
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Then There Was Silence

Our perception of the Universe is constrained and limited whenever we primarily depend upon our five physical senses of hearing, seeing, touching, smelling, and tasting. We see the Stars shine at night, but cannot hear, touch, smell, or taste any other effect our Universe produces. We recognize that the Sun is providing our daylight and responsible for producing the cycles of night and day and the four seasons with Earth’s constant rotating motion around the Sun. When we primarily depend upon our five physical senses, we take for granted the experience of our place within the Universe and subjectively assume that the Universe revolves around us in our daily affairs, regardless of the fact that we truly become separated and disconnected from the vastness of our entire Universe! Being completely dependent on our five senses to perceive our Universe also produces an artificial reality where our calendar counts the days for us, from one point of Earth’s journey around the Sun to the next, and grants clocks an unprecedented power over us in its replication of Earth’s mini-cycles of counting the hours and minutes in Earth’s journey around the Sun! In Truth, dear Ones, our Universe is responsible for providing anything and everything we may need to flourish and Create our Joy in Living! The choice, however, has always been available through our Freewill, to choose what we would want to perceive as our reality – a reality maintained by the calendar and the clock or Reality within our entire Universe!

In the coming months, a reality maintained by the calendar and clock will be coming to an abrupt end! It will not be that every Soul on Earth will suddenly realize he or she may need more days in the year to take more vacations or even need to add more hours in the day to catch up on one’s sleep. Rather, the realization will come through the resulting Silence being produced by the Universe’s increasing presence upon Mother Earth! Every Soul will be seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting the Silence as a direct result of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field collapsing on May 21, 2016! With the ceasing motion of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimensional world, so too will everything else every Soul depended upon to maintain, sustain, and support the protocol of his or her daily endeavors upon Earth! Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field will not vanish in an instantaneous second but will wane and cede way to Mother Earth’s New Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration when she finally completes the entirety of her Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017! Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension will linger upon her body through every Soul’s recent memories, much like rain puddles accrue after a brisk rainstorm has passed through. For the Souls who will see reality with an emphasis on the calendar and the clock, it will be a long and enduring transition to learn and understand that our Mother Earth and Universe are both alive and doing well, thank you!

The entire Universe is within you! You will need little additional proof or validation to know and understand this Truth, but it will be the evolving Man of Light Souls who will need to learn and understand – our world is not ending – but is evolving into a New Reality based upon Life in Unity with God as manifestations of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe we truly are! Everything within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will soon begin to reveal its true identity as a manifestation of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe once our Mother Earth has completed the entirety of her Transition on March 27, 2017! The process of manifesting as Light, Love, and Harmony has already begun, dear Ones, with our Universe’s release of its Seventh Universal Emanation of Light, Love, and Harmony on April 9, 2016. The Universe’s Emanations of Light, Love, and Harmony will become an ongoing attribute of Mother Earth’s evolutionary process into the Application Dimensions of the Universe, the Fifth through Eighth Dimensions! As an attribute of the Application Dimensions, the Universal Emanations will continue to not only increase and expand Mother Earth’s own parameters with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe, but every Soul merging into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field! Perceiving our Universe through the limited constraints of our five physical senses will have reached its apex of use, just like our Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension!

The Silence will be everywhere on Mother Earth to be seen, heard, touched, smelled and tasted, dear Ones! Our dependence upon our five physical senses to experience the world around us will have completed their objectives on May 21, 2016! All Souls merging into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be necessitating the service of his or her own 12 Perception and Awareness Centers, the five physical senses in addition to his or her Seven Member Chakra System, to gain the full experience of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe’s Application Dimensions! Lightworker Souls will have no immediate issues or concerns in implementing his or her 12 Perception and Awareness Centers, but the evolving Man of Light Soul may experience bouts of hesitancy and doubt, for how can you convince any Soul who relies on a memory bank of experience and knowledge that he or she will need to bring into service something that cannot be seen, heard, touched, smelled, or even tasted? You can’t, for the only way to work with the Silence is within you, not outside of you, dear Ones! Lightworker Souls will not be immune to the “trial and error” methodology that all Souls will be developing during Mother Earth’s process to complete the entirety of her Fifth Dimension Transition, they will just have fewer “errors.” In the last week of April 2016 every Soul will just be waiting. Most will be waiting with an internal sense of calendar and clock reality and without an awareness of the impending Silence to come!

On April 30, 2016 Mother Earth will begin aligning herself within the Grid of the Universal Sun-Stars and simultaneously beginning to initiate a sequence to align her Seven Member Chakra System within it through our Sun! Mother Earth’s aligning process within the Grid of the Universal Sun-Stars will also begin producing an internal “Star Burst” that will radiate within her for 40 straight days and nights! But even before Mother Earth will have completed her internal “Star Burst,” she will commence in the last and final external stage of her Fifth Dimension Transition, God’s Sanctification for her as a Creator Planet and the New Earth of the Fifth Dimension from May 9 through May 21, 2016! Our Universe is entirely comprised of Light, Love, and Harmony. We cannot directly hear, see, touch, smell or taste the qualities and attributes of the Universe, but we can hear, see, touch, smell, and taste every elemental result they produce and manifest upon our Mother Earth! Then There Was Silence! The Silence upon our Earth will be Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field collapsing on May 21, 2016 and with it, a world heavily influenced by the primary usage of our five physical senses to develop and experience what will determine and define our Life’s Purpose! Could there be anything more to do and experience beyond our five bodily senses? Yes, we would emphatically say! For beyond the impending Silence of the old world’s end will come a New Reality to experience with all of your senses open, all 12 of your Soul’s Perception and Awareness Centers!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Preparing for God’s Directives

A general theme of Preparing for God’s Directives will be developing upon Mother Earth from April 14 to May 14, 2016, as our Earth and Solar System prepare for total immersion into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension on May 22, 2016! God’s Directives, or “God’s Commands,” are already streaming to you, dear Ones, in the form of God Source – the Spiritual Presence of God in manifestation to align ALL Things in the Application Dimensions of the Universe, the Fifth through the Eighth Dimensions of the Universe. Without the guidance of God Source in the Universe’s Application Dimensions, the organization of the Universe would greatly resemble the experience of the Learning Dimensions, the Third and Fourth Dimensions where Man of Destiny Souls predominantly learn to Love, disorganized through a constant shift of purpose, values, and standards for defining “success.” The meaning of success and purpose in today’s waning Fourth Dimensional world, for instance, compels us to strive and achieve financial security through a well paying job or occupation, that was the result of a well defined educational plan, and due to motivation and guidance of our parental figures. But, in the experience of the Third and Fourth Dimensions on Earth, not everyone is given an equal opportunity to achieve financial success to gain his or her fair share of material assets. The reasons are complicated and multifaceted, but as every Soul in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will learn – God is the owner of ALL Things! 

In Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, each and every single Soul, the emerging Man of Light Soul and the Lightworker Soul, will begin on equal status with the ability to give, share, and receive the Spiritual Essence of Love, for Love Creates ALL Things within the Universe! The only ability in which both Soul types will not be peers, however, will be in the ability to administer the mantra of the Application Dimensions of the Universe, “Align, Apply, and Activate,” – align with God Source, apply the Spiritual Essence of Love, and Activate in God’s Will! A Lightworker Soul already has the full package of readiness to begin within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, while the Man of Light Soul is just beginning to initiate his or her role of becoming like the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe to assume his or her responsibility to God as Mother Earth’s Caretaker in the Time to come. You are in leadership, dear Ones, to guide, demonstrate, and role model every single aspect of Life in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! Though Mother Earth will be fully immersed into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension on May 22, 2016, she will not be fully complete in her Fifth Dimension Transition until March 27, 2017, as she will still be aligning her Chakras within the Grid of the Universal Sun-Stars from April 30, 2016 to March 8, 2017. From April 14 to May 14, 2016, the theme of Mother Earth’s Transition into the Fifth Dimension will be Preparing for God’s Directives!

God’s Directives, or “God’s Commands,” will be leading Mother Earth into the expansion stage of aligning her Chakras into the Grid of the Universal Sun-Stars through our Sun. While God’s Directives will be leading Mother Earth in her Transition, you will be gaining more clarity and insight with God Source’s communications to lead you throughout your excursion into the Fifth Dimension! Man of Light Souls, the Man of Destiny Souls who internally declared and chose to merge into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension on March 15, 2016, will not be aligned with God Source just yet, and will not fully understand God’s Directives, or God Source, for that matter. This will come with more Time in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. For this reason, dear Ones, you will become God’s physical representatives and messengers throughout Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition. The remaining Man of Destiny Souls on Earth, the Souls who bypassed or completely ignored the choice to merge into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, will be striving to maintain Earth’s disorganized state through a constant shift of purpose, values, and standards for defining “success.” This is why all Man of Light Souls will appear nebulous to what is occurring and confused in the direction they will proceed in Mother Earth’s remaining days with her Fifth Dimension Transition! “Success” in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be redefined through the concepts of Life as a Soul immersed within the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe!

The redefinition of “success” for Life in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will not occur in one instantaneous moment but will be built upon the attainment of “newly” discovered concepts and methods. Each and every “newly” discovered concept and method for Life in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be built upon the Spiritual Essence of Love, for Love Creates ALL Things within the Universe! The surprise and bewilderment of every Soul in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension discovering how successful they truly are by simply applying the Spiritual Essence of Love in every thought, word, and deed, will achieve wonders! This self-discovery process, dear Ones, will become your tool of inspiration and your teaching tool of preference to all the Man of Light Souls standing between their Fourth Dimension thoughts and memories and “success” in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! Things will actually be getting more chaotic and even more confusing on Earth while Mother Earth completes the alignment of Chakras from April 30, 2016 to March 27, 2017. But by maintaining your Life with the mantra of the Application Dimensions of the Universe, “Align, Apply, and Activate” – align with God Source, apply the Spiritual Essence of Love, and Activate in God’s Will, you will achieve wonders of your own! “Success” in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will come to be redefined through one’s ability to Create with Love and the recognition of God’s Directives through God Source!

Preparing for God’s Directives will involve Lightworker Souls as well as Man of Light Souls, but it will be Man of Light Souls who will benefit more by learning to trust and understand the direction his or her Heart’s Expression will be leading him or her. As Man of Light becomes more aware and even more experienced with his or her Heart’s Expression, he or she will also begin expanding and increasing his or her awareness to God’s Directives, and God Source, and begin the journey into the fullness of his or her Fifth Dimension experience! By personalizing God’s Directives for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensions, he or she will be attaining the final key of Life in the Application Dimensions, “Align, Apply, and Activate” – to Activate in God’s Will! The activation of God’s Will simply means to “have fun!” and Create your Joy in Living – as having fun and Creating your own Joy in Living are what every single Soul was designed to do! “Success” during Mother Earth’s last stages of her Transition will come quite easily for you, dear Ones, as you fully comprehend and understand that God is the owner of ALL Things in the Universe! In the Application Dimensions God gives and grants ALL Things to those who have or are seeking Unity with God status, as the Applications Dimensions of the Universe are designed for Sharing and Cooperating together to increase and expand the Universe with God! The only way this will occur will by personalizing God’s Directives for the you in all of us!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Seventh Universal Emanation

On April 9, 2016 Mother Earth will receive the Seventh and final Universal Emanation of Light, Love, and Harmony designed to increase and stimulate her growth and expansion into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. Once the release of the Seventh Universal Emanation has finalized, our Universe will begin “withdrawing” into the background to allow Mother Earth to fulfill her own Fifth Dimension Transition. Mother Earth’s final steps into the Fifth Dimension will be complete on May 22, 2016, but in the perception of the Universe, Mother Earth will be merged within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension on April 9, 2016, as Mother Earth’s self generated Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field will be directly corresponding and equivalent to that of the Universe’s own Light, Love, and Harmony! The last remaining steps Mother Earth will require to achieve full immersion into the Fifth Dimension will be to align herself with all the Sun-Stars of the Universe through our Sun and to receive God’s Sanctification as a Creator Planet of the Fifth Dimension. Once Mother Earth is immersed within the Fifth Dimension on May 22, 2016, there will just be one more transition for her to achieve – Mother Earth’s alignment of her Seven Chakra Centers for the Fifth Dimension. The Fifth Dimension is truly so close, dear Ones, you can actually feel it and will need little of your imagination to begin to see it, for on April 9, 2016 you will also be introduced to Mother Earth’s formulating green skies at night!

Mother Earth will no longer be predominantly drawing the vast majority of her Energy from our Solar System’s Sun, Moon, and the other Solar System’s planetary bodies beginning on April 30, 2016, as Mother Earth will be aligning within the Universal Grid of the Fifth Dimension with all the Sun-Stars of the Universe through our Sun! With Mother Earth’s new Universal arrangement, not only will she be increasing her vitality and potency as a Creator Planet with the Energetic Presence of the Universal Grid of Sun-Stars, she will also be increasing the potency of all your Creative endeavors! You are already involved in the Fifth Dimension’s potentiality, dear Ones, whenever you unify yourself with our Universe in Spiraled Time, the experience of choosing to be in the Present Moment of NOW! Thereby leading you to realize the manifested results of your requests with God’s Sanctification for Mother Earth as a Creator Planet of the Fifth Dimension from May 9 through May 21, 2016! These will be the last two remaining phases in Mother Earth’s evolution towards becoming fully immersed within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! The last and final transition in her evolving Fifth Dimension Field will be the alignment of her Seven Chakra Centers with the Energetic Presence of the Universe’s Grid of the Sun-Stars. Mother Earth’s process to align her Chakra Centers will begin on April 30, 2016 through the alignment of her Root Chakra within the Universe’s Grid of Sun-Stars.

The sequence of Mother Earth’s alignment of her Chakras with the Grid of the Universe’s Sun-Stars will begin with the Fifth Dimension Activation of her Root Chakra on April 30, 2016 followed by her Throat Chakra’s Activation on June 21, 2016. Shortly after her Throat Chakra is activated, it will be on to her Sacral Chakra’s Activation on August 12, 2016. Then will come her Third Eye Chakra on October 3, 2016 with her Solar Plexus Chakra occurring afterwards on November 24, 2016. This will complete the Activation Series of her first five Chakras in the year of 2016. Then will follow her Crown Chakra’s activation on January 15, 2017 and finally will be the Activation of Mother Earth’s Heart Chakra on March 8, 2016. With the activation of each of Mother Earth’s Chakras for the Fifth Dimension, so will the increase of Mother Earth’s Heart’s Expression begin to awaken! As each Chakra is activated Mother Earth will begin expressing her intentions as an evolving Creator Planet of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension, for she will no longer standby and tolerate people treating her like a bought and sold commodity at the market rather than an Ensouled Spiritual Being of God! Mother Earth would do no harm or ill intent to anyone but the increase in “acts of God” or natural disasters will have people thinking, maybe, we are being disrespectful to Mother Earth! Then again, maybe not, as even with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition completed on May 22, 2016, the majority of people on Earth will still be thinking, “Nothing has changed!” 

Mother Earth’s entire process of aligning her Seven Chakras will occur from April 30, 2016 to March 8, 2017. This portion of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition will not be like the “stealthily silent” experience of the Seven Universal Emanations of Light, Love, and Harmony, where the entire Universal Emanation series were designed expressly for Mother Earth’s internal Self. The transition of Mother Earth aligning her Seven Chakras within the Grid of the Sun-Stars, however, will lead to many external Expressions of Change throughout her body. Mother Earth’s external Expressions of Change will not manifest as catastrophic Earth Changes just yet, for Mother Earth’s geophysical adjustments to her Fifth Dimension body will be largely manifesting between the years of 2020 and 2042 when Mother Earth’s entire Fifth Dimension Transition will be completely over! The majority of Mother Earth’s external Expressions of Change will be manifesting as civil unrest and discontent amongst the masses due to widespread anxiety about the world’s conditions as a whole! No one will have an answer to “instantly fix” the arising problems or issues in these days to come, for all the world’s governmental leaders will still be seeking solutions in the non-existing Fourth Dimensional world for every issue and problem they will encounter! Even the few Lightworker Souls currently in world leadership will not be heard or heeded, for the majority in power will not yet be willing to work together as a unified team to compromise and address all the world’s problems!

On April 9, 2016 our Universe will be releasing the final empowering Emanation of Light, Love, and Harmony to assist Mother Earth into the Fifth Dimension. Through the accumulation of the Energy enhancements of the Universal Emanations and Mother Earth’s generation of her own Fifth Dimension Harmony Field, Mother Earth will have the capacity to reproduce the qualities and attributes of the Universe through the replication of internal “Sun Bursts.” From April 9 to April 11, 2016 Mother Earth will be producing a “Sun Burst” to initiate her “Sun-like” qualities and begin generating the essence of our new green skies at night! On April 30, 2016 Mother Earth will then follow with a 40 day period in which she will produce another internal “Sun Burst” that will allow her formulating green skies at night to transpire towards permanency for all to see and ponder the world we Live in! However, Mother Earth will still need to align her Seven Chakras into the Universe’s Grid of Sun-Stars in Fifth Dimension! These steps are required, dear Ones, for we will all need to work together in Creating the foundation for every Soul to Create in Freedom, as every Soul entering into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension has brought over their experiences and memories of the Fourth Dimension! After May 22, 2016 Fourth Dimensional thinking will be like hollow truth and will no longer work! Your power to Create for the Fifth Dimension has already manifested on March 24, 2016. Use it and let your Power in Unity with God usher in the Presence of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe, for you are in the Present Moment of NOW!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

The April 2016 Events of Change

Mother Earth began her process of transitioning into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension on October 28, 2011, as did her Moon and all other Solar System planetary bodies serving to support her role as our Solar System’s Creator Planet. Before October 28, 2011, the majority of Mother Earth’s energetic influences were principally derived from our Sun, Moon, and all other Solar System planetary bodies. Our Sun is the originator and chief facilitator of our entire Solar System’s initialization process into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension, as our Sun is completely immersed in every interaction initiated by the Universe through its role as a Universal Sun-Star. Our Sun began initializing our Solar System’s transition into the Fifth Dimension on July 24, 1950. The arrival date of our Solar System’s initiation into the Fifth Dimension received little fanfare from the general population of Earth. Coinciding with the date of July 24, 1950, however, were two seemingly unrelated phenomena at the time, a substantial increase in our Sun’s solar activity measured by the observations of sunspots, solar flares, and coronal mass ejections (CME’s), and the increase of Lightworker Souls choosing to experience Life upon Mother Earth from birth to adulthood rather than experiencing the more common walk-in practice of almost every previous Lightworker incarnation. Moving forward to the month of April 2016, we are now preparing to experience the virtual fullness of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension manifesting on Earth!  

