
Saturday, May 14, 2016

God’s Living and Vibrating Universe

On May 22, 2016, Mother Earth will be fully merged into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension and beginning her new role as a Creator Planet of the Fifth Dimension for all of her inhabitants! No longer will she be producing a Fourth Dimensional Harmony Vibration Field, as she will have evolved from being a Creator Planet primarily serving to support the evolution of every Man of Destiny Soul, to becoming a Creator Planet for Creating every possible expression of Love in the Universe! There will not be many significant or noteworthy physical changes coinciding with her newly transformed state, but she will be initiating a process for expanding the parameters of Creating with her new Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field! Every Soul aligned within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field will be benefiting with her new status as a Creator Planet of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. The first to directly benefit will be the Lightworker Souls who have diligently served in guiding, role modeling, and demonstrating the way of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe throughout Mother Earth’s last 10,000 plus years. For all Man of Destiny Souls, there will be two diverging paths developing. The Man of Destiny Souls who chose to merge into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, the Man of Light Souls, Creating with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will begin on February 14, 2017. The Man of Destiny Souls who chose not to align into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will become exactly what they chose to be, physical bodies deprived of the Presence of Love!

In order for our Creations to begin manifesting in our new Fifth Dimension environment, dear Ones, we will all be participating in a series of choices involving the two primary parameters of our lives within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension – our self defined definition of our unique Joy of Living and the values we uphold in dearness within our Heart’s Expression. Once we will have attained these two primary parameters for expressing our emerging lives in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, we will need to consider the manifestation of our beginning in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! The more one knows him or herself the easier the process of one’s beginning into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will manifest! To “know thyself” will be the key and if you are considering the manifestation of an enhanced feature package from your Fourth Dimension “comfort zone,” or considering things you never had in your Fourth Dimensional Life, you will not be fully invested into your Fifth Dimension Joy of Living or Heart’s Expression. Many Souls will be doing just this, envisioning a more luxurious life than they ever had before. And rather than Creating the materialization of their Heart’s Expression in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, they will think about the car, SUV, or truck they always wanted and will manifest not just one, but six cars, SUV’s, or trucks! That is how powerful our thoughts will work in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! See it, think it, be it! Our Creative Powers in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be that strong!

Lightworker Souls will not be immune to the nostalgic feeling of “what if” in renegotiating or reliving his or her past, as it will be a learning experience for every Soul merging into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. In order for every Man of Light Soul to initiate his or her emerging Creative Powers in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, they will all undergo a “testing” period of sorts. From May 26, 2016 through August 2, 2016 every Man of Light Soul will be “tested” in his or her declaration of seeking to become unified with God and ALL Things in the Universe, as Unity with God status will be the signature denoted within every Soul in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional world! This signature of Unity with God, dear Ones, denotes one who is the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe and who thinks, says, and does all things through a state of Lovingness! Once the Energy of August 2, 2016 arrives upon our Earth so will the wholeness of the Future of Man and Light begin evolving upon the face of Mother Earth! Although not every Man of Light Soul will have achieved the full implementation of his or her 12 Perception and Awareness Centers, the five physical senses and the Seven Member Chakra system, by August 2, 2016, they will at least have the willingness to achieve Unity with God! For this is all the “test” will serve to conclude that one’s Soul is in Freewill acceptance to demonstrate he or she is capable of becoming the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe with God for eternity!

Mother Earth’s physical transformation into a perpetual state of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe will begin on October 4, 2016. The face of our Earth will become a persisting state of Chaos and Confusion through the influence of the Man of Destiny Souls still in operation as physical bodies deprived of the Presence of Love! The influence of the remaining Man of Destiny Souls will be through their power to control the economic systems of the world, and as long as we will all need to use their money the system will continue to exist! The emerging Man of Light Souls will be bouncing between states of wavering, between choosing Unity with God and living in the memories of the Fourth Dimension during the “testing” period, for you can still hold money in your hand and purchase whatever you want but cannot see, hear, touch, smell or taste God’s Universal Light, Love, and Harmony just yet! This will be for each and every single Man of Light Soul to decide, what is real and what is Real? The more one will “know thyself,” the easier one will transition into the implementation of the new Creative Power infused within Mother Earth’s emerging Fifth Dimension Creator Planet body! We will all be learning to find balance in our lives through our Heart’s Expression and finding an avenue for expressing our Joy of Living! The only way we will manifest our beginning within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be by deciding and declaring what is at the core of our Happiness and Joy. Is it in the things of Mother Earth’s waning Fourth Dimension or is it something new and exciting, yet totally undiscovered?

Once every Man of Light Soul will have concluded with his or her “testing” period on August 2, 2016, each Man of Light Soul who will have passed the “test” will evolve as a Sanctified Soul by God for implementing the new Creative Power within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field. Man of Light’s Sanctification process will also serve to place the Future of Man and Light, the partnership of all Man of Light and Lightworker Souls on Earth, into motion through the cooperative collaboration for Re-Creating Mother Earth into the Fifth Dimension! In Aligning into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Creation Power, each and every Soul will see and discover how each and every “inanimate” thing and object in our world is truly a piece of Living and Vibrating evidence of God’s entire Living Universe – through Unity with God! Mother Earth began a process of aligning her Chakras on April 30, 2016 and will not conclude the series until March 8, 2017. When Mother Earth will finally complete the entirety of her Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017, every Soul and material object upon our Mother Earth will likewise be displaying and vibrating through the Unity with God factor! We are all in a state of beginning, a beginning without a precedent and a beginning with no end in sight, for we are all manifesting what we truly are in God’s Universe – evidence of God’s Living and Vibrating Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe!