
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Then There Was Silence

Our perception of the Universe is constrained and limited whenever we primarily depend upon our five physical senses of hearing, seeing, touching, smelling, and tasting. We see the Stars shine at night, but cannot hear, touch, smell, or taste any other effect our Universe produces. We recognize that the Sun is providing our daylight and responsible for producing the cycles of night and day and the four seasons with Earth’s constant rotating motion around the Sun. When we primarily depend upon our five physical senses, we take for granted the experience of our place within the Universe and subjectively assume that the Universe revolves around us in our daily affairs, regardless of the fact that we truly become separated and disconnected from the vastness of our entire Universe! Being completely dependent on our five senses to perceive our Universe also produces an artificial reality where our calendar counts the days for us, from one point of Earth’s journey around the Sun to the next, and grants clocks an unprecedented power over us in its replication of Earth’s mini-cycles of counting the hours and minutes in Earth’s journey around the Sun! In Truth, dear Ones, our Universe is responsible for providing anything and everything we may need to flourish and Create our Joy in Living! The choice, however, has always been available through our Freewill, to choose what we would want to perceive as our reality – a reality maintained by the calendar and the clock or Reality within our entire Universe!

In the coming months, a reality maintained by the calendar and clock will be coming to an abrupt end! It will not be that every Soul on Earth will suddenly realize he or she may need more days in the year to take more vacations or even need to add more hours in the day to catch up on one’s sleep. Rather, the realization will come through the resulting Silence being produced by the Universe’s increasing presence upon Mother Earth! Every Soul will be seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting the Silence as a direct result of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field collapsing on May 21, 2016! With the ceasing motion of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimensional world, so too will everything else every Soul depended upon to maintain, sustain, and support the protocol of his or her daily endeavors upon Earth! Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field will not vanish in an instantaneous second but will wane and cede way to Mother Earth’s New Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration when she finally completes the entirety of her Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017! Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension will linger upon her body through every Soul’s recent memories, much like rain puddles accrue after a brisk rainstorm has passed through. For the Souls who will see reality with an emphasis on the calendar and the clock, it will be a long and enduring transition to learn and understand that our Mother Earth and Universe are both alive and doing well, thank you!

The entire Universe is within you! You will need little additional proof or validation to know and understand this Truth, but it will be the evolving Man of Light Souls who will need to learn and understand – our world is not ending – but is evolving into a New Reality based upon Life in Unity with God as manifestations of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe we truly are! Everything within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will soon begin to reveal its true identity as a manifestation of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe once our Mother Earth has completed the entirety of her Transition on March 27, 2017! The process of manifesting as Light, Love, and Harmony has already begun, dear Ones, with our Universe’s release of its Seventh Universal Emanation of Light, Love, and Harmony on April 9, 2016. The Universe’s Emanations of Light, Love, and Harmony will become an ongoing attribute of Mother Earth’s evolutionary process into the Application Dimensions of the Universe, the Fifth through Eighth Dimensions! As an attribute of the Application Dimensions, the Universal Emanations will continue to not only increase and expand Mother Earth’s own parameters with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe, but every Soul merging into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field! Perceiving our Universe through the limited constraints of our five physical senses will have reached its apex of use, just like our Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension!

The Silence will be everywhere on Mother Earth to be seen, heard, touched, smelled and tasted, dear Ones! Our dependence upon our five physical senses to experience the world around us will have completed their objectives on May 21, 2016! All Souls merging into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be necessitating the service of his or her own 12 Perception and Awareness Centers, the five physical senses in addition to his or her Seven Member Chakra System, to gain the full experience of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe’s Application Dimensions! Lightworker Souls will have no immediate issues or concerns in implementing his or her 12 Perception and Awareness Centers, but the evolving Man of Light Soul may experience bouts of hesitancy and doubt, for how can you convince any Soul who relies on a memory bank of experience and knowledge that he or she will need to bring into service something that cannot be seen, heard, touched, smelled, or even tasted? You can’t, for the only way to work with the Silence is within you, not outside of you, dear Ones! Lightworker Souls will not be immune to the “trial and error” methodology that all Souls will be developing during Mother Earth’s process to complete the entirety of her Fifth Dimension Transition, they will just have fewer “errors.” In the last week of April 2016 every Soul will just be waiting. Most will be waiting with an internal sense of calendar and clock reality and without an awareness of the impending Silence to come!

On April 30, 2016 Mother Earth will begin aligning herself within the Grid of the Universal Sun-Stars and simultaneously beginning to initiate a sequence to align her Seven Member Chakra System within it through our Sun! Mother Earth’s aligning process within the Grid of the Universal Sun-Stars will also begin producing an internal “Star Burst” that will radiate within her for 40 straight days and nights! But even before Mother Earth will have completed her internal “Star Burst,” she will commence in the last and final external stage of her Fifth Dimension Transition, God’s Sanctification for her as a Creator Planet and the New Earth of the Fifth Dimension from May 9 through May 21, 2016! Our Universe is entirely comprised of Light, Love, and Harmony. We cannot directly hear, see, touch, smell or taste the qualities and attributes of the Universe, but we can hear, see, touch, smell, and taste every elemental result they produce and manifest upon our Mother Earth! Then There Was Silence! The Silence upon our Earth will be Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field collapsing on May 21, 2016 and with it, a world heavily influenced by the primary usage of our five physical senses to develop and experience what will determine and define our Life’s Purpose! Could there be anything more to do and experience beyond our five bodily senses? Yes, we would emphatically say! For beyond the impending Silence of the old world’s end will come a New Reality to experience with all of your senses open, all 12 of your Soul’s Perception and Awareness Centers!