Since October 28, 2011, Mother Earth’s energetic influences are no longer principally derived from our Sun, Moon, and our Solar System’s planetary bodies. Instead, Mother Earth’s advent into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension began an enhancement process for her ability to receive the energetic influences of the Universal Sun-Stars derived through our Sun’s interactions with all of the Universe’s Sun-Stars! When Mother Earth has completed her enhancement process, she will not only have the ability to receive all of the energetic influences of the Universal Sun-Stars, but also attain the ability to transmit her own energetic influences back to the Universal Sun-Stars through our Sun! What this will mean to you, dear Ones, is Mother Earth’s enhancement process will begin to provide you with an enrichment package for Creating with the entire Universe’s energetic influences! Mother Earth will still have a few more adjustments to make in upgrading for her abilities to receive the energetic influences of the Universe’s Sun-Stars, as the April 2016 Events of Change will demonstrate! There will be three Events of Change to observe in April 2016. Two of these Events of Change will be serving to complete an aspect of Mother Earth’s Transformation into the Fifth Dimension while the third Event will begin the next phase of our Sun’s Fifth Dimension initialization process begun on July 24, 1950. In essence, we are shifting our perspective for a New Horizon!

The first concluding April 2016 Event of Change will be the release of the Seventh and final Universal Emanation of Light, Love, and Harmony on April 9, 2016. The release of the Seventh Emanation will serve to accomplish two noteworthy results on Earth. The first result will be an increase in the Energetic Presence of the Universal Light, Love, and Harmony upon Mother Earth that will fundamentally signal to the Universe that Earth is completely aligned into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! In becoming “completely aligned” into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension, dear Ones, Mother Earth will begin signaling the result of her readiness to you and the Universe by producing the essence of her green skies at night! Our green skies at night will begin faintly at first starting on April 9, 2016, as the Universe, our Sun, and Mother Earth begin triangulating together and demonstrating the model of Cooperative Collaboration, the Universal standard of all Souls working in unison as Souls in Unity with God! Once the Seven Universal Emanations have completed their responsibility on Earth, so will the increased potency of Universal Light, Love, and Harmony leading to Mother Earth’s new vibrational capabilities as an active participant of the Fifth Dimension! Mother Earth’s increased potency will also enhance her ability to more readily produce her internally derived “Star Bursts” through her alignment in the Fifth Dimension and her expanding connectivity with the Energetic Presence of the Zodiac’s Constellation Stars!  

The second concluding April 2016 Event will be the Activation of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field. Mother Earth began generating her own Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field on June 24, 2015 and will achieve a direct correspondence and parallel uniformity with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension from March 24, 2016 through April 15, 2016. During this time period, Mother Earth will make her Activated Fifth Dimension Harmony Field available to every Soul who has chosen to merge into her evolving Fifth Dimension through the experience of Spiraled Time, the experience of choosing to be in the Present Moment of the NOW! It will be difficult for most Souls to easily transition into the concept of Spiraled Time, dear Ones, as the Fourth Dimensional world we are about to leave largely functions in linear time mode because most Souls in the Fourth Dimension were not required to communicate every moment of each day in the silent language of the Soul – with Love in all one thinks, says, and does! In Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional world however, the availability of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field will not align when one is expressly functioning in linear time mode, but concentrated in Spiraled Time mode! The final April 2016 Event of Change will serve to instill our conscious efforts to maintain a Spiraled Time state of mind while aligned in Mother Earth’s “Star Bursts”!

On April 30, 2016 Mother Earth through our Sun’s interaction with the Sun-Stars of the Universe will become fully aligned into the Universal Grid of the Fifth Dimension with all the Sun-Stars of the Universe! This unprecedented event upon our Earth will initiate with forty consecutive days of internal “Star Bursts” that will have even those expecting “nothing to happen” like back in December 21, 2012, the Mayan Calendar “end date,” to realize that Mother Earth’s Transition into the Fifth Dimension was a sequential process of mutual participation by the Universe, our Sun and Solar System, and not a single moment of change caused by a catastrophic event! Our Reality is defined by the “tried and true” methods of accomplishing the goals we set in our minds to achieve. By the standards of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension, everything should continue to be status quo so that nothing ever changes. In Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension every Soul will become an initiator and innovator of new methods and concepts in Creating a New Reality! Many will be successful by going inward through Spiraled Time, while others will still attempt to move in a linear time mode. It won’t matter, dear Ones, for every Soul involved in the manifestation of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be in Unity with God or designated for Unity with God! All we have been waiting for since July 24, 1950 is finally arriving with the manifestation and revealing of the April 2016 Events of Change!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Spiraled Time

In the final days of March 2016, from March 24 through March 31, 2016, we will be situated between the influence of two Universal Events presently happening on Earth, the Intermediary Period and Mother Earth’s Activation of her Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field. The Intermediary Period is defined by the release of the final two of Seven Universal Emanations of Light, Love, and Harmony designed to stimulate and increase Mother Earth’s growth and expansion into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension, the penultimate Emanation occurred on February 25, 2016 while the Seventh and final one will occur on April 9, 2016. The Activation of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field will transpire from March 15 through April 13, 2016. The final week of March 2016 will also be introducing one more overlapping sequence of Universal Energy before Mother Earth is completely merged into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension on May 22, 2016. From March 24 through April 15, 2016, Mother Earth will begin providing a preliminary Fifth Dimension Field to inaugurate every Soul who has chosen to enter her Fifth Dimension for activating the process of transitioning into her permanent Fifth Dimension! In beginning our entry into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, dear Ones, we will also be initiating the physical transition of our Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension and beginning the process of Creating within her Fifth Dimension!

The availability of Mother Earth’s preliminary Fifth Dimension Field is manifesting through the maturity of her Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field achieving direct correspondence and parallel uniformity with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. Mother Earth’s preliminary Fifth Dimension Field is essentially the embryonic materialization of her Fifth Dimension Field serving to reacquaint you with her evolving and manifesting Fifth Dimension, dear Ones. It will all be available through your internal perceptions and awareness garnered through the experience of Spiraled Time. Spiraled Time is not like the common practice of experiencing time in a linear mode, where time is experienced as if time were moving in a straight line from a beginning event to a concluding event. Linear time is simply the experience of counting your days from birth, birthday to birthday, until death, or more commonly these days, counting the days from one payday to the next. The experience of linear time is subject to the choice of what one considers a beginning event and a concluding event. The academic discipline of history, for example, is essentially a subject that reinforces our concepts of linear time by delineating historical periods of a subject’s progression by defining historical periods into “neat packages” of organization. This works fine for organizing time conceptualized as if it were moving in a straight line, but Time is actually the “movement of the Soul” through the means of Nature’s spiraled pattern!

When we experience our lives through linear time, we become the arbitrators and administrators of our own Life’s progression by choosing our aims, goals, and deadlines. Some of our aims, goals, and deadlines are manufactured by the choice of lifestyle we choose, such as, our career and job choices. The Universe, dear Ones, operates in Spiraled Time, and not in a linear mode! Spiraled Time is the experience of choosing to be in the Present Moment of the NOW! We do not aimlessly seek our Life’s goals and ambitions by random choice. We choose to live our Lives with an objective in mind and seek purposeful meaning in the choices we make. Sometimes our choices do not manifest with the intended goal we had in mind, and sometimes they do. In the long run, however, we learn something about our Self, what we like and what we do not like. We do not live our Lives as if we were moving in a linear mode, a straight line from one beginning event to a concluding event – we are emotionally invested in our Life’s Purpose! By being emotionally invested in our Life’s Purpose, we are actually demonstrating a preliminary understanding of Spiraled Time! Nature uses spiraled movement to flourish and grow. The spiraled movement of Nature is generally exemplified in the Golden Mean, or the Fibonacci Series. Nature, as well as everything in the Universe, is not simply born to die – everything in the Universe is Created to Live and experience Unity and Oneness with God!

Spiraled Time can be exemplified through the representation of a coil or a spring. A coil or a spring is essentially a circular shaped figure that does not enclose itself as a circle, but rather, continues in circular motion through an evolving series of expanding spirals of movement. If you were to picture a coil or a spring in your mind’s eye, dear Ones, and encase your coil or spring with a cover, you would Create a cylindrical shape. With the cylindrical shape now in your mind’s eye, you can also visualize that your original coil or spring promotes the ability to transfer or access Energy throughout every part of the cylinder’s properties, much like a Soul can access his or her Life’s previous experiences and knowledge at will! Unlike the experience of linear time represented by a straight line, where you create a “new line of movement” every time you were to start over again on a project, the concept of Spiraled Time is for the here and now – as the experience of choosing to be in the Present Moment of the NOW! Nature flourishes and grows in spirals as one can see within the minute details of plants, flowers, and even in images of our distant spiraled armed Galactic Star Systems! In Mother Earth’s preliminary Fifth Dimension Field evolving from March 24 through April 15, 2016, Creating with her Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field will begin! To benefit in this opportunity, all you will have to do is move into the practice of Spiraled Time, Time in the experience of the Present Moment of NOW!

Every Soul presently on Earth has experienced Spiraled Time at one time or another. Whenever you feel down or depressed, for example, the coil or spring shape represented by Spiraled Time actually halts all progress and becomes compressed. By compressing itself, or producing a state of depression, one ceases to progress in forward momentum and intensifies his or her emotions in order to process or reprocess the past. Some Souls can remain within a persistent state of depression, or as a “compressed coil,” for many years. Just the opposite effect functions when one is feeling anxious or has anxiety about his or her future. The coil or spring shape represented by Spiraled Time becomes an unending spiral of momentum with no end in sight. This is actually the case of one who is functioning in linear time but has not specified an internal end goal or personal definition of achievement to delineate an end. Many Souls will be experiencing one form or another of either a “compressed coil” or the feeling of an “unending spiral” well after Mother Earth has completely merged into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension on May 22, 2016. The reason being is that beginning from March 24 through April 15, 2016, you will need to become well versed in the experience of choosing to be in the Present Moment of the NOW in order to Create with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! For the emphasis of Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension is to Create your Joy of Living in the Present Moment of the NOW!

