
Friday, October 5, 2012

Joy Is Forever!

Joy and Happiness are the end goal of every Human experience upon Earth. Yet few currently realize the goal of Joy and Happiness for any enduring amount of time. However, dear Lightworker, the final week of October 2012 is designed to do just that – to align everyone’s Heart and Soul into an enduring place of Joy and Happiness! Don’t look outside of yourself to know what is right for you! Instead look within your Heart and Soul to lead you!

The weeklong sequence to develop each individual Soul’s Joy and Happiness will begin on October 24, 2012 when the leadership of the Legion of Light will begin to initiate God’s Plan to bring everyone upon Mother Earth into his or her place of Joy in Living. It will not be an easy process for everyone who will not yet be aligned with his or her Internal Self, dear Lightworker, but for those who will be ready, the process will place them “light years” ahead of the curve! Those who will not be ready will begin the learning process to recognize his or her Spiritual Destiny as a Co-Creator with God.

By turning one’s Internal Awareness towards Joy and Happiness during the week of October 24 through 31, 2012, one will be establishing his or her foundation for his or her Pathway and Purpose in the New Millennium! This foundation will then serve as the basis from which one will Create in Lovingness and contribute as a Co-Creator with God through his or her participation in the Brotherhood of Man and Light. This time of heightened awareness of Joy and Happiness will take an even bigger step at the beginning of November 2012 when everyone, Man of Destiny and the Legion of Light, will be activated as Co-Creators with God!

The Way of the Universal Energies is one of Free Will. And in Free Will there are always opportunities to promote one’s Spiritual Growth. During these last days of October 2012 there will be three days, October 29th, 30th, and 31st, for choosing to Live with Joy and Happiness forever! These thee days will provide the decisive time in which everyone will consider what they will be doing in a world of Peace and Harmony with Love, Joy and Happiness! Your choice is already known, dear Lightworker, for this opportunity will bring you closer to being in a place like “home,” and with it, the ability to Create experiences of Joy and Happiness once again by December 3, 2012!

Because of Man of Destiny’s limited experience upon the Earth Plane, the days ahead will be without precedent for him or her! But rather than to let him or her begin to withdraw and isolate themselves with fear, God the Father and Mother of ALL Things will have all Man of Destiny Souls willing to become a part of the upcoming future of Man and Light, be brought to you, dear Lightworker, to learn and understand what it Truly means to be a Co-Creator with God! And in this will begin the expansion of your Service of Light and Love!

Those who will set aside their ego and allow themselves to be led in the direction of Light and Love will prosper in these days and bring themselves one step closer to Enlightenment Status. But those who remain torn between the leap of faith and what they knew and experienced in the past, will be between a rock and a hard place by choice. We are now at the Point of No Return, dear Lightworker, and as you have always known in your Heart and Soul – Joy and Happiness are forever!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Spiritual Destiny Begins!

The physical material world is much like the tip of an iceberg, a visible mass of ice floating upon the surface of a large body of water. Deep below the water’s surface, the weight of the massive peak keeps the largest accumulation of the iceberg underneath, submerged and invisible to our eyes. In the same way our physical material world is like the tip of an iceberg, frozen as visible to our conscious mind and surrounded by the subconscious thoughts and ideas of our Soul beneath the physical world. The connection between the physical material world and our Soul is like the water that keeps the iceberg floating upon the water, the Spirit of Life permeating within and through us as a conduit to transport our thoughts into our physical material counterpart. This is the process of Creation from our Soul!

Most of Humanity today focuses upon the tip of the iceberg, the frozen consciousness that provides one an identity for survival and the physical means to maintain survival. The Energy from October 17, 2012 to November 3, 2012, dear Lightworker, will have everyone begin to examine what is below the surface of his or her own conscious world. The reason being is that the opportunity to become a Co-Creator with God will become available for all Man of Destiny Souls. And in order to gain Co-Creator status with God, one will need to examine his or her Spiritual motives to bring his or her state of existence from the physical material world into the Spiritual Realm, where everything is Created from the Heart and Soul!

