
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spiritual Prosperity

Everything you have been preparing to do in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium will finally be here, dear Lightworker, on April 18, 2012! Do not feel alone for before you can even blink your eyes, you and all those who are ready will also be prepared to join you! It will appear as if you, dear Lightworker, and your fellow members of the Legion of Light will simultaneously activate, and it is so! The day and time to begin God’s Promise of Joy of Living for everyone will be here on April 18, 2012!

Opportunities for Man of Destiny will continue to be offered through April 17, 2012. Will he or she take the Responsibility to choose to become a Co-Creator with God in the New Horizon? All he or she will need to do is to learn and begin growth towards the Pathway of Spiritual Prosperity. Many will do so, but will not understand what will be expected for they do not have the experience, understanding or even self awareness to activate into the Role of Co-Creator with God. This is what you, dear Lightworker, have come to do – assist him or her in learning and understanding to experience his or her world with Love! No task will be too small in this assignment!

The main point, however, will be that Man of Destiny will be ready to begin to understand and learn after all thoughts and Creations have begun to manifest in the Fifth Dimension on May 15, 2012. The intermediate period of time, from April 18, 2012 to May 14, 2012, will be a period of utter confusion for Man of Destiny as all negative thoughts and/or actions will serve as a repercussion to the initiator! This will be so that the Lesson of Lovingness will only act upon the initiator of negativity and to minimize the damage upon his or her intended receptor of negativity! Watch world media to see how these actions will only affect those who initiate such thoughts and/or actions!

The goal during these days will be to renew the Heart and Soul with Spiritual Prosperity. Spiritual Prosperity is the Wealth of Spirit garnered while servicing and honoring the Heart and Soul and therefore, God! You, dear Lightworker, are endowed and designed through God’s Universal Energies to produce and Create with the Wealth of Spirit within you! Man of Destiny is also endowed and designed in a like manner. The difference however, is in recognizing and Creating Spiritual Prosperity as the goal of his or her Heart and Soul, which he or she does not know is within them! This comes by way of Man of Destiny’s limited experience and know how in working with his or her True Spiritual Self. The limited experience and knowledge results in symptoms of the fear that produces an “I deserve” mindset and causes comparison and competition rather than the standards of Brotherhood – Sharing and Cooperating.

Man of Destiny will take at least two more years to turn his or her mindset from the “I deserve” mode to the Lightworker standard of “I am Love!” It will not be an easy transition but the time of the New Horizon will be here before the end of June 2012! From that point on the Universal Energies will be effectively bringing in the Energy to induce and produce experience and growth for Man of Destiny’s knowledge and understanding so that he or she may become a Co-Creator with God in the New Millennium! Remain resilient to the inner calling of your Heart and Soul, dear Lightworker, for the time to reveal the Truth of who you are will be here on April 18, 2012!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Open to Change Part 2

There will soon come a day when you, dear Lightworker, will readily and easily be able to tell who remains in the Fourth Dimension and who has Transformed their self into a Co-Creator with God for the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium. Right now however, the Universal Energies are gathering and commingling with the thoughts of those who will activate the Love in their Hearts and place it into motion with the Energies during the month April 2012. Many who are not ready for this transition will find that without Love, their jobs, lives, and essentially all of their affairs, will become even more chaotic than ever before!

Beginning on April 8, 2012 the Universal Energies will begin a second series of Opportunities for choosing in which direction your Heart will lead you. This will include everyone, Man of Destiny and the Legion of Light, for no one will be denied the fate of experiencing the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium without their choosing to do so! Many will come to know the difference between the Fourth and Fifth Dimension when they learn to apply the understanding from their Hearts and Souls with Love to move forward and progress!

That will be the key, dear Lightworker, as you become aware of those around you who will be struggling to learn to adapt the understanding they carry into the Fifth Dimension. Some will be moving like a sloth, laboring slowly to move after what appears like a long sleep, while others will be frozen in motion as if they are a deer caught in the headlights, not knowing which way to move! Most of Humanity will be moving but not knowing the direction that they will be going, but take this as a sign, dear Lightworker, that they are aware that the rules of the Fifth Dimension are in effect!

