Prior to the onset of Mother Earth’s beginning as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet on May 22, 2016, our Mother Earth received Seven Universal Emanations of Light, Love, and Harmony from July 17, 2015 to April 9, 2016 to stimulate and increase her growth and expansion into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. After the completion of her Seventh Emanation on April 9, 2016 she then began to align each of her Seven Chakras into the Universal Grid of Sun-Stars on April 30, 2016, beginning with her Root Chakra. Mother Earth will complete her alignment series on March 8, 2017 and will be entirely complete with her Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017. For the most part, the Seven Universal Emanations and the alignment of Mother Earth’s Primary Chakras, the Root, Throat, and Sacral Chakras, have served to primarily produce the initialization of her own integration into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. But as you know, dear Ones, nothing in the Universe exists in isolation or within a vacuum, solely influenced by and for itself in a self-transformation process, as everything and everyone in the Universe is connected through the common bond of Unity with God! Beginning on October 3, 2016, when Mother Earth aligns her Third Eye Chakra into the Universal Grid of Sun-Stars, Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition will be transforming from an initializing process of Self Change to an all-encompassing integration process of ALL CHANGE!
Our Primary Chakras, the Root, Throat, and Sacral Chakras, serve to respectively define, declare, and Create our Soul’s individual “I AM” characteristics. Our Soul’s Third Eye Chakra as well as that of Mother Earth, is our Chakra whose main function is to promote our Soul’s Social Self, our individual Self operating to increase and expand our concepts to promote and enhance our relationships with others. Without a Third Eye Chakra, every Soul would be functioning, living, and existing like individual “universes” in a vacuum of existence and isolated apart from every entity in existence! Our Soul’s Third Eye Chakra is, thus, our principal Chakra for producing the commonality of each individual Soul’s existence – Unity with God! When Mother Earth aligns her Soul’s Third Eye Chakra into the Universal Grid on October 3, 2016, she will not only be manifesting her Soul’s Social Self into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension but also manifesting the linkage of her Soul’s entire current Purpose, Unity with God for the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! On the following day, October 4, 2016, Mother Earth will be initializing her innate abilities to transmute and begin her metamorphosis as a Light-Bodied Being for participating in the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! Likewise, dear Ones, every Soul whose own Third Eye Chakra is already aligned into Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field will also be initializing his or her Souls’ innate abilities to transmute and metamorphose with her!
In achieving and manifesting a process of ALL CHANGE beginning on October 3, 2016, Mother Earth will be serving to lead every Soul upon her body to likewise achieve and manifest his or her own Soul’s Purpose for the Fifth Dimension! The concept of ALL CHANGE is seemingly easy to conceive and perceive in our mind’s eye, dear Ones, as we have all witnessed at one time or another an individual undergoing a personal crisis that leads him or her to the achievement of a Life changing transformation, maybe even our own! Although a Life changing transformation is predominantly a personal event, change and transformation can also affect a group of people or a geographical region as a whole. Events such as an economic downturn, for example, not only lead to a personal crisis affecting the individual workers of the lapsing industries but also directly affect the worker’s families and the economic viability of the geographical region. Circumstances of war similarly induce a mass scaled crisis of many on both sides of the war’s participants. Mother Earth’s process of ALL CHANGE, however, will not be limited just to one individual, one group of people in one geographical region, or even one hemisphere of our Earth! Mother Earth’s process of ALL CHANGE will be simultaneously occurring all at once upon the entirety of the Earth! Although many places will be slow in introducing and manifesting their transformation and changes for the Fifth Dimension, there will be some exemplary exceptions!
