
Showing posts with label New Earth Ascension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Earth Ascension. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Creation of ALL Possibilities

How far have we come?  How much further do we need to go before humanity realizes that a New Reality is manifesting within Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimensional world?

When we look “back” with our Third or Fourth Dimensional eyes, we see much of the past standing right in front of us. But is reality standing in front of us, or is it standing behind us?  Did something get lost along the way and NOT happen?   

In order to answer these questions, we must open up to and look at the Creation of ALL Possibilities that we still need for our particular manifestation. 

We could wish and work hard for and hope for more money – thereby strengthening humanity’s need to continue the Third or Fourth Dimensional experience.  We could ask our Spirit Guides – or even God/Goddess – to help us manifest our needs for the Fifth Dimension, but that’s not how Reality works.  WE create our needs!

In our recent Third and Fourth Dimensional experiences, humanity was compelled to accept and believe that the only way to enhance and improve our social standing was through our purchasing power – that money is the measure of one’s ‘worth’ and that, without money, one is worthless.   Humanity was taught that resources are limited.  Competition for those resources was fierce and took time and hard work to manifest.

In the past we only used a very small portion of our Heart and Soul’s Creative Power.  We created educational and occupational opportunities to correspond with what we felt we needed in order to fulfill our endeavors and have a happy life.  Now, within Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimensional world, our needs are completely different. 

Creating our Fifth Dimensional world isn’t about increasing each individual’s purchasing power.
Not by increasing each individual’s purchasing power, but through the efforts of their own Hearts and Souls – through the Creative Power instilled within our Hearts and Souls – we Know that Creation is Infinite and we open to All Possibilities.  Spirit Knows more than we.

Creating our Fifth Dimensional world is about increasing and expanding Our Heart and Soul’s Creative Power to intend and to Become and Be our True Selves – the Light, Love and Harmony of the Fifth Dimensional Universe with Mother Earth/Gaia.

From March 13 through June 3, 2019 there will be an opportunity for each individual Soul to succeed as the Light, Love and Harmony of the Fifth Dimension and to participate in the Re-Organization of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional world. 

The Creation of ALL Possibilities for our evolving Fifth Dimensional world is instilled within the recesses of our Hearts and Souls – individually, as well as collectively.  Individually we each have access to the full content of our entire Soul’s Divine Plan for participating within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension.  Collectively, we have our collective service and contribution to humanity’s evolution with Mother Earth into and beyond the Fifth Dimension. 

Dear Ones, the timing is within us.  

From September 7, 2019 through February 2020, our Society of Light begins to emerge – not through outside circumstances, but through all who have awakened internally to The Creation of ALL Possibilities!

The majority of hesitation and uncertainty in humanity’s transitional phase with Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension is responding to the question: What’s next after NOW?  We each have to reassess where we are, where we are going and what will we do.


The uncertainty and hesitation we may now feel is our call to awaken – to Open Up to - The Creation of ALL Possibilities within us! Now more than we may realize, our Time, Space and Motion within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension is here to open us to ALL Possibilities!

Peace and blessings and Infinite Possibilities.  Namaste. 

Photograph:  Golden Sunset - Burleigh Head Beach, Australia by Sean Scott

Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Monday, February 18, 2019

One Person, One Community, One Love

In aligning our Fifth Dimensional Creation, Self Love will advance us further than any other human attribute.  Self Love aligns us into recognizing others in equality.  Self Love leads us to realize the Unity and Oneness within All Things! 

Unity and Oneness within All Things is no small realization towards the manifestation of our Fifth Dimensional Creation, Dear Ones.  Realization of Unity and Oneness within All Things is a humungous advancement towards achieving our true place within the Universal Paradigm of All That IS  – Unity and Oneness within the Universal Community!  

Such an achievement would only have had a small probability within the Third or Fourth Dimensional experience. Not because Unity and Oneness is too difficult conceptually, but because humanity had not yet fully achieved Spiritual Maturity to accomplish such an experience.

Humanity is at a crossroad.  Do we continue following the leadership of Third and Fourth Dimensional material thinkers – or, do we move to ascertain the fulfillment of our Heart and Soul’s Fifth Dimensional Plan through the understanding that all of us are One Person, One Community, One Love?

Through humanity’s Self Love, we leave behind our “childish” understandings around pure love – and gratitude and generosity and joy and Life.  We grow and mature.  We put away our old toys. The days of humanity’s Spiritual Maturity are here, Dear Ones!  

Humanity’s Spiritual Maturity is not and will not be an overnight achievement. It takes time to grow up.  Spiritual Maturity will emerge within our process of learning and experiencing the Reality of Mother Earth’s emerging Fifth Dimensional world. The Long Year (August 25, 2018 through October 9, 2021) will be a time to develop humanity’s integrity, trust, and responsibility with Mother Earth and the Universal Community. 

Some days we’ll experience a replay of our Third and Fourth Dimensional experience, while others days will be filled entirely with the experiences of the Fifth Dimension.   The difference will be dependent upon where we focus our attention.  

Will we continue to focus our attention on our Third and Fourth Dimensional material needs and compete fiercely for resources?  Will we grow up and learn to focus our attention towards the content of our Heart and Soul’s Plan – safe in the Knowing that we are loved and supported to do so?

Yes, chaos will prevail in the Third and Fourth Dimensional worlds.  It will all be coming to an end when the perception of One Person, One Community, One Love enters into humanity’s Conscious Awareness! 

The Exodus (meaning “the road out” in Greek) – from September 7, 2019 through December 10, 2019 – will serve to interrupt humanity’s long antiquated Third and Fourth Dimensional concepts, ideals and thinking.  

Humanity’s Spiritual Maturity will evolve without interruption during The Exodus.  When we realize life around us has changed and we discover that we are in bondage to our circumstances, we will awaken to our own journey – our road out – our Exodus.  The journey will require us to unite in faith and break free from the ideas of separation.

The past no longer serves our growth and expansion into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension.  The next step in humanity’s evolution towards Fifth Dimensional Creation is through Spiritual Maturity - embracing and advancing the perception of One Person, One Community, One Love.

Peace and blessings in Oneness.  Namaste.

Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

5th Dimensional Creation

Through humanity’s Self Love, we leave behind our “childish” understandings around pure love - and gratitude and generosity and joy and Life.  We grow and mature.  We put away our old toys.

This is what Paul was saying in 1 Corinthians 13:11. 

“When I was a child, I spoke as a child.  I understood as a child.  I thought as a child.  When I became a man, I put away childish things.”

Mother Earth and her Sun’s Solar System are expanding into the Universe’s 5th Dimension.  Humanity’s responsibility now is to Re-Organize with Mother Earth for the Universe’s 5th Dimension.  Can we do that with outdated thinking, antiquated systems and low vibrational mindsets?  No, we cannot.  

On January 30, 2019, our power to create will be greatly enhanced with Mother Earth’s 5th Dimensional Vibratory Frequency. 

On January 30, 2019, Mother Earth and Her Sun’s Solar System will align to create an energetic portal of influence representing change and leading humanity back into the Great Circle of Life on Earth.  The gravitational push and pull will directly affect Mother Earth, as well as all Life forms upon Her.  

It is not an ending.  It is a New Beginning into mankind’s New Reality! 

We are 5th Dimensional Creators Re-Organizing all of humanity’s affairs for Mother Earth’s 5th Dimension!  The only way to manifest 5th Dimensional Creation is to express the full and loving content of our Hearts and Souls and realize Self Love’s Expression of ONE LOVE!

Peace and blessings in Love and Oneness.  Namaste. 

Image:   “You are here Now.” ~ Marti Somers

Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Sequence of Awakening

The sequence to becoming the Light, Love and Harmony of Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension is Initiation, Activation, Growth and Development and, finally, Expansion. 

In this Now of Awakening, a majority of humanity easily enters the Initiation phase.  There is a clear awareness within the collective that the ways of the past are no longer working for us.  We begin to hear the whisper of “There must be more to Life.”  

The daily grind of unfulfilling work – and the unresponsive relationships that we settle for – and our all but forgotten fragmented hopes and dreams get louder until we make some small decision towards change.  All of these personal issues will continue to prevail in humanity’s consciousness – and move us towards a collective Awakening and a New Reality!

The Activation phase in becoming the Light, Love and Harmony of Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension enters into our Life’s experience when we courageously and consciously choose to resolve our most pressing issues.  We begin to explore. Most often we begin to project our unhappiness and dissatisfaction on to the world outside of us.  For eons and lifetimes in the physical reality, humanity has sought answers and solutions ‘out there’.  

Now we begin to truly comprehend that we are more powerful than we have been led to believe and that power resides within.  We take responsibility for our own joy and satisfaction.  We give ourselves the love and attention that we need.  We come to know that – first and foremost – we must Love our Self before we can express the Light, Love and Harmony of Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension. 

Thus, we enter into the Growth and Development phase.  Our Self Love radiates and expands Light, Love and Harmony to all around us.  Our Self Love attracts and magnetizes the Universe’s Creative Life Forces to us.  We grow and develop.  We align and harmonize with the Universe through Mother Earth’s own Fifth Dimensional Frequency. 

Many Souls struggle within the Growth and Development stage.  They will be challenged and resistant to allowing Self Love to release the past and heal their Hearts and Souls’ expression – thus hampering their own Expansion phase within Mother Earth’s Universal Fifth Dimension. 

The past has served us well.  The past is but a figment of our memory and imagination – as is our yesterday, Through Love of Self we release our past to become the Love that we are - Here and Now - Dear Ones!  Our Self Love aligns us with the Universe through Mother Earth’s own Universal alignment within the Fifth Dimension of Light and Love and Harmony.

As we become the Light, Love and Harmony of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, we create everything in Oneness WITH Her.  Everything!   No one will just proceed to create with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional frequency by expanding his or her Third or Fourth Dimensional repertoire.  It won’t work! The past is gone and will no longer assist us.

The Expansion phase of becoming the Light, Love and Harmony of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension is produced through the manifestation of our Self Love’s Expression.  We must trust our Heart and Soul’s direct communications.  

If we pay too much attention to our sensory physical world, we will continue expressing the competition, comparison, judgment and fear of the world we left behind on March 27, 2017.  

If we pay attention to the stirrings of our Heart and Soul, we will begin to experience the emanation of our Expressions of Love flowing through us.

What will we do to express our Self Love?  Will we think, say and do what our sensory physical world needs in order to make itself feel good?  Or, will we choose to express the full content of our Heart and Soul’s Expansive Expression?

Peace and blessings in Oneness.  Namaste. 

Image: Mandy Rosen

Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Friday, December 14, 2018

One Love

When our days are filled with doubt and uncertainty, we feel helpless.  Our minds wander from fearful thought to fearful thought.  Equilibrium is lost in the fear of this mind-space. 

We can make the choice to still the mind through the practice of meditation. 

Within this space of stillness, doubt and uncertainty are introduced to clarity and peace.  Stillness promotes the Mindfulness of Peace and Oneness.  Within this space – with devotion to our practice – we see, feel, and become One with the Universe.  Within this space we enter into the Heart of the Universe’s Guidance – the Expression of All Life!

The Expression of All Life within the Universe flows All That Is towards the fulfillment of Its entire Beingness – Its Heart’s Expression!  In service to All That Is, humanity also flows to fulfill its Collective Heart’s Expression – each of us serving to integrate our Spirit into the Expression of All Life! 

Within the Collective Human Heart’s Expression, the Expression of All Life serves as the pinnacle of the entire human expression! Within our meditational state of stillness, we see, feel, and become the Universe.  We are entirely within the Heart of the Universe and find clarity, peace and Oneness. 

Humanity is finally leaving the experience of Mother Earth’s Third and Fourth Dimensions behind!  Within the space of clarity, peace and Oneness, Dear Ones, you will see it, feel it, and become the Expression of All Life as Mother Earth completes Her own expansion – evolving the Fifth Dimensional world within us all!

On December 14, 2018 Mother Earth aligns Her Heart’s Expression within the Universal Grid of Fifth Dimensional Sun-Stars – serving to align Her evolving Fifth Dimensional world and humanity’s Souls into the Universal Expression of All Life on Earth!  Humanity’s Souls – responding to honor our promises towards fulfilling our Heart’s Expression within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional world – will participate in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional Experience. 

On December 27, 2018 our collaborative Expression of All Life will serve through our contribution to help in Mother Earth’s Re-Organization. There is no big or small, as our contribution matters and will serve in reorganizing Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension!

Though appearances seem otherwise, All is One – operating as One Single Unit moving towards the fulfillment of its entire Beingness – its Heart’s Expression!  The Heart’s Expression is the concentrated form of the Expression of All Life simply moving as Love concentrated into Purpose of re-unifying the Original Seed of Beingness!

In our meditational state of stillness we have the opportunity to be totally aware of the Unity and Oneness of everything within the Universe. In the world of senses, we see, hear, and feel the isolation caused by our misunderstood separation in the physical world. Our meditational state of stillness will always be our guide to Reality.  Here upon the physical plane we have a new paradigm expressing a New Reality to us.  When we recognize our combined Expressions of All Life as One Expression of All Life we will not only experience clarity, peace and Oneness, but also move to restore the Original Seed of Beingness upon Mother Earth!

This is where we are, Dear Ones.  Humanity is moving into Knowing its Oneness – an entirely new realm and new experience of the One Heart!

On December 14, 2018 we align with Mother Earth’s Heart’s Expression into the Universal Grid of Fifth Dimensional Sun-Stars.  Humanity begins – in earnest – the Reorganization of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension on December 27, 2018.

All is One Love!

Friday, November 30, 2018

111, 222, 333

Repetition is the Mother of Perfection and inspires cadence and creativity and synchronicity. 

Our thoughts are things.  Whatever we think, believe – or can imagine – manifests into the physical/material world that encompass our reality.  Creation remains constantly synchronized with our thoughts, beliefs and imagination.  We truly are the Creators of our reality. 

With that in mind, what if every single human being on Earth had one single simultaneous thought – the thought of God’s Love all at once?  Would we instantaneously transform into God’s Love – or, would we remain the same? Could we find the time to unify in this Way?  Could we actually think, believe and imagine a day when we have eliminated all of our differences in one day?

What if the One Thought of God’s Love was the key to synchronizing our world into lockstep with the Universe? 

What if this One Thought of God’s Love served to synchronize our entire world into unifying every human being on Earth? 

What would happen? 

What would happen, Dear Ones, is that the One Thought of God’s Love would manifest humanity’s Unity.  Everything would begin in unison!  Each and every one of humanity’s challenging differences would be eliminated.

111, 222, 333 

Our thoughts are things that manifest – materialize – in our world.  

We are all unified through the one instantaneous thought of God’s Love – even if we have forgotten that Truth and gotten lost within our own thoughts.  We are all unified through the one instantaneous thought of God’s Love – even if we believe that we did not Know this Truth.  We are ALL ONE ENTITY.

The date, Time and place have arrived upon humanity’s doorstep.  Humanity’s transition is now in motion!  What will we do?  What will we say we will do?  And most importantly, what will we now think, believe, or imagine we could do to manifest the physical things encompassing our reality? 

