
Showing posts with label December 2014. Show all posts
Showing posts with label December 2014. Show all posts

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Expansion through Unlimitedness

There will be two prominent Themes developing in the next several months, Expansion and Unlimitedness. Both will be influencing all future events and will be coalescing with the Harmony of the Universe to Re-Create Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension. In unison with Love these two Energy Themes will begin to gain momentum like a snowball rolling downhill beginning on December 17, 2014 and influence all activities well beyond the year of 2015! The factor of Love, dear Ones will be a united contribution of God’s Love, the Universal Love Force that permeates throughout the Universe to bind it as One, and your own contribution of Love. Combined together all three Love Forces will unify to achieve much of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional transition for our immediate world.

Both Themes of Expansion and Unlimitedness are already influencing Mother Earth and are advancing in a staggered process. The initial Expansion of the Universe began on February 2, 2013 when God’s Eighth Dimension was Created. Executing an effect as if “a pebble had been thrown into a pond,” the Eighth Dimension’s Presence began emitting wave after continuous wave of Love to saturate the entire Universe with Newness! The Expansion of Mother Earth with the Universe began in late March 2014 and was followed by a second wave in July 2014. These initial waves of Energy were to prepare your role with Mother Earth through “The Beginning of the Beginning with God” Energy on August 18, 2014. This Energy essentially Created the New Horizon on Earth by commingling the Fifth Dimension’s Energy with God’s Presence upon Mother Earth. Thus increasing the likelihood of new possibilities becoming a reality on Earth! So think big!

The Unlimited Energy activated on November 17, 2014 and will make its strongest influence felt through April 19, 2015. During this Time Period the Unlimited Energy will make available all concepts and ideas of Love existing throughout the upper Dimensions of the Universe. This way all things that are possible throughout the upper Dimensions of the Universe will be available to use in Mother Earth’s Re-Creating process! The availability of all concepts and ideas of the Universe will not only speed up the process of Re-Creating Mother Earth but will also move all Souls into an accelerated program of learning and activating! The accelerated activation program will truly benefit you greatly, dear Ones, but not so much for Man of Destiny Souls.

Because of the advanced Spiritual Nature of Lightworker Souls, you will easily transition into the place of Expansion and Unlimitedness with the Universe. This will assist you in moving into leadership on February 7, 2015 as Man of Destiny Souls begin to navigate the inundating waves of Newness. So do not fret or worry that you may miss out or are behind with your Spiritual Progress, you were born ready for this Time with God and the Universe! All the possibilities of the Universe will be all yours, dear Ones! You will only have to declare your intention, apply your Love, and release it to the Universe! For Man of Destiny Souls Creating with Love will be a task and a chore. Not because Man of Destiny Souls are not capable but because at this time they cannot maintain a sustained Force of Love! That will come later when they learn through the evolution process of evolving as Man of Light Souls and rightfully assume the responsibilities of Light, Love, and Harmony with the Universe!

The combined Energy of Expansion and Unlimiteness will prevail from January 6, 2015 through August 7, 2015. The combined force of Expansion and Unlimitedness will provide two distinct Energy waves in which you will efficiently Create your intentionality with the Universe. The first wave will be from January 6 to March 14, 2015 and the second will begin on May 2, 2015 and complete on July 19, 2015. The Newness stage of Mother Earth’s Transformation has been in its commencement stage since August 18, 2014. As the process of Mother Earth’s Re-Creation progresses, dear Ones, you will find that things will become much easier and come faster to you! It isn’t that you didn’t have the Power of Creating with Love before, it was simply like having a new computer without any software. In the same way as a computer “fully loaded” with software programs makes it more functional, Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension in Expansion through Unlimitedness mode will work more to your liking!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Pause

From December 1 through December 7, 2014 the Energy will feel as if a “pause” button were being pushed somewhere in the Universe to pause all unnecessary physical activity before the Creator World begins on December 8, 2014. Most Souls will not even notice for their bodies seem to stay in perpetual motion as if the Universal Energies’ guidance for their activities does not even exist. This will not be so after December 8, 2014 when Mother Earth opens the Creator World for all Souls who chose to participate with her from July 12 through August 6, 2014. For you, dear Ones, the Pause will only be a Time of simply attuning your Heart and Soul to prepare yourself for the new experience the Creator World will be offering you and your fellow members of the Legion of Light.

Man of Destiny Souls will begin a nineteen month process to begin recognizing his or her Spiritual Nature on December 4, 2014. When the process completes on July 31, 2016 most Man of Destiny Souls will have advanced through three Spiritual stages of evolution. The First stage will be to evolve as a Man of Light Soul, one who understands with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe, secondly as a Soul in Unity with God, and finally as a Co-Creator in Unity with God through an evolutionary process of learning about the Spiritual Power of Love. There will be no deviation from Man of Destiny’s evolution as Mother Earth’s Sanctification with the upper Dimensions of the Universe completes on December 6, 2014 and will nullify any attempts by Man of Destiny Souls to avoid the evolution process entirely, as there are no more choices to return with Mother Earth into the Fourth Dimension, for it does not exist!

The Energy of the Pause by the Universe will be for all Souls to take time out to give thanks and reflect upon the progress of Mother Earth with the Universe, for Mother Earth will never return to the Fourth Dimension or as a place of learning to evolve with the concept of Love! This brief week will be as if the anticipation of Christmas were here earlier than usual! And it is for all Lightworker Souls ready to return with the Creation Power that Love bestows with the upper Dimensions of the Universe! From December 8, 2014 Mother Earth will only be a place of being in the Harmony of the Universe. This will give further cause to celebrate and rejoicing for all Lightworker Souls, for it is your return to the familiar environment you were born in!

As the month of December 2014 proceeds and brings closure to the year of 2014, the Energy and Vibration of the Universe will be in full effect upon Mother Earth from December 8, 2014 onward. Mother Earth’s “homecoming” with the upper Dimensions of the Universe will raise her Vibrations to the point that only Lightworker Souls effectively in Unity with God and the Man of Destiny Souls progressing towards the process of moving into Unity with God will be fully functioning. Although Man of Destiny Souls will be in the process of moving into Unity with God, keep in mind, dear Ones, they will be moving towards Unity with God in staggered starts. Some will evolve quickly and join you as Man of Light Souls in the spring of 2015 to assist Mother Earth’s Reorganization for the Fifth Dimension. Most will withdraw from public view to resolve an Identity Crisis caused by Mother Earth’s Transition into the Fifth Dimension and work solely on removing futile beliefs and lies lingering from the Fourth Dimension. Others will find it too large of a task and choose to start all over!

Mother Earth’s conditions after December 8, 2014 will be much like the time of Noah’s flood for the Man of Destiny Souls who chose not to be part of Mother Earth’s “homecoming” into the Fifth Dimension. But rather than Mother Earth being inundated with 40 days and night with rain, it will be the Universal Energies “flooding” all Souls with Light, Love, and Harmony! This will bring a 24 month Time period for Man of Destiny to evolve with the Changes Mother Earth will be producing in her Transition into the Fifth Dimension. Though it will not be as extraordinary as a 40 day rainy period, this “flood“ of Energy will produce the Conscious Awareness that will be needed for one to unite with the Energy and Vibration being formed. The Time has come, dear Ones, for all things to Change as the wave of Energy being produced from God’s newest Dimension, the Eighth Dimension, will have finally reached the Milky Way Galaxy and our Mother Earth!