Harmony, the state of mind that brings synchronicity,
balance and order into your life, will be your greatest asset and ally during
the duration of the next few months, dear Lightworker. This will be tall order
for everyone as the Changes that begin during the second week of November 2012
will require much inward attention and concentration. These Changes will come
as a direct result of Mother Earth’s decision as an Ordained Soul to bring about whatever she will need to ascertain
that she will become the Abode of Peace and Harmony without
interference from the deeds of Humanity!
Although many Man of Destiny Souls do not have malicious
intent, they will still have “short memories” about the role Mother Earth plays
in their Lives and how much she contributes to their Soul’s growth and
development as the only Creator Planet in our solar system! And as Mother Earth reveals her plan to become the
Abode of Peace and Harmony so will the need for Man of Destiny to begin to
“Harmonize” with her! While for you, dear Lightworker, this time will be a
process of learning to adjust yourself into your new role as an
Ordained Co-Creator with God.
The remaining days through November 27, 2012 will be a time
of adjustment and learning for both Man of Destiny and all Lightworker Souls.
For Man of Destiny Souls it will be a time to pay attention inwardly in order
to begin to understand him or herself through the needs of his or her Soul instead of the physical Universe. For you, dear
Lightworker, it will be time to remove and release the “camouflage” that you
have “worn” to disguise your Lightworker status in order to learn how to “blend
into the crowd.” Both of these
tasks will be inundating for each Soul but in doing so, Truth through Light and
Love will prevail in ushering in Mother Earth’s task of becoming the Abode of
Peace and Harmony!
Understanding one’s Truth in the New Horizon is necessitated
by the fact that everyone will need to understand what will be required for
each individual Soul to Create the experience of his or her own unique Joy in
Living. Some will move rapidly while others will struggle with the basic
self-identity questions of “Who am I?” and “What am I about?” There will even
be Lightworkers struggling with their own identity and what they are to do, but
in these cases, your Brothers and Sisters of the Light already know how to
go within and it will only be a case of
them “remembering.” Self Awareness of one’s Spiritual Nature will be the key to
understanding and with it, will come the Truth for gaining experience for Joy
in Living forever!