111, 222, 333 

Humanity’s Transition begins on December 6, 2018.  Two steps are necessary to initiate our Transition.  The first will originate with humanity’s response to The Calling for our participation in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension on December 14, 2018.  The second is contributing our part to assist in the Re-Organization of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension on December 27, 2018.

111, 222, 333 

The answers are all contained in the rhythm and cadence of our Unity – and located within our Hearts and Souls!   Allow the clarity of the synchronicities to serve you in leadership.  You will Know that you are not being led astray – but directly into our Unified New World!

111, 222, 333  

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

You Will Know

Recognize who you are within the vast Universe
And you will know 

Give from your Heart and Soul
And you will know

See the wonder in the World
And you will know ALL

With Thanksgiving, Gratitude, and Acceptance
Expectation leaves and expires

Fulfilling who you are and your Purpose
Within a World of Knowledge

A new chapter has begun on Earth
Know and recognize, Know and recognize

Your Purpose and Heart and Soul
Are you and the Universe, the Universe is You

You are ALL and ALL is You
And You Will Know

Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Acceptance

In advancing towards The Calling, humanity is now segregating into three main categories: 

Those who are “living,” 
Those who will seek Life, and 
Those who stand in readiness to completely honor the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe in Life! 

You may say everyone who is alive is “living” and seeking Life, but what is “honoring” the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe in Life? 

Our individual emotional states provide us with a clue in our advancement towards The Calling – The Calling to fulfill our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose – defined as the experience of connecting our Soul into the entirety of the Universe!  The Calling completes on December 14, 2018.

How do we react to world events? Are we engaged in the media’s coverage of events on our cable news programs? Does our local news media influence the way we react in the unfolding of events?

There is a balancing point in what we call Life – a state of peace and harmony with all that was, is, and will be NOW!  

Whenever a feeling of discomfort, confusion – or anger – displaces our state of peace and harmony, our equilibrium is usurped by an emotional intrusion into our Life.  We remove our selves from our state of peace and harmony and Acceptance with all that was, is and will be NOW! 

Of the three main categories humanity is now segregating into, those “who are living” are most susceptible to the intrusions of Life.  Those “who will seek Life” are Awakening to the new possibilities of Life by limiting the intrusions into their emotional states.  Those who stand in readiness to “honor the Light, Love and Harmony of the Universe in Life” are already aligned within The Calling of our Souls!

Every single Soul within Mother Earth and her Solar System’s Transition into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension is now being Called to become a participant of Life in the Universe. If no one were to respond to The Calling, Mother Earth and her entire Solar System would simply collapse and become recyclable matter within our sector of the Milky Way Galaxy.  

The Truth is that there are many humans now Awakening to the possibilities of Life in the Universe and just as many will be reborn within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional World at a later date. 

Your leadership, Dear Ones – as a teacher, a guide, a demonstrator and role model – has served humanity well in the transition of humanity into a New Era and New Reality. 

May peace and harmony be upon you, Dear Ones, for there is much to transpire in the days to come if only you remain in Acceptance of all that is NOW transitioning!

Monday, October 29, 2018

Trust, Unity, and Love!

Humanity’s evolution upon Mother Earth is largely the result of humanity’s adaptation to not only the planetary conditions produced by Mother Earth Herself, but also by the forces produced by her entire Solar System.

Humanity’s entire evolution on Earth is not what humanity may dictate or command – but is a process of adapting and acclimating to whatever conditions Mother Earth presents.  Currently, Mother Earth and her Solar System are transitioning to adapt and acclimate into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. 

By default, humanity is intertwined within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional Transition. Humanity’s only choice is to transition with Mother Earth into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension and adapt and acclimate with her!  

The Calling has been present for humanity since December 1, 2017.  The Calling will conclude on December 14, 2018.

Humanity’s choice – in choosing to transition with Mother Earth and her Solar System into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension – will serve as an embrace of mankind’s capability to increase and expand our own consciousness, so that we may adapt and acclimate with Mother Earth. 

The only possible way of increasing and expanding one’s consciousness, Dear Ones, is to increase and expand one’s own individual vibration and frequency in alignment with Mother Earth’s adaption into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension.  The difficulty will not be in the hope or wish that one may do so, but in achieving what many cannot yet see, hear, touch, taste, or smell!  

The elements of vibration and frequency manifest subtly – even stealthily – through, with, around and within everything and everyone in the Universe.  Manifestation is largely increased and expanded through conscious application of the Universe’s Light, Love and Harmony!

If we were not operating at the same vibration and frequency as Mother Earth, we would not be Earthly inhabitants, but a visiting alien species.  

We have done this before.  Humanity has transitioned in the past to align and adjust to Mother Earth’s biosphere and whatever environmental conditions She may have produced.  And so once again, humanity is on the verge of another period of adapting and acclimating and aligning with Mother Earth.  

What will be the difference now from previous stages of evolution and our experiences with Her in the other Dimensions of the Universe?  The biggest difference now is that every inhabitant of Mother Earth will be transitioning from the Universe’s Learning Dimensions of Experience to the Application Dimensions of Experience. 

What could go wrong with that?  Everything that the Collective Consciousness of humanity’s learned states of comparison, competition, judgment and fear could collectively imagine!

The essential essence of Ascending from the Universe’s Learning Dimensions of Experience (the First to Fourth Dimensions) to the Application Dimensions of Experience (the Fifth through the Eighth) is transitioning from learning that Love creates ALL THINGS to applying Love to Create ALL THINGS! 

Mother Earth and our Solar System’s planets have all completed their own alignments within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension.  

Humanity, however, is at a crossroads.  “Will I fulfill The Calling of my Soul’s Spiritual Purpose within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension?” 

Mother Earth and her Solar System have a preordained schedule to keep with the Universe.  So too humanity, but humanity will have to expand beyond its previously learned states of comparison, competition, judgment and fear in order to move on to Trust, Unity, and Love!

When all of humanity has completed their collective decision on December 14, 2018, Mother Earth and Her entire evolving Fifth Dimensional world will begin to accelerate Her ascension process.  As will humanity, Dear Ones! 

On December 27, 2018, Mother Earth completes Her “Great Melting” phase.  At that time She will eliminate her Fourth Dimensional Vibratory Frequency for our use.  She proceeds into Her “Re-Organization” phase through August 12, 2020. 

All – everything and everyone upon Mother Earth – are now in transition.  To think, to say and do things as in the past will seem as if one were to develop “tunnel vision” into his or her own world – nebulous to the world around us – and attempting actions against Mother Earth and Her Solar System’s Vibration and Frequency.  Thus, many will acquire the “tunnel vision” syndrome and fail to think, say and do things in alignment with Mother Earth’s New Vibration and Frequency!

Humanity’s ultimate role within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension is to become Caretakers of our Home – Mother Earth – through the development of our Fifth Dimensional Experience.  All is complete and ready for our use.  Mother Earth and Her Solar System are already aligned into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension.  They are now primed for their physical transformations. 

Humanity is now upon the very doorstep of evolving, adapting, aligning and acclimating into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional Vibration and Frequency. 

What does it look like, feel like and the experience like?  The world’s picture will become even more confusing and chaotic.  Rest assured, Dear Ones, the over all difference in the world now is – and will be – a New Vibration and Frequency to experience a Life with Trust, Unity, and Love!

Peace and blessings in Oneness.  Namaste.

Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Image: Aaron J. Groen

Monday, October 8, 2018

Our Language of Love

Humanity’s least common denominator in defining our humanness is our ability to facilitate and demonstrate our Heart and Soul’s Language of Love.  How we find meaning in our Heart and Soul’s natural status is the entire reason for this revelation – the ending of humanity’s Separation from God! 

A choice was not provided for us.  Our Ascension Vehicle  – Mother Earth – has already decided that everyone and everything dwelling upon Her body will enter within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension on October 28, 2011. 

