
Showing posts with label Lightworkers October 2019. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lightworkers October 2019. Show all posts

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Our Emerging New Reality

Our entire direction into our New 5th Dimensional Reality is completely through our internal world.  Our physical features were never designed to be more than a physical identity.  Our internal world serves as our constant guide into our physical world! 

Who we are today is a mirror reflection of our past conditioning originating from the influences of every thought, emotion, perception, and choice we have ever achieved. 

Today, our past will no longer serve us.  Expansion in that direction has hit the wall.  It’s over and done.  We are all within a process of releasing our past conditioning and influences.  We are proceeding into a new experience with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional world. What now seems like a daily bombardment of chaos and confusion throughout our world is actually a demonstration of our commencement towards ALL CHANGE!  If we are already in acceptance of All Change, we will see the world as it truly is now – that is, humanity is entering into our New 5th Dimensional Reality. 

The iconic symbols, systems and structures, and edifices of the past are failing and deteriorating before us!  We need to find our new direction. If we follow the physical pathways of what we have known from our past, mankind too will fail and deteriorate within the restrictive residue of our past thinking and experience. 

What our consciousness currently lacks is a Universal Mindset – the understanding and comprehension – and the remembrance – of how we gain the Knowledge and experience for living in Our New Reality! It’s a tall order – especially since most of humanity is still dealing with understanding and comprehending the conceptions of our past Reality – our history. It is also necessary to the overall evolution of humanity into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension!

Is humanity’s understanding and comprehension adapted and open to receive the daily protocol within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension?  Will the next century or two become humanity’s learning period for adopting a Universal Mindset?  In this now moment, it remains too early to tell what humanity will decide. Nevertheless, it IS achievable.

The Soul has a Purpose. The Soul has an intended direction for the Future. Our New Reality is Emerging!  Our New Reality is an experience of Spirit – without Time, Space and Motion.  Our New Reality is the experience of Spirit within our entire Heart and Soul.  Life on Earth is an internal experience, not just a purely physical one!  Humanity is being directed towards an adaptation and expansion phase to ACTIVATE the Soul’s Pathway through the Soul’s Purpose!

As you can see, Dear Ones, there is much chaos and confusion within the world’s Collective Consciousness!   This push/pull and contrast will continue into the next year.  From October 25, 2019 through March 13, 2020 humanity’s alignment to a Universal Mindset for our participation within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be gaining strength and momentum.  Activation of our Soul’s Pathway will be occurring during February and March 2021.

 Peace and blessings in Oneness.  Namaste. 

Image:   Ines de Castro

Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Being Now

The past is long gone.  The choices we made back then – individually and collectively – provided the healing and the lessons and the experiences we needed in order to move into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. 

Regret for past things nullifies our present moment.  If we have not released the past we suffer the recycled experience in our present moment.  A state of anxiety about our future creates a devastating affect upon our ability to experience our present moment.  Our ability to move our world into the future – unencumbered by the fear of past experience – is driven by our sense of curiosity and adventure. 

Our present condition is critical to progressing into the future. The past is gone.  The future lies before us.  Neither exist in the Now moment!

As we release our past experiences as well as our expectations of the future we can see, hear and feel everything about our Now moment.  We become aware of what it’s like to experience our Presence.  We become Awareness aware of what we are thinking and doing.  We become the neutral Observer aware of the Life Forces moving within and around us – confident that we are safe, loved, protected and supported in this Loving Now Moment.

Time is the movement of the Soul.  Experiencing Time in the Now is an experience of seeing, hearing and feeling everything within the Universe all at one time!  Change is all around us. Humanity is being called to witness and to experience Mother Earth’s entire transition - as Is, not what was.

Now is where we see, hear and feel Our Society of Light emerging through the Light, Love and Harmony within each and every heart!

Peace and blessings in Love and Oneness.  Namaste. 

Received and written, edited and shared in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.