
Friday, December 23, 2011

The Universal Dance

Many upon Earth continue to hold Fourth Dimensional expectations and beliefs even as the world we live in Changed on December 2, 2011. Emotions are at the core of Fourth Dimensional attitudes and largely function to enhance survival skills at best. Today the world is different! We are now in the Fifth Dimension and it is time to Live in the present moment of NOW! Now is the time to begin utilizing the calm vibration of Love from your Heart and Soul without fear or worry so that Love may lead you into the world of Joy in Living!

There are currently three categories of attitudes present upon Earth. The vast majority is in the category of willing to learn how to seek their Joy in Living. The other two categories are those who are ready and those who could care less. The category of the ready is largely composed of the Legion of Light, who will lead this Project of Light forward so that those willing to learn and seek their Joy in Living will be able to understand and proceed. The category of those who could care less will have the most to lose as what they cherish as their own property will be lost when the Universal Dance of the Heavens prevails over everything and everyone upon Mother Earth!

On December 24, 2011 the Universal Energies will begin to activate the Legion of Light for their roles as teachers, healers, and leaders around the world. Many have been awakening to the New Energy but await guidance to emerge from their Hearts. The Truth to the matter is that everyone will be his or her own leader as we will all unify with Brotherhood Consciousness to ensure that an egalitarian state will emerge and that everyone will come to learn that Love and Joy will produce Freedom for everyone!

The Energy of December 25, 2011 will have some feeling anxiety and restlessness. It will not be from familial celebrations but rather from what many will perceive as insecurity. These days will not be happy for some, but when they recognize that True Security comes from the Heart and Soul’s state of Contentment, the Joy in Living, they will realize that the Opportunity to grow and expand with their Soul’s task will produce a major leap into the Reality of the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium! So let your Heart and Soul be your guide into the New Reality!

Our Life’s roles have been largely defined by our capacity to think, act, and do something to earn a living. Though the Fifth Dimension will not immediately change any of this, it will ask us to act less from our emotional conditioning which lessens our capacity to contact our Inner Self, and learn to listen and understand with our Heart and Soul – our Inner Self! On December 26, 2011 the Universal Energies will begin to have us learn to trust our Inner Self and move away from our emotional conditioning. In doing so we will become less dependent upon what others think whom we are and shift into our own process of Self Actualization to define our True Self!

The most important thing to remember in these days will be to keep learning, growing, and understanding the New Rules of the Fifth Dimension. There will be continuous Change and Transformation all around the world as everything and everyone will be in position to begin the New Universal Year with a new state of Heart and Mind! The Energy of December 27, 2011 will bring emphasis to understanding others through the lenses of Brotherhood Consciousness as these lenses will become our greatest ally and support in the next several years. Security built upon the foundation of Brotherhood Consciousness will introduce us to greater growth and expansion than we ever could alone!

New solutions and new methods for resolving old issues will be needed to repair constraining world relationships. Traditional methods will only lead to short term resolutions. The Unlimited Source of Love will open and become available to administer long term solutions on December 28, 2011. It will not be easy to develop trust for many just yet, but conditions around the world will call for True Security – the application of Love within everyone’s Heart and Soul – to become available! Allow the Healing Energy of Light and Love to bring immediate solutions to all your issues!

On December 29, 2011 the New Energy to bring forward all of God’s Creatures into unison will begin! The Music of the Universal Dance will send the Legion of Light and all who will be ready into their Pathways of Joy while those on the sidelines will watch and wait for understanding. The Party will begin and everyone will be invited! Seek your Joy in Living and bring it to the forefront of all of your thoughts and actions while the world recovers from Fourth Dimensional expectations and beliefs! This will bring you ease and the comfort of knowing that all that your Heart and Soul knows will come True!

The Universal Dance to unify everything will continue its “Music” through February 5, 2012! By that time everything that will not align into the Love Energy of the Fifth Dimension will be disbanded, extinguished, and segregated from influencing the New Horizon. The Energy of December 30, 2011 will remain with residue from the Fourth Dimensional attitudes brought over from Humanity’s lack of experience with this new and intensive Energy, but the process of learning and experiencing only what was formerly imagined and dreamed about will now begin! Let your Heart and Soul speak for you and allow the “Music” of the Universal Dance lead you to your Joy in Living!

On the last day of the year 2011, December 31st, everyone will be looking forward to ushering in the year 2012 but not all for the same reasons. Most will look forward to the ending the year of Change and Transformation without knowing the reason why everything happened so adversely and against all known things. Those who will be aware, however, will know and understand that Mother Earth and all Humanity have entered into the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium! Continue in learning and applying the New Knowledge you will be given from your Heart and Soul for from there, you will know all things – Truth, Love, and Joy to engage everyone in the Brotherhood of Man!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Mood of Love

There will no longer be a waiting period to experience the Reality of the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium as the foundation is already in place! Beginning on December 17, 2011 the Universal Energies will begin to penetrate into the Hearts and Souls of everyone upon Earth with daily doses of influence for those who have been long in wait. Moving in an easterly direction and beginning upon the lands of Europe and Africa the Universal Energies will function to examine the readiness and preparation of everyone’s Heart and Soul for life in the Fifth Dimension.

If they have maintained the correct proportion of willingness in their Heart and Soul to learn and grow with Love, then they will have easily passed the Test of Lovingness. If there will be a domination of fear and ego to guide the Heart then there will be experiences that will lead them to learn, grow, and begin to understand that Love is the key to finding the Joy in Living in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium! In understanding this key they will learn that Sharing and Cooperating in the Brotherhood of Man, everyone will prevail!

On December 17, 2011 the Universal Energies will be blossoming with the Energy of Love to bring everyone willing to participate in the Fifth Dimension growth in security and assurance that their Pathways of Joy will be fulfilled! For when Lovingness begins as one’s foundation there is growth in the willingness to Change and Transform into the next level of achievement! Become Love and seek the Freedom of Life in the New Millennium within your Heart and Soul!

Many upon Earth will begin to disengage themselves from their political leaderships of self-interest and align themselves to bring down the Darwinian ideology of “survival of the fittest.” The application of this ideology was not meant for categorizing Humanity but for creatures who do not have the inherent ability to Create like God! On December 18, 2011 the Doorways to open the gateways of Humanity’s Powers of Creation will open. Many will not know how to apply these principles of Lovingness but will be willing to learn through the evolving Brotherhood of Man!

The Energies will be high on December 19, 2011 as the Legion of Light will begin to restore the Ways of God into a world replete with the Ways of Man! Many will find that their Fourth Dimensional beliefs no longer serve them. Some will eagerly seek the guidance that the Legion of Light will begin to spread the world over. Others will stand where they are shocked and stunned by the events unraveling from the continent of Europe. This will only be the beginning as the Fourth Dimensional beliefs and expectations begin to give way to the Ways of God!

What will the Ways of God bring into the world that the Ways of Man could not? The Joy in Living that is produced when the Energy of Love is aligned with the Energy of God within you!  This will also be the final outcome with the pervading Energies in the next several years! Now will be the time to begin to align with them and learn how to harness them as the Energy of December 20, 2011 will demand that everyone begin their foundation of Life with the Power of Love within him or her. In emulating this Act of God, everyone will begin to utilize their True Potential to Create their Joy in Living without effort, limit, or hindrance for you will become a Co –Creator with God with the Power of Love from your Heart and Soul!

The preliminary days of internal growth and expansion in our Hearts and Souls will signal that the first phase will end on December 21, 2011 as it will now be time to apply our newfound internal knowledge into our external world. This stage will begin our time of enacting our new fundamentals of Creation. All you will need to remember will be to seek what brings you the Joy in Living within your Heart and Soul. If you Think without limits and feel the experience as if it is real much will be accomplished in this day where the Energies will Truly support the Love within you!

Turmoil along with Chaos and Confusion will prevail over those who will not apply the Law of Love within their world. Many will still be learning while others will begin understanding and processing within the Domain of Love, the Fifth Dimension! On December 22, 2011 the Energies will bring those who lack understanding to learn that the entire purpose of their being in the Fifth Dimension will be to begin living their lives with Lovingness and to develop Brotherhood Consciousness – the attitude of Sharing and Cooperating with everyone! There will still be time for them to develop but it will be short!

The lessons of those who live upon the continent of Europe will make those in other parts of the world take heed as their lives will require that they take measures to lessen the collateral damage about to bombard their seashores. The Universal Energies of December 23, 2011 will introduce the lesson of security! Those who will know and understand that True Security comes by applying the Law of Love within their Hearts and Souls will remain calm throughout this time period while those who will value the Ways of Man will see their worlds rattle and shake with the purpose of bringing them into the Brotherhood of Man!

The Test of Lovingness will begin during this time period and will leave no one untested with his or her capacity to Love! These days will be an ordeal for many but as long as they will be willing to learn the rules of the Fifth Dimension and let go of the Fourth Dimensional beliefs and expectations, they will eventually progress themselves. The time to actively pursue the responsibility of becoming a Co – Creator with God upon the Abode of Peace and Harmony is here!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Aligning with God Part 2

God’s Plan to bring the Joy in Living to everyone is already in motion. There will be nothing to stop the objective of God’s Plan as Mother Earth continues to transform herself into the Abode of Peace and Harmony. The only choice left for everyone will be to commingle with the momentum of the Energy or to resist learning about what will be needed for success in the Fifth Dimension. There are still many holding onto their Fourth Dimensional beliefs. This will only hinder his or her own self growth in the Fifth Dimension, for where there will be no Love in the intent or objective of an action, deed, or practice, it will be doomed to fail!

Aligning with God’s Plan will bring everyone into alignment with the New Millennium as this simply means that we will all combine our Energy of Love with God and the Universal Energies. This is not a religious ceremony or ritual! It is simply the acknowledgment of our Creator as the Source of All Life in the Universe! If one does not Live with Love and Joy there will only be a continuation of Fourth Dimensional beliefs and expectations with its conflict of interest, control, and fear to rule their over their Hearts! Learn to Live and experience Life with Love to find the Joy in your Heart and Soul!

On December 10, 2011 the Universal Energies will produce a lunar eclipse that will keep some from truly experiencing their True Self, the person who is full of Love and is fearless! The Path of Joy will be open and remaining in fear will negate the experience of Joy and God! This day will also see the advent of Brotherhood Consciousness surface as those who live with power bestowed by Humanity, and not God, will begin to see their projects of control and manipulation begin to fall and crumble! Sharing and Cooperating will be the only way to progress beyond the Tower of Babel that they created! Everyone will need to be willing to Share and Cooperate and UNIFY in Brotherhood!

Learning and understanding the new rules of the Fifth Dimension will be slow for most until late March and early April 2012. This will be caused by the many who have entered into the Fifth Dimension with Fourth Dimensional expectations and beliefs. And as events unfold to humble and humiliate them they will learn and finally realize that THE RULES ARE DIFFERENT! On December 11, 2011 the Energies will begin to pour out their Love from God upon all Humanity, who will not know what they sense but will feel, even if for a moment, Unconditional Love for perhaps the first time in their Life! The more you will open your Heart and Soul the more you will come to know yourself as you truly are – a Being of Light and Love!

On December 12, 2011 Mother Earth will be at the last stage of her preparation for her task as the Abode of Peace and Harmony. The signal she will send out will be a telling sign of the need for everyone upon her to live in Peace and Harmony. Rumblings beneath the oceans will send Love from Mother Earth to her surfaces and atmosphere to inspire her intentions of asking everyone to become her Caretaker and join her within her Energy as the Abode of Peace and Harmony. Accept her unconditional Love and see what great gifts and wonders will be in store for you in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium!

The responsibility of becoming Mother Earth’s Caretaker will begin on December 13, 2011. The only requirement for now will be to begin learning about how you can participate with all Humanity in unifying together to Create an inclusive world of Joy! It will not be easy for many concerned with their mounting losses and their own self worth and identity! Now will not be the time to cry as Mother Earth and the Universal Energies will continue to inundate the message for everyone to engage their Life’s Pathway with Mother Earth’s Pathway as the Abode of Peace and Harmony. Learning and understanding this message will be reiterated until all Humanity has thoroughly examined themselves and their motives to succeed in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium!

Do not feel overwhelmed by the Change and Transformation already occurring as the Energy of December 14, 2011 will intensify the demand upon everyone not learning and understanding their role in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium. All Humanity upon Mother Earth will need to play a part in the Brotherhood of Man. Without everyone’s participation there will be great sadness for them as the lessons of their misunderstanding ways will dismount them from their ways of life and only leave them with little more than their Heart and Soul to start all over with! Though this may sound harsh to some, it will actually help them to begin to learn and acknowledge our Creator as the Source of All Life in the Universe!

Fear will be mounting in the world on December 15, 2011 as the Universal Energies help to assist Mother Earth in becoming the Abode of Peace and Harmony. Remain focused upon the Ways of God rather than the Ways of Man as media coverage will report plans to uphold the Ways of Man over God’s Plan! The Truth in these plans will be that Man of Destiny will be forced into beginning his journey into the Ways of God through Brotherhood Consciousness! Sharing, Caring, and Cooperating will be the only way of maintaining the status of well being and a healthy state of the Heart and Soul in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium!

The first of many Doorways to come into the Fifth Dimension’s concealed chambers will open on December 16, 2011. Your guide for entry will be your Inner Self – your Heart and Soul! Listen intently and you will know the difference between the Language of your Heart and Soul compared to the language of ego. When you feel Love and encouragement you will know it is your Heart and Soul. If you hear criticism and discouragement it is ego speaking. Concentrate deeper and allow yourself to listen within for in your Heart and Soul you will find that the Kingdom of God is within you!

There will be a new phase beginning on December 17, 2011 for our Pathways in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium. There will be no more suggestions about becoming Love and how to find your Joy in Living. Instead it will be time to actively pursue the responsibility of becoming a Caretaker in Mother Earth’s Plan to become the Abode of Peace and Harmony! Follow your Heart and Soul and seek to learn and understand for the time to begin is now!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Aligning with God

The month of December 2011 will bring much Change and Transformation in the way that all Humanity will experience Life upon Earth. No longer will systems that honor debt slavery as a means to reduce another human being’s freedom be tolerated upon Mother Earth, for these systems serve Man and not God! Fear and rumors will begin to traverse the world and bring those who manipulate and control with their systems of debt to the place where their Hearts and Souls do not exist, in their ego! Their egos will be the first to go, then their pride, and that will be followed by what they deem to be their own but is not, everything belongs to God!

The Change and Transformation will occur slowly and enduringly in the eyes of Humanity but in the Eyes of God it will be in an instant as the Energy of the Great Transformation sweeps across the world to introduce understanding in the Ways of God! Look forward for the Universal Energies will be upon Mother Earth and lift her into the Pathway that she has chosen to become, the Abode of Peace and Harmony! Do not let fear overcome you in these days for Mother Earth will honor those who honor her in return!

As the month of December 2011 begins we will still be in the Acclimation Period for one final day, December 1, 2011. This day will serve as reminder to everyone that they will still have the opportunity in not only living in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium but also to develop their lives into a state of continuous Joy and Contentment! Let there be Light and Love to guide your Heart and Soul beyond the Chaos and Confusion of the present day!

In order to purify and cleanse Mother Earth’s body and assist her in becoming the Abode of Peace and Harmony there will be an extended period of Transformational Energy beginning on December 2, 2011. The Transformational Energy will be segmented into a sequential series of Energy bursts designed to verify the readiness of everyone upon Earth. The United States Eastern Seaboard will be the first region to be verified for understanding in the Ways of God as the Legion of Light will diligently assist to supplant the systems of Man for the Ways of God! The choice will be for everyone to choose which way they will go as there will be much to consider as Man’s systems of manipulation and control will begin to quake!

The Legion of Light will no longer be passive and patient for they have all been ordained to assist Mother Earth with her task! On December 3, 2011 the Universal Energies will bring forward Mother Earth’s expanding foundation of Love to serve as the Security basis of all who will become her Caretaker in the future. Many will see projects of greed melt like candle wax next to a flame as retribution for their lack of caring in Mother Earth’s Pathway! Look away from the Chaos and Confusion for there will still be much to do in these days of Aligning with God’s Plan!

There will be a call to Man of Destiny on December 4, 2011 to assist the Legion of Light in working towards fulfilling Mother Earth’s Pathway as the Abode of Peace and Harmony. Many will not understand as they will be in awe of what they thought to be security dwindling in value and importance! The new value of measurement will be Spiritual Prosperity which is measured by the increments of one’s Love and Joy in Living! By understanding with Joy and Contentment in your Heart and Soul, you will come to find that you will treasure Time as the movement of the Soul with all its benefits of health, joyfulness, and growth in the Soul! This will be the way in which God’s Plan will restore Freedom and rescind all the damage that Man’s systems of manipulation and control have caused!

The Universal Energies of December 5, 2011 will call upon the Legion of Light to begin with their contribution for the greatest Project of Light ever undertaken! There will be Energies of Truth. Love, and Joy spreading all over the Earth as Man of Destiny will be Responsible to Awaken himself by learning and applying the knowledge he or she will gain to understand that the Change and Transformation is for Mother Earth’s benefit and not his own. When he comes to understand his role as Mother Earth’s Caretaker and not her owner he will know that True Security comes from God and not by the Creation of purchasing power!

Man of Destiny’s learning phase will be short. He will need to become Responsible and Awaken by December 17, 2011 as the Universal Energy of December 6, 2011 will increase the demand upon his Heart and Soul to merge himself into the Brotherhood Destiny he has long known about but ignored! The Legion of Light and Mother Earth will be boosted in their aim to achieve God’s Plan of Joy in Living for everyone with Unlimited Love from all the sources of the Universe! Love exists in all things and increases conscious awareness when all who will be involved in this Project of Light expand with it!

To Live with Love and Joy will be the way of Life in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium. This is an Absolute and cannot be overturned as these days to implement God’s Plan will demonstrate in the near future. On December 7, 2011 all of the Energies aligned within the Absolute of God’s Plan will inundate Mother Earth with Love and assurance like midwives will do when a new baby is born. She will now begin to experience a New Way of Life and will be sharing all of her bountiful Creative Power with all who will enter the Brotherhood of Man and become her Caretakers! Sharing and Cooperating will be the way of achieving in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium beginning with Mother Earth’s example!

On December 8, 2011 the demand for growth and learning for the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium will be taking its toll upon those who will resist the call for the Brotherhood Destiny required. Movement will be rapid as the Energy of Change and Transformation will leave no stone unturned! Everything will be involved and will continue to be so until all will be said and done! Take time to meditate, visualize, or even to sleep longer to complete the internal work that must be completed in order to progress yourself, for in the end you will be happy that you did! Let Light and Love lead your Heart and Soul into the Spirit of the New Millennium for that will be where your Joy in Living will be taking you!

The Universal Energies of December 9, 2011 will signal the completion of inviting everyone into full participation into the New Millennium. Now will come the Opportunity to advance into the Destiny of Brotherhood. Actively teaching and leading actions of Change and Transformation on the social as well as on an individual basis will heavily involve the Legion of Light. Many will still not know what to do with the long lost practice of Brotherhood for they will lack trust and fear for the worse! Know the Truth now: We will be in the Activation Phase of the New Millennium! You will now be progressing beyond your wildest dreams in what you can and will Create with just the Energy of Love and the Power within your Heart and Soul!

Those who will continue to look outside of their Self to seek solutions for longstanding individual as well as societal problems and not look within themselves will be missing the point of the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium. Change and Transformation will continue to be the norm as the point of the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium is simply to Live with Love and Joy to find Freedom! Everything has Changed and all will continue to Change and Transform until everyone will find their own Joy in Living! Blessed are they who come to find the Kingdom of God within themselves!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Acclimation Part 3

The Acclimation Period of the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium began on November 1, 2011 and will complete on December 2, 2011. Everyone upon Mother Earth is in the Fifth Dimension but some are still experiencing their lives with Fourth Dimension expectations. This will no longer be the case as the Universal Energies prepare to replace the Forth Dimension’s mindset with the Fifth Dimension’s New Standards and expectations! This operation will greatly diminish and eventually extract the influence of the old thought patterns in the Fifth Dimension! The time to learn to process with the Energy of Love is now!

The time period for replacing Fourth Dimension expectations with the Fifth Dimension’s New Standards and expectations will be three and a half years. No one will be able to interfere or stop God’s Promise of Joy in Living for everyone! Mother Earth has made many great adjustments and will also not allow interference from anyone as the Legion of Light will emerge as leaders, teachers, and healers of the Heart and Soul in order to complete the Plan of God’s Promise!

On November 24, 2011, Thanksgiving Day in the United States, the Universal Energies will place into motion a secondary wave of Love Energy to increase learning and understanding about the times we live in. There will be nothing to fear for Love will bring into motion the need for everyone to begin progressing towards the Brotherhood Destiny required for living in the Fifth Dimension. Sharing and Cooperating will be the way of Life, not only on Thanksgiving Day 2011, but everyday in the Fifth Dimension!

The secondary wave of Love Energy will also introduce a new precedent for Life in the Fifth Dimension as the Energy of November 25, 2011 will now require that we communicate with the Energy of Love for the express purpose of our Progress! Progress in the Fifth Dimension will depend upon our Hearts and Souls to function within the parameters of their True operation and that is as Expressions of Love! This is the Law of Expansion in the Universe for without Love everything would cease to exist and now it will be time for Humanity to expand their own Foundation for growth and learning!

Some days are quiet and inspiring. Others are stimulating and encouraging. November 26, 2011 will begin several days in which the Energy will be well used for contemplating about the current stage of your expansion into the Fifth Dimension. The Acclimation Period will continue for only six more days when it will be time to integrate your Love and Self Knowledge into your Joy in Living! The Acclimation Period will also transform our roles upon Mother Earth into becoming her Caretakers and not her “owners”!

On November 27, 2011 the Energy will remain in a quiet and inspiring mood. Use this day’s Energy to continue contemplating upon your role as Mother Earth’s Caretaker. Mother Earth’s role in our solar system will expand with her additional Energy of Love. And with the addition o our contributions as Caretaker’s, the affect will be exponential for everyone involved! The Legion of Light will be in preparation for the most unprecedented plan to be unfolded upon Mother Earth on December 2, 2011. Stay focused upon what you Love and what brings you Joy for these will be the key components to bring Freedom into all parts of the world!

The Universal Energies of November 28, 2011 will begin to concentrate and focus upon Mother Earth’s expanding foundation for the New Millennium. She will shake and rumble upon the surfaces of North and South America as her surface makes way for her core of Love Energy to expand outward and into her atmosphere! Let there be no fear for the Way of Love does not impede upon anyone who will reciprocate Mother Earth’s Love with Love in their own Heart and Joy in Living as the intent and purpose of their lives! Look forward with Lovingness for these days will be filled with fear from those who do not understand and also from those who will unwisely choose to forego upon their role as Mother Earth’s Caretaker!

There will come relief from the daily Chaos and Confusion upon the Earth when everyone will know in their Hearts and Souls how to become Love and how to express themselves with Brotherhood and Joy! On November 29, 2011 the Universal Energies will bring us to measure our Hearts and Souls with the scales of Love and Joy. Where there is contentment within your Heart and Soul there will be progress made in terms of Spiritual Prosperity. But when it seems that there is no understanding and little time to learn where the Fifth Dimension will be taking you, stop, and listen within for there will be the place of the Kingdom of God!

The final stages in preparation of the Legion of Light’s unprecedented Plan to fulfill God’s Promise of Joy in Living for everyone will be completed on November 30, 2011. There will be no more waiting and no more thinking what to do about it. It will catch those who will remain uncommitted to acknowledge the Source of ALL THINGS in the Universe and compel them to Share and Cooperate or to lose everything that they “claim” to hold so that they may learn to become a Caretaker of Mother Earth! Spiritual Prosperity will be the New Way of Life in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium! Let those who will be ready bear witness that the Promise of God will be fulfilled within their Hearts and Souls!

The Energy of November 1, 2011 ushered in the Thousand Years of Peace. Those who perceive that the Fifth Dimension does not appear as they had hoped for will be pleasantly surprised by what will begin in December 2011. The unprecedented Plan to exterminate the massive Chaos and Confusion upon Mother Earth will be initiated by the Legion of Light! Many will begin to see the increase of Light and Love in the world as was promised it would be like in “Heaven.” The masses will still be unsure about which way to proceed, that is, until they will finally understand that Freedom is in the Heart and Soul of all who come to know that Love and Joy are the keys to Freedom!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Acclimation Part 2

We are currently in the Acclimation Period of the Fifth Dimension and the New Millennium that began on November 1, 2011. Many still do not understand that there are New Standards already in place! These Standards include the need to develop the following qualities into our daily lives: 1) Brotherhood Consciousness to learn about Sharing and Cooperating, 2) Becoming Love to Create our Joy in Living, and 3) Becoming a Co – Creator as our Destiny with God! Without even one of these Standards as a daily practice we will remain confused and baffled in the direction our lives will take in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium!

The Acclimation Period will last until December 2, 2011 when everyone will have made their decision concerning the method in which they will learn and gain progress within their Hearts and Souls. Few will rapidly advance with the Legion of Light, who began their Projects of Light on October 5, 2011, while some will advance by learning to grow with their new found friend, their Heart and Soul – their Inner Self! Many will remain in standstill because they will follow politicians and leaders who will resist working in the Fifth Dimension as they maintain the false belief that they are still in control. This false belief will only lead them to lose everything they hold in ego, and without Love their fear of loss will fulfill itself!

On November 17, 2011 the Universal Season of Rest will begin. In the Season of Rest the goal is to seek rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation with joyful company. The Season of Rest will last from November 17, 2011 until February 16, 2012 when we will begin the next Universal Year. Much will be said about what the definition of rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation will be for everyone as many will feel restless instead of restful! Know now that your Pathway of Security in the New Millennium will only come with Love from your own Heart and Soul!

The Acclimation period is the period of learning to adjust from seeking outward for experiences of Joy to seeking inward within our Heart and Soul – our Inner Self. Many will be devastated to find that they have limited experience in examining their Inner Self as the calling of the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium will ask everyone to do. The opportunity will avail itself on November 18, 2011 when we will be given the way of learning to grow with our Heart and Soul. This will be a needed step in order to merge everyone within the Brotherhood of Man. Some will grow rapidly while others will mire themselves in indecision!

To Become Love is the Destiny of All of God’s Creations and there is no way around this Truth! On November 19, 2011 the Universal Energies will bring the opportunity for choosing the way of our learning to Become Love. This will not be easy for many who have only experienced conditional rather than Unconditional Love but look now for the Legion of Light to begin their messages of Becoming Love. The messages from the Legion of Light will be demonstrated in their many varied forms for Love is in Everything that God Creates! Love permeates all over Mother Earth in the Fifth Dimension and naturally adheres to what brings our sense of Joy in Living. Our sense of Joy in Living, however, comes from within our Hearts and Souls! Seek from within your Heart and Soul and there you will find the Kingdom of God!

During this month’s phase of Mother Earth’s course around the Sun, Humanity will begin to expand and learn! Increment by increment so that their understanding will increase to align their Hearts and Souls into the Fifth Dimension. On November 20, 2011 Mother Earth will begin to introduce everyone to her expanded Energy of Love within her and upon her surface. Her Energy has increased and expanded in the past several years and now it will be time for Humanity to expand and assume their roles as her Caretaker and not her “owner!” Humanity’s responsibility as Caretaker of Mother Earth will readily bring everyone into the Thousand Years of Peace for that will be the agreement!

So how will Humanity respond when they understand that they are held responsible as Caretaker and not “owner” of Mother Earth? On November 21, 2011 the Universal Energies will bring that to a test. Take time to meditate, visualize, or daydream if even for a moment about your future. Place it within your Heart and Soul and allow it to nurture inside of you. This is all it will take to experience and explore your future Purpose as Caretaker of Mother Earth! Love, Truth, and Joy will be with you always when you open your Heart and Soul – your Inner Self!

Within yourself you will find worlds of knowledge to access and learn from. On November 22, 2011 God, Mother Earth, and the Legion of Light will unite to assist Humanity’s New Role as Caretaker of Mother Earth. There will still be some resistance from those who do not understand that the Kingdom of God is within them. Others will be curious and stumble upon the treasure that they have within themselves. The major hurdle in aligning with the Caretaker’s Task will be social conditioning that has hindered everyone who has ever sought the Spiritual Pathway. Economics perhaps has been the greatest catalyst to bringing everyone back to “reality.” But in these days of Transformation and Change let the Spiritual Pathway become your cause and reason to live in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium!

When the seeker looks for what is causing him or her to seek from an external perspective and examines it with their Hearts and Souls, one will enter into a process of elimination about what is not Truth. But when one seeks internally he or she will make discovery upon discovery in finding and knowing the Self! Seek and find yourself with the Energy alignments of November 23, 2011. The Foundation of Love that is within you will commingle with the Love Energy of the Fifth Dimension and begin to move you into the Pathway of Caretaker of Mother Earth and a Co – Creator with God! When everyone is aligned within this role the Brotherhood of Man will come into fruition and lead everyone into a Sharing and Caring Cooperative State of Love!

The month of November 2011 has ushered in the beginning of the Thousand Years of Peace and will soon begin to reveal itself openly. Do not take the worldwide Chaos and Confusion as a sign of continuance of the past instead see it as the Transformation in Process! Look forward to the future with Love, Truth and Joy and you will know and understand that the Great Transformation is already here!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Acclimation

The Season of God began on August 18, 2011 and will complete on November 16, 2011. Among the Changes The Season of God has ushered in is our Entry into the Fifth Dimension and the Thousand Years of Peace! The Legion of Light will lead the way and merge with their skills and talents to begin implementing the New Horizon in which everyone upon Mother Earth will live with Truth, Love, and Joy. Though it may still appear that Man of Destiny has not budged from maintaining as “normal” a life as he had in the previous dimension, he will soon wake up and realize that the Standards of the Fifth Dimension are not the same as before!

The Thousand Years of Peace began on November 1, 2011. It initiated the Time of Acclimation in which everyone is anticipated to align himself or herself with the New Energy of the Fifth Dimension and all that they will need to Create for their Joy in Living. Many will not be ready to immediately align themselves, not because they do not want to participate, but because of previous conditioning where the only option to Create was by Creating “purchasing power.” Purchasing power is only a small fraction of our inherent ability in becoming a Co – Creator with God! No longer think in terms of enduring for your needs but instead, believe in your ability to Create with your Heart and Soul!

We are presently in a Dimension where everything functions within the Laws of Love. When Love is not present in our activities and does not bring us Joy, our activities will become like an anchor upon our Energy and exhaust us. The process of rejuvenation comes when we engage in activities that we do with Love and give us emotional Contentment and Joy! Keep this in mind on November 9, 2011 as the Universal Energies will assist us in learning, understanding, and growing with the New Standards of the New Horizon! There will be three concepts to consider as they will all develop in importance in the days to come, 1) Brotherhood Consciousness to learn about Sharing and Cooperating, 2) Becoming Love to Create your Joy in Living, and 3) Becoming a Co – Creator as your Destiny with God!

Many politicians and governmental experts and leaders will be baffled by their efforts of “putting Humpty Dumpty back together again” as they cannot understand that their efforts to fix the controlled markets of the economy will only hinder our progress in the Fifth Dimension. On November 10, 2011 the Energies will begin expanding our need to understand the new concept of Security in the New Millennium and that will be by Unifying with God Consciousness! God Consciousness is the principle that “All Things are in God for God is All Things.” When we keep this in mind and accept that “We are in God and are God,” we will know that our future will not be contingent upon the fate of a broken egg!

We are currently in the Fifth Dimension – the Dimension of Love! God’s Presence is all around us but when we choose to enter into a state of fear God will not be present with us because we are ignoring the Truth that Love is all around us! It is up to us to choose which way we will turn. On November 11, 2011 we will become more in need of disengaging from our concepts of the past and expanding into the New Horizon. There is still much to learn and understand but as long as you will seek your Joy in Living with Love you will not fail in anything! Love was, is, and will be the Key to aligning with your Heart and Soul – your Inner Self!

There will be many who have been ignoring the Signs of the Heavens, but on November 12, 2011 there will be no way to claim ignorance any longer! The issue of Joy in Living and the lack thereof in most people’s lives will come to the forefront as Humanity will be given the choice to develop into their Destiny as a Co –Creator with God or not! This choice will only be available until November 30, 2011 and will be a life turning decision for many as they will ponder upon learning to trust their Heart and Soul and detach from their past conditioning. Bear in mind that everyone’s Inner Self will be prompting him or her “to listen” as external environmental conditions will motivate everyone to thoroughly examine their lives!

There will be much to rectify and reorganize in order to bring conditions back to the place where Humanity will become a Co – Creator with God once more! The time to celebrate will come later but the Energies of November 13, 2011 will produce a Doorway in the Heavens to allow those choosing early to explore the New Way of Life upon Earth! To know and understand that Humanity is capable of Creating will be the Foundation that everyone will need to accept and Acclimate into. For now let the past dissipate and become the past so that Love and Joy will lead you into your Spiritual Prosperity!

Many will find that growth and learning in the Fifth Dimension will come with a heavy toll upon their emotional states while others will find themselves at ease in progressing through the Doorway of Spiritual Prosperity! On November 14, 2011 the Universal Energies will bring stability into the alignments of the emerging infrastructure of the Thousand Years of Peace. Look for any obstacles not premised upon the Energy of Love of the New Millennium to begin falling away and becoming like dust in a storm! Do not seek the past for that is not where you will be heading!

The Legion of Light will begin to see their Pathways of Light gain momentum as the Season of God will almost be complete on November 15, 2011. They will have much to do and much to say about the direction in which all things will be for God Himself will lead them! This day’s Energy will also begin a celebratory mood for those who will listen to their Inner Self and seek the Promise of God’s Joy in Living! Seek to learn for the Energies will provide your Heart and Soul guidance in all you will need to know if only you will listen!

The initial stages to remove what has hindered and become an obstacle in the movement into the Great Transformation have been loosened from their foundation with the Energies of November 16, 2011. There will still be one more great obstacle to consider in the next several years and that will come from those who will carry their past with them into the Fifth Dimension. Some will learn vicariously when they come to understand what Changed while others will learn with the teachings of the Legion of Light on how to process with what Changed!  Change does not come in an instantaneous transformation but is a gradual one that moves with Time as Movement of the Soul!

The Season of God will complete on November 16, 2011. The next Season of Creation is the Season of Rest, which is designed to seek rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation with joyful company. This Season of Rest will not be restful for everyone, as there will still be many more Changes to implement before the New Year will begin. Look to the beginning of December 2011 for the New Foundation of the New Millennium to be ushered into place. By January 2012 the Legion of Light will begin an unprecedented movement all around the world to bring the Joy in Living into its proper placement for living in the Fifth Dimension! Look forward and become your Destiny as a Co – Creator with God!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Doorway for 1000 Years

This forecast period begins with God’s Promise of One Thousand Years of Peace – The New Millennium! Though everything will “seem” as if nothing has physically Changed, it will be the quality and essence of Life that will Change! Everyone present upon Mother Earth will be in the Fifth Dimension, The Dimension of Love, and will become invigorated with the Energy of Love so that they may flourish within it!

The Ascension into the Fifth Dimension will introduce Humanity into an environment filled with Lovingness that will be unfamiliar and present problems related to this unfamiliarity. The keys to working within the Fifth Dimension will be to gain self-knowledge and understanding with your Heart and Soul – your Inner Self. Without these two key life enhancers there will be struggle to comprehend the New Dimension and failure to understand that the standards for living upon Earth have Changed!

Our need to utilize self-knowledge derived from our Inner Self will begin on November 1, 2011 when we will all enter through the Doorway of the New Millennium! There will be many who will still not be ready but as long as they learn that their Inner Self will lead them into the New Millennium, they will be fine. The Legion of Light will be moving forward to provide leadership and assistance to those who will come to ask while world leaders and their followers, who have not begun processing with their Inner Self, will become like puppets waiting for a puppeteer to make them perform, unbalanced and in confusion! Seek guidance from your Inner Self to begin Life anew and Create your Joy in Living!

On November 2, 2011 the Universal Energies will produce a third consecutive Doorway in as many days. The first on October 31st brought in the awareness of learning for a New Life while the second on November 1st ushered in the Abode of Peace as the place of New Life. The third Doorway will direct us to understand and process with the Way of Brotherhood to live our lives in our new Way of Life. Though many understand the concepts of Sharing and Cooperating, conditioning in the previous dimension has made too many to think in the sense of financial assets. This will not be so as the New Economy of Sharing and Cooperating will be inclusive and not exclusive of anyone for there will be No Rich and No Poor in the New Millennium!

Keep the above Doorways in mind whenever you will feel “left behind” with your Joy in Living. God’s Promise of Joy in Living is Truth and has begun! On November 3, 2011 the Energies will remind you what your Joy in Living will be about. By beginning within your Inner Self and exercising your Powers to Create there will be no limit as to what you can Create! And as long as you internalize and not seek from external sources you will begin to live Time as the Movement of the Soul! Dream and let your Inner Self transform your life into Love, Joy and Spiritual Prosperity!

The drama you will be witnessing in these days will be from those who have not reached into their Inner Self. Suffice it to say there will be many who still have not awakened from within and realized that the world is different! On November 4, 2011 there will be many misguided plans and attempts to “stabilize” the monetary systems by world leaders and politicians. All that they will attempt to do will be to remain in financial control and keep what they think to be theirs among themselves. Until they come to understand that the World belongs to God they will fail again and again as Brotherhood Consciousness and Joy in Living are the Way of Life upon Earth in the New Millennium!

The New Security of the New Millennium will not be based upon how many financial assets and valuables you can stash away in safe keeping but upon the strength of your Inner Self in Creating all that you will need for your Heart and Soul’s Pathway! The New Security Consciousness will begin on November 5, 2011 as the Universal Energies have ordained our Earth’s Pathway as the Abode of Peace and Harmony! Many precedents will be appearing in this initial stage of the New Millennium and though our Earth’s appearance will not “seem” as if anything has Changed, ALL HAS CHANGED!

On November 6, 2011 there will come great debates among the people of all nations as to whether or not there should be governments to control and constrict access to life’s necessities. The masses have endured with their governments and their policies and will realize that they have been duped! There will be much unrest in the month of November 2011 as many who took for granted that they were “cared for” by their governments will now enlist with the Individual Rights Movement already happening now! Joy in Living is the call to every Soul upon Earth and this will be one more sign to everyone that ALL HAS CHANGED!

There will be many who will remain anxious, restless, and even in fear over events appearing on their media screens on November 7, 2011. If there should be anything to fear in these initial days of the New Millennium it will be the loss of our connection to our Inner Self and its connection to God Presence! Surround yourself with thoughts of Love and Joy and be assured that your Inner Self will remain on task to Create your Joy in Living as the Universal Energies remain constant to usher in the New Millennium for our manifestations!

The Energy of November 8, 2011 will signify a transition day. God and his Legion of Light have initiated all actions to bring about the New Millennium and now it will be up to each and every single Soul to take Responsibility for manifesting what each has come to do. Some will still be resistant and try to seek a path of “security” in material things but that will not serve anyone in the Brotherhood of Man’s plan to Share and Cooperate with everyone! Look to your Inner Self and seek the way of your Joy in Living and make your contribution as a Co – Creator with God!

The month of November 2011 will be a brief period of acclimation into the New Millennium. There will be much unrest. Some unrest will be from residual Chaos and Confusion from before the Ascension and some will be from the New Standards of the New Millennium. The time of December 2011 through January 2012, however, will bring decisive actions to not only implement but to instill the New Standards of the New Millennium into place all over the world! Look forward for the time of the New Millennium has been introduced to everyone open to receiving!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Dawning

During this last week of October 2011 we will be witnessing our Earth and Milky Way Galaxy Ascend into the Fifth Dimension. It will all begin on the evening of October 28, 2011 PDT and will take three days for us to pass through the Light Portal. Be prepared with Love in your Heart so that you may quickly assimilate with Mother Earth’s New Vibration! There will be many who will not be aware of this Evolutionary Universal Event and even as the month of November 2011 completes they will still not be aware of the Change except by their Heart and Soul’s recognition of Love!

Time will either become your best friend or your worst adversary in the days to come, as Time will be fusing with a new spectrum of measurement – Time as Movement of the Soul! When you will allow your Heart and Soul to lead you, Time will dissolve into an experience of Joy! On the other hand if you let yourself become absorbed into tedious activities so will your heightened sensitivity bring you extreme monotony as your senses become your guides toward your inward journey of finding your Joy in Living!

On October 25, 2011 the Universal Energies will be pointing everyone into a One Direction – the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium. How we acclimate there will be our choosing as our inner processes have been enhanced to seek our Joy in Living. Many will be aware that they have become more sensitive but cannot attribute their lack of understanding to the inner channels of their Heart and Soul! The experience is New and so will the way we experience! Learn to Create your world from within to find your Heart and Soul’s Joy of Living for the external world will lead you back into the great illusion!

When we recognize that our Inner Self, through our Heart’s Expression, Creates every possible experience we will seek, we will become selective and base our Creations upon what our Inner Self needs to enhance our Spiritual Prosperity. No longer will we seek to compare and contrast but instead, we will contribute to the Brotherhood of Man and increase our Responsibility to become a Co – Creator with God! The Energy of October 26, 2011 will bring such a revelation to ourselves if we open up and seek the Kingdom of God within us!

On the day before Mother Earth and our Milky Way Galaxy Ascend there will still be ample time to prepare for this once in a Great Age experience. Simply surround yourself with all your thoughts of Love and Joy and do not allow fear to come near you! If you will do this exercise of the Heart the Universal Energies of October 27, 2011 will do the rest for you. What shall follow in the next three days will be an instantaneous movement of the 10 million stars of the Milky Way Galaxy that will take three Earth days to complete! Become Love and Live in Joy!

The Light Portal and Gateway into the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium will align with our Milky Way Galaxy on October 28, 2011. There will be no need to panic or cling to fear as the surge of Love will begin to inundate our Lives! Become inspired and live as if you lack nothing in your Pathway’s entry for it is so! We will begin our journey with Unlimited Truth, Love, and Knowledge to gain our Joy in Living from God’s Universal Energies! Love and let your share of Spiritual Prosperity come to you always!

There will be strong waves of Energy bombarding our Mother Earth beginning on October 29, 2011. She will be making adjustments internally and upon her external surface as likewise we will also be making. God’s Universal Energies will be guiding the entire process of Ascension so there will be nothing to fear. Remain in a State of Lovingness and Joy and all will go well beyond your expectations! Many will not understand what they will be experiencing and will attempt to go forward with their daily routines. If there should be a word of caution it shall come in the way many will process this Change, it will come with extended periods of sleep to internalize and connect with the New Energy of the Fifth Dimension!

The Universal Energies will be accelerating to complete our unified Ascension into the Fifth Dimension on October 30, 2011. There will be extra assistance provided by God and the Legion of Light to bring forth Truth and Understanding for this period of the Great Transformation. Many will have only begun to Awaken themselves internally but will still not see the source of the Light which casts the shadows upon their walls. Externally they will still meander with their daily routines as if in a state of sleep while realizing that “something is different!”

There will appear a Great Doorway in the Heavens on October 31, 2011 that will foreshadow all the future events to come! The first day will signal that Mother Earth will be ready for her task of Creating the foundation of Peace, Love, and Harmony. The second day will signal that Humanity will be ready for their own Pathways of living with Peace, Love, and Harmony with God’s Promise of a Thousand Years of Peace! Let these days bring you to celebrate the reason that everyone has come to witness the New Reality! God’s Promise of Joy in Living will finally be here upon Earth!

It has been a long and enduring process to bring everyone back into a state of Lovingness. Though many will still not understand what has happened they will work slowly to remove the dust from their Hearts and Souls and remember that they are Co – Creators with God once more! The month of November 2011 will become a period of acclimation for everyone to learn and become acquainted with their new surroundings. November 2011 will also bring in much disbelief that anything even happened. However, December 2011 will manifest major external Change for the better and will open the way for everyone to live in Peace, Brotherhood, and Harmony! Look forward for the days of God’s Promise of Joy in Living are here!

Sunday, October 16, 2011


We are now upon the eve of advancing Humanity’s Evolution into the Fifth Dimension – the Dimension of Love, and there will be nothing else to do except Begin! Much has been speculated and prophesized but on October 28, 2011 the Portal to the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium will finally open! The experience will be unlike anything we are currently conditioned to think and do as every experience will come from a State of Lovingness or it will not manifest! Open your Heart and Soul and become a Co – Creator with God once more!

