique and individual Souls to produce a Collective Soul.  This Collective Soul of Humanity must produce the consciousness to transform what “There IS” Now to “There Will Be” in our intended Future.

Peace and blessings in Love and Unified Oneness.  Namaste. 

Received and written, edited and shared in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Our Emerging New Reality

Our entire direction into our New 5th Dimensional Reality is completely through our internal world.  Our physical features were never designed to be more than a physical identity.  Our internal world serves as our constant guide into our physical world! 

Who we are today is a mirror reflection of our past conditioning originating from the influences of every thought, emotion, perception, and choice we have ever achieved. 

Today, our past will no longer serve us.  Expansion in that direction has hit the wall.  It’s over and done.  We are all within a process of releasing our past conditioning and influences.  We are proceeding into a new experience with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional world. What now seems like a daily bombardment of chaos and confusion throughout our world is actually a demonstration of our commencement towards ALL CHANGE!  If we are already in acceptance of All Change, we will see the world as it truly is now – that is, humanity is entering into our New 5th Dimensional Reality. 

The iconic symbols, systems and structures, and edifices of the past are failing and deteriorating before us!  We need to find our new direction. If we follow the physical pathways of what we have known from our past, mankind too will fail and deteriorate within the restrictive residue of our past thinking and experience. 

What our consciousness currently lacks is a Universal Mindset – the understanding and comprehension – and the remembrance – of how we gain the Knowledge and experience for living in Our New Reality! It’s a tall order – especially since most of humanity is still dealing with understanding and comprehending the conceptions of our past Reality – our history. It is also necessary to the overall evolution of humanity into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension!

Is humanity’s understanding and comprehension adapted and open to receive the daily protocol within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension?  Will the next century or two become humanity’s learning period for adopting a Universal Mindset?  In this now moment, it remains too early to tell what humanity will decide. Nevertheless, it IS achievable.

The Soul has a Purpose. The Soul has an intended direction for the Future. Our New Reality is Emerging!  Our New Reality is an experience of Spirit – without Time, Space and Motion.  Our New Reality is the experience of Spirit within our entire Heart and Soul.  Life on Earth is an internal experience, not just a purely physical one!  Humanity is being directed towards an adaptation and expansion phase to ACTIVATE the Soul’s Pathway through the Soul’s Purpose!

As you can see, Dear Ones, there is much chaos and confusion within the world’s Collective Consciousness!   This push/pull and contrast will continue into the next year.  From October 25, 2019 through March 13, 2020 humanity’s alignment to a Universal Mindset for our participation within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be gaining strength and momentum.  Activation of our Soul’s Pathway will be occurring during February and March 2021.

 Peace and blessings in Oneness.  Namaste. 

Image:   Ines de Castro

Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Our New World Technology

The World is fast approaching the beginning of a New Reality for humanity.  We begin to initiate Our Society of Light from September 7, 2019 through February 17, 2020.  

Through trial and error – rather than intentional steps – humanity has been in the process of developing evolutionary stages towards Our Society of Light.  We have evolved our concepts of what it means to live in the World.  We began by expanding our attention from small groups and villages and local geographic regions and cultures with people living nearby to knowing and understanding that many different peoples live all over Mother Earth’s entire surface and that many ideas and customs are not like our own.  

Humanity’s learning has often been slow and painful.  This truth is most apparent when it comes to recognizing that Love is the essence of everything that we naturally and authentically think, say, and do – when we are operating at our Soul’s level.  We are at peace.  Choosing to express Peace and Love, we are raised to the Soul’s level of consciousness.  In that alignment, the superficial small self/ego level of consciousness softens and quiets. 

Here we are now, Dear Ones, with much of humanity still thinking, speaking, and doing things from an emotional and sentient level of the mind.  The five senses are unable to understand the changes happening on Mother Earth and within Her Solar System. There is much fear in the Collective.  

Humanity is being granted an opportunity to function as a mature human race living on and with Mother Earth – in Unity and Peace and Love and serving to preserve our common home.

Ponder the maybes, what ifs, and probabilities.  How about a world where there can be more to life than merely participating within the remnants of broken systems, past trauma, and outdated ideas of what reality can be and is. Humanity’s past continues to influence our ways of believing and thinking and being and doing what is “right” and socially acceptable. 

Humanity loves its technology and the freedoms provided through access to information and communications and mobility of movements, etc., etc. and more.  Newly awakening people want to know what’s going on with them and with the world these days.  They study and read a great deal.  In fact, in our pursuit of truth and knowledge, we can become addicted to learning.  There is, indeed, much to learn.  Nevertheless, we know enough. The time for study is over.  The time for using outside technology for our answers is complete.  The Way of you, the Soul, is a new territory to explore.  It is time to go within and to learn about and to experience and to expand our  ‘technology’ within.

Make a daily time and space of intentional Peace, stillness, and tranquility.  The Souls of humanity need to recharge and realign within this world’s transformation.  Our Society of Light will require few distractions and interferences from the present moment.   Focus on Oneness is required for the task at hand!  

Our Society of Light marks a return to the Soul’s level of manifestation and co-creation.  Change is happening at warp speed.  Are we ready?  

Are we willing to see anything and everything in a new and higher way?  Can we give ourselves permission to Know and to choose anything and everything in a higher way?  Are we willing to allow change in all its higher ways and forms to become established for the Unified World of humanity?  

These will be the enduring questions of our transitional experience.  We know that humanity’s change will not be overnight.  We are encouraged and guided to take “baby steps”.  Nature doesn’t stop.  Neither can humanity.  Many will choose not to evolve in the midst of recovering the full capacity of their Soul’s work.  Many will try!  Many will succeed!

When mankind’s individual goals become common goals, everything is possible – not a maybe, what if, or probability!  Humanity’s world is now entering into a New Direction! 

Tune in, turn on, and drop out of the matrix of the old paradigm through the natural loving vibration of your Soul!

Peace and blessings in Love and Oneness.  Namaste. 

Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Led by the Light

March 27, 2019 is marked as “Graduation Day” for Mother Earth Gaia and Her Kingdoms.  The whole of Creation celebrated Her attainment of and alignment to the 5th Dimensional Vibratory Frequency as a Creator Planet among Creator Planets.  

Since then, humanity has been receiving waves of high vibrational energy through the movements within the Great Central Sun and from Mother Earth and Her planetary brothers and sisters.  These movements have triggered a bifurcation of humanity’s energy into three streams of Awareness – those being

Aware AND Awakened
Aware TO Awake
and Unawakened and Unaware.

These streams are not permanent and are, in fact, very fluid and allowing so that each and every Soul may explore, practice and define his/her own role in Mother Earth’s New 5th Dimensional Reality.

To fulfill our role in Mother Earth’s New Reality is to become and BE Aware and Awakened within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension - all the while, leaving the antiquated 3rd Dimensional society behind.  Human societies of the 3rd Dimension are comprised of many individual and unique people who have been shaped and molded by the influences of their culture, environment and beliefs. This way was all well and good when predictable foundations of structure led us to assume our ‘responsibilities’ of Life.  

It was not until March 27, 2017 - when Mother Earth joined Her new 5th Dimensional Frequency with that of the Whole of Creation – that humanity had to make the choice to join with Mother Earth or remain among the Unawakened and Unaware.  “Will I serve to assist in Mother Earth’s transition?” or “Will I ignore the call of my Soul?”

Humanity is seeing and feeling the affects of Mother Earth’s 5th Dimensional Vibratory Frequency now.  All of humanity is transitioning and acclimating and integrating and adapting to these powerful gifts of healing Light and unconditional Love.  Humanity’s perception of Mother Earth’s transition is instrumental in producing the human collective’s own experience of expanded awareness.  

