
Friday, February 22, 2013

The Turning Point, Part 2

The Turning Point in Mother Earth’s Evolution to become the Abode of Peace and Harmony begins on March 15, 2013. There will be no turning back to the world of deceit, injustice, and the “feudal system against the Soul,” for Man of Destiny Souls decided on February 18, 2013 to relinquish all “control” to God the Father and Mother of ALL Things and the Legion of Light to bring forth all Projects of Light and Love upon Mother Earth. It has been more than a 10,000 year process to concede that there has not been one single Man of Destiny Soul that could unite all Souls upon Mother Earth into the place of Peace, Love, and Harmony without conflict and disagreement.

Conflict and disagreement are the roots of war, dear Ones, and create division by boundaries, color, and religion, and induce one to gain power through technology of war and resources justly belonging to Mother Earth. There will be no more of this! For the Turning Point will usher in the Age of Peace, Love and Harmony as quickly as March 23, 2013! The entire sequence of Energy will fall into three parts. The first will form from March 31 to April 15, 2013, the second will arrive from April 18 to May 1, 2013, and the final one will endure for 90 days from May 11 to August 8, 2013! As each sequence completes a stage of Mother Earth’s Transformation, so will the attitudes and actions that promote the world of deceit, injustice, and the “feudal system against the Soul!”

As you will see in the coming months, dear Ones, the only “shackles” that will bind you in the future will be the ones in your Mind! For the initial period will be one in which the Striker Force of Light will expose the deceivers of Truth with all their lies! Quickly, silently, and secretly, for no one will know where they have come from! Now exposed in the open for everyone to see, know, and witness the “game” that they have been playing for centuries, the deceivers would soon as well commit suicide than face the people they have deceived, as the second sequence of Time completes on May 1, 2013!

When the final sequence appears before us on May 11, 2013, many will still not believe what they have witnessed! Some will attempt to take advantage of the systemic flaws in order to adapt the flaws to their own advantage and become much like their disposed predecessors. Worry not for these ones for the final period from May 11 through August 8, 2013 will take care of any issues that shall arise. For by the ending of this enduring period every single Soul will know that God the Father and Mother of ALL Things is present upon Mother Earth and with every Soul! This will instill the Spirit of Love, Brotherhood, and Harmony in everyone and begin the Great Brotherhood of Man and Light!

The Turning Point in Mother Earth’s Evolution to become the Abode of Peace and Harmony is nearer than you may think! It will not bring out nuclear arsenals to destroy Mother Earth and will not bring out massive armies to serve notice that the deceivers of Truth are still in charge of the “feudal system against the Soul!” Rather, consider this as the Turning Point of Time in which God’s Promise of Joy in Living will be fulfilled! Let Light and Love be the guides of your Heart, dear Ones, for the Doorway that awaits you is only recognized through your Love as a Co-Creator in Unity with God!

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Turning Point

From February 8 to April 17, 2013 everyone will begin to feel the impetus to “move” in some way or another with the intent to abide the internal calling from within. The first to respond will be Lightworker Souls followed by Man of Destiny Souls, almost as if a natural disaster would have occurred. But there will be no natural disaster, dear Ones, it will be the response to the New Horizon appearing on the forefront on March 15, 2013! Many are conditioned to walk in fear and will continue to do so for a time. Some will lead by example and demonstrate that reciprocation of Love in the Fifth Dimension will initiate improbable possibilities in the New Millennium!

March 15, 2013 will be the Turning Point in Mother Earth’s Evolution to become the Abode of Peace and Harmony. From this day forward the direction of all Humanity will be set with Mother Earth’s Pathway! It will be as if there were four rivers moving into the ocean of improbable possibilities, with each one being longer in distance and more treacherous than the easiest Pathway offered to Humanity with Mother Earth. Many will be taking the longer and treacherous of these Pathways for lack of Spiritual Experience.

There will be many opportunities to gain Spiritual Experience during the next two years. This will make the likelihood of every Soul learning what will be needed to become fully emerged into the New Millennium – God Source for guidance, Love and Joy for every experience, and understanding with Harmony and Brotherhood – quite easily! This may still sound like a tall order for some to consume all at once but recall that Life is a process and not a foot race! But by the end of this process on February 11, 2016 everything will be complete for every Soul, Man of Destiny and Lightworker, to be in Joy of Living!

During the week of March 15 to March 22, 2013 there will be many precedents set into motion, including the most important – Joy of Living for every Soul upon Mother Earth. The pathway has been long and enduring and, as if in a flash, every detail to allow every Human Soul Create with his or her Heart will be open! The Striker Force of Light will be waging war against man’s system of control without bloodshed, injury, or even casualty with the Hand of God at their side! Truth, Justice, and Freedom will be their cause and will bring disclosure at every level of deceit, injustice, and the “feudal system” against the Soul! Stay open, dear Ones, God’s Promise will be fulfilled in the blink of an eye!

Do not let fear permeate you for you are in the Fifth Dimension – the Dimension of Love! There will be no need for fear or worry for Love is all around Mother Earth, so know this now, fear and worry will only come through the memories and habits one will carry forward into the Fifth Dimension! Do not allow yourself to buy into the illusion! Let go and let Love prevail in your Lives, dear Ones, for the three year transition is designed to be an easy one and all you will have to do is be willing to Unify yourself with the Universal Energy of Mother Earth’s Turning Point!

When the completion of this phase arrives on April 17, 2013 many will be astounded by what they have witnessed. The shackles will have been removed but many will be looking for leadership and guidance, not aware that all they will have to do is stop, listen within, and heed the Voice of God Source to lead him or her to the next station of progress! You are in the Dimension of Love, dear Ones, and are being introduced to the Great Power that Created Everything, God the Father and Mother of ALL Things!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Expanding Universe, Expanding Self Part 2

There will come a day when every challenge you face today will not even exist, and will even feel so petty in retrospect. That day will be February 11, 2016 when the Universal Energies will bring everyone on Earth into absolute cohesion to the ideal and pursuit of his or her Spiritual Purpose. This day will mark the beginning of a time when it will not matter if you are a Lightworker or Man of Destiny Soul for the goal of Spiritual Growth and Expansion will be the common goal achieved through the prosperity of Peace, Joy and Harmony! It is not really that far away but at this point of the Great Transformation, we are at the initiation point of transforming the way Man and Light exist upon Mother Earth.

When the week of March 8 to March 14, 2013 arrives, dear Ones, Man of Destiny Souls will be coming forward to assist Lightworker Souls already in process of initiating the Movement of Truth, Justice, and Freedom upon Earth. When the force of masses arrives, Unity through the Oneness of God the Father and Mother of ALL Things will move the common goal of Spiritual Growth and Expansion into motion! There will no longer be a few “agitators and instigators” against the forces of “civil society” but a massive coalition of Souls Unified and aligned with God Source to bring Empowerment to the causes of Peace, Love, and Brotherhood,

God Source, which is the direct Universal communication source that forms between one’s Heart and Soul and the Universe to express God’s Love and Joy, will unite with the Spirit of Love and Brotherhood as the common bonds of the masses. For man’s artificial divisions, implemented to maintain “controlled segregation” by race, color, creed, religion, and sexual orientation, will collapse as Unity with God prevails over the “feudal system” against the Soul and bring about Spiritual Prosperity through the Soul’s ability to Create Joy in Living! There are no higher or lower Souls in the eyes of God, only the pursuit of Spiritual Prosperity attained with God’s Currency of Love!

As the Energy progresses towards February 11, 2016, you will begin to see and observe the plan of God unfolding. And when the Energy of March 15, 2013 settles upon Mother Earth, every Soul will witness the Turning Point in humanity’s Pathway towards Enlightenment in the Ways of God! For from March 15, 2013 onward there will be no return to the past! Man and Light will begin to work together in Unity with God! The ones who will be outside of this Energy will be in a state of “Creative Paralysis” for they function without the number one condition of the Fifth Dimension – Love in all ways and all that you will do!

The New Harmonious Energy of the Fifth Dimension will truly be in effect, dear Ones, but it will be up to each one of us to make the necessary adjustment of turning towards God’s Currency of Love from your Heart and Soul and away from man’s ways and values, for they will no longer function upon Mother Earth. The internal adjustment will still be difficult for some but as long as their Heart is willing, the body will follow. And, in this is the way of learning and engaging one’s Heart and Soul into the Fifth Dimension, with Love and Joy to guide one into the Universe with God!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Expanding Universe, Expanding Self

You are the Universe, dear Ones! You belong to the Universe and the Universe belongs to you! All that can be, will be, and will become with Love will enter upon Mother Earth through your Love, for Love keeps the Universe Expanding! From March 1, 2013 onward you will see and witness all you have come to do with Love and more! No longer will your growth and expansion be stunted as you will now be absolutely integrated into the Fifth Dimension and Living in the New Horizon!

When the first week begins in March 2013 there will not be much to do on your part, dear Lightworker, as you will be in a place of waiting, It will be during the week of March 8 to 15, 2013 when Man of Destiny Souls will be coming forward to assist the Projects of Light you and the aggregate whole of the Legion of Light will initiate with the Hand of God! The mass assembly eventually forming with Man and Light will work together in tandem, with the common theme of Truth, Justice, and Freedom to not only raise human conditions in the United States as well as the world, but will also raise standards to promote the causes of the Soul – Peace, Love, and Brotherhood – in order to bring the common goal of Joy in Living within every Soul upon Mother Earth!

There will still be obstructions to overcome by those who will egotistically claim that they are “doing the work of God,” not realizing that God the Father and Mother of ALL Things has been present upon Mother Earth since August 13, 2012! Those making these egotistical claims will simply be false prophets attempting to lead everyone back into the third dimensional world where they were totally in charge by whims and wants of ego. They will promise food, jobs, and housing and let the “undecided ones” standing between the third and Fifth Dimensions take the bait! It will not be long before they will realize that growth will not be possible without God Source through processing or learning for the Spiritual Experience they will need!

The Beginning of the Movement for Truth, Justice, and Freedom will begin on February 14, 2013 and will progress rapidly and expansively all over the world! Some will be caught off guard with sudden urges of panic and nostalgic longings while others will narrow their focus and move towards nothing but the past. Even though these steps may sound illogical for the Fifth Dimension, they are actually steps of learning and processing in order to understand with Truth. Truth from God Source, dear Ones, will be the guiding force that will endure over everyone and everything in the New Horizon!

The Universe is in an everlasting process of Expanding Light and Love and you are a part of it, dear Ones! The Times ahead will be bringing everyone, Man of Destiny and Lightworker Souls, into the calling of their Soul’s Purpose. It will not be easy for everyone but as Time progresses towards the ending of 2013, things will be extremely different in all ways of Life upon Mother Earth! Let there be no fear for Light and Love are already prevailing upon the Earth Plane, and it all expands with you!