If we pay attention to the many signs of Her decision, our ability to fully express our innate Heart and Soul’s Language of Love will develop as a natural process as individual as a flower revealing its own unique color, scent, and beauty.  If we do not heed Mother Earth’s many signs of her intentions, we will only render confusion!

Humanity’s least common denominator is in our ability to facilitate and demonstrate our Heart and Soul’s Language of Love!  If we were to reduce our Life’s most precious moments of Love, Joy, and Happiness, we would all recognize the expressions of our Heart and Soul’s Language of Love at work – as the Universal Expressions of our own commonality within the Universal Community that is now evolving through Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! 

Humanity must now decide once and for all – “Will I fulfill the Calling of my Soul’s Spiritual Purpose within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension?”  The moment of Choice for humanity will complete on December 14, 2018 and will serve as the impetus and momentum to humanity’s participation within the Long Year!  The Long Year, Dear Ones, will also reveal the ending of humanity’s Separation from God!

The Long Year began on August 25, 2018 and will not be complete until October 9, 2021.  Will it also serve as humanity’s opportunity to flourish within the full content of our innate Heart and Soul’s Language of Love? 

The answer to this riddle will not emerge outside of us, but within us – within the content of our Hearts and Souls!  Many will feel lost and without direction during the Long Year.  Our Life’s direction has already shifted to our inner core – within the content of our Hearts and Souls!  By ignoring - or not acknowledging - the content of our innate Heart and Soul, there will always be a constant message serving to remind us where we are – rendering the confusing collective content of the world’s standards, rather than expressing the content of our Hearts and Souls. Everything in the world is a process of learning and experiencing!

We were not born with direct conscious access to our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose or even with the full content of our Soul’s Memories intact.  We need to learn to remember and re-discover our inner direction by experiencing our world.  We also learn to discover the Spiritual World all around us through the experience of expressing our innate ability to facilitate and demonstrate our Heart and Soul’s Language of Love.  We are on the verge of entering with Mother Earth into the fullness of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension as well as initiating a process of enacting our Life’s entire direction through our inner core – within the content of Hearts and Souls!  This leads humanity to discover and act upon our innate ability to facilitate and demonstrate our Heart and Soul’s Language of Love, thereby bringing an end to humanity’s Separation from God!

Humanity’s only choice these days is to act upon The Calling to everyone’s Soul on December 14, 2018:  “Will I fulfill the Calling of my Soul’s Spiritual Purpose within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension?” thus, choosing to follow our designated Ascension Vehicle Mother Earth’s lead further into the experience of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. 

Everything and everyone upon Mother Earth remains within Transition!  Our Choice to fulfill the Calling of our Soul is also a choice to continue in Unity and Oneness with Mother Earth in the Universe’s Fifth Dimension

Humanity’s apparent belief in separation from everyone and everything does not actually exist, Dear Ones.  It is an illusion of our physical senses and only exists within Solar Systems experiencing the apparent Separation from God. 

All is in Unity and Oneness and constantly revealed whenever we facilitate and demonstrate our Heart and Soul’s Language of Love!  

Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Disrupter

Prior to incarnation upon Mother Earth, we humans each made three promises to God … 

* I promise to find my group.
* I promise to fulfill my task for humanity.
* I promise to fulfill my task with Mother Earth. 

Incorporated within these three promises is the entire direction that our Life will be guided in order to fulfill our Soul’s Primary Spiritual Purpose. We make choices at every turn on the way to fulfilling our promises.  Sometimes we meet our Soul’s Primary Spiritual Purpose directly.  At other times we stray away from the direct path.

During The Long Year – from August 25, 2018 through October 9, 2021 – every human being will find the true direction of their Soul’s Primary Spiritual Purpose – or not.  Humanity will no longer be straying from the path of our Soul’s Primary Spiritual Purpose.  Change will become synonymous with The Long Year, Dear Ones.  All Life upon Mother Earth is now within Transition!

On September 24, 2018 the influence of our Solar System’s “missing” planet will be returning! 
This “missing” planet has been referred to as Planet X, Nibiru, Tiamat, or Marduk.  

For our purposes here, Marduk is the preferred name of our “missing” planet.  Marduk signifies the energetic momentum of Change.  We will not yet be able to see Marduk.  We will be feeling its influence of Change!  Humanity now stands upon the threshold of a New Reality.  All on Earth is now returning to the Universe’s original intent and design – to Create Joy within the Universal Pathway of Light, Love and Harmony!

The energetic momentum of Change is not an instantaneous transformation.  The energetic momentum of Change is synchronic with returning to our original form and design – much like a “correction” in our current intentions. 

The Energy of Marduk serves as a “disrupter”.  Marduk’s influence will serve as a disruption of our daily lives unless our Life conforms to the original intent and design of the Universe’s Light, Love and Harmony!

Humanity now enters a new stage of evolution – our maturing into the Universal Community!  Enough of humanity is mature and aware enough now to realize that the purpose of Life is more than perpetuation of the economy of the planet.  Many will continue to perpetuate the old programs of economic purpose.  They will resist change.  

The influence of Marduk is All Change.  The influence of Marduk, The Disrupter, will not allow anything to operate outside the Divine Design of Universal Light, Love, and Harmony.  Markduk, The Disrupter, will not allow anything to function with “half assed” measures. 

Can we do it?  Can we learn to Live fully within our Hearts and Souls and simply transform our economic purpose too?

On December 27, 2018 the Re-Organization of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension begins! Societies built and founded upon the parameters of emphasizing an economic purpose will continue to fragment and fail.  We are now in the process of reorganizing our lives for prospering within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension.  

Yes, Dear Ones, this movement is already in motion – community by community.  Our future Society of Light will emerge around February 2020!  What matters now is aligning our Hearts and Souls with Mother Earth’s Universal Fifth Dimension. 

“Easier said than done,” some may say.  What is being done now to integrate their three promises to God? 

The Long Year will serve to develop humanity’s responsibility, integrity and trust with Mother Earth and the Universal Community – thus allowing all who seek to integrate his, or her, three promises to God to do so.

* I promise to find my group.
* I promise to fulfill my task for humanity.
* I promise to fulfill my task with Mother Earth. 

“What does a ‘group’ have to do with me?” one may ask.  Our group, Dear Ones, is the group of Souls we entered with upon Mother Earth to serve in our Soul’s Primary Spiritual Purpose.  We will know each other through our Soul’s memories – not our body’s memory – with a dèjá vu-like experience moment of Time!  These moments of Time will become more and more common.  It is Time to congregate!

Our promises to fulfill our tasks for humanity and with Mother Earth serve to achieve our Soul’s Primary Spiritual Purpose by the commonality of who and where we are.  We are one common species of inhabitants upon our common planet – Mother Earth.  She is the only planet humanity will have to claim.  

We must take care of Her together.  In separation we risk the over mining of her precious resources.  Climate Change is real and is already doing the damage that we needed to address yesterday, Dear Ones!  Climate Change is just one issue we will have to address together.  Other changes contained within Mother Earth’s physical changes will begin in April 2020.  

The process to initiate Her Fifth Dimensional body begins with the assistance of Marduk - The Disrupter.  All that is in alignment with the Universe’s Light, Love and Harmony will be returning to assist humanity to fulfill our three promises to God.

* I promise to find my group.
* I promise to fulfill my task for humanity.
* I promise to fulfill my task with Mother Earth. 

As we recall the experiences of Earth’s previous Golden Ages – Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu – remember that these great eras of Enlightenment on Earth did not simply rise up out of nowhere. They emerged through change and with the great assistance of Marduk, The Disrupter, to support everyone’s remembrance of the Universal Pathway of Light, Love and Harmony!

Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation 
- Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Peace and blessings.  Namaste.