Our Lives upon Mother Earth exist within two simultaneously occurring realities, our internal world experiencing an external world around us. Sometimes we need to prioritize the experience of our external world over our internal world, such as when we need to prioritize our bodily needs over our internal world’s wishes, hopes, and dreams. Our experience within the fullness of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension beginning on March 27, 2017 will truly not be much different, as we will still be experiencing our two simultaneously occurring realities – our internal world experiencing the external world around us. However, the most noticeable enhancement and enrichment of our internal world’s experience in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will come through the availability of our new Fifth Dimension Choices! Most Souls on Earth, dear Ones, will not realize the availability of Mother Earth’s new Fifth Dimension Choices and will largely continue prioritizing his or her bodily needs over his or her internal world’s wishes, hopes, and dreams. What the influence our Universe’s Energy Spectrum extends to us is largely an invisible force that functions similar to the availability of the electrical power grid within our homes, we utilize it wherever we choose to implement it. By relinquishing the pursuit of his or her internal world’s wishes, hopes, and dreams, most Souls basically fail to realize the fullness of his or her Soul’s Potential, and thus, live half-life wishes, hopes, and dreams.
Every choice we will ever make in our lifetime fundamentally originates from an emotional state we were experiencing at the time we made the choice. Making “clear headed” decisions based upon “pure logic,” rationalization, or even without the use of our emotions is nearly impossible, as our emotions are primarily designed to assist us in developing our experiences of Joy. Every individual Soul now upon Mother Earth is developing his or her choices for experiencing Joy within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension whether or not he or she realizes it – as we are now in a process corresponding with Mother Earth’s Heart Chakra alignment on March 8, 2017 to develop our Fifth Dimension Heart! All of our Fifth Dimension Choices will be solely derived from the content of our Hearts and Souls! If we continue to prioritize our bodily needs over our internal world’s hopes, wishes, and dreams into Mother Earth’s full Fifth Dimension experience after March 27, 2017, we will continue living half-life wishes, hopes, and dreams! Though many will continue living half-life wishes, hopes, and dreams in the Fifth Dimension, much like choosing not to turn on an extra light or appliance within our home, why wouldn’t we want to? Basically, it is the invisibility of our Universe’s Energy Spectrum that will keep many Souls initially living half-life wishes, hopes, and dreams, at least, until they learn to distinguish his or her Fifth Dimension Heart from his or her Fourth Dimension expectations!
From February 24 though March 2, 2017 every Soul choosing to enter into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension on March 27, 2017 will begin sealing the content of his or her Fifth Dimension Heart! We all have expectations upon the arrival of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, especially the Lightworker Souls whose specific role in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will involve teaching, guiding, role modeling, and demonstrating every facet of Fifth Dimension Life to every evolving Man of Light Soul choosing to participate! But it will largely be the content of one’s Fifth Dimension Heart that will be serving as the final determinant of one’s ability to manifest his or her Soul’s content at all! If one’s Fifth Dimension Heart is “empty” or exhibiting the tendencies of half-life wishes, hopes, and dreams, nothing will change towards the fulfillment of one’s expressed internal world’s wishes, hopes, and dreams, as if one were living in the Third or Fourth Dimensions! This mindset will largely affect the many evolving Man of Light Souls who will not realize the two new conditions arising upon Mother Earth. First, the lack of associating Earth’s prevailing conditions of Chaos and Confusion with Mother Earth’s evolution into Fifth Dimension, as if Mother Earth were still a commodity and servant of humanity rather than our Spiritual Partner in Unity with God through Universal Awareness! The second condition will involve our Soul’s innate ability to Create our internal world with our Fifth Dimension Heart!
Our Fifth Dimension Heart is corresponding to the momentum of Mother Earth’s Heart Chakra alignment on March 8, 2017. Specifically, our Fifth Dimension Heart will serve in advancing our Soul’s innate ability to Create Joy with the Universe’s Light, Love, and Harmony in Mother Earth’s completed Fifth Dimension on March 27, 2017! We will still be making choices with the use of our emotional states throughout our Fifth Dimension experience upon Mother Earth, but the biggest difference between our Fourth and Fifth Dimension experiences will be the massive decrease of fear on Earth! Not right away but with the Spiritual Maturity of Man of Light Souls who will be experiencing the Universe’s Fifth Dimension for the first time! Fear will continue increasing the Chaos and Confusion already on Earth, dear Ones, but it will not affect any of your endeavors of Creating your Joy with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! For in the act of Creating your Joy within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension you will be increasing the elemental particles of Universal Light upon Mother Earth’s entire body, as the Creation of our Joy principally uses the exact same procedure and exactly the same elements as the Creation of Universal Light – Universal Love combined with Universal Harmony Vibratory Frequency equals Universal Light! Thus by combining your Love with the Fifth Dimension’s Harmony Vibration Frequency you are Creating your Joy to not only assist in Mother Earth’s Re-Creation process for the Fifth Dimension but also Creating Universal Light on Earth with your Fifth Dimension Heart!
There will be an intermediate stage between Mother Earth’s emerging as a fully completed Fifth Dimension Creator Planet on March 27, 2017 and the Spiritual Maturity of Man of Light Souls participating in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. This period of time will occur from April 19, 2017 through December 27, 2018 and will greatly involve the unlearning of all procedures and protocol originating from the experience of Mother Earth’s former Fourth Dimension. Much as if you were trying to integrate people from a nation with less technological dependence than ours into our technologically advanced world, many would still attempt to do things in their new lives with what they have stored within their memory and knowledge banks – they would need time to learn and adapt into our technologically advanced world first. Man of Light Souls will also be in need of time to learn and adapt into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension in order for him or her to claim his or her Fifth Dimension Heart! At first it will seem as trying as our previous era but this time each and every single Lightworker Soul present upon Mother Earth is in the position of leadership – to teach, guide, role model, and demonstrate every facet of Fifth Dimension Life to every evolving Man of Light Soul choosing to participate! Once Mother Earth completes her Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017 everything will seem so much easier for you, dear Ones, for you will be Creating Joy as well as Universal Light on Earth with your new Fifth Dimension Heart!
Alexandrian Kosmos uses the Astrology of the Future, Metastrology, to forecast the Flow of the Universal Energies for the Lightworker. Metastrology will astound you with its accuracy and insight for our entry into the 5th Dimension and Universal Community!
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Universal Awareness
There are more than seven billion human beings on Earth now. Each human being’s Soul has a Spiritual Purpose which he or she internally knows in content, the plan for its revealing, and the many arrangements he or she will need to successfully manifest his or her Spiritual Purpose. Serving as the bond between the more than seven billion individual Spiritual Purposes defined by each Soul on Earth is the one common factor that makes each and every Soul’s Spiritual Purpose more than just a possibility – the commonality of Unity with God! We predominantly work alone in attaining the promise our Spiritual Purpose holds and do so by consciously linking our Soul’s Internal Source of Spiritual Knowledge to the content, plan, and manifestation of our Spiritual Purpose through meditation, dream visions, walks in nature, or whatever personal way we may prefer to internally connect to our Spiritual World. Our experience in Mother Earth’s waning Fourth Dimension will be ending on March 27, 2017, when Mother Earth completes the entirety of her Fifth Dimension Transition and initiates every Soul’s journey into the fullness of the Fifth Dimension! In order for the content, plan, and manifestation of our Spiritual Purpose in the Fifth Dimension to fully engage, dear Ones, we will need to expand our Soul’s individual common bond with every Soul from Unity with God to Unity with God through Universal Awareness!
Many Souls on Earth have not yet finished their own process of individualization, the Third and Fourth Dimensions’ process of discovering a Soul’s individual Spiritual Purpose! This group does not involve any Lightworker Souls but includes the many evolving Man of Light Souls entering into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension on March 27, 2017. The lack of understanding his or her own Soul’s Spiritual Purpose will hinder the progress of most evolving Man of Light Souls entering into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, as they will lack Unity with God Consciousness – the conscious awareness that ALL Things in the Universe are in Oneness with God! But like everything else in the Universe, everything evolves through a process of growth and expansion to achieve its next level of equilibrium! The lack of Unity with God Consciousness will not only hinder Man of Light’s process of understanding Mother Earth’s Mantra for the Fifth Dimension, “Work Together, Work Together, dear Ones!” but also an immediate attainment of his or her Spiritual Pathway with God’s Directives already initiated on January 27, 2017! Chaos and Confusion will present a new stage of “normal” wherever any Soul may externally look for a sign of God, especially at the initiation stage of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension on March 27, 2017! But do not despair, dear Ones, this will be The Sign that your own Spiritual Pathway with God’s Directives is already in motion – the process to Re-Create Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension!
If Unity with God Consciousness is the conscious awareness that ALL Things in the Universe are in Oneness with God, what is Universal Awareness? Universal Awareness, dear Ones, is the conscious perception that Mother Earth and all Souls upon her are interconnected within the Universal Plane of Existence by the common bond formed through Unification with God! With the additional condition of the conscious perception, or recognition, that Mother Earth and all Souls upon her are interconnected with the entire Universe through Universal Awareness, we begin the initiation of Mother Earth’s Integration into the Universal Community of Souls on February 15, 2017! The timing of Mother Earth’s Integration into the Universal Community of Souls also coincides with the completion of the Primordial Clay Period on February 23, 2017, which is designed to ensure every Life form advancing with Mother Earth absorbs the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency! As you can perceive, dear Ones, many of the evolving Man of Light Souls entering into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will have many issues to contend with from the start! Human beings however, are actually quite adaptable and designed to prevail under most conditions, as it will be the adaptability factor within each Soul that will determine his or her level of resiliency in the new conditions! Mother Earth is now experiencing a Transition from the Universe’s Fourth Dimension to the Fifth Dimension. Every Soul will now be adjusting to the Fifth Dimension experience through Universal Awareness, some hesitantly!
Our adaptability for learning to experience the Universe’s Fifth Dimension through Universal Awareness will lead to three major adjustments resulting from humanity’s eventual maturity. The first adjustment will be achieved through the expansion of our awareness from our own local geographical location on Earth to the conscious recognition and acknowledgement of Mother Earth’s Presence within the entire expanse of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! The major adjustment here will largely involve the recognition that Mother Earth has no boundaries or borders dividing her many landmasses – moving us past the subjective need to create nations and states motivated through humanity’s Fourth Dimensional linkage to competition, comparison, judgment, and fear! The second adjustment will be our need to develop and acknowledge our Spiritual Purpose with Mother Earth! When we fail to develop and acknowledge our Spiritual Purpose with Mother Earth we think of her, and what she provides, as a commodity rather than whom she truly is in our Lives – our Spiritual Partner in Unity with God through Universal Awareness! We only have one Mother Earth to provide our every need in the Fifth Dimension! If we honor and commit to the fulfillment of our first and second adjustments, our third adjustment will practically fulfill itself automatically – our third adjustment is to Live to Create within the Fifth Dimension’s Light, Love, Harmony, and Joy with God at all times!
Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition is now almost complete at every single major level of its initiation! What largely began as an invisible electromagnetic “storm” on October 28, 2011 will finally come to manifest in all its Divine Presence on March 27, 2017! But it is not you, dear Ones, who will need prompting or motivation to know that Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension is so near, but the evolving Man of Light Souls who will have yet to discover and extract the content, plan, and manifestation of his or her Spiritual Purpose! They will learn much like you did that his or her Spiritual Purpose is not just a mere religious experience – our Spiritual Purpose is actually the experience of connecting our Soul to the entirety of the Universe! You can attempt to define the experience with words, pictures, or symbols but it is much like trying to describe God or the entire Universe with just one word – and realize you can’t! We will all soon begin to “see” The Sign of Mother Earth’s completion of her Fifth Dimension Transition! This will manifest through the acceptance of Chaos and Confusion as “normal” wherever any Soul may externally look for a sign of God! This will be your signal that the evolving Man of Light Souls will finally be turning to God and the Light, the Lightworker Souls already present to teach, guide, demonstrate, and role model every single aspect of Life in Unity with God through Universal Awareness to Re-Create Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension!
Many Souls on Earth have not yet finished their own process of individualization, the Third and Fourth Dimensions’ process of discovering a Soul’s individual Spiritual Purpose! This group does not involve any Lightworker Souls but includes the many evolving Man of Light Souls entering into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension on March 27, 2017. The lack of understanding his or her own Soul’s Spiritual Purpose will hinder the progress of most evolving Man of Light Souls entering into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, as they will lack Unity with God Consciousness – the conscious awareness that ALL Things in the Universe are in Oneness with God! But like everything else in the Universe, everything evolves through a process of growth and expansion to achieve its next level of equilibrium! The lack of Unity with God Consciousness will not only hinder Man of Light’s process of understanding Mother Earth’s Mantra for the Fifth Dimension, “Work Together, Work Together, dear Ones!” but also an immediate attainment of his or her Spiritual Pathway with God’s Directives already initiated on January 27, 2017! Chaos and Confusion will present a new stage of “normal” wherever any Soul may externally look for a sign of God, especially at the initiation stage of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension on March 27, 2017! But do not despair, dear Ones, this will be The Sign that your own Spiritual Pathway with God’s Directives is already in motion – the process to Re-Create Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension!
If Unity with God Consciousness is the conscious awareness that ALL Things in the Universe are in Oneness with God, what is Universal Awareness? Universal Awareness, dear Ones, is the conscious perception that Mother Earth and all Souls upon her are interconnected within the Universal Plane of Existence by the common bond formed through Unification with God! With the additional condition of the conscious perception, or recognition, that Mother Earth and all Souls upon her are interconnected with the entire Universe through Universal Awareness, we begin the initiation of Mother Earth’s Integration into the Universal Community of Souls on February 15, 2017! The timing of Mother Earth’s Integration into the Universal Community of Souls also coincides with the completion of the Primordial Clay Period on February 23, 2017, which is designed to ensure every Life form advancing with Mother Earth absorbs the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency! As you can perceive, dear Ones, many of the evolving Man of Light Souls entering into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will have many issues to contend with from the start! Human beings however, are actually quite adaptable and designed to prevail under most conditions, as it will be the adaptability factor within each Soul that will determine his or her level of resiliency in the new conditions! Mother Earth is now experiencing a Transition from the Universe’s Fourth Dimension to the Fifth Dimension. Every Soul will now be adjusting to the Fifth Dimension experience through Universal Awareness, some hesitantly!
Our adaptability for learning to experience the Universe’s Fifth Dimension through Universal Awareness will lead to three major adjustments resulting from humanity’s eventual maturity. The first adjustment will be achieved through the expansion of our awareness from our own local geographical location on Earth to the conscious recognition and acknowledgement of Mother Earth’s Presence within the entire expanse of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! The major adjustment here will largely involve the recognition that Mother Earth has no boundaries or borders dividing her many landmasses – moving us past the subjective need to create nations and states motivated through humanity’s Fourth Dimensional linkage to competition, comparison, judgment, and fear! The second adjustment will be our need to develop and acknowledge our Spiritual Purpose with Mother Earth! When we fail to develop and acknowledge our Spiritual Purpose with Mother Earth we think of her, and what she provides, as a commodity rather than whom she truly is in our Lives – our Spiritual Partner in Unity with God through Universal Awareness! We only have one Mother Earth to provide our every need in the Fifth Dimension! If we honor and commit to the fulfillment of our first and second adjustments, our third adjustment will practically fulfill itself automatically – our third adjustment is to Live to Create within the Fifth Dimension’s Light, Love, Harmony, and Joy with God at all times!
Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition is now almost complete at every single major level of its initiation! What largely began as an invisible electromagnetic “storm” on October 28, 2011 will finally come to manifest in all its Divine Presence on March 27, 2017! But it is not you, dear Ones, who will need prompting or motivation to know that Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension is so near, but the evolving Man of Light Souls who will have yet to discover and extract the content, plan, and manifestation of his or her Spiritual Purpose! They will learn much like you did that his or her Spiritual Purpose is not just a mere religious experience – our Spiritual Purpose is actually the experience of connecting our Soul to the entirety of the Universe! You can attempt to define the experience with words, pictures, or symbols but it is much like trying to describe God or the entire Universe with just one word – and realize you can’t! We will all soon begin to “see” The Sign of Mother Earth’s completion of her Fifth Dimension Transition! This will manifest through the acceptance of Chaos and Confusion as “normal” wherever any Soul may externally look for a sign of God! This will be your signal that the evolving Man of Light Souls will finally be turning to God and the Light, the Lightworker Souls already present to teach, guide, demonstrate, and role model every single aspect of Life in Unity with God through Universal Awareness to Re-Create Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension!
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Mother Earth’s Rejuvenation Process
Our common references to time in our lives are largely based upon the symbols of the clock and calendar. The clock in our modern societies is a gauge for managing our daily affairs in the most efficient way possible, for example, in arranging our time of awakening, our arrival at work or school, or coordinating our meals into our schedule. We use the calendar to accommodate our many personal concerns, such as scheduling events outside of our weekly work or school routine or in the many monthly and annual events in our lives needing time to acknowledge, celebrate, or accommodate. Our clocks and calendars are actually artificial replications of earth’s movement around the sun, as a clock is a device imitating earth’s approximate 24 hour movement in the day while the calendar is a formatted replication of earth’s 365 and ¼ day journey around the sun. In attempting to define time itself, most definitions allude to the most obvious aspect time produces through an elapsed duration: an observable beginning and an observable endpoint. Time in the Universe, however, is a consequential result produced through our Universe’s constant motion and vibration, as our Universe is designed to Create Events, not time itself! Universal Events include the formation of Galaxies, the birth of individual Sun-Stars, and the Creation of new planets in a Sun-Star’s own solar system. The eventual result of each and every Universal Event is the manifestation of experience, the experience each Soul acquires towards manifesting Joy!
The Universe is in a constant state of motion and vibration to Create Events through the Creation of Light, Love, and Harmony! Everything within the Universe, dear Ones, is comprised of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! As we as Lightworker Souls begin to reacquaint ourselves and reacquire our Soul’s many innate abilities and skillsets to use with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibratory Frequency, we will not only be discovering our current dependence upon our modern society’s clocks and calendars to be of little use, but also, obsolete towards the manifestation of our Soul’s Joy! Our Souls perpetually function with the Time of the Universe – Time as an experience of manifesting our Joy! When we recognize that we are truly innate Creators of Joy, we are essentially beginning the initiation of our Soul’s Purpose through the experience of Time as the Movement of the Soul! Not everyone on Earth entering into the fullness of her Fifth Dimension on March 27, 2017 will have an adequate understanding of his or her innate ability to Create Joy, much less the comprehension of her or her own Soul’s unique and individual Purpose! But then, not everyone entering into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be able to call him or herself a Fifth Dimension’s Innovator! On January 15, 2017 Mother Earth aligned her Crown Chakra into the Universal Grid of Sun-Stars and thereby achieved her complete Integration with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension!
If our experiences with Time in the Fifth Dimension continue to be dependent upon the symbols of the clock and calendar, we will not only continue being completely out of synchronicity with our own Universe’s unique ability to Create Events, but also, our Universe’s entire purpose for Creating such Events – the experience each Soul acquires towards manifesting Joy! From January 29 through February 4, 2017 Mother Earth and her accompanying Sun and Solar System will initiate a process of rejuvenating and healing every part of her external body for her role as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet! Mother Earth’s Rejuvenation Process of her external body will be coinciding with Mother Earth’s “echo response” on January 31, 2016 manifesting as a result of the alignment of her Crown Chakra. Although Mother Earth has previously produced an “echo response” with each of her previous Chakra alignments since April 30, 2016, her Crown Chakra’s alignment will be serving to rejuvenate and heal all her external body! The outcome produced by Mother Earth’s “echo response” on January 31, 2017 will include many weather related and geophysical changes to introduce her required adjustments for assuming her role as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet! What we are now witnessing through the anomalies produced by Climate Change evidence will seem in retrospect as trivial, like comparing a region’s transition of the seasons, from spring to summer, summer to autumn, autumn to winter, and back to spring!
Mother Earth’s Rejuvenation Process to rejuvenate and heal her own body for her role as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet will not occur in an instant, but much like Climate Change suggests – through the movement of time transitioning from an observable beginning to an observable endpoint. There will be a great personal benefit garnered through Mother Earth’s Rejuvenation Process for each and every Soul aligning his or her own Seven Chakras for Mother Earth’s role as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet – the experience of a Rejuvenation for his or her own body to assist in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! The Rejuvenation of Mother Earth, including the Souls responsible for the Re-Creation for her Fifth Dimension’s role, has already been initiated through the alignment of her Crown Chakra, dear Ones, and will gain even more momentum once she aligns her Heart Chakra into the Universal Grid on March 8, 2017! Many of Mother Earth’s physical changes will begin occurring after March 27, 2017, when she completes her entire Fifth Dimension Transition, for now she is just initiating the physical adjustments she will need to make her true physical changes for the Fifth Dimension. Mother Earth’s true physical changes for the duration of our entire Fifth Dimension experience will occur from April 25, 2020 through March 29, 2042! By then, every Soul upon her will be better prepared to align with the Synchronicity of the Universe’s role and experienced enough to manifest his or her Joy!
Our experience of time on Earth is now transitioning from the acts of counting the minutes and hours of a clock and turning a calendar’s page to fully engaging in the experience of manifesting our Joy! It may not seem to be a simple act just yet, dear Ones, as most of humanity still depends upon the symbolic meaning of the clock and calendar to manage and arrange his or her time on Earth. But as Mother Earth initiates her Rejuvenation Process to rejuvenate and heal her entire body for her role as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet, time with the clock and calendar will lose all meaning! The initiation of Mother Earth’s Rejuvenation Process from January 29 through February 4, 2017 will find many Souls on Earth totally unprepared for the many weather related and geophysical changes she will be introducing to finalize her role as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet, but learning is a process of experience! The experience of Time as the Movement of the Soul within each and every Soul entering into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension on March 27, 2017 will only come as a result of experiencing Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! Mother Earth’s Rejuvenation Process will be serving to initiate each and every necessary condition needed to manifest the experience of Joy in every Soul. But it will be up to each Soul to recognize it – as Joy is an experience every Soul acquires through his or her Soul’s Purpose within the realization of Time as the Movement of the Soul!
The Universe is in a constant state of motion and vibration to Create Events through the Creation of Light, Love, and Harmony! Everything within the Universe, dear Ones, is comprised of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! As we as Lightworker Souls begin to reacquaint ourselves and reacquire our Soul’s many innate abilities and skillsets to use with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibratory Frequency, we will not only be discovering our current dependence upon our modern society’s clocks and calendars to be of little use, but also, obsolete towards the manifestation of our Soul’s Joy! Our Souls perpetually function with the Time of the Universe – Time as an experience of manifesting our Joy! When we recognize that we are truly innate Creators of Joy, we are essentially beginning the initiation of our Soul’s Purpose through the experience of Time as the Movement of the Soul! Not everyone on Earth entering into the fullness of her Fifth Dimension on March 27, 2017 will have an adequate understanding of his or her innate ability to Create Joy, much less the comprehension of her or her own Soul’s unique and individual Purpose! But then, not everyone entering into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be able to call him or herself a Fifth Dimension’s Innovator! On January 15, 2017 Mother Earth aligned her Crown Chakra into the Universal Grid of Sun-Stars and thereby achieved her complete Integration with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension!
If our experiences with Time in the Fifth Dimension continue to be dependent upon the symbols of the clock and calendar, we will not only continue being completely out of synchronicity with our own Universe’s unique ability to Create Events, but also, our Universe’s entire purpose for Creating such Events – the experience each Soul acquires towards manifesting Joy! From January 29 through February 4, 2017 Mother Earth and her accompanying Sun and Solar System will initiate a process of rejuvenating and healing every part of her external body for her role as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet! Mother Earth’s Rejuvenation Process of her external body will be coinciding with Mother Earth’s “echo response” on January 31, 2016 manifesting as a result of the alignment of her Crown Chakra. Although Mother Earth has previously produced an “echo response” with each of her previous Chakra alignments since April 30, 2016, her Crown Chakra’s alignment will be serving to rejuvenate and heal all her external body! The outcome produced by Mother Earth’s “echo response” on January 31, 2017 will include many weather related and geophysical changes to introduce her required adjustments for assuming her role as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet! What we are now witnessing through the anomalies produced by Climate Change evidence will seem in retrospect as trivial, like comparing a region’s transition of the seasons, from spring to summer, summer to autumn, autumn to winter, and back to spring!
Mother Earth’s Rejuvenation Process to rejuvenate and heal her own body for her role as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet will not occur in an instant, but much like Climate Change suggests – through the movement of time transitioning from an observable beginning to an observable endpoint. There will be a great personal benefit garnered through Mother Earth’s Rejuvenation Process for each and every Soul aligning his or her own Seven Chakras for Mother Earth’s role as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet – the experience of a Rejuvenation for his or her own body to assist in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! The Rejuvenation of Mother Earth, including the Souls responsible for the Re-Creation for her Fifth Dimension’s role, has already been initiated through the alignment of her Crown Chakra, dear Ones, and will gain even more momentum once she aligns her Heart Chakra into the Universal Grid on March 8, 2017! Many of Mother Earth’s physical changes will begin occurring after March 27, 2017, when she completes her entire Fifth Dimension Transition, for now she is just initiating the physical adjustments she will need to make her true physical changes for the Fifth Dimension. Mother Earth’s true physical changes for the duration of our entire Fifth Dimension experience will occur from April 25, 2020 through March 29, 2042! By then, every Soul upon her will be better prepared to align with the Synchronicity of the Universe’s role and experienced enough to manifest his or her Joy!
Our experience of time on Earth is now transitioning from the acts of counting the minutes and hours of a clock and turning a calendar’s page to fully engaging in the experience of manifesting our Joy! It may not seem to be a simple act just yet, dear Ones, as most of humanity still depends upon the symbolic meaning of the clock and calendar to manage and arrange his or her time on Earth. But as Mother Earth initiates her Rejuvenation Process to rejuvenate and heal her entire body for her role as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet, time with the clock and calendar will lose all meaning! The initiation of Mother Earth’s Rejuvenation Process from January 29 through February 4, 2017 will find many Souls on Earth totally unprepared for the many weather related and geophysical changes she will be introducing to finalize her role as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet, but learning is a process of experience! The experience of Time as the Movement of the Soul within each and every Soul entering into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension on March 27, 2017 will only come as a result of experiencing Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! Mother Earth’s Rejuvenation Process will be serving to initiate each and every necessary condition needed to manifest the experience of Joy in every Soul. But it will be up to each Soul to recognize it – as Joy is an experience every Soul acquires through his or her Soul’s Purpose within the realization of Time as the Movement of the Soul!
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