
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Mother Earth’s 13 Suns

By all appearances from our Earth, the Sun appears to move around the Earth from east to west in our daytime skies. But, as any well informed person would know today, it is our Earth rotating around the Sun and not the other way around. The pathway of the Sun’s apparent motion around the Earth is called the ecliptic plane. All of our Solar System’s Planets as well as the Moon also transit along the ecliptic plane against the star filled background of our nighttime skies. The Star Constellations located near the ecliptic plane form the more commonly known Star Sign names and Constellations of the Zodiac, better known as Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and the rest of the remaining Zodiac’s Signs. The attributes and influences the Zodiac’s Star Constellations exert upon Mother Earth in our daily affairs have always been a contentious and debatable question, but after April 30, 2016 many will begin seeing, hearing, and feeling how Mother Earth and our Solar System do not exist in an isolated void or vacuum of space! On April 30, 2016 Mother Earth will begin aligning within the Universal Grid of Sun-Stars through our Sun’s already engaged electromagnetic alignment with all the Sun-Stars of the Universe. By aligning within the Universal Grid, Mother Earth will initiate two related processes. The first process will be to align her Seven Chakras within it, starting with her Root Chakra on April 30, 2016, while the second will produce an internal “Star Burst” to activate all of Mother Earth’s 13 Suns within her Soul!

Mother Earth’s 13 Suns will be comprised of our own Sun plus a more direct influential presence of the Stars within the12 Zodiac Star Constellations. The Zodiac’s Star Constellations will not replace our Sun’s sunlight upon Mother Earth but will serve Earth as if the Stars comprising each of the 12 Zodiac Constellations were condensed into One unique Sun-Star saturated with all the Energetic Potential representative of each of the 12 Zodiac Star Constellations! Essentially, dear Ones, Mother Earth’s 12 additional “Suns” will become super concentrated versions of each of the Zodiac Sign’s Energetic Potential to enhance the possibilities of your Creations with the Universe’s Light, Love, and Harmony for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! Mother Earth’s 13 Suns will become internalized within her through the process of aligning her Seven Chakras into the Universal Gird of Sun-Stars, as Mother Earth will be setting the pace for every Soul’s entire Fifth Dimension’s experience. There will not be any major changes in the conduct, appearance, or operational protocol on Earth while Mother Earth will be aligning her first Three Chakras. She will begin with her Root Chakra on April 30, 2016, followed by her Throat Chakra on June 21, 2016, and then proceed to her Sacral Chakra on August 12, 2016. The Three Chakras of the Root, Throat, and Sacral Chakras form the Primary Chakras and serve to arrange the Existential Expression of Experience of any Soul endowed with the capacity to Create with Love in the Universe!

Until Mother Earth completes the alignment of her Primary Chakras into the Universal Grid of the Sun-Stars, there will not be any major Fifth Dimensional changes upon her body, even though Mother Earth will be completely immersed into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension on May 22, 2016. The major conduct, appearance, and operational protocol changes for Earth’s Fifth Dimension will begin after Mother Earth has aligned her Third Eye Chakra into the Universal Grid on October 3, 2016! By aligning her Third Eye Chakra into the Universal Grid, dear Ones, Mother Earth’s pacesetting will be accelerating the need of every Soul to have made the internal alignments for his or her Fifth Dimension’s experience upon her. Lightworker Souls will already be aligned for the fullness of the Fifth Dimension’s experience with the enhancement of all 12 Perception and Awareness Centers of his or her body, the five physical senses along with the Seven Chakras. Mother Earth’s alignment of her Third Eye Chakra will become an issue for both Man of Destiny and Man of Light Souls. Man of Light Souls are the evolving Man of Destiny Souls who have internally chosen to experience the Fifth Dimension and Unity with God! Though they will endure some evolving issues while Mother Earth aligns her remaining Chakras, it will be the remaining Man of Destiny Souls who will lack in further development, as they will acquire acute cases of “high density perception,” the inability to perceive immaterial objects and matter in his or her world – all the immaterial values and ethics derived in the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe!