Chaos and confusion will be the new “normal” throughout the Earth as crisis after crisis will be symptomatic of Mother Earth’s ongoing process of ALL CHANGE! Where we are today, dear Ones, is only a minute vestige of Mother Earth’s entry into the Fifth Dimension on October 28, 2011! The seemingly endless stage of our chaos and confusion we will be witnessing on Earth after October 3, 2016 will not be remedied by the completion of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017, but will only be remedied through the actions of our Souls – the acknowledgment of the role our Soul’s Third Eye Chakra serves, to promote our Soul’s Social Self, our individual Self operating to increase and expand our concepts to promote and enhance our relationships with others! There will be no other way of understanding and comprehending the role our Soul’s Social Self serves, dear Ones, except through the realization that everything and everyone in the Universe is connected through the common bond of Unity with God! Unity with God, Unity through God, and Unity in God will be the only Force and Power through which every Soul will eliminate the prevailing presence of chaos and confusion! These days to come are the days of the World to Come, as your many innate gifts and talents designed for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will not only become practical, but significant to the prospective subsistence of every Soul’s situation and circumstance near your vicinity!
Our world is not ending, dear Ones, Mother Earth is simply in a process of ALL CHANGE to participate in every aspect and facet of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! Every Lightworker Soul has his or her Seven Chakras already properly aligned for use in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension and is already advancing to fully implement and utilize all of his or her Soul’s 12 Chakras! Every Man of Light Soul, at the very least, has his or her Third Eye Chakra aligned into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field to function in Unity with God. But it will not be by having attained the capability of thinking about Unity with God that every Soul will prosper. Rather, it will be by one’s enactment and engagement of his or her understanding with Love in every situation and circumstance that he or she will experience to attain his or her Spiritual Prosperity for the Fifth Dimension! Though the vast majority of Souls on Earth will still be absorbed upon the deteriorating economic conditions of the world, it will primarily be those awakening to the cadence of Mother Earth’s process of ALL CHANGE who will succeed through the introduction and manifestation of his or her innate gifts and talents, leading to the transformation every Soul will need in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! Our Mother Earth is in a process of ALL CHANGE not for the benefit of some Souls but for every Soul to experience the expansion of the Universe’s Light, Love, and Harmony with her!
Alexandrian Kosmos uses the Astrology of the Future, Metastrology, to forecast the Flow of the Universal Energies for the Lightworker. Metastrology will astound you with its accuracy and insight for our entry into the 5th Dimension and Universal Community!
Friday, September 23, 2016
Sunday, September 11, 2016
When the Rain Comes
Before a rainfall ever occurs anyplace on Earth, there are three critical elements that need to be present to form and produce our rainfall, water vapor, dust particles, and an atmospheric effect producing a disparity in air temperature. Rainfall on Earth is the result of Earth’s precipitation cycle that serves to transport water from the surface of our Earth through the heating effect of a location’s air temperature, generally through the Sun’s daytime heat, as water vapor. The surface water evaporates and rises to transform into water vapor and forms clouds. As the evaporating water vapor ascends higher into our local atmosphere, the water vapor is cooled in the higher atmosphere where it condenses upon the minute dust particles in the air. When the cooled water vapor gets heavy enough, the accumulating water vapor expands to form water droplets that then use gravity to return back to Earth’s surface as rain. Much like rainfall occurs on our Earth, dear Ones, our own transition into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension has three critical elements. The three elements involved in our transition into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension are Mother Earth and her Solar System, the supporting Lightworker Souls present on Earth assisting her Fifth Dimension Transition, and the many aspiring Man of Light Souls present to witness an entirely New Horizon and Reality manifesting before their very eyes! The transition will not always present a pretty picture for us to see but just as the rain falls, sometimes there will be days when it only drizzles and other days where the rain keeps falling and falling!
There are times when Earth’s precipitation cycle is disrupted, such as when the movement of surface water is caught in transition between its liquid form and its water vapor state and actually remains suspended in the air as water droplets. The suspended state of water droplets in the air is commonly referred to as fog. The suspended state of a fog-like condition is what we are all now experiencing in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition! Mother Earth and her Solar System are well on their way to completing their Fifth Dimension Transition, dear Ones, and as far as they are concerned, they are all done as Mother Earth assumed an “autopilot” phase on August 2, 2016! As for the Lightworker and the aspiring Man of Light Souls also in transition, it is only the Lightworker Souls who are experiencing a state of preparation. Not because Lightworker Souls can see, hear, and feel Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition already in motion, but because every Lightworker Soul has some degree of previous experience with a Creator Planet’s Fifth Dimension Transition! Your Soul’s previous experience will come in handy, especially in these days before Mother Earth’s Transition completes on March 27, 2017, as you will find yourself greatly benefiting with the manifesting gifts and talents of your Soul’s evolving skillset! Man of Light Souls will also be evolving with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition but will be transitioning more like a state of fog, water droplets suspended between states of being!
From September 21 through October 14, 2016 Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition will be experiencing a Sanctification by God through our Universal Energies! This will mean that any and all present and future endeavors of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will receive the Blessing of God’s Hand in their process of growth and expansion! Intertwined within the framework of the days between September 21 and October 14, 2016 will be three events, the initiation of the Brotherhood of Light on September 29, 2016, Mother Earth’s point of “no return” on October 3, 2016, and the initiation of Mother Earth’s metamorphosis into a Light-Bodied Being on October 4, 2016. The Brotherhood of Light will begin assembly on September 29, 2016 and loosely unite at first through the awareness that Mother Earth is introducing a New Horizon and Reality through her Fifth Dimension Transition, as the Time to Re-Create Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension has arrived! The Brotherhood of Light will gain momentum in the next two years until it takes hold on January 12, 2019 through the guidance, leadership, and role modeling of the Legion of Light, the aggregate whole of all Lightworker Souls present on Earth! Many of the aspiring Man of Light Souls will not immediately understand the need to join together, but as Mother Earth continues in her Project with God and our Universe – to become our abode and domain of Unity with God for the Universe’s Fifth Dimension – the few will become the many!
Also included among the Sanctification of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition will be the alignment of her Third Eye Chakra into the Universal Grid of Sun-Stars on October 3, 2016! The alignment of Mother Earth’s Third Eye Chakra will serve as the point of “no return” in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition, as there will be no returning to the past and no returning to the way things used to be! The alignment of Mother Earth’s Third Eye Chakra is the fourth of her Seven Chakras to be aligned into the Universal Grid and represents the apex, or the midpoint of her entire alignment series. For the Souls already aligned into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration, the Energy of October 3, 2016 will be producing an internal presence of newness through the awareness that everything and every activity initiated from October 3, 2016 onward will become so much easier for the duration of Fifth Dimension Transition and beyond! Within this internal presence of newness, your internal knowingness, dear Ones, that everything will be better than alright, will come the third event of Mother Earth’s Sanctification of her Fifth Dimension Transition, the initiation of Mother Earth’s metamorphosis as a Light-Bodied Being on October 4, 2016 for her participation in the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! Many things will be changing, not by changing just in the incremental degrees of the past, but by the leaps and bounds of REAL CHANGE produced by the speed of Light!
Our rainfall on Earth is produced through the presence of three critical elements, water vapor, dust particles, and an atmospheric effect producing a disparity in air temperature. When one of the elements is missing from our local vicinity, a rainfall does not occur. Our Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition also has three critical elements, Mother Earth and her Solar System, the presence of Lightworker Souls assisting Mother Earth in her Fifth Dimension Transition, and the many aspiring Man of Light Souls transitioning into a New Horizon and Reality. If one of the elements were missing in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition, the entire purpose of Mother Earth’s Transition would be for naught, for Mother Earth like the water vapor needed in our rainfall could stay exactly as she is, like water in its liquid form and not transform. Just the same, Lightworker Souls like the required dust particles in our atmosphere assisting our atmosphere’s water vapor condense, accumulate, and expand into water droplets, are working mostly behind the scenes for now in assisting Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition. But it is the many aspiring Man of Light Souls who are functioning like the much needed atmospheric disparity of air temperature that will eventually produce the potency of the “rainfall” in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! For Man of Light represents the disparity of the atmospheric temperature through his or her attitude towards Change, to accept Change will produce a “rainfall” and to deny Change is to remain in a suspended state of a fog-like condition. It is not a matter of “if” the Rainfall of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will come now but when will the Rain come!
