On December 4, 2016 Mother Earth will achieve a milestone in her Fifth Dimension Transition – the milestone of “extinguishing the flame” of her former Fourth Dimensional Harmony Vibration Field! Much like how you would turn off a stove’s burner to extinguish the flow of your stove’s fuel source, Mother Earth will be extinguishing the last remaining traces of her former Fourth Dimensional Harmony Vibration! She began the process of extinguishing her Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration on May 21, 2016 in order to become a Creator Planet of the Fifth Dimension on May 22, 2016. The last remaining traces of her former Fourth Dimensional Vibration will still persist within the memories of every Soul on Earth thinking, saying, and doing things from his or her recent past – a past no longer compatible or capable of coexisting within Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension! Memories for the way things used to be, even up until December 3, 2016, will not longer be valid for anyone’s progress into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! What will ensue from December 4, 2016 through March 27, 2017 will be many people experiencing their lives as “sleepwalkers!” The Sleepwalkers will be found on every continent, every nation, and in fact, every location on Earth, no matter how remote its location may be! The condition of a human Sleepwalker will primarily affect those who have been hedging, delaying, or remaining uncommitted to Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension!
Mother Earth is currently on a schedule with the Universe and cannot, and will not, wait for the Souls choosing to hedge, delay, or remain uncommitted with her schedule! The Sleepwalker-like condition will not offer immunity to any human Soul, as Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension Energy is unbiased, nonjudgmental, and nondiscriminatory to any Soul! Those Souls who have already internally aligned within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field will be privy to watch and observe Mother Earth evolve, blossom, and come to fruition on March 27, 2017! The Sleepwalkers will not appear like zombies, as they will not be infected with a new emerging virus causing their condition – they will appear in all instances as “normal” as they were in all their previous days! The Sleepwalkers will not be sleep deprived, but rather, they will be misconstruing all indications of Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension Reality through the faulty interpretation of his or her Fourth Dimensional lenses of perception! Governmental leaders and heads of state will not be immune from the condition of being a Sleepwalker, for they will have more responsibility and accountability with their decisions to render help or not through the prevailing conditions caused by Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension Reality! In the long run, dear Ones, Fourth Dimensional leadership will not contribute to anyone’s evolution into Mother Earth’s MANIFESTING Fifth Dimension Reality!
There is a famous passage described by Chuang Tzu, an expounder of Lao Tzu and the Taoist school of thought, which relates how Chuang Tzu dreamed he was a butterfly. After relating the content of the dream to a friend, he states:
“What if I am dreaming right now? This conversation I am having with you seems
real in every way, but so did my dream. I thought I was Chuang Tzu who had a
dream of being a butterfly. What if I am a butterfly who, at this very moment, is
dreaming of being Chuang Tzu?”
Mother Earth is shifting the entire content of our Reality, dear Ones, but it is still up to each and every one of us as participants within her Fifth Dimension Transition to make a choice – to either transition with her as a hedging, delaying, and uncommitted “sleepwalker” or begin to activate our participation in her Fifth Dimension as a Butterfly Dreamer! Though the Sleepwalkers will continue to dominate every discussion on how to return the world to the standards of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension, the small but potent Butterfly Dreamers will prevail in all ways!
On December 4, 2016 Mother Earth will achieve a milestone in her Fifth Dimension Transition – the milestone of “extinguishing the flame” of her former Fourth Dimensional Harmony Vibration Field! Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimensional Harmony Vibration Field will cease to exist except within the memories of every Soul on Earth thinking, saying, and doing things from his or her recent past! Our world is completely transforming and entering into the stage of Mother Earth’s MANIFESTING Fifth Dimension Reality! Likewise the Butterfly Dreamers will also be in the process achieving a milestone in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition – the milestone of transforming from a utopia promoting, fringed cult-like ideology to a fully recognized social movement! You have all the answers and solutions for every one of Earth’s Fourth Dimensional issues of inequality and injustice within your Heart and Soul, dear Ones, the answers and solutions for transforming and changing everything within Mother Earth’s MANIFESTING Fifth Dimension Reality into a Creation of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! The Sleepwalkers will try with all their assets and abilities to promote a return to the ways things used to be and FAIL! By the end of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017 the once mighty leaders and heads of states promoting everyone’s return to the past will be looking and sounding like what they really are – Sleepwalkers from another reality of existence!
Dreams, as Chuang Tzu proposed, are as a real as the physical reality around us, as our dreams are a part of the entire content of every thought, emotion, perception, and choice we have ever made and experienced in our Lifetime! In these rapidly shifting times, dear Ones, the only way anyone will prosper through the changes occurring in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition will be by becoming a Butterfly Dreamer instead of a Sleepwalker! Mother Earth’s introductory Fifth Dimension activity will be coming to a close on December 27, 2016 and beginning to settle and coalesce upon her body with every Soul aligned with her evolving Fifth Dimension! Our role as a Co-Creator and Co-Facilitator in Unity with God are now in the process of manifesting for the Fifth Dimension! Although most of Earth’s people inhabitants will still be like Sleepwalkers, even after Mother Earth completes her Fifth Dimension transition on March 27, 2017, you are now rising to assume your true position of leadership to lead, guide, teach, and role model every aspect for not only prospering in Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration, but also Creating and Manifesting the Fifth Dimension itself! Our current days are in transition and all you will have to remember now is what Chuang Tzu stated in Creation and Destruction:
When you break something up, you create things. When you create something,
you destroy things … Ultimately these concepts connect as One.
Mother Earth's “extinguishing flame” of her former Fourth Dimensional Harmony Vibration Field will expire on December 4, 2016 in order to Re-Create herself for the Fifth Dimension, and through the assistance of every Butterfly Dreamer!