Mother Earth will be aligning her Solar Plexus Chakra on November 24, 2016, then her Crown Chakra on January 15, 2017, and finally her Heart’s Expression Chakra on March 8, 2017. As she proceeds in the process of aligning each of her Chakras, every 16 days following a Chakra’s alignment with the Universal Grid, there will be an “echo response” produced upon her body to demonstrate to every Soul she will be finalizing her Fifth Dimension Transition! The “echo responses” from Mother Earth will be similar to “radiated secretions” of her internal body’s Fifth Dimension Light, Love, and Harmony sent to the many places on her body in need of healing! The first “echo response” will appear on the face of the Earth on May 16, 2016, the day in which she will assume her new role as an emergent Creator Planet of the Fifth Dimension, as the New Earth! The second “echo response” will occur on July 7, 2016 while the third will follow her Sacral Chakra’s alignment on August 28, 2016! Then Mother Earth will be ready to begin her physical manifestations of change for her Fifth Dimension’s new body resulting in all the major changes in the conduct, appearance, or operational protocol of every Soul living upon Mother Earth! Every Soul will experience Mother Earth’s 13 Suns in one form or another. Lightworker Souls will have more ease in seeing, hearing, and feeling all of Mother Earth’s 13 Suns while Man of Light will still be learning to activate all of his or her Seven Chakras. In either case, all Souls on Earth will soon understand – Mother Earth is an Ensouled Being of God, just like them!

On April 30, 2016 Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension World will be fully emerging! When Mother Earth will have completed the full alignment of her Seven Chakras on March 8, 2017, Mother Earth will be fully capable of manifesting the entire effect of 13 Suns radiating through her and upon her! She will be manifesting the effect of her 13 Suns through the internal “Star Bursts” that will begin from April 30, 2016 through June 8, 2016! The internal “Star Bursts” she will be experiencing will result in the enhancement of every Soul’s ability to not only arrange a minimal “Existential Expression of Experience” to match his or her Soul’s expectations, but to exceed and surpass every current boundary, restraint, or limitation of thought for becoming a Super Creator Soul – a Soul capable of Creating the entire content of whatever will be within his or her Heart’s Expression in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional Reality through Mother Earth’s 13 Suns! The Energy upon Mother Earth will remain in an elevated status from April 30, 2016 to November 26, 2016, when every Soul merging into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be increasing and expanding his or her conscious perception and awareness that his or her Spiritual Purpose with God will be the most important quest in his or her Life! Mother Earth’s 13 Suns will be serving to make it all possible, for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension World will be fully emerging for everyone to see, hear, and feel how Mother Earth and our Solar System do not exist in an isolated void or vacuum of space!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Then There Was Silence

Our perception of the Universe is constrained and limited whenever we primarily depend upon our five physical senses of hearing, seeing, touching, smelling, and tasting. We see the Stars shine at night, but cannot hear, touch, smell, or taste any other effect our Universe produces. We recognize that the Sun is providing our daylight and responsible for producing the cycles of night and day and the four seasons with Earth’s constant rotating motion around the Sun. When we primarily depend upon our five physical senses, we take for granted the experience of our place within the Universe and subjectively assume that the Universe revolves around us in our daily affairs, regardless of the fact that we truly become separated and disconnected from the vastness of our entire Universe! Being completely dependent on our five senses to perceive our Universe also produces an artificial reality where our calendar counts the days for us, from one point of Earth’s journey around the Sun to the next, and grants clocks an unprecedented power over us in its replication of Earth’s mini-cycles of counting the hours and minutes in Earth’s journey around the Sun! In Truth, dear Ones, our Universe is responsible for providing anything and everything we may need to flourish and Create our Joy in Living! The choice, however, has always been available through our Freewill, to choose what we would want to perceive as our reality – a reality maintained by the calendar and the clock or Reality within our entire Universe!

In the coming months, a reality maintained by the calendar and clock will be coming to an abrupt end! It will not be that every Soul on Earth will suddenly realize he or she may need more days in the year to take more vacations or even need to add more hours in the day to catch up on one’s sleep. Rather, the realization will come through the resulting Silence being produced by the Universe’s increasing presence upon Mother Earth! Every Soul will be seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting the Silence as a direct result of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field collapsing on May 21, 2016! With the ceasing motion of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimensional world, so too will everything else every Soul depended upon to maintain, sustain, and support the protocol of his or her daily endeavors upon Earth! Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field will not vanish in an instantaneous second but will wane and cede way to Mother Earth’s New Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration when she finally completes the entirety of her Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017! Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension will linger upon her body through every Soul’s recent memories, much like rain puddles accrue after a brisk rainstorm has passed through. For the Souls who will see reality with an emphasis on the calendar and the clock, it will be a long and enduring transition to learn and understand that our Mother Earth and Universe are both alive and doing well, thank you!

The entire Universe is within you! You will need little additional proof or validation to know and understand this Truth, but it will be the evolving Man of Light Souls who will need to learn and understand – our world is not ending – but is evolving into a New Reality based upon Life in Unity with God as manifestations of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe we truly are! Everything within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will soon begin to reveal its true identity as a manifestation of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe once our Mother Earth has completed the entirety of her Transition on March 27, 2017! The process of manifesting as Light, Love, and Harmony has already begun, dear Ones, with our Universe’s release of its Seventh Universal Emanation of Light, Love, and Harmony on April 9, 2016. The Universe’s Emanations of Light, Love, and Harmony will become an ongoing attribute of Mother Earth’s evolutionary process into the Application Dimensions of the Universe, the Fifth through Eighth Dimensions! As an attribute of the Application Dimensions, the Universal Emanations will continue to not only increase and expand Mother Earth’s own parameters with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe, but every Soul merging into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field! Perceiving our Universe through the limited constraints of our five physical senses will have reached its apex of use, just like our Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension!

The Silence will be everywhere on Mother Earth to be seen, heard, touched, smelled and tasted, dear Ones! Our dependence upon our five physical senses to experience the world around us will have completed their objectives on May 21, 2016! All Souls merging into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be necessitating the service of his or her own 12 Perception and Awareness Centers, the five physical senses in addition to his or her Seven Member Chakra System, to gain the full experience of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe’s Application Dimensions! Lightworker Souls will have no immediate issues or concerns in implementing his or her 12 Perception and Awareness Centers, but the evolving Man of Light Soul may experience bouts of hesitancy and doubt, for how can you convince any Soul who relies on a memory bank of experience and knowledge that he or she will need to bring into service something that cannot be seen, heard, touched, smelled, or even tasted? You can’t, for the only way to work with the Silence is within you, not outside of you, dear Ones! Lightworker Souls will not be immune to the “trial and error” methodology that all Souls will be developing during Mother Earth’s process to complete the entirety of her Fifth Dimension Transition, they will just have fewer “errors.” In the last week of April 2016 every Soul will just be waiting. Most will be waiting with an internal sense of calendar and clock reality and without an awareness of the impending Silence to come!

On April 30, 2016 Mother Earth will begin aligning herself within the Grid of the Universal Sun-Stars and simultaneously beginning to initiate a sequence to align her Seven Member Chakra System within it through our Sun! Mother Earth’s aligning process within the Grid of the Universal Sun-Stars will also begin producing an internal “Star Burst” that will radiate within her for 40 straight days and nights! But even before Mother Earth will have completed her internal “Star Burst,” she will commence in the last and final external stage of her Fifth Dimension Transition, God’s Sanctification for her as a Creator Planet and the New Earth of the Fifth Dimension from May 9 through May 21, 2016! Our Universe is entirely comprised of Light, Love, and Harmony. We cannot directly hear, see, touch, smell or taste the qualities and attributes of the Universe, but we can hear, see, touch, smell, and taste every elemental result they produce and manifest upon our Mother Earth! Then There Was Silence! The Silence upon our Earth will be Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field collapsing on May 21, 2016 and with it, a world heavily influenced by the primary usage of our five physical senses to develop and experience what will determine and define our Life’s Purpose! Could there be anything more to do and experience beyond our five bodily senses? Yes, we would emphatically say! For beyond the impending Silence of the old world’s end will come a New Reality to experience with all of your senses open, all 12 of your Soul’s Perception and Awareness Centers!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Preparing for God’s Directives

A general theme of Preparing for God’s Directives will be developing upon Mother Earth from April 14 to May 14, 2016, as our Earth and Solar System prepare for total immersion into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension on May 22, 2016! God’s Directives, or “God’s Commands,” are already streaming to you, dear Ones, in the form of God Source – the Spiritual Presence of God in manifestation to align ALL Things in the Application Dimensions of the Universe, the Fifth through the Eighth Dimensions of the Universe. Without the guidance of God Source in the Universe’s Application Dimensions, the organization of the Universe would greatly resemble the experience of the Learning Dimensions, the Third and Fourth Dimensions where Man of Destiny Souls predominantly learn to Love, disorganized through a constant shift of purpose, values, and standards for defining “success.” The meaning of success and purpose in today’s waning Fourth Dimensional world, for instance, compels us to strive and achieve financial security through a well paying job or occupation, that was the result of a well defined educational plan, and due to motivation and guidance of our parental figures. But, in the experience of the Third and Fourth Dimensions on Earth, not everyone is given an equal opportunity to achieve financial success to gain his or her fair share of material assets. The reasons are complicated and multifaceted, but as every Soul in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will learn – God is the owner of ALL Things! 

In Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, each and every single Soul, the emerging Man of Light Soul and the Lightworker Soul, will begin on equal status with the ability to give, share, and receive the Spiritual Essence of Love, for Love Creates ALL Things within the Universe! The only ability in which both Soul types will not be peers, however, will be in the ability to administer the mantra of the Application Dimensions of the Universe, “Align, Apply, and Activate,” – align with God Source, apply the Spiritual Essence of Love, and Activate in God’s Will! A Lightworker Soul already has the full package of readiness to begin within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, while the Man of Light Soul is just beginning to initiate his or her role of becoming like the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe to assume his or her responsibility to God as Mother Earth’s Caretaker in the Time to come. You are in leadership, dear Ones, to guide, demonstrate, and role model every single aspect of Life in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! Though Mother Earth will be fully immersed into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension on May 22, 2016, she will not be fully complete in her Fifth Dimension Transition until March 27, 2017, as she will still be aligning her Chakras within the Grid of the Universal Sun-Stars from April 30, 2016 to March 8, 2017. From April 14 to May 14, 2016, the theme of Mother Earth’s Transition into the Fifth Dimension will be Preparing for God’s Directives!

God’s Directives, or “God’s Commands,” will be leading Mother Earth into the expansion stage of aligning her Chakras into the Grid of the Universal Sun-Stars through our Sun. While God’s Directives will be leading Mother Earth in her Transition, you will be gaining more clarity and insight with God Source’s communications to lead you throughout your excursion into the Fifth Dimension! Man of Light Souls, the Man of Destiny Souls who internally declared and chose to merge into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension on March 15, 2016, will not be aligned with God Source just yet, and will not fully understand God’s Directives, or God Source, for that matter. This will come with more Time in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. For this reason, dear Ones, you will become God’s physical representatives and messengers throughout Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition. The remaining Man of Destiny Souls on Earth, the Souls who bypassed or completely ignored the choice to merge into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, will be striving to maintain Earth’s disorganized state through a constant shift of purpose, values, and standards for defining “success.” This is why all Man of Light Souls will appear nebulous to what is occurring and confused in the direction they will proceed in Mother Earth’s remaining days with her Fifth Dimension Transition! “Success” in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be redefined through the concepts of Life as a Soul immersed within the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe!

The redefinition of “success” for Life in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will not occur in one instantaneous moment but will be built upon the attainment of “newly” discovered concepts and methods. Each and every “newly” discovered concept and method for Life in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be built upon the Spiritual Essence of Love, for Love Creates ALL Things within the Universe! The surprise and bewilderment of every Soul in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension discovering how successful they truly are by simply applying the Spiritual Essence of Love in every thought, word, and deed, will achieve wonders! This self-discovery process, dear Ones, will become your tool of inspiration and your teaching tool of preference to all the Man of Light Souls standing between their Fourth Dimension thoughts and memories and “success” in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! Things will actually be getting more chaotic and even more confusing on Earth while Mother Earth completes the alignment of Chakras from April 30, 2016 to March 27, 2017. But by maintaining your Life with the mantra of the Application Dimensions of the Universe, “Align, Apply, and Activate” – align with God Source, apply the Spiritual Essence of Love, and Activate in God’s Will, you will achieve wonders of your own! “Success” in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will come to be redefined through one’s ability to Create with Love and the recognition of God’s Directives through God Source!

Preparing for God’s Directives will involve Lightworker Souls as well as Man of Light Souls, but it will be Man of Light Souls who will benefit more by learning to trust and understand the direction his or her Heart’s Expression will be leading him or her. As Man of Light becomes more aware and even more experienced with his or her Heart’s Expression, he or she will also begin expanding and increasing his or her awareness to God’s Directives, and God Source, and begin the journey into the fullness of his or her Fifth Dimension experience! By personalizing God’s Directives for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensions, he or she will be attaining the final key of Life in the Application Dimensions, “Align, Apply, and Activate” – to Activate in God’s Will! The activation of God’s Will simply means to “have fun!” and Create your Joy in Living – as having fun and Creating your own Joy in Living are what every single Soul was designed to do! “Success” during Mother Earth’s last stages of her Transition will come quite easily for you, dear Ones, as you fully comprehend and understand that God is the owner of ALL Things in the Universe! In the Application Dimensions God gives and grants ALL Things to those who have or are seeking Unity with God status, as the Applications Dimensions of the Universe are designed for Sharing and Cooperating together to increase and expand the Universe with God! The only way this will occur will by personalizing God’s Directives for the you in all of us!