There are times when Earth’s precipitation cycle is disrupted, such as when the movement of surface water is caught in transition between its liquid form and its water vapor state and actually remains suspended in the air as water droplets. The suspended state of water droplets in the air is commonly referred to as fog. The suspended state of a fog-like condition is what we are all now experiencing in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition! Mother Earth and her Solar System are well on their way to completing their Fifth Dimension Transition, dear Ones, and as far as they are concerned, they are all done as Mother Earth assumed an “autopilot” phase on August 2, 2016! As for the Lightworker and the aspiring Man of Light Souls also in transition, it is only the Lightworker Souls who are experiencing a state of preparation. Not because Lightworker Souls can see, hear, and feel Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition already in motion, but because every Lightworker Soul has some degree of previous experience with a Creator Planet’s Fifth Dimension Transition! Your Soul’s previous experience will come in handy, especially in these days before Mother Earth’s Transition completes on March 27, 2017, as you will find yourself greatly benefiting with the manifesting gifts and talents of your Soul’s evolving skillset! Man of Light Souls will also be evolving with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition but will be transitioning more like a state of fog, water droplets suspended between states of being!
From September 21 through October 14, 2016 Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition will be experiencing a Sanctification by God through our Universal Energies! This will mean that any and all present and future endeavors of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will receive the Blessing of God’s Hand in their process of growth and expansion! Intertwined within the framework of the days between September 21 and October 14, 2016 will be three events, the initiation of the Brotherhood of Light on September 29, 2016, Mother Earth’s point of “no return” on October 3, 2016, and the initiation of Mother Earth’s metamorphosis into a Light-Bodied Being on October 4, 2016. The Brotherhood of Light will begin assembly on September 29, 2016 and loosely unite at first through the awareness that Mother Earth is introducing a New Horizon and Reality through her Fifth Dimension Transition, as the Time to Re-Create Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension has arrived! The Brotherhood of Light will gain momentum in the next two years until it takes hold on January 12, 2019 through the guidance, leadership, and role modeling of the Legion of Light, the aggregate whole of all Lightworker Souls present on Earth! Many of the aspiring Man of Light Souls will not immediately understand the need to join together, but as Mother Earth continues in her Project with God and our Universe – to become our abode and domain of Unity with God for the Universe’s Fifth Dimension – the few will become the many!
Also included among the Sanctification of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition will be the alignment of her Third Eye Chakra into the Universal Grid of Sun-Stars on October 3, 2016! The alignment of Mother Earth’s Third Eye Chakra will serve as the point of “no return” in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition, as there will be no returning to the past and no returning to the way things used to be! The alignment of Mother Earth’s Third Eye Chakra is the fourth of her Seven Chakras to be aligned into the Universal Grid and represents the apex, or the midpoint of her entire alignment series. For the Souls already aligned into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration, the Energy of October 3, 2016 will be producing an internal presence of newness through the awareness that everything and every activity initiated from October 3, 2016 onward will become so much easier for the duration of Fifth Dimension Transition and beyond! Within this internal presence of newness, your internal knowingness, dear Ones, that everything will be better than alright, will come the third event of Mother Earth’s Sanctification of her Fifth Dimension Transition, the initiation of Mother Earth’s metamorphosis as a Light-Bodied Being on October 4, 2016 for her participation in the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! Many things will be changing, not by changing just in the incremental degrees of the past, but by the leaps and bounds of REAL CHANGE produced by the speed of Light!
Our rainfall on Earth is produced through the presence of three critical elements, water vapor, dust particles, and an atmospheric effect producing a disparity in air temperature. When one of the elements is missing from our local vicinity, a rainfall does not occur. Our Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition also has three critical elements, Mother Earth and her Solar System, the presence of Lightworker Souls assisting Mother Earth in her Fifth Dimension Transition, and the many aspiring Man of Light Souls transitioning into a New Horizon and Reality. If one of the elements were missing in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition, the entire purpose of Mother Earth’s Transition would be for naught, for Mother Earth like the water vapor needed in our rainfall could stay exactly as she is, like water in its liquid form and not transform. Just the same, Lightworker Souls like the required dust particles in our atmosphere assisting our atmosphere’s water vapor condense, accumulate, and expand into water droplets, are working mostly behind the scenes for now in assisting Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition. But it is the many aspiring Man of Light Souls who are functioning like the much needed atmospheric disparity of air temperature that will eventually produce the potency of the “rainfall” in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! For Man of Light represents the disparity of the atmospheric temperature through his or her attitude towards Change, to accept Change will produce a “rainfall” and to deny Change is to remain in a suspended state of a fog-like condition. It is not a matter of “if” the Rainfall of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will come now but when will the Rain come!
Sunday, September 4, 2016
The Abundant Soul
Mother Earth’s current stage in her Transition towards becoming a fully enabled Creator Planet of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension is the Middle Transition segment. Mother Earth began the process to finalize her Fifth Dimension Transition on April 30, 2016 when she began a series of alignments to align her Seven Chakras into the Universal Grid of Sun-Stars, beginning with her Root Chakra. The Initial Transition segment of her Fifth Dimension Transition involved the alignment of her three Primary Chakras, the Root, Throat, and Sacral Chakras, and began by initiating the alignment of her Root Chakra on April 30, 2016, the Throat Chakra on June 21, 2016, and completed with the alignment of her Sacral Chakra on August 12, 2016. The Middle Transition segment of her Chakras’ alignment series began with the alignment of her Sacral Chakra on August 12, 2016 and will proceed to align her Third Eye Chakra on October 3, 2016 then conclude by aligning her Solar Plexus Chakra into the Universal Grid on November 24, 2016. Her Final Transition segment will begin with the alignment of her Solar Plexus Chakra on November 24, 2016, then follow with the alignment of her Crown Chakra on January 15, 2017, and complete on March 8, 2016 with the alignment of her Heart Chakra. On March 27, 2017 Mother Earth will then be a fully enabled Creator Planet of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension to fulfill your every hope, wish, and dream within your Heart and Soul, dear Ones!
While each overlapping segment will have its own purpose and function, it is the Middle Transition segment that will produce the most noteworthy enhancement features for Mother Earth’s new role as a Creator Planet of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! Mother Earth initiated the Middle Transition segment of her Fifth Dimension Transition when she aligned her Sacral Chakra into the Universal Grid of Sun-Stars on August 12, 2016. The Sacral Chakra serves to achieve the primary responsibility of Creating with the Universe within each Soul. Consequently, the alignment of Mother Earth’s Sacral Chakra served to shift her from utilizing the Universe’s Fourth Dimension Vibration to the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Vibration to not only initiate and connect her own Sacral Chakra but that of every Soul present upon her for the possibility of strengthening every Soul’s Fifth Dimension Creation Power! Our Fifth Dimension Creations will no longer be mere Higher Self propositions, but beginning to manifest within our evolving Fifth Dimensional Reality! The arrival of our Fifth Dimension Creations, dear Ones, will commence from October 4 through December 4, 2016, once Mother Earth has aligned her Third Eye Chakra on October 3, 2016. Thus will begin the overall demonstration of the true abundance contained within the Heart and Soul of everyone on Earth! But the real question will be – will every Soul realize the potential of his or her Abundant Soul?
Every Soul in the Universe is an Abundant Soul – a Soul innate with God Consciousness, Free to roam the parameters of the entire Universe, and a Co-Creator of the entire Universe in Unity with God! However, our Separation from God on Earth has diminished our awareness of the Truth through our experiences on Earth. Not in every Soul, dear Ones, just the many who render the role of our Soul for the afterlife, thus promoting the physical body over the Soul and reducing the Soul’s role as the life force of the entire physical body to an afterthought! To realize the potentiality of his or her Abundant Soul, every Soul on Earth will need to realize more than just the probability of the immortality of his or her Soul for use in an afterlife! One needs to become consciously aware that one is an Abundant Soul in the here and now and not waiting for a reserved spot in a distant station located elsewhere in the Universe! To place the concept of being an Abundant Soul into practice will be a difficult challenge for the many evolving Man of Light Souls on Earth! But not for the Lightworker Souls being called on Earth to fulfill the role of teaching, guiding, role modeling, and demonstrating the actuality of the many facets of being an Abundant Soul! This will be challenging to say the least, not from the aspect of thinking, saying, and demonstrating the Truth eliciting from the core of your Heart and Soul, but from the aspect of engaging with many unwilling and reluctant participants before the Universal Energies prevail upon Mother Earth from September 17 through October 16, 2016!
From September 17 through October 16, 2016 the Universal Energies in unison with Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration will produce four noteworthy events to accompany us in the manifestation of our Fifth Dimension Creations. During the entire period of September 17 through October 16, 2016 there will be an abundance of opportunities to promote the Spiritual Growth needed to return one’s Soul to the pristine condition of an Abundant Soul of the Universe. Our Spiritual Growth will not just appear out of thin air and manifest without a Soul’s consent, but will manifest through the conditional events prevailing throughout the Earth after October 3, 2016 when Mother Earth will align her Third Eye Chakra into the Universal Grid! The “conditional events” produced on Earth will induce everyone to experience choice driven circumstances and situations where Souls will meet with events to either choose to display and demonstrate his or her Spiritual wisdom and maturity or choose to gain in his or her wisdom and maturity for the duration of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition and beyond! The second event will be manifesting as a result of every Lightworker Soul’s previous internal alignment with the Throne of God from July 27 through August 29, 2016. This event will serve to actualize every Lightworker’s Fifth Dimension Creation and will commence from October 4 through December 4, 2016 when Mother Earth’s new conditions will especially need you!
The third event will be especially noteworthy to you, dear Ones, as the Energy of September 29, 2016 will serve to call you into the Brotherhood of Light! The Brotherhood of Light will take more than two years to adhere and become a Living part of every Soul’s Heart on Earth. Much of the message the Brotherhood of Light will promote will be centered upon “work together in Unity with God, Live together in Unity with God!” The increase in opportunities deriving from the many “conditional events” arising on Earth after October 3, 2016 will predominately involve Lightworker Souls, as the many “conditional events” on Earth will be serving to initiate “Pockets of Light” then “Communities of Light” throughout the Earth, and eventually large geographical regions on Earth serving to promote the message of the Brotherhood of Light, “work together in Unity with God, Live together in Unity with God!” Thus initiating the call to begin the process of Re-Creating Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension! The most noteworthy event occurring during the days of September 17 through October 16, 2016, however, will occur on October 4, 2016 when Mother Earth will begin initializing her metamorphosis as a Light-Bodied Being! She will not be alone in her metamorphosis, as every Soul already aligned with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Vibration will also experience a metamorphosis so he or she may return to his or her original state, an Abundant Soul of the Universe in Unity with God! We are here NOW!
While each overlapping segment will have its own purpose and function, it is the Middle Transition segment that will produce the most noteworthy enhancement features for Mother Earth’s new role as a Creator Planet of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! Mother Earth initiated the Middle Transition segment of her Fifth Dimension Transition when she aligned her Sacral Chakra into the Universal Grid of Sun-Stars on August 12, 2016. The Sacral Chakra serves to achieve the primary responsibility of Creating with the Universe within each Soul. Consequently, the alignment of Mother Earth’s Sacral Chakra served to shift her from utilizing the Universe’s Fourth Dimension Vibration to the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Vibration to not only initiate and connect her own Sacral Chakra but that of every Soul present upon her for the possibility of strengthening every Soul’s Fifth Dimension Creation Power! Our Fifth Dimension Creations will no longer be mere Higher Self propositions, but beginning to manifest within our evolving Fifth Dimensional Reality! The arrival of our Fifth Dimension Creations, dear Ones, will commence from October 4 through December 4, 2016, once Mother Earth has aligned her Third Eye Chakra on October 3, 2016. Thus will begin the overall demonstration of the true abundance contained within the Heart and Soul of everyone on Earth! But the real question will be – will every Soul realize the potential of his or her Abundant Soul?
Every Soul in the Universe is an Abundant Soul – a Soul innate with God Consciousness, Free to roam the parameters of the entire Universe, and a Co-Creator of the entire Universe in Unity with God! However, our Separation from God on Earth has diminished our awareness of the Truth through our experiences on Earth. Not in every Soul, dear Ones, just the many who render the role of our Soul for the afterlife, thus promoting the physical body over the Soul and reducing the Soul’s role as the life force of the entire physical body to an afterthought! To realize the potentiality of his or her Abundant Soul, every Soul on Earth will need to realize more than just the probability of the immortality of his or her Soul for use in an afterlife! One needs to become consciously aware that one is an Abundant Soul in the here and now and not waiting for a reserved spot in a distant station located elsewhere in the Universe! To place the concept of being an Abundant Soul into practice will be a difficult challenge for the many evolving Man of Light Souls on Earth! But not for the Lightworker Souls being called on Earth to fulfill the role of teaching, guiding, role modeling, and demonstrating the actuality of the many facets of being an Abundant Soul! This will be challenging to say the least, not from the aspect of thinking, saying, and demonstrating the Truth eliciting from the core of your Heart and Soul, but from the aspect of engaging with many unwilling and reluctant participants before the Universal Energies prevail upon Mother Earth from September 17 through October 16, 2016!
From September 17 through October 16, 2016 the Universal Energies in unison with Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration will produce four noteworthy events to accompany us in the manifestation of our Fifth Dimension Creations. During the entire period of September 17 through October 16, 2016 there will be an abundance of opportunities to promote the Spiritual Growth needed to return one’s Soul to the pristine condition of an Abundant Soul of the Universe. Our Spiritual Growth will not just appear out of thin air and manifest without a Soul’s consent, but will manifest through the conditional events prevailing throughout the Earth after October 3, 2016 when Mother Earth will align her Third Eye Chakra into the Universal Grid! The “conditional events” produced on Earth will induce everyone to experience choice driven circumstances and situations where Souls will meet with events to either choose to display and demonstrate his or her Spiritual wisdom and maturity or choose to gain in his or her wisdom and maturity for the duration of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition and beyond! The second event will be manifesting as a result of every Lightworker Soul’s previous internal alignment with the Throne of God from July 27 through August 29, 2016. This event will serve to actualize every Lightworker’s Fifth Dimension Creation and will commence from October 4 through December 4, 2016 when Mother Earth’s new conditions will especially need you!
The third event will be especially noteworthy to you, dear Ones, as the Energy of September 29, 2016 will serve to call you into the Brotherhood of Light! The Brotherhood of Light will take more than two years to adhere and become a Living part of every Soul’s Heart on Earth. Much of the message the Brotherhood of Light will promote will be centered upon “work together in Unity with God, Live together in Unity with God!” The increase in opportunities deriving from the many “conditional events” arising on Earth after October 3, 2016 will predominately involve Lightworker Souls, as the many “conditional events” on Earth will be serving to initiate “Pockets of Light” then “Communities of Light” throughout the Earth, and eventually large geographical regions on Earth serving to promote the message of the Brotherhood of Light, “work together in Unity with God, Live together in Unity with God!” Thus initiating the call to begin the process of Re-Creating Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension! The most noteworthy event occurring during the days of September 17 through October 16, 2016, however, will occur on October 4, 2016 when Mother Earth will begin initializing her metamorphosis as a Light-Bodied Being! She will not be alone in her metamorphosis, as every Soul already aligned with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Vibration will also experience a metamorphosis so he or she may return to his or her original state, an Abundant Soul of the Universe in Unity with God! We are here NOW!
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