There will only be two pathways available after October 17, 2012. The first one will be to have attained Co-Creator status with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things like you, dear Lightworker, and the second will be one of learning and understanding to progress one’s Heart Expression towards becoming a Co-Creator with God! Much of the future depends upon moving forward with this critical choice for Man of Destiny Souls and it all begins on November 3, 2012 when ALL SOULS will have the capacity to Create their own Joy of Living!

The reason should now be obvious, dear Lightworker, as to why the world economy has been taking such a great beating for past few years and the consequential great Fall of Babylon! When everyone upon Mother Earth is a Co-Creator with God to experience whatever he or she would need to Live in Joy with his or her Life, what need would there be for an economic system designed and manipulated to benefit a few? The opportunity for Man of Destiny to decide to Activate the Path to Create on Earth will be offered for two days, October 20th and 21st, 2012. This will bring about a New Life of Creativity in the New Horizon to come on December 3, 2012!

By reaching beyond the capacity of the “tip of the iceberg” and seeking to dig deeper into him or herself than they would have ever gone before, Man of Destiny will begin his or her quest to bring him or herself above the levels of misery, despair, and unhappiness! Those who will choose to take this journey with God and the Legion of Light will begin a period of 40 days and 40 nights to purify their Souls from October 20, 2012 to November 28, 2012 in order to be ready to begin his or her Spiritual Destiny when the access point of the New Horizon appears on December 3, 2012! You, dear Lightworker, will be ready for these days as on October 24, 2012 all Lightworkers of Leadership status will be rising and taking command to bring order out of the Chaos and Confusion upon Mother Earth!

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Ordaining Part 2

During the second week of October 2012 the Universal Energies will be directing the Process of Ordaining toward you and your Project of Light, dear Lightworker! What may have seemed impossible or even as likely as “snapping your fingers” for its appearance will be happening! For when the Process of Ordaining completes on October 21st, 2012, you will be directed by God the Father and Mother of ALL Things to your place of Joy and Service to Him/Her!

The place of your Joy and Service to God will bring you into a role of leading, teaching, and healing others as a Co-Creator with God, which, will directly influence the Transforming Energy upon Mother Earth into one of Lovingness. What in the past has only been Pods of Lightworkers advancing their influence in stages through civilizations ready to understand the work of the Soul, will now be more than 144,000 Lightworkers working in unison with God’s coordination to introduce a New Horizon on December 3, 2012 where there will be no opposition left upon the Earth Plane against the Promise of God for Joy of Living for everyone!

In order for God’s Promise to begin on schedule with the Universal Energies, Man of Destiny Souls will have the opportunity to listen and pay attention to God’s Words of Truth being spoken through members of the Legion of Light! The Energy of October 11th through 15th, 2012 will provide the platform through which world events will require action to remove the corrupt and failing financial systems of control. And in this will come the great Fall of Babylon with all of its false values and incentives to keep control over the masses!

When the Energy of October 17, 2012 arrives there will be many egocentric Man of Destiny Souls without power and influence! For they have all failed to acknowledge that God the Father and Mother is the Source of ALL Things and not one’s ego! Though they will attempt to manipulate and regain control, they will no longer be heard or even paid attention to, for now Man of Destiny Souls will be ready to begin his or her own Pathway of becoming a Co-Creator with God on November 3, 2012!

There is a New Horizon forming within your Heart and Soul, dear Lightworker! You may not see it at this time but you can feel it! Its presence will be fully manifested on December 3, 2012 and is in its final stage of Ordaining by God from October 1st to 21st, 2012. Man of Destiny, as you will witness, will be removed from places of interference as you and the Legion of Light, dear Lightworker, make your God-Centered presence throughout the Earth Plane! So when Man of Destiny is given the opportunity to become a Co-Creator with God on November 3, 2012, he or she will be ready to Create with the purpose of imputing value into God’s Creations on Mother Earth. Some will take longer than others as they take time to reorient his or her Soul into this finalization stage with God.

In the times ahead the real issue after the Ordaining period completes will be credibility and belief by Man of Destiny. Some like you, dear Lightworker, already know and understand that we are all Co-Creators with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things. In the past, however, the dominance of ego by Man of Destiny stood in the way of accomplishing anything by the Legion of Light in unison. Unity with God will make a noticeable difference after December 3, 2012 – as All Projects of Light and Love will form in unison with God’s Presence upon Mother Earth!