From September 7, 2019 to February 17, 2020 humanity will be assisting in the initiation of our Society of Light.  Our former social structures are antiquated and in need of becoming inclusive and revamped towards our future 5th Dimensional reality. Our thought processes will shift and begin to address the infinite possibilities for our future experience within Mother Earth’s Universal Community of the Fifth Dimension. Thoughts and creations anchored in the actions and metaphors of the past will create more of the same. 

From September 7, 2019 to February 17, 2020, humanity is in a position of choice:  Will I serve to assist in Mother Earth’s Transition or will I remain unawake and unaware in 3d? 

There are no available methods of turning back. We stood in long lines to be here and to witness and to be a part of this transition.  No matter - Aware and Awakened, Aware to Awaken, or Unawake and Unaware - we will all be offering our assistance towards Mother Earth’s New Reality!  The Aware and Awakened continue (for now) to do most of the heavy lifting to initiate our Society of Light.  Those who are Unaware and Unawake will be unconsciously releasing control of the former 3D reality!  

The 3D reality was designed to allow humanity to have the experience of separation and amnesia.  We know enough about all of that now and we are ready to move back up the mountain to re-membering our Truth of Unity and Oneness.

Listen to your Heart and Soul, Dear Ones.  This is where everyone will be Led by the Light! 

Peace and blessings.  Namaste.

Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Shifting Dimensions

Our entire Life’s Plan is completely encoded within our individual Hearts and Souls. We cannot see, hear, or touch what is encoded within our Heart and Soul.  We can only discover it through our individual expressions of Joy – revealing our unique message to the world – our Life’s Purpose. 

Our Life’s Purpose sets the tone and motion needed to reveal our entire Life’s Plan.  Without a purpose we would just be led astray by the world’s vibrational current, rather than establishing our own course and destiny. 

Our current days differ greatly from our days of the past, Dear Ones.  Mother Earth is now transitioning to become a Fifth Dimensional Creator Planet. We could easily continue to ignore the transition She is undergoing.  We might even believe Mother Earth’s Changes are a cyclical experience. But they are not and the time has come for humanity to transition with Mother Earth!

Humanity’s transition involves adapting to Mother Earth’s new conditions.  Our transition involves becoming Fifth Dimensional Creators! The biggest issue in humanity’s transition is not that we aren’t capable of such a transition.  Humanity’s biggest issue is that humanity is segregated into three prominent constructs of belief: Third Dimensional, Fourth Dimensional, and Fifth Dimensional.  All three constructs serve to support that reality’s belief system.  The dimensions differ in their intended outcome. 

The Third Dimensional belief system is largely constructed for humanity’s sensory manifested physical world.  Our beliefs within the entire manifested social structure – that we agree to on a daily basis – are required to fulfill and sustain our Third Dimensional physical safety and obligations through our economic roles.  The organization of government and politics, our economic systems, education systems, etc. are all designed to keep us dependant upon those very systems we believe will keep us safe.  The Third Dimensional belief construct prohibits the achievement of our true human potential.  It purposely lacks motion and momentum towards revealing our Life’s Purpose and, in fact, does not believe in such a Life’s Plan.  

The Fourth Dimension serves as a transitory construct – a bridge to the Fifth Dimension.  This space enables humanity to achieve new beliefs through acknowledging that there is more to know and to understand.  The Fourth Dimensional belief construct is an awareness of Life beyond the Third Dimensional human experience. The Fourth Dimension also serves as a window for awakening to an Awareness of the Fifth, Sixth and Higher Dimensions of the experience! Herein paradigm shifts occur. A Fourth Dimensional level of consciousness is a major achievement in the evolution of humanity’s growth and expansion towards Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension.

Fifth Dimensional Consciousness concisely addresses the true expression of our individual, as well as our collective, Hearts and Souls.  The True Self has returned and is functioning and operating in unity – gifts and talents intact – to achieve humanity’s mature goals and objectives.  Humanity’s Unity and Oneness are required to fully integrate into the Fifth Dimensional realm of the Universal Community! It is our Fifth Dimensional Consciousness that fundamentally serves to suspend any and all concepts of our former Third and Fourth Dimensional worlds. Humanity is now transitioning with Mother Earth into a New Reality. It will not be achieved with a Third or Fourth Dimensional mindset, but in full awareness with Fifth Dimensional Consciousness.  

Humanity will have an opportunity to gain the movement and momentum towards initiating a social structure required for the true expression of our Hearts and Souls – Our Society of Light
The initiation of our Society of Light will not begin with everyone participating.  Many will still have to evolve and awaken to move into Mother Earth’s New Reality. Change is within and upon Mother Earth.

The initiation period will occur from September 7, 2019 through February 17, 2020.  Mother Earth and the Universal Community’s Grid of Fifth Dimensional Sun Stars will grant humanity this window of opportunity to initiate our Society of Light through the Fifth Dimensional Consciousness needed to manifest it. 

Are we all ready to remove and dissipate the chaos and confusion?  Time will tell. 

Peace and blessings in Oneness.  Namaste.

Received and written, edited and shared in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Universal Mindstream

Life on Earth as physically embodied multifaceted, multileveled, multidimensional Souls provides us with the opportunity to experience a veiled physical environment.  In this environment, we have the opportunity to remember and reveal our innate potentials, gifts and abilities.  We have the potential to Become – to BE and to Know consciously that we each are the manifestation of the Creator – remembering and learning and discovering who we are and what our innate gifts and abilities are!

Humanity’s only requirement?  We must answer the predominate question of our Life:  What do I want to Become and Be?  

Through a process of responding to our choices, we co-create and manifest our Life’s Purpose. Some of our choices will directly align us and resonate us and move us into our Purpose.  Many of our choices, it seems – only serve to lead us towards the direction of our Life’s Purpose. “Mistakes” are common.  Our service to and upon Mother Earth goes on.  We live through it all and we learn and the Universe expands.  “Mistakes” actually provide the contrasts and guide us towards learning more about our Self.  This is The Way that – one by one – our Life’s Purpose on Planet Earth is revealed.

Yes, of course, Life on Earth would be far easier if we were born with our Soul’s memories fully intact and easy to access.  This is not the case, and so, we begin by becoming conscious of the fact that we are more than a physical body with innate abilities to feel and sense in all of our environments.  We become conscious of the fact that we are the animating force of and through the physical body.

Humans have emotions – peace and calm, gratitude and joy and happiness, sadness and anger and pain, empathy and compassion – and the list goes on. While our emotions serve as indicators to guide us towards our Life’s Purpose and are vital to our growth, we are not our feelings.  Our feelings provide insights and knowledge about what we like and dislike, what and why we tolerate and understanding of what contributes to our overall joy and happiness.  This is true for each of us on the individual level, as well as the Collective level. Yes, we feel other peoples’ stuff!

As we consciously remember to pay more attention to the multilevel feeling and sensory experiences encompassing our entire transitioning world, we are gaining the required insights and Self-knowledge.  Our moments of self-evaluation are the keys to gaining Self Knowledge.

We are also being and becoming conscious of the presence of global changes occurring.  This is no accident, Dear Ones.  As Mother Earth raises humanity to Universal 5th Dimensional consciousness, the increase of global changes leads the Human Collective to awareness of the Universal Mindstream!  Collective awareness of the Universal Mindstream is moving humanity towards consciousness of – and outside of – our own Solar System now. 

Humanity must resolve its most prevailing global issues – climate change, capitalistic inequality and structures, and failing to recognize each other in an egalitarian way, etc.  The development of our connection to the Universal Mindstream will not occur instantaneously, but will be developed through our increased awareness as to the cause of the global changes that are occurring!

Mother Earth and Her Kingdoms are now expanding and transitioning and integrating into the Universal Community of the Fifth Dimension.  Do we let this transition pass us by and ignore it completely?  Or, do we increase the self-awareness that contributes to our Self Knowledge to KNOW and UNDERSTAND that Mother Earth’s Changes are giving us the opportunity to be and become the Fifth Dimension’s Universal Vibrational Frequency? 