As the coil or spring shape represented by Spiraled Time demonstrates in Nature, dear Ones, Life is Created in its spiraled movement. We can focus our immediate attention on the past, present, or future at will, but by implementing Spiraled Time, our Live’s become an actualized endeavor of the Present Moment of the NOW! God’s Presence is in the Present Moment of NOW! And by choosing to activate our momentum to begin expanding and growing like the gigantic spiraled arms of a Galactic Star System or like the delicate and intricate movement of a plant or flower, we will begin Creating at will! In either case, our momentum will align us with Spiraled Timethe experience of choosing to be in the Present Moment of the NOW! It may difficult at first to shift into the mode of Spiraled Time, as the linear way of thinking, experiencing time as if we were moving in a straight line from one beginning event to a concluding event, is deeply engrained in all Souls who have experienced Life in the Third and Fourth Dimensions. Spiraled Time, dear Ones, is like mindfulness, a heightened state of awareness and acceptance of our thoughts and feelings in the present moment of NOW. To remain in a mindful state of awareness in who we are and what we will become through Spiraled Time is how everything in Mother Earth’s permanent Fifth Dimension will be evolving! From March 24 through April 15, 2016, dear Ones, we begin the practical version of our Fifth Dimensional experience with God and the entire Universe for Creating our Joy of Living through our Spiritual Purpose within Spiraled Time!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

The Fifth Dimension’s Activation

In designing and building your own customized new home, several steps must be taken to secure your project. You first begin by selecting your ideal location and can break ground once you have secured the property, the necessary paperwork, and hired a labor force to construct your customized new home. The next step would be to let your hired crew begin framing your new home’s walls and constructing the roof. After the construction of the home’s roof and walls have been well completed, you can bring in your utility crew to install the new home’s plumbing and sewer lines, place and connect your home’s electrical cabling for an HVAC system, outlets, and fixtures. And finally, get your insulation and ceilings completed before you are able to add your personal customized touches like carpeting, cabinetry, and any other esthetic features to make it your “home.” If you were to step above our Solar System and look down upon Mother Earth’s stage of immersing herself into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension, dear Ones, she would be between the stage of “adding the personal touches” and the you’re “just about ready to move in” stage. This period would be similar to turning on the utility services of the water and electricity in your customized new home just before you were able to move in. In Mother Earth’s case, Mother Earth will be signaling that she is turning on her Fifth Dimensional “services” for every Soul’s use in the Activation of her Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field!

Mother Earth will be Activating her Fifth Dimensional “services” from March 15 through April 13, 2016. From March 15 through April 13, 2016 you will feel as if you were in two worlds, one world comprised of your imaginal states manifesting through your dreams, meditations, and inspirations while the other world will be serving to remind you, you have not “moved in” yet. Essentially, Mother Earth’s Activation of her Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration will begin the physical transition of your Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! The physical transition into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will not be a smooth transition for every Soul choosing to enter into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension beginning on May 22, 2016. Every aspect of Life will appear the same in form, context, and condition as they would on any other day of the past. However, in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Activation period, in between the “adding the personal touches” and the you’re “just about ready to move in” stages, you will feel the awareness that everything is going well and fine, and maybe even magical, then a feeling of being somber and resolute will overcome you. Other days will be just the complete opposite, feeling somber and resolute to the task at hand, and then by “magic,” a feeling of “well and fine” overwhelms you once again. Mother Earth’s Activation period will not produce perchance events, but will be inducing us to consider more options in our decisions before we “move in.”

Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Activation period will be inducing us to consider more options in what we are choosing to do in the Fifth Dimension, dear Ones. It will be as if you had decided to do the bathroom in your customized new home with a green and brown marble tile surface and silver faucet fixtures. The marble tiles and silver fixtures appeared stunning and beautiful in the store’s displays, but something did not appear the same inside your custom home. So you return the marble tiles and silver faucets back to the store for another color ensemble. This is what the Energy of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Activation period will be like. We will all be considering every option for the Fifth Dimension. Maybe we were only selecting an enhanced features package from our Fourth Dimension comfort zone and did not even consider any other possibilities due to our lack of knowledge or the lack of time to ponder such a revolutionary change in our Life for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be wide open in terms of possibilities and all you will have to remember is to look into your Heart’s Expression without borders, boundaries, or limitations! As a Lightworker Soul, dear Ones, Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Activation period will be stimulating you with brand new possibilities and expanding your conscious awareness with others who are similar in the intent, motivation, and impetus for getting started and “moving in” to the Fifth Dimension – the Legion of Light comprised of every Lightworker Soul serving upon Mother Earth!

Man of Destiny Souls upon Mother Earth will not have the luxury of considering such options as learning to become someone new in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Activation, dear Ones! From February 6, 2016 through March 15, 2016, every single Man of Destiny Soul was given the Freewill choice to either enter into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension and evolve as a Man of Light Soul, or not. In choosing to remain as a Man of Destiny Soul by Freewill, there will be no movement into the “customized new home” of the Fifth Dimension, for Man of Destiny has decided to remain within the parameters of Mother Earth’s waning Fourth Dimension, which shall be no more after May 21, 2016! Man of Destiny Souls on Earth will become like a relic of the past, similar to an odd and dilapidated old chair from a long past era sitting in your “customized new home.” Whatever power and influence he or she may have had in Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension will disappear and vanish, as if he or she were an antiquated eyesore in your “customized new home.” At first, sentimental and serviceable as an extra chair whenever extra company would arrive, but after the sentimentality diminishes, the antiquated eyesore gets moved to the garage, and finally, moved to the garbage and recycled for whatever material matter is salvageable and can be sold as scrap. But within the Freewill choice provided from February 6 through March 15, 2016, dear Ones, there will also be a new Soul awakening to join the neighborhood near your “customized new home,” the Man of Destiny Souls who chose in Freewill to align into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension with you, the awakening Man of Light Souls!

Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Activation period will serve to begin the integration of all Souls internally aligning with the Energies of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! This will include every single Lightworker Soul and all evolving Man of Light Souls. Man of Light will not suddenly awaken on May 22, 2016 with the knowledge and wisdom to instantly manifest the yearnings of his or her Heart’s Expression for Change. Rather, Man of Light will be internally expressing his or her openness to align within the neighborhood of the “customized new homes” in order to learn about the new ways of expressing him or herself within the New Horizon of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! By internally expressing his or her openness to align within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, dear Ones, the awakening Man of Light Souls will be aligning to form the last unit of the Fifth Dimension’s Triad of Unity, the Triad comprised of the Legion of Light, all Man of Light Souls, and God collaboratively cooperating to Create every Project of Light endeavored in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! For now in the Mother Earth’s Activation period of her Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field, it will be Time to consider all the possibilities stimulating your Heart’s Expression in your “customized new home” for the New Horizon. For the Energy after March 24, 2016 will initiate introductory “sleepover” phases towards your eventual “move in” stage after Mother Earth’s Activation period!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Heart’s Expression for the New Horizon

The Soul is designed to Create anything it would ever need and want, whenever, and wherever it may be physically located on Earth. The needs and wants are determined by a Soul within a human body, and not by the body alone. If the body were the only determiner of its needs and wants, all it would ever crave, need, and want is food and water for self-sustainment. The Soul is both the determiner and the experiencer of every Soul’s decisions. One’s human body merely serves as a “mode of transportation” for every Soul’s decisions and the experiences. One’s body can influence what a Soul determines and chooses as his or her beliefs. The beliefs one comes to believe, trust, and conceive, shape and form the reality one chooses to experience with his or her Life’s beliefs. On May 22, 2016, Mother Earth will begin the expansion of her parameters for redefining every Soul’s beliefs in order to reshape and reform the definition of his or her reality within the Fifth Dimension! Not every Soul will be immediately responding to Mother Earth’s expansion, as there will be few physical signs demonstrating that Mother Earth has even shifted into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. Nothing will be misplaced in your home, your backyard, or even in the city, town, or village where you happen to reside in, dear Ones. Every Change occurring in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will begin within your Soul – the Spiritual Entity who determines and experiences reality with every decision you will ever make!

From February 25 through April 9, 2016, “The Intermediary Period” will affect every Soul who will have chosen, or not, to experience Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. Those who will have chosen to enter Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will now be finalizing their internal adjustments and alignments for the Fifth Dimension. Man of Light Souls will actually be the Souls most benefiting from the Intermediary Period, as most Man of Light Souls will be in the process of activating his or her body’s 12 Perception and Awareness Centers – the comprehensive whole of the Seven Member Chakra System, the Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras, to function alongside with his or her body’s five physical senses of hearing, touch, seeing, smelling, and tasting. Many Man of Light Souls do not yet have all Seven Chakras working together and will not experience an immediate opening of all Seven Chakras all at once, but will open at least one additional Chakra to advance and enhance his or her Fifth Dimensional experience on Earth. As for the Lightworker Souls during the Intermediary Period, there will be no need to make any adjustments with your 12 Perception and Awareness Centers, dear Ones, for you were born with all 12 Centers intact and activated for whatever role you would assume upon Mother Earth! Mother Earth’s Transition into the Fifth Dimension will be complete on May 22, 2016, and all you are waiting for now is Mother Earth to complete the expansion of her parameters to Create within the New Horizon! 

Mother Earth’s New Horizon is being produced by two events now influencing Mother Earth’s Transition into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. The first event has been in process since July 17, 2015, when a series of Seven Universal Emanations began inundating Mother Earth with “waves” of Universal Light, Love, and Harmony to stimulate her growth and expansion into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. The last of these Seven Universal Emanations will be occurring on February 25 and April 9, 2016 and will serve as the supporting “bookends” of “The Intermediary Period.”  The second event began on June 24, 2015, when Mother Earth initiated the process of generating her own Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field in order to align herself into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field. Both of these particular processes are in motion to benefit Mother Earth’s Transition and only indirectly influence the choices of all Souls upon her, mainly to decide whether or not one will experience Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. Beginning on March 13, 2016, Mother Earth will begin enhancing your Creative abilities with Energy Surges from her evolving Fifth Dimension Harmony Field – Energy Surges producing “Star Burst-like” activity through her evolving Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field’s alignment with the Zodiac’s Constellation Stars. These internal “Star Bursts” have been a rarity on Earth over the ages, but will become quite common in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension!

The first of these “Star Bursts” will occur on March 13, 2016, followed by one on April 9, and once again on April 11, 2016. The intent of these “Star Bursts,” dear Ones, is to initiate your Soul’s abilities for what it was designed to do – to Create anything it would ever need and want, whenever, and wherever it may be physically located on Earth! These “Star Bursts” will initially occur only one day at a time, and it will not be until April 30, 2016, when Mother Earth will be fully aligned into the Universal Grid of the Fifth Dimension, that she will be producing an internal “Star Burst” for 40 consecutive days from April 30 to June 8, 2016! Though you will not initially see any miraculous changes manifesting within your immediate physical environment during these particular days, the internal call of your Soul’s idle and latent gifts and talents designed for the Fifth Dimension will be beckoning to emerge from within you! You may still experience some bouts of self-doubt, insecurity, and uncertainty, even after June 8, 2016, but that is to be expected – for you are transforming into the essence of your body of Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe and have chosen to Reveal and Manifest yourself for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! Your Heart’s Expression through your Heart’s Chakra will lead to the solution of every concern, issue, or question that may arise within you, for you are also in a process of developing your Heart’s Expression for the New Horizon!

Mother Earth and all Souls upon her will still experience another adjustment period once Mother Earth has completely merged within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. This adjustment period will occur from May 22, 2016 to March 27, 2017. It is not expected that every Soul within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will automatically perform every necessary adjustment to fully manifest as a body of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe all at once, and especially in the manifestation of the Soul’s Heart’s Expression – for learning to adjust from the parameters of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field to her Fifth Dimension Harmony Field will be the first matter of concern! This too will take Time for all Souls, especially in the evolving Man of Light Soul! The Heart’s Expression for the New Horizon may take some time for every Soul in adjusting to the new parameters of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, for Change does not occur when new ideas and concepts arise, Change occurs with the implementation of those new ideas and concepts. Every Soul’s transition to manifest his or her Heart’s Expression for the New Horizon will greatly benefit by Mother Earth’s Energy from March 15 through April 13, 2016 – Mother Earth will Activate her Fifth Dimension and inaugurate the momentum for every Soul choosing to begin in a New Reality, and a New Horizon of experience for his or her Soul’s truest responsibility – to Create anything it would ever need and want, whenever, and wherever it may be physically located on Earth!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Intermediary Period

From February 25, 2016 through April 9, 2016, every Soul on Earth will be feeling the influence of the Intermediary Period, a period of time when all Souls will experience self-doubt, insecurity, and uncertainty, as if time were “standing still.” Our Sun and Moon will continue to rise in the East and set in the West at their proper time. The “uneasy” feeling caused in the Intermediary Period will not be due to the physical influences of our daily Lives, but due to the experience of our internal Fifth Dimension transition. On February 25, 2016, the Universe will have released the Sixth of Seven Universal Emanations of Light, Love, and Harmony upon Earth to stimulate her growth and expansion into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. The Seventh and final Universal Emanation of Light, Love, and Harmony will occur on April 9, 2016. The Intermediary Period will be defined by the time parameters of these two Universal Emanations, as these two final Universal Emanations of Light, Love, and Harmony will signify, and result in, Mother Earth’s permanent Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field! The effect of “standing still” during this transition, dear Ones, will be the synchronous motion of exchange occurring between Mother Earth’s waning Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field being replaced by her New Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field – Mother Earth will be exchanging her invisible mesh-like fabric, the Harmony Vibration Field, that Creates every material form with Love throughout the Universe!

We will not see Mother Earth exchanging her Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field for her New Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field, dear Ones, but every Soul upon Mother Earth will feel the Harmony Vibrational Field Exchange occurring. Every day from February 25 through April 9, 2016 will appear as similar in experience as the previous day, but there will be an internal “sense of urgency” arising within us producing a “seal the deal” attitude in all matters. Man of Destiny Souls will still be in the process of deciding whether or not to become Man of Light Souls for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension from February 6 through March 15, 2016. For those following through and becoming Man of Light Souls, the “sense of urgency” will manifest as a “leap of faith” through his or her Heart’s movement into the “unknown.” For those deciding in the continuance of maintaining the status quo of man’s world – comparison, competition, judgment, and fear – will find the Intermediary Period producing a magnified intensification of their life’s experiences in comparison, competition, judgment, and fear due to the wane of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field. Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field is designed for learning to Love and those choosing to remain within it will experience some of the most intensive lessons of learning to Love ever produced upon Mother Earth – war, famine, economic turmoil, and implausible falsehoods – causing many within it to ask, “Where is Love?”

For Lightworker Souls in the Intermediary Period, the internal transition will also produce some degree of self-doubt, insecurity, and uncertainty, but not due to the circumstances as Man of Destiny/Man of Light Souls. All Lightworker Souls, dear Ones, have previous experience in the Universe’s Fifth Dimension as well as the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Dimensions. This will be, if it is not already, internally becoming more and more apparent to you through your dreams, visions, and meditational encounters with the use of your highly active Seven Member Chakra System. We see, hear, and feel our New Reality as if it were already Present and Real now, but are snapped back into our present Reality whenever our presence requires our attention in our daily lives. We still need to pay bills. We still encounter the presence of other’s negativity whenever we go shopping for our daily necessities. We still also hear and see media reports conveying news about seemingly endless wars, the latest health pandemics, unsolvable economic turmoil, and our governmental leaders promoting their nationalistic goals and intentions. Mother Earth’s Transition into the Fifth Dimension will not bring an immediate end to the existence of man’s world of competition, comparison, judgment, and fear, but it will lessen the burden of your concern and worries for all others involved. This will be a blessing for you, dear Ones, as the Intermediary Period will serve to guide you through Mother Earth’s Exchange of Harmony Vibration Fields!

Immersed in between the Intermediary Period from February 25 through April 9, 2016 will be the Universal Energies for the entire month of March 2016. From March 1, 2016 through April 1, 2016 the Universal Energies will (finally) be releasing you from the internal experience of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field. By releasing your emotional ties to the Fourth Dimension, dear Ones, you will also be releasing yourself from the physical aspect of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony world and begin to manifest your presence into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! It will seem like a metaphysical puzzle for you and everyone else involved at first. For it will be your Seven Member Chakra System beginning to fully function as it was meant to be – in union with your five physical senses manifesting as 12 Perception and Awareness Centers for the Fifth Dimensional experience! Your everyday experiences will be starting to become more like your dreams, visions, and meditational encounters where you are already distancing yourself from the Fourth Dimension, as if you were watching your world like television emotionally detached! Our emotions serve as our internal evaluation guide for experiencing our world. When we have no emotional connection to an experience, for instance, there is no memory stored and no judgment on our part to the value of an experience. By detaching our emotional connection to the Fourth Dimension, we are also choosing to manifest our presence into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension!

Our responsibility in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, dear Ones, will be to Re-Create Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension alongside God and Man of Light Souls! The Intermediary Period from February 25 to April 9, 2016 will serve as Mother Earth’s time period to Exchange her Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field to a New Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field. Through the synchronous motion of Mother Earth’s Harmony Vibrational Field Exchange, every Soul who has experienced Life upon Mother Earth will be saying “good bye” in one way or another to Life in a past existence, almost like saying “good bye” to the memory of your childhood or your first Love. They were just memories and experiences of the past that led us to become who we are today. Just as we detach ourselves from the experiences of our past, so too will our emotional detachment from the experience of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension also complete! We have formed our present attitude for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension through our Contentment, Gratitude, and Acceptance for what is in the present, which led us to our internal power to separate from our past. By using the Energy of the Intermediary Period to grant our Self permission to place the experience of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension in the past, dear Ones, we will also be granting our Self permission to begin our Fifth Dimension experience! For when the Intermediary Period completes on April 9, 2016, there will be a New Horizon about to reveal the Unity with God in ALL THINGS and ALL SOULS upon Mother Earth!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Spiritual Essence of Love, Time, and Reality

There are Eight Universal Dimensions in the Universe. The Eight Universal Dimensions are not arranged in a hierarchical system where one is “bigger” or “better” than the previous one, but were Created as supplementary enhancements to increase and expand the experience of Creating with Love. The Eight Dimensions, hence, serve to increase and expand the innate possibilities of Creating with Love in all previous Dimensions. Every Soul and everything embraced within the Eight Universal Dimensions are Created as manifestations of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe. There are only two Soul types in the Universe Created by God with the capacity to experience Creating with Love – the Lightworker Soul and the Man of Destiny Soul. The Lightworker Soul was Created to specifically assist God in the role of a Universal Caretaker to assist in God’s process of increasing and expanding each Dimension with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe. Man of Destiny Souls were also Created to assist God in the role of a Caretaker. Man of Destiny Souls were Created by God to become a Creator Planet’s Caretaker, like Mother Earth, with the responsibility of increasing and expanding his or her Creator Planet with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! By combining the role of the Lightworker and the role of Man of Destiny, the two roles exemplify the unification of the Lightworker’s innate Universal perspective and a Man of Destiny Soul’s localized perspective of Life.

While the Lightworker’s Soul is innately Created with a Universal perspective for his or her role as a Universal Caretaker, Man of Destiny’s Soul must gain the understanding and acumen for assuming his or her role as a Creator Planet’s Caretaker. The only way he or she will achieve the understanding and acumen for becoming a Creator Planet’s Caretaker will be by choosing in Freewill to become a Man of Light Soul in his or her Creator Planet’s evolution into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! This is precisely where we are now in Mother Earth’s transition process into the Fifth Dimension, dear Ones, as Mother Earth will be merged into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension on May 22, 2016! From February 6, 2016 through March 15, 2016, Man of Destiny Souls will choose in Freewill to either evolve as a Man of Light Soul and assume his or her future responsibilities as Mother Earth’s Caretaker, or not. In choosing to become a Man of Light Soul for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, Man of Light will not be compelled to assume every responsibility of Mother Earth’s Caretaker role. Rather, he or she will begin a preparation process specifically designed to increase and expand his or her awareness of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe in partnership with all Lightworker Souls on Earth! For 1001 years, all Lightworker Souls, as the Legion of Light, will be serving on Earth to increase and expand the understanding of all Man of Light Souls from a localized perspective of the world to the Universal perspective required for assuming the duties of becoming Mother Earth’s Caretaker in the Fifth Dimension!

The Universe’s Eight Dimensions are divided into two distinct categories in reference to Man of Destiny’s evolution towards achieving the responsibility of his or her role as a Man of Light Soul and a Creator Planet’s Caretaker. The two divisions of the Universe’s Eight Dimensions are the Learning Dimensions, the First through the Fourth Dimension, and the Application Dimensions, the Fifth through the Eighth Dimensions. During the process of Man of Destiny’s evolution in the Learning Dimensions, he or she experiences Life primarily for learning with the Spiritual Essence of Love, and the concepts of Time and Reality. Applying the Spiritual Essence of Love – thinking, doing, and expressing Love in all one seeks to achieve – will be the most important insight he or she will acquire in the Learning Dimensions, for without Love, Creation in the Application Dimensions will not only be challenging, but seemingly impossible to achieve! Unlike the experiences he or she garnered in the Third and Fourth Dimensions, where every Man of Destiny Soul begins his or her evolutionary process for becoming a Creator Planet’s Caretaker, the experience of the Application Dimensions will be mystifying and unfamiliar to all previous experiences, for the Universe’s Fifth Dimension not only serves as the gateway for experiencing the Application Dimensions, but also, the initializing point for realizing the apex of experiencing Creation with the Spiritual Essence of Love!

In the Eight Universal Dimensions, the only constant factor in all Eight Dimensions is the influence of the Spiritual Essence of Love. The experience of Time and Reality, however, is not a consistent factor of influence for Creating with the Spiritual Essence of Love in the Universe’s Eight Dimensions. The most essential factor of consideration in the experience of Time and Reality is Man of Destiny Soul’s evolutionary process for becoming a Man of Light Soul. Time from a Universal Perspective is “the movement of the Soul.” Time, measured by counting an observable series of chronological sunrises and sunsets or the lunar phases, is merely counting one observable physical phenomenon to the next. “Time as movement of the Soul” is essentially immeasurable by the standards of physical observation but is best demonstrated as a progressive series of sequential “Life Events” leading to internal growth. “Life Events” serve to instill the Soul with the experience of learning and realizing the Spiritual Essence of Love in one’s Life is, was, and will always be, the most important awareness one will ever receive, share, and leave behind in his or her lifetime. “Life Events” for a Soul’s accelerated progression rarely occur in just one lifetime, but accumulate through a series of many lifetimes. Karmic issues also occur in a series of Lifetimes for Man of Destiny Souls to gain a greater awareness and perception of the Spiritual Essence of Love. By the way, dear Ones, Lightworker Souls are not subject to Karma.

Reality within the Universal Dimensions is produced by the parameters used to define the innate possibilities of Creating with Love in each of the Universe’s Eight Dimensions. In Man of Destiny’s evolutionary process for becoming Man of Light and a Creator Planet’s Caretaker, his or her space for initiating the evolutionary process begins in the Third and Fourth Dimensions of the Universe. The innate possibilities for Creating with Love in the Third and Fourth Dimensions serve to develop Man of Destiny’s perspective of truth through experience gained with the awareness of his or her reality. Mother Earth is no different than any of the previous experiences of other Creator Planet transitions into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. Many versions of truth develop with every Soul’s experience in the Third and Fourth Dimensions prior to a Creator Planet’s evolution into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. When a Creator Planet is ready to merge into a New Dimension of Experience, the changes we will realize in the end, dear Ones, will be our perceptions and experiences of Time and Reality through the increased awareness of the Spiritual Essence of Love! Learning to Create with Love in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension beginning on May 22, 2016 will open an entirely new set of innate possibilities for all Souls involved! For the Spiritual Essence of Love, Time, and Reality will all merge into Oneness and Create a New Horizon of experience for Mother Earth in the Universe’s Fifth Dimension with God!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Mother Earth’s New Vibration

Mother Earth and her Solar System entered into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension on October 28, 2011 and will be completely merged into the Fifth Dimension on May 22, 2016. The time factor involved in Mother Earth’s mergence into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension is not a “blink of the eye” occurrence, but involves two sequential processes of mutual Energy Exchanges occurring between the Universe and Mother Earth with her accompanying Solar System’s Sun and planets. Mother Earth’s mergence into the Fifth Dimension began accelerating on August 18, 2014, when she and her accompanying Solar System’s celestial bodies were each bestowed an individual Sanctification for the Fifth Dimension by God through the Universal Energies. Mother Earth will be the final Solar System’s celestial body to be Sanctified from May 9 to May 21, 2016 in God’s Sanctification process. In addition to God’s Sanctification process for Mother Earth and her Solar System, the Universe will also be providing Seven Universal Emanations of Light, Love, and Harmony to permanently stimulate her growth and expansion into the Fifth Dimension. Five of the Seven Universal Emanations of Energy have already been installed. The two remaining Universal Emanations of Energy will occur on February 25, 2016 and April 9, 2016. Once the installation of the final two Universal Emanations of Energy have completed, Mother Earth will just require God’s final Sanctification to be fully merged into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! 

Mother Earth, dear Ones, began her own process to align into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration on June 24, 2015 by initiating a self generation process to produce her own Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field. By producing and generating her own Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field, she will also be aligning her own vibratory frequency to synchronize with the Universe’s Fifth Dimensional Harmony Vibration. On February 25, 2016, the Sixth of the Seven Universal Emanations of the Universe’s Light, Love, and Harmony will be installed into Mother Earth’s body. In addition to the Sixth Emanation of Universal Light, Love, and Harmony being permanently installed upon Mother Earth, God’s Harmony Vibration, God’s Auric Field of His/Her Individuality within the spectrum of Energy encompassing the entire Universe, will also be permanently installed upon Mother Earth on February 25, 2016! There will be three significant resulting effects produced through the collaborative efforts of God’s Harmony and the Sixth Universal Emanation of Light, Love, and Harmony assisting Mother Earth and her Solar System’s celestial bodies into the Fifth Dimension. The first effect will result in a substantial increase in the Presence of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe upon Mother Earth and within her – Mother Earth’s vibratory frequency will begin resembling and corresponding more directly with the vibratory frequency of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension!

The second effect resulting from the Energy of February 25, 2016 will be an increased awareness of God’s Presence upon Mother Earth! With the permanent installation of both God’s Harmony and the Sixth Universal Emanation of Light, Love, and Harmony and Mother Earth’s New Vibratory Frequency, Mother Earth will become elevated enough to sustain and manifest God’s Presence! In the experience of Mother Earth’s Third and Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Fields, God’s Presence on Earth was best likened to the essence of a flower as opposed to the actual manifestation of a flower itself. God’s Presence is in ALL Things of the Universe through the Light, Love, and Harmony encompassing ALL Things in the Universe. But in the experience of the Third and Fourth Dimensions, God’s Presence primarily functions as the Essence of God, like the essence of a flower you can only draw internal experience through your conscious perceptions of the visualized flower. In the Universe’s Fifth, as well as the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Dimensions, YOU ARE IN GOD’S PRESENCE, dear Ones! Like the essence of a flower you internally know by appearance, fragrance, and all of its other idiosyncratic characteristics, you will know and recognize God’s Presence in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension through your timeless relationship with Him/Her! This will not be the Essence of God you will encounter in Mother Earth’s New Vibratory Frequency, it will be God’s Presence in all spaces, at all times, and for every experience upon Mother Earth!

The third resulting effect of the Universe’s Energy of February 25, 2016 will be twofold. With the increase of Mother Earth’s New Vibration resulting in Mother Earth’s ability to sustain and manifest God’s Presence, you will not only be given more direct guidance from God’s Presence through God Source directly, but you will also be able to begin implementing Mother Earth’s New Vibratory Frequency manifesting within her Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field! Though every Lightworker Soul is withdrawing from his or her experiences garnered in Mother Earth’s Third and Fourth Dimensional worlds, you are not on Earth to right every wrong and offer judgment of all offenders, dear Ones. From February 6, 2016 to March 15, 2016, every Man of Destiny Soul will be choosing in Freewill to aspire to become a Man of Light Soul for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, and the responsibility it entails by becoming the Light, Love and Harmony of the Universe, or not! The choice may not be as easily made as you would assume, dear Ones, as all of Man of Destiny Soul’s experience is drawn from Mother Earth’s Third and Fourth Dimensions, where God’s Presence is by all cognitive perceptions of Reality merely God’s Essence! With the influence of Mother Earth’s New Vibratory Frequency, Man of Destiny Souls becoming Man of Light Souls will also realize that God’s anthropomorphic characteristics they presumed were valid or the Truth about God’s Presence, were never real!  

When the Seventh and final Universal Emanation of Light, Love, and Harmony is installed upon Mother Earth on April 9, 2016, you will finally begin to see the sign that she has completed her transition into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension – her manifestation of green skies at night! Beginning faintly at first from April 9 through May 22, 2016, dear Ones, the green skies will eventually prevail over our current blue skies in daytime. The only Souls caught unaware by the manifesting appearance of green skies at night will be the Man of Destiny Souls who chose not to enter into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. But it is not for them that Mother Earth Created a New Vibratory Frequency, it is for you, the Legion of Light, and all Man of Light Souls aspiring to Re-Create Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension with the guidance of God’s Presence through God Source in all spaces, at all times, and for every experience upon Mother Earth! Everything is drawing to a close in Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field and soon, very soon in fact, there will be no reason to let the standards of man’s world – comparison, competition, judgment, and fear – prevail over the standards of God’s World of Light, Love, and Harmony! For there will be no space, time, or need to experience the lesson of learning to Love in order to Create with Mother Earth’s New Vibration for the Fifth Dimension – for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension is Creating the space and time to experience the becoming of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe that IS ALL THINGS WITH GOD!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Legion of Light

The Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe comprise ALL Things of the Universe. Light is Created by applying Love with any one of the Eight Harmony Vibrations encompassing the Eight Dimensions of the Universe. The Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe are a Universal Triad of Unity, three parts embodying a whole throughout the Universe. Light can exist as a “dimmed” version of the Universal Light in the Third and Fourth Dimensions of the Universe, where Man of Destiny Souls are in the process of learning to become like the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe. Besides a Creator Planet and the Solar System supporting her, Lightworker Souls on Service to God in the Third and Fourth Dimensions of the Universe ARE the Presence of the Light, Love, and Harmony of Universe until the Creator Planet and her supporting Solar System are ready to merge into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. The Fifth Dimension, dear Ones, is where Man of Destiny Souls are no longer in “training” to become like the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe, but have chosen in Freewill to become the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe and emerge as Man of Light Souls! The process is long and enduring for all Lightworker Souls while Man of Destiny primarily learns to Love in all he or she will think, do, and say! For without Love, there is no Light! Without Light, the Universal Triad of Unity fails to properly align!

On February 17, 2016 there will be two world events coming to merge and produce the result of the Universal Triad of Unity’s proper alignment upon Mother Earth. The first event will manifest as the gathering of all Lightworker Souls upon Mother Earth into One cohesive unit of solidary as the Legion of Light. The second event will lead to a “meltdown” of ALL Things on Earth lacking the appropriate qualities and attributes for becoming like the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! For 10,000 plus years, dear Ones, you have been on Service to God to increase and expand the comprehension of the concepts of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe of all Man of Destiny Souls on Earth. In those 10,000 plus years, it was not the technical theory and semantics about how God’s Universe works or how God’s Universe requires strict ethical standards to pass “through the eye of a needle” to enter, but the effectiveness in your guidance for offering every Man of Destiny Soul the comprehension and wisdom for conceiving and merging with the Universal Triad of Unity – by expressing one’s Joy – Joy is conceived and expressed through the commingling of the Universal Triad of Unity, the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe, and one’s Soul. In the past as well as in the present, cultural and geopolitical divisions on Earth have led to more fragmentation rather than the Oneness of the masses about our Life’s Purpose. Is one’s body the purpose of his or her Life? Or is the Soul’s Purpose only an affair of the afterlife?

The Legion of Light is the aggregate whole of all Lightworker Souls on Earth and will gather together through the essence of Unity and Oneness with God on February 17, 2016! All Lightworker Souls are now physically separated by geographical boundaries and segregated even further by ages of the body, cultural influence and upbringing, and little uniformity in linguistic affiliations. However, each and every single Lightworker Soul will be unified upon Mother Earth through Unity with God and the commonality rendered in the shared linguistics of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! There are perhaps some 500,000 Lightworker Souls on Earth now and increasing even more through the desire of Lightworker Souls “on the other side” wanting to directly experience the Universal Event of Mother Earth’s Ascension into the Fifth Dimension on May 22, 2016! Your role of guidance for all Man of Light Souls choosing to enter into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will evolve as you begin to role model and demonstrate your gifts and skills of the Universe to Re-Create Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension. Though many Man of Light Souls will still have much to undo from the divisive distractions caused by gender, cultural, nationalistic, and racial bias, they will do so in Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension, as seeking Unity with God will be the main criteria for being in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! As you regain your gifts and skills of the Universe, so will the increase of your awareness towards other Lightworker Souls of similar intent – Unity with God in Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension for all Souls! 

The Unity with God factor in all Lightworker Souls, dear Ones, binds all Lightworkers Souls through their common language and the wisdom garnered in the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! In order to role model, demonstrate, and guide all evolving Man of Light Souls into the Fifth Dimension, dear Ones, the second world event of February 17, 2016 will occur and evolve as a “meltdown” to remove all obstructions and potential hindrances to the progress of your Service to God! The “meltdown” period will last from February 17, 2016 through June 29. 2016. This time period will be relatively short but effective – effective in reducing the influence of ALL Things on Earth lacking the appropriate qualities and attributes for becoming like the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! This will include governments, institutions, organizations, and people that may obstruct and impede the expression of Joy conceived and expressed through the commingling of the Universal Triad of Unity, the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe, and one’s Soul! World order as we know it now to exist, will be entirely restructured for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, primarily through the efforts of the Legion of Light! But, you will not have to do a single thing in the assumed battle of Light versus darkness, dear Ones, for the power and influence of Universe’s Light, Love, and Harmony will be doing all the work for everyone merging into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension!

Every person merging into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension is an embodied Soul, just as it is in our present day. The only difference between our present day and the world evolving in the Fifth Dimension will be the people seeking the initiation process of finding one’s True Self-Identity, recognizing Self as a Soul in one’s body. This will not be your project, dear Ones, but the endeavor of all emerging Man of Light Souls once the initial shock of so many familiar things in disarray has diminished! Your own project will come in the expression of the Unity and Oneness contained in Unity with God through your own Joy of Living – the direct corresponding manifestation of your Heart’s Expression! You will also find in your own evolution in the Fifth Dimension a long lost art requiring your direct attention – the long lost art of Creating seemingly out of nothingness – the art of Spiritual Pathway Creation to Create anything you will want and need to activate the pursuit of your Spiritual Pathway with God! Spiritual Pathway Creation is simply Creating by applying your own Love with the Harmony Vibration Field of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! After you become well reacquainted with the art of Spiritual Pathway Creation, EVERYTHING upon Mother Earth will be evolving to become exactly like the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe. But this time, with the Universal Triad of Unity fully engaged and manifesting on Earth for all Souls with God and the Legion of Light!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Our True Self-Identity

Our self-identity is constructed through our evolving responses to the age old question, “Who am I?” and primarily originates within our childhood stages of development. As a child, we relied upon our parental figures for nurturing, guiding, and educating us towards our adult stage of Life. Through the expression of our Freewill, we learned early on what foods we like and dislike, the style and manner of dress we like and dislike, and the qualities we prefer in other people we would select as our friends. By the choices we make in constructing our self-identity, we also learned about acceptable and unacceptable social behaviors through the encouragement or discouragement of certain behaviors with the behavioral modification techniques of our parental figures. Once we enter adulthood, we tend to define our self-identity with four internal modifiers, our self concept (what I think I am), our self knowledge (what I know about myself), our self esteem (what I am confident about), and our social self (what others think I am). Our self-identity is not a permanent status but tends to be a “work in progress” until we reach a stage of self acceptance for our positive traits as well as our faults. Beginning on February 11, 2016, dear Ones, all Souls upon Mother Earth will be presented with a progressive opportunity for self-growth to better define “Who am I?” Some will be thoroughly exasperated by the challenge while others will blossom into his or her True Self of the Universe!  

For the most part, children in our modern societies emerging as young adults are raised, guided, and nurtured for survival in an economic role in Life. Our educational institutions enhance our parental guidance towards survival in an economic role by emphasizing the “hard skills” needed for success as a doctor, lawyer, engineer, or other occupation over the “soft skills.” The “hard skills” are the essential skills required to perform a job, such as knowing the body’s anatomical structure and its essential systems to gain the knowledge for becoming a doctor, or knowing how to apply the Hagen-Poiseuille equation for determining the flow rate of a pipeline system constructed with various lengths and diameters for an engineer. The “soft skills” pertain to one’s adaptability within an organization, such as, effective interpersonal communication skills, being a “team player,” and social etiquette. The job world predominantly seeks one’s “hard skills” over his or her “soft skills.” You already realize this, dear Ones, either from the experience of visiting a doctor’s office when he or she was too busy to answer more pertinent questions or having been declined for a job because you did not have any “direct” experience in your job field. In Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension, one’s “soft skills” will be just as valuable if not more valuable than one’s “hard skills,” for the emphasis of the business world’s motivation for profit over the value of the “soft skills” will also be evolving to conform into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension!

There will be a worldwide economic downfall in the months to come that will result in each and every Soul being compelled to revaluate his or her self concept in order to assess his or her self-identity for Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension! All answers will not be as straightforward as most Souls would like, but the activation point will be produced by realizing that one’s True Self is a Soul designed to become a Co-Creator and Co-Facilitator of the Universe in Unity with God! Although most people on Earth will be more concerned about the economic downfall than the uniqueness of his or her Soul, the shift into Fifth Dimension Consciousness on Mother Earth will be an event for every Soul! You were primed and prepared early, dear Ones, to expand your own consciousness in order to demonstrate, role model, and guide all Souls into the Fifth Dimension! Most Man of Destiny Souls evolving to become Man of Light Souls in the Fifth Dimension will be too shocked to promote his or her own self growth, acting as if he or she were trying to survive on a sinking ship rather than a Soul preparing to enter the Domain of God! The shock will eventually yield when they will realize some people are being “successful in a New Way!” This will be the Legion of Light, dear Ones, serving to guide every Soul into the Fifth Dimension! The economic downfall will endure for more than a year, as the period from February 11, 2016 to March 27, 2017 will serve as the gateway for all Souls to make their internal adjustments for the Fifth Dimension. Some Man of Light Souls will acclimate easily while others will expire at the enduring work caused by responding to the age old question of “Who am I?”

Our True Self-Identity is a Soul naturally attuned with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! All Souls express their attunement with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe through their own unique and individual expression of Joy of Living. Our Joy of Living, dear Ones, is the expression of our uniqueness and individuality for which we were Created for by God! By expressing our own unique and individual Joy of Living in the days to come, we will be assisting God in the process of increasing and expanding all Mother Earth with the Light, Love, and Harmony the Universe for the Fifth Dimension! The Re-Creation of Mother Earth will primarily involve Lightworker Souls but as Man of Light recovers from his or her initial “state of shock,” they too will be activating into his or her True Self-Identity as a Soul! But that will more likely occur after March 27, 2017, when the Triad of Unity, composed of God, the Legion of Light, and Man of Light, will finally begin working in unison! For the many Man of Destiny/Man of Light Souls on Earth, the issue will not be the realization that he or she is a Soul, for religious services remind him or her of that, but the incorporation of his or her status as a Living Soul into the everyday experience! Right now, there are many conceptual and linguistic boundaries limiting his or her ability to conceive equality for all genders, nations, cultures, and religions, much less the concept that he or she is a Spiritual Being on the days not designated for religious service!

Our preparation for survival in an economic role in Life was well meant by our parental figures and educational institutions, as an economic role in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will not be completely eliminated! Instead, our preparation for an economic role will be expanded to include the parameters of our Soul’s Joy of Living! The “hard skills” of some occupations will still be required for the New Way of Life, but it will be the long discounted “soft skills” that will come into prominence during the gateway of internal adjustments for all Souls from February 11, 2016 to March 27, 2017! The “soft skills” of “effective interpersonal communication skills, being a ‘team player,’ and social etiquette,” represent the manifested traits of a Soul well versed in the protocol of Brotherhood Spirit! Brotherhood Spirit, dear Ones, is the Spirit of Sharing and Cooperating through every person realizing his or her True Self-Identity as a Soul becoming a Co-Creator and Co-Facilitator of the Universe in Unity with God! Man of Light Souls will eventually recognize him or herself as a Soul while practicing in Brotherhood Spirit and seeking his or her self-identity for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! Once he or she has recognized him or herself as a Soul, there will be more learning and that will come in learning to follow the Mantra of the Universe - “Align, Apply, and Activate,” align with God Source, apply the Spiritual Essence of Love, and Activate in God’s Will! Then and only then, will every Soul be synchronized in the same Harmony Vibration – to Re-Create Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Face of God

Right now, if you were to imagine a visual image best portraying Mother Earth’s imminent mergence with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension, it would be a large river system with three major tributaries joining into it. The first tributary would be representative of Mother Earth making her many transitional turns and bends to form the river itself which every Soul upon her body will enter into the “sea” of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. The second major tributary would be representative of all Lightworker Souls while the third tributary would represent all Man of Destiny Souls. Each of the three major tributaries has its own independent pathway and decisions to acknowledge before they will collectively enter together into the Fifth Dimension. The three “tributaries” are not completely independent, but are subject to the decisions each one makes. If Mother Earth and only the Lightworker Souls were to be the sole beneficiaries of the Fifth Dimension’s experience, dear Ones, one would have to question God’s Purpose, “Why were we sent here if we were already Living in Joy elsewhere?” Or what if Mother Earth and only Man of Destiny Souls were making the journey into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension without any Lightworker Souls? If this were so, Mother Earth’s Pathway into the Fifth Dimension would have concluded much sooner – for she would have self imploded due to the accumulation of such negativity upon her body!

The interdependent roles of Mother Earth, all Lightworker Souls, and every Man of Destiny Soul will be concluding as “tributaries” on May 22, 2016, when Mother Earth completely merges into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. Like the role of Mother Earth as a “tributary” into the Fifth Dimension, the “tributary” of all Lightworker Souls will seemingly become “automatic” with no major obstructions and no major decisions to endure. The “tributary” of every Man of Destiny Soul, however, will experience an upcoming “fork in the road” – the decision to evolve as a Man of Light Soul and merge with the “tributaries” of Mother Earth and all Lightworker Souls into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! On February 6, 2016, the Universal Energies will be presenting the evolutionary conclusion of every Man of Destiny’s Spiritual Purpose – to become like the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe in order to evolve into a Man of Light Soul! This will not mean that “in the blink of an eye” every single Man of Destiny Soul will instantaneously comprehend and understand the “meaning of Life” or that his or her Heart will be filled with Love and become “Jesus-like” in all of his or her affairs with every Soul on Earth. Man of Light Souls will be accepting his or her responsibility to assume his or her part in God’s Plan - to become the Caretakers of Mother Earth for the maintenance and sustenance of increasing and expanding the parameters of their world with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe!

The “fork in the road” decision for all Man of Destiny Souls will serve to either accept his or her role in God’s Plan for Mother Earth’s transition into Fifth Dimension or to maneuver with his or her own power in Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimensional world. Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration, dear Ones will cease to exist upon her body on May 21, 2016 so that Mother Earth may assume her own responsibility in God’s Plan – to become a Creator Planet of the Fifth Dimension! The “fork in the road” decision for Man of Destiny will not be available for just one day, but will actually be available for him or her to ponder from February 6 through March 15, 2016. Just like the flow of a river moves it towards the path of least resistance, the current of Mother Earth’s “tributary” will be flowing into the direction of the “sea” of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension, unobstructed, unimpeded, and unhindered! The Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field upon Mother Earth’s body was provided to teach all Man of Destiny Souls the value of involving Love in all of his or her endeavors and interactions with every Soul. All lessons of Love incurred throughout the many lifetimes of his or her sojourns on Earth will come into significant use in Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension. For there, they will be learning to flow with the Mantra of the Universe,  “Align, Apply, and Activate,” align with God Source, apply the Spiritual Essence of Love, and Activate in God’s Will, where it will be in full force!

While the “tributary” of Man of Destiny Souls will encounter a “fork in the road” decision to accept his or her role in God’s Plan or not, the “tributary” of all Lightworker Souls will be shifting its attention to meet and gather together in Unity with God on February 17, 2016 and emerge as the Legion of Light, the aggregate whole of all Lightworker Souls upon Mother Earth! Through Unity with God, the Legion of Light will serve to guide all Man of Light Souls into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. It will not truly matter where you may be physically located on February 17, 2016 dear Ones, for Mother Earth has already made her adjustments to make this event possible! On June 29, 2013, Mother Earth aligned herself to her New Pole Star of Vega in the constellation of Lyra. By shifting her northern magnetic pole’s alignment from the faint star of Polaris in the constellation of Ursa Major to the more powerful star of Vega, she Created a new communication grid on her body to replicate the communication network of every Creator Planet in the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. In this way, direct communication with every Soul on Earth through God Source is not only possible, but practical for the enactment of God’s Will as the Universal protocol of internal communication through one’s bodily Chakras. Man of Light will eventually learn to utilize Earth’s communication grid, but for now, he or she would be better served by learning to seize the momentum of the flow of a river advancing into the “sea” of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension!

The “tributary” of the Lightworker stream will have one more engagement on the way towards its eventual mergence with the ‘tributary” of Mother Earth. Besides enhancing your own internal communication abilities, dear Ones, you will also be led to become the Words of God’s Will for your own unique geographical area as God’s spokesperson through God Source to reveal God’s Will! The role of Revealer of Truth will be transmitted to you in two segments. From February 14 until February 22, 2016 and again from March 15 through April 13, 2016. Truth, dear Ones, is at the heart of Mother Earth’s entire transition into the Fifth Dimension for all Souls to unify together as One! Truth before Mother Earth will have completed her sequence to immerse herself into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension will be a difficult concept to ascertain and gage against what has been learned and acknowledged in the Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension as “truth.” For this reason, you will find it difficult to persuade and convince any Man of Destiny Soul about what is occurring in the Universal spectrum. But as Mother Earth begins to demonstrate and display her intent to merge into the Fifth Dimension, all will become clearer not only for you, but for every Soul on Earth! The “tributaries” of Mother Earth, the Legion of Light, and every Man of Light Soul will all merge as One on May 22, 2016! And the world will finally be synchronized as One cohesive unit for the first time ever in the long contentious history of Earth!

While the “tributary” of Man of Destiny makes his or her decision to become a part of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension experience and the Legion of Light assume their True Identity in the Universe, Mother Earth’s “tributary” will still exhibit several more alignments before she will finalize her entry into the Fifth Dimension. The first alignment will occur on April 30, 2016 when she will align her own Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field within the Universal Grid of the Fifth Dimension. This alignment will serve to greatly enhance the electromagnetic conductivity of all your Fifth Dimensional Creations! The second of three alignments will designate Mother Earth as a New Earth by Sanctifying her status as a Creator Planet of the Fifth Dimension on May 16, 2016. The final alignment of Mother Earth’s Ascension into the Fifth Dimension will occur on May 22, 2016 – when Mother Earth will have completed every single alignment for becoming a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet! There will still continue to be some fragmentation occurring on Mother Earth after she is in the Fifth Dimension, but it will not be the fragmentation of people by race, creed, color, religion, or national origin, but the incongruent thoughts, beliefs, and ideas they all carried into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. Once all three “tributaries” of the river flowing with Mother Earth have merged and deposited their contents into the “sea” of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension, everyone you will see, dear Ones will be blending to represent the Face of God!