
Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Universal Dance Part 3

The time to begin the physical experience of the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium will be on January 15, 2012! All internal and external adjustments will be complete as THE ENTIRE ASSEMBLY OF THE LEGION OF LIGHT will be on station and ready to begin their Pathways of Light! The week of January 8 to 14, 2012 will see all last minute preparations take place around the world as ALL PROJECTS OF LIGHT begin to blossom and bloom!

All Lightworkers, you know who you are, internally you will be ready! Fear will permeate the world of Man of Destiny but it will not be the time to hesitate. Let loose of your words and actions that will be driven from your Heart and Soul in order to usher in the Brotherhood of Man! The Music of Universal Dance will be heard loud and clear by all Lightworkers who have been in waiting for eons but know the Truth now, this is just the beginning of Creating the Abode of Peace and Harmony in the New Millennium!

The Energy of January 8, 2012 will produce the Path of Joy that has long been promised. Keep your thoughts to yourself and allow your vision of your future lead and inspire you. By the timing of early April 2012 you will begin to see your vision transform from thought to manifestation! The Joy in your Heart and Soul will work to transform our world more readily now in the Fifth Dimension than ever possible in the Fourth Dimension. And by aligning the Joy from your own Heart and Soul you will begin the process of role modeling the Way of Light and Love to a world in need of consistent Love!

Brotherhood Consciousness will be the way of functioning in the New Millennium and will be the foundation in all that we will think and do. For this reason it will be of utmost importance that Man of Destiny learn this now. On January 9, 2012 the Universal Energies will be testing him on his understanding about Sharing and Cooperating. Watch in Middle East as the “kings” posture for war and destruction and allow their egos to lead them into great catastrophe before the month will be done! This will make for terrible times but know that the Hand of God will prevail in bringing Light and Love upon Mother Earth!

On January 10, 2012 the time and need to express words of Cooperation and Brotherhood will be upon us. The Legion of Light will be representing the Hand of God in backroom tables sharing words of Peace and Harmony that will fall upon deaf ears. The foundation of the future of Man and Light will begin to form with or without those of ego! Let the Way of Light and Love bring you to understand that the physical experience of the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium will be upon us on January 15, 2012!

Understanding now that God’s Promise of Joy in Living will be upon everyone except for those who will choose not to operate with Love in their Heart. On January 11, 2012 the Opportunity to function as a Spiritual Being with Love and Brotherhood will lead everyone else to their full share of Spiritual Prosperity! It will not be long as our Earth and Milky Way Galaxy continue to adjust themselves within the Universe! During these next three years many more physical adjustments will be made upon Mother Earth but before we get there, the Legion of Light will increase the conscious level of awareness to the fact that we are all Spiritual Beings in material bodies! Unify now into the Brotherhood of Man!

January 12, 2012 will be the last day in which Fourth Dimensional attitudes and beliefs will be tolerated and will need to be released. The Fifth Dimension will not work in its fullest degree with fear or lack of belief instilled within anyone! Therefore declare on this day that you will concentrate your thoughts upon your Heart and Soul’s Joy in Living and bring in Light and Love to a world immersed with darkness and illusion! Bearer’s of Light and Love we bring in more Light and Love to bring Progress and Balance to All Things upon Earth!

The Music of the Universal Dance will become louder and louder until everyone upon Mother Earth will begin to Harmonize with its tune of Truth, Love, Peace, and Brotherhood! On January 13, 2012 our Joy in Living will be one step closer as the Legion of Light will function to expand with the Energy of Love. We are already attuned to the Energy of Love but in expanding it outwardly, we will assist Man of Destiny in learning to begin his own foundation for the future – the Energy of Love as the basis of ALL SECURITY!

Every member of the Legion of Light will be in place for the decisions to be made on January 14, 2012. Be strong and elevate yourself with your Heart and Soul that bears the plan you were designed to undertake and accomplish! The time has come to begin the physical experience of the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium and in a short time those who hinder its entrance will be out of the way! Send Light and Love to all for our strength and source comes from the Power of All, God!

The physical experience of the New Millennium will begin on January 15, 2012. There will only be the need to stand aside while everyone and everything that hinders its beginning will be removed from the sphere of influence! This will only be a short time so that by the middle of February 2012 everyone will begin the New Universal Year in the cadence and rhythm of the Music of the Universal Dance that began on December 29, 2011! Bear good tidings to all who will know and understand that we are all united in Brotherhood through the Source of All, God!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Universal Dance Part 2

The year 2012 will begin with the momentum that began on December 29, 2011 – The Music of the Universal Dance! This Music will not stop until everyone upon Mother Earth will be Living and making their choices based upon Love! Though this will take until the ending of 2015 and may seem impossible in today’s conditions and influences, do not let these circumstances fool you! Everything and everyone will come to understand and begin working together in order to begin living within the Brotherhood of Man! Most will be reluctant to do so but by the end of 2015, understanding that working together to Change and Transform our societies will be everyone’s responsibility!

The Energy of January 1, 2012 will begin the year’s momentum with the Musical Symphony of the Universe working to bring Brotherhood Consciousness into everyone’s awareness. The Legion of Light will already be in place to bring about this transition. Some will come from obscure placements but be aware everyone will know who they are by the ending of 2015. Those who control the masses in order to keep everyone in their “proper” place will begin to take chances beyond their own capabilities as they will not hear the Symphony of the Universe! Instead, they will only hear their own egos driving them to divide, control, and keep the masses in fear! Seek counsel within your Heart and Soul, listen, and move beyond the fear that they will cause!

On January 2, 2012 the Universal Energies will almost be complete with the expansion of the Foundation for the New Millennium and Fifth Dimension. This day will bring forward the responsibility for each and every one of us to begin evaluating our terms of Security. Security founded upon the growth of our Spirit to increase our abilities to create will be the need to function in the New Millennium and Fifth Dimension. This transition of functioning from within our Spiritual side will eliminate all limited Fourth Dimensional attitudes and beliefs! It will not be an easy transition for most but the Legion of Light will be rising to the occasion to assist a world in need of learning and understanding who they really are – Beings of Light and Love!

Everything we are experiencing in the Fifth Dimension is dependent upon our own source of Love. Love is the key for making progress in the New Millennium and Fifth Dimension. On January 3, 2012 the Universal Energies will be sending us to act upon our Heart and Soul’s guidance. By learning to listen and to trust our Heart and Soul, we will become instrumental in developing and enhancing our awareness to what we have come to do rather than becoming what we are not! This day will give us the Opportunity to choose to live our Joy in Living for the expansion of our Foundation for the New Millennium and Fifth Dimension will be complete!

Our Joy in Living is dependent upon our input of Love. Without Love, there will be no movement or progress in these days of wonder! January 4, 2012 will continue the Opportunity to begin our Joy in Living. Many will take both of these days to consider how much they will have to sacrifice in order to find their Joy in Living. Why would this choice be so difficult? Many are currently living in lives that they brought into the Fifth Dimension without making the transition from Fourth Dimension beliefs and expectations. This month and year will be the time to make this transition as the Joy in Living for everyone is the Promise of God!

The Energy of January 5, 2012 will open the Gateway into our Joy in Living! Many will wonder what they will be doing to make a living with their newfound Joy. Let go of Fourth Dimensional beliefs and expectations and let your Heart and Soul CREATE all that you will need and more! Now will be the time to begin to seek and learn to become a Co – Creator with God so that all of our gifts and talents can merge within the Circle of Light that the Brotherhood of Man will Create and become! All will be in place so expect movement forward as those who will hinder this Great Coming Together of God will be sidestepped, ignored, and pushed beyond the sphere of influence!

The Opportunity of January 6, 2012 will be for us to choose how far we will merge within the Brotherhood of Man. Some will still need to develop trust while others will need to increase their own capacity to relate with their own Heart and Soul. The Legion of Light will avail themselves to increase learning and bring understanding to those who lack skills and experience in both of these causes. But as long as they will be willing to learn and experience this newfound life this will not become an issue! Everything is complete in the Foundation of the New Millennium and Fifth Dimension! All that will be needed now, will be participants whose Heart and Souls are ready to move forward into New Horizon of Man and Light!

On January 7, 2012 the Universal Energies will intensify in their task to awaken Man of Destiny and the Legion of Light with their calling to move forward into the New Horizon. These next few days will be critical for beginning our Joy in Living within the Brotherhood of Man and in pursuing this Gift of Lovingness! Media reports will be filled with many misunderstandings and misinterpretations as they will gauge the world with Fourth Dimensional expectations and beliefs! Do not let yourself be fooled with their fear but rather, continue to concentrate upon your Heart and Soul’s Light and Love to guide you in these days of Chaos and Confusion!

The first week of January 2012 will set many precedents in terms of what we will be doing in the very near future. Honor your Heart and Soul and you will find progress and gain experience in living your life with Love and Joy. There will be many slow to apply the New Knowledge of their Heart and Soul into their lives and just as many who will not learn to trust others, much less themselves, but know and understand, that all is as it should be – on its way to Changing and Transforming the world for the New Millennium! The Universal Dance has begun!

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Universal Dance

Many upon Earth continue to hold Fourth Dimensional expectations and beliefs even as the world we live in Changed on December 2, 2011. Emotions are at the core of Fourth Dimensional attitudes and largely function to enhance survival skills at best. Today the world is different! We are now in the Fifth Dimension and it is time to Live in the present moment of NOW! Now is the time to begin utilizing the calm vibration of Love from your Heart and Soul without fear or worry so that Love may lead you into the world of Joy in Living!

There are currently three categories of attitudes present upon Earth. The vast majority is in the category of willing to learn how to seek their Joy in Living. The other two categories are those who are ready and those who could care less. The category of the ready is largely composed of the Legion of Light, who will lead this Project of Light forward so that those willing to learn and seek their Joy in Living will be able to understand and proceed. The category of those who could care less will have the most to lose as what they cherish as their own property will be lost when the Universal Dance of the Heavens prevails over everything and everyone upon Mother Earth!

On December 24, 2011 the Universal Energies will begin to activate the Legion of Light for their roles as teachers, healers, and leaders around the world. Many have been awakening to the New Energy but await guidance to emerge from their Hearts. The Truth to the matter is that everyone will be his or her own leader as we will all unify with Brotherhood Consciousness to ensure that an egalitarian state will emerge and that everyone will come to learn that Love and Joy will produce Freedom for everyone!

The Energy of December 25, 2011 will have some feeling anxiety and restlessness. It will not be from familial celebrations but rather from what many will perceive as insecurity. These days will not be happy for some, but when they recognize that True Security comes from the Heart and Soul’s state of Contentment, the Joy in Living, they will realize that the Opportunity to grow and expand with their Soul’s task will produce a major leap into the Reality of the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium! So let your Heart and Soul be your guide into the New Reality!

Our Life’s roles have been largely defined by our capacity to think, act, and do something to earn a living. Though the Fifth Dimension will not immediately change any of this, it will ask us to act less from our emotional conditioning which lessens our capacity to contact our Inner Self, and learn to listen and understand with our Heart and Soul – our Inner Self! On December 26, 2011 the Universal Energies will begin to have us learn to trust our Inner Self and move away from our emotional conditioning. In doing so we will become less dependent upon what others think whom we are and shift into our own process of Self Actualization to define our True Self!

The most important thing to remember in these days will be to keep learning, growing, and understanding the New Rules of the Fifth Dimension. There will be continuous Change and Transformation all around the world as everything and everyone will be in position to begin the New Universal Year with a new state of Heart and Mind! The Energy of December 27, 2011 will bring emphasis to understanding others through the lenses of Brotherhood Consciousness as these lenses will become our greatest ally and support in the next several years. Security built upon the foundation of Brotherhood Consciousness will introduce us to greater growth and expansion than we ever could alone!

New solutions and new methods for resolving old issues will be needed to repair constraining world relationships. Traditional methods will only lead to short term resolutions. The Unlimited Source of Love will open and become available to administer long term solutions on December 28, 2011. It will not be easy to develop trust for many just yet, but conditions around the world will call for True Security – the application of Love within everyone’s Heart and Soul – to become available! Allow the Healing Energy of Light and Love to bring immediate solutions to all your issues!

On December 29, 2011 the New Energy to bring forward all of God’s Creatures into unison will begin! The Music of the Universal Dance will send the Legion of Light and all who will be ready into their Pathways of Joy while those on the sidelines will watch and wait for understanding. The Party will begin and everyone will be invited! Seek your Joy in Living and bring it to the forefront of all of your thoughts and actions while the world recovers from Fourth Dimensional expectations and beliefs! This will bring you ease and the comfort of knowing that all that your Heart and Soul knows will come True!

The Universal Dance to unify everything will continue its “Music” through February 5, 2012! By that time everything that will not align into the Love Energy of the Fifth Dimension will be disbanded, extinguished, and segregated from influencing the New Horizon. The Energy of December 30, 2011 will remain with residue from the Fourth Dimensional attitudes brought over from Humanity’s lack of experience with this new and intensive Energy, but the process of learning and experiencing only what was formerly imagined and dreamed about will now begin! Let your Heart and Soul speak for you and allow the “Music” of the Universal Dance lead you to your Joy in Living!

On the last day of the year 2011, December 31st, everyone will be looking forward to ushering in the year 2012 but not all for the same reasons. Most will look forward to the ending the year of Change and Transformation without knowing the reason why everything happened so adversely and against all known things. Those who will be aware, however, will know and understand that Mother Earth and all Humanity have entered into the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium! Continue in learning and applying the New Knowledge you will be given from your Heart and Soul for from there, you will know all things – Truth, Love, and Joy to engage everyone in the Brotherhood of Man!