By increasing our self-awareness and recognizing and realizing that Mother Earth, Her Kingdoms of Light and her Solar System are transitioning to integrate into the Universal Community of the Fifth Dimension, the role of our Hearts and Souls increases. The essence of the Energy emanated by our Hearts and Souls is Love.  We allow Love to guide us through our maturing emotional responses now.  

Many will be slow to know and understand that our world is in transition.  They will fail to adjust and acclimate to the new frequencies and circumstances.  Nevertheless, as humanity evolves into being and becoming emitters of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Vibrational Frequency, they will also be and become a mature race of sentient beings serving to take care of what we all have in common - our Home – Mother Earth!  We are the Caretakers of our planet, Her inhabitants and Its boundaries, and our Solar System!

Within the Universal Mindstream, humanity will find Unity and Oneness as the Caretakers of Mother Earth, Her Kingdoms, and Her Solar System.  Without the connection to the Universal Mindstream, humanity will continue operating in lack – competing, comparing, and judging each other to seek economic advantages against each other.

Mankind is now in the time range of settling our differences.  Mother Earth will usher in a series of sweeping physical changes upon her body from April 25, 2020 to March 29, 2042! 

What will Mother Earth be and become?  She will become a fully operational Universal Fifth Dimensional Creator Planet with 15 Chakras and total access to All That Is.  At the same time and in unison, humanity undergoes a similar process of evolutionary physical change!  We are each contributors and co-Creators of our Destiny.  

We must be and become enabled for Life in Mother Earth’s Universal Fifth Dimension!  That is the process that is upon us, Dear Ones.  From September 7, 2019 through February 17, 2020, we will be initiating our Society of Light to support our New Reality as an emotionally matured race with the Universal Mindstream intact!

Peace and blessings in Love and Oneness.  Namaste.
Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Beyond The Illusion

Recognizing where we are now in Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension may seem in many ways like seeing a mirage with our eyes and minds. Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional world is not now, nor will it be, experienced as an instantaneous moment of change but rather as an act of spiritual entropy.  

Humanity continues to experience a 3rd dimensional illusion that is sustained by old belief systems as demonstrated by our world’s many weaknesses and dramas.  The 3rd dimensional world is shifting from a seemingly ordered state to a state of disorder and chaos.  For now, the world’s financial system remains based upon a fiat money, rather than God’s Currency – the Currency of Love. There are persistent rumors of war and international disputes.  Daily acts of violence are “normalized”.   

Humanity’s role upon Mother Earth is now shifting and preparing us for our new role within the Universal Community of Sun-Stars – that of experiencing a Universal Self.   We can all understand how the experiences of our 3rd and 4th dimensional world are vibrationally maintained, but will we be capable of comprehending beyond those old beliefs? 

The time to begin our Reorganization beyond the disorder is now upon us.  We all have a comfort zone that must be consciously expanded in order to create a New Fifth Dimensional Comfort Zone and release the full content of our Hearts and Souls.  Third and Fourth Dimensional experiences of duality and separation were designed by the personality to allow us the freedom to express our chosen preferences freely.

Intuitively we know this to be true: A physical system is not going to gain more organization unless energy is put into it.  We realize that things will decay over time unless we actively maintain them. Spiritual entropy says that no matter how hard we try and cling to the old standards and ways  – religious, social norms, political philosophies, etc. – we cannot grow spiritually as closed systems. 

Mother Earth has already entered into a New Reality.  She is now evolving towards a new experience.  She has a new perspective for the Universe’s Fifth Dimension.  Humanity’s focus through the lenses of past 3rd and 4th dimensional experience must shift to a higher frequency – that of 5th Dimensional attributes.

Mother Earth is leading us towards a process of discovering our newly awakened gifts and talents for our entry into a New Reality!   It is all happening with or without us – the world is changing and aligning with Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension!  Our world’s current state of disorder will not change until we get involved.  It may be as simple as expressing Love and compassionate understanding towards a stranger, or a gesture of  “Good morning.” to someone. The simpler the act, the more natural we will all become in the process.

Those choosing to remain in the 3rd and 4th dimensional illusions will be just as content with where they are now.  They will continue allowing the world’s current leadership to fix and remedy the world with their own corresponding beliefs. 

The world’s current state of disorder is the physical entropic outcome of humanity’s 3rd and 4th dimensional experiences of living out of Harmony with Mother Earth and each other.  Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension is a long awaited opportunity for humanity’s “do over”.  Our “do over” is an opportunity to remove our old comfort zone and co-create our new Fifth Dimensional Comfort Zone encompassing and integrating God’s Currency, the Currency of Love.  We are leading – and being led by and towards – Universal Unity in all that we think, do, and say!  

Humanity’s move Beyond The Illusion is producing the Fifth Dimensional Reality that exists beyond the entropic reality we now experience.  We hold the key within our Hearts and Souls – the key of integrating God’s Currency of Love in all that we think, do, and say!  Mother Earth is now establishing an Energy Wave to accommodate our shift Beyond The Illusion. 

From September 7, 2019 through February 20, 2020, all physical change needed to manifest the Fifth Dimensional Reality on Earth will be initiated by humanity through Mother Earth and Her Solar System’s interactions within the Universe’s Grid of Fifth Dimensional Sun-Stars.  Thus, we co-create our Society of Light

Yes, things will get worse before they get better.  A state of entropy will be upon us – and the entire Cosmos - until mankind moves Beyond The Illusion of the old ways!

Peace and blessings - in Love and Oneness.  Namaste.

Received and written, edited and shared in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Our Heart and Soul’s Presence

Humanity’s shared role with Mother Earth is manifested through our Soul’s ability to Co-Create our entire experience.  There are no Universal rules or laws to approve – or disapprove – of what we want to Co-Create during our experiences of physicality on Earth.  

Humanity now enters the precipice of a New Paradigm of Achievement – an era of surmounting the collective dilemmas of our Lives.  What is a “paradigm” and what does “achievement” have to do with it? 

Wikipedia defines ‘paradigm” as a pattern – or model of thought – used in our conceptual processing of the world.  To experience a paradigm shift is to experience a profound change in a fundamental belief, model, or perception of events.  In other words, “the world ain’t what we thought it was” and we must come to terms with this realization.  It rocks our world.  It Shifts our individual and collective consciousness and opens our energy to new ideas and ways of being in the world.

This process is ‘hit or miss’ as we – in our desire to resolve our issues – allow a new paradigm to be born.  Sometimes we achieve a great outcome for a single moment.  Other times we achieve even more.

Our current world is shifting and changing into an entirely New Reality.  Is everyone ready to release our past sense of achievement?  What did we “achieve and by whose standards?”  Did we achieve Joy and Happiness and Peace and Harmony? 

If we are truly aligned with our Heart and Soul’s Purpose, we will no longer be experiencing the pressing issues and dilemmas of the old reality in our manifesting New Reality.  Fewer choices will be made strictly with our minds.  In the New Reality, we are naturally attuned and in alignment with the entire Universe.  Choices and decisions are served by our Hearts and Souls.  When we do what comes naturally, we fulfill our Heart and Soul’s Purpose!

By shifting consciousness to fulfill the content of our Hearts and Souls, we promote our Soul’s Joy and Happiness and we transform our Self for a New Reality – a New Paradigm of Achievement.   Those humans satisfied with the status quo will have little need to change and transform.  There are many in this now moment letting their minds choose for them.  They know no other way.

An increasing segment of humanity IS becoming aware of a New Reality manifesting through Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension.  These humans are experiencing a sense of peace, relaxation, and Unity that comes through the achievement of the new paradigm of the Heart and Soul’s Presence!  This shift in frequency that humanity is now experiencing, was never about redistributing wealth, or replacing leadership, or forming a world government.   

This is a Shift of Consciousness that the Whole of the Cosmos is now experiencing.  For humans it is entirely about expanding our Conscious Awareness from our minds to our Hearts and Souls’ Presence!  Humanity’s entire evolution with Mother Earth is being completely supported and orchestrated by Universal Energies – predominantly the major and minor Sun-Stars that we see in our skies.  The Sun-Stars do not function in isolation.  The Sun-Stars work in tandem to support All Life. 

Humanity’s unique role is to Re-Create our Ancient Home upon Mother Earth.  Such a goal is grand and not beyond our current capabilities.  We are entering into an entirely New Reality where we are required to shift and expand our Conscious Awareness from our minds to our Heart and Soul’s Presence!

From May 2 through June 4, 2019, humanity transitions from a learning phase to an application process with Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension.  This learning phase serves to increase our ability to adapt and acclimate with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional frequency.  

The application process of our adaptation with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will occur from June 4, 2019 through December 27, 2020.  Humanity, thus, produces an experience of relying more upon our Hearts and Souls – rather than our minds. 

What will the experience of relying upon our Hearts and Souls be like?  Will we know the difference between our minds and our Hearts and Souls?  

Here’s a hint …
Simply look for the experience of touching your Heart in all that you say and do.  Realize that you are touching the entire Cosmos through your own Heart and Soul’s Presence!

Peace and blessings in Oneness.  Namaste.

Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Simple Things

If the simple things in Life were all that humanity honored, cherished, appreciated and focused upon, all Beings on Earth would have already transitioned, transformed and Unified as a Oneness.  Indeed, the entirety of Mother Earth and her inhabitants would by now have settled into a higher, expanded consciousness – and an entirely new experience within the Universe. 

Sharing a genuine heartfelt hug or a smile, the feeling of the warm Sun on the skin, time in connection with nature and loved ones – to name just a few of the simple things that human beings all have in common and share collectively – to get lost when we fail to take time to consciously Live with the simple things of Life.  Life becomes chaotic and complicated.  We forget why we are here on Earth – to share and contribute our Soul’s Purpose.

No matter now.  Everything and everyone upon Mother Earth is heading towards a new direction – a new Life – a New Reality!  Can you see it?  Can you feel it?  Nowhere is it more plainly felt and seen and understood than when we take time to relax and realize while in the space of the Simple Things in Life!  Living with the Simple Things serves to open us up to the Creation of All Possibilities and our full potential as we step upon our pathway towards transitioning, transforming and Unifying as a Oneness with the All. 

The era of experience within Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension is over and now Mother Earth and Her inhabitants are in a process of reorganizing and becoming a Fifth Dimensional Experience.  Yes, this process of reorganization is chaotic and complicated and seems slow – allowing healing and acceptance and understanding and integration as we go.  If humanity’s transition into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension were an instantaneous occurrence, would we wholeheartedly accept where we were? Or understand how we got there? Most likely we would not.

Everyone and everything upon Mother Earth now moves in a new direction towards a new Life and a New Reality.  Our transition, transformation and unification is a choice – a choice to finding and fulfilling our Soul’s Purpose in this lifetime, or the next. 

To find and fulfill our Soul’s Purpose in this lifetime is to become an active participant in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional world NOW.  Finding and fulfilling our Soul’s Purpose in our next lifetime will require a rebirth into our new direction, new Life, and New Reality. This is the choice all of humanity now faces – to be a leader or not to be.

By remembering and realizing the Simple Things in Life, our lives become less burdened, free, and simplified to allow simplicity to become itself – allowing us as simplify our movement with the Flow of the Universal Energies that Create ALL THINGS! Yes, the world is becoming more chaotic and complicated. Not with the things we want and need to Live in the Fifth Dimension but with the things we no longer want or need! Therein is the difference, dear Ones – Living Life with the Simple Things of Life once more!

Peace and blessings.  Namaste.

Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.