The growth and learning that everyone will be required to know and understand will be that God’s Promise of Joy in Living will be the standard for everyone to uphold and honor! This will be the emphasis of the Opportunities given during the week of April 8 through April 13, 2012. Additionally there will be two dates, April 12 and 13, 2012, where there will be two stations established to begin: the first will consist of those in need of acquiring proficiency for understanding the concept of Brotherhood Consciousness – sharing and cooperating with one another with Love, while the other station will involve the removal of all “training wheels” placed upon everyone in the Fourth Dimension and become a place of learning to gain experience Creating with Love in the Fifth Dimension!

Get ready, get set, and go! By April 18, 2012 you, dear Lightworker, will be more than ready, as we near the starting gate of All Humanity’s participation on May 15, 2012. Now, however, is the time of the Legion of Light’s stage of readiness! On April 18, 2012, it will finally be time to see, hear, and feel the presence of God’s Fifth Dimension for all Lightworkers upon Mother Earth! What may have felt as false starts, partial starts, and even staggered starts, were in fact all stages of preparation for you, dear Lightworker, as were those circumstances and situations that served to prepare you for the World to Come in the next few weeks!

Remain Open to Change and you, dear Lightworker, will not miss a beat of the New Rhythm of the New Horizon! The only preparation anyone will ever need to observe after May 15, 2012, will be to maintain all activities with the Truth and Love from their Heart, and to use this measurement of Truth and Love to lead them further than they ever expected to go in the Fourth Dimension! For now, we are all in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium! Let Light and Love be the guides in your Heart and Soul and you will find that we all move closer to the Dimension of God!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Open to Change

If there will be one thing to concentrate upon in the month of April 2012 it will be this, dear Lightworker, – bring into your Heart the Joy you need and release it into the Universe by April 17, 2012! For this is the way the Universal Energies will acknowledge your Heart’s request! But if you hold it too long, dear Lightworker, you will find that you will have to wait until the following year to resubmit your request for Joy. The main reason, dear Lightworker, is that the month of April 2012 will give you the momentum of the Universal Energies’ thrust for what will come later in this year!

April 2012 will begin with the Opportunity for everyone, Man of Destiny and Light, to learn and gain deeper understanding than their conscious mind has previously been allowed to probe. This will function to give everyone extra insight into the perplexing issues that hinder their Joy of Living. Do not let this become a burden, dear Lightworker, for you are already on your way to gaining Joy by simply staying in tune with your Heart, but it will be up to you to teach those to come, how the incredible Power of Creation functions within the Love Chamber of the Heart!

When many only function “to do as they are told,” they simply look outward in Creating their needs and wants. But when they shall begin to gain insight from within their Hearts for the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium, rapid Changes will begin to occur! This will be the Change that will serve to distinguish the Evolving Lightworker of the Fifth Dimension from the Man of Destiny who will be waiting for his turn to serve in the Light and Love of God! Never be fearful for your expansion and development for the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium have long been in waiting and now is the time!

Seldom does an opportunity for so much growth appear on the horizon, so take advantage of the inspiration from your Heart and Soul by April 3, 2012! The gateway that will open on April 3, 2012 will allow you to propel with the Energy of Immunity, as if you, dear Lightworker, could not be deterred or misdirected with any hindrance, obstruction, or barrier, and it is so! All Projects of Light will be readied by April 18, 2012, therefore, so will you be, dear Lightworker! May 15, 2012 will show you to be entirely ready and in place for the inevitable Change on the Horizon!

The Horizon that will begin at the end of April 2012 and into the latter days of June 2012 will reinforce your work and diligence! Many have worked to undo and limit your effectiveness in bringing your Project of Light to manifestation in the past, but do not subside in your efforts to illuminate the World with your Light and Love to lead the world from darkness! Allow those who do not understand to learn and know for themselves that the World is different now! April 2012 will be the key manifestation point for initiating all Lightworker activity!

When May 15, 2012 arrives upon our doorstep, many will realize that their efforts to continue their lives as if everything were still the same, will be for naught, while you, dear Lightworker will be very much prepared and ready! Being Open to Change for the better and allowing those who will come to you later learn to apply the new standards of living upon Mother Earth – the Spiritual Standards of Living to Create a world with Love, Peace, and Harmony, will be a goodness! Expect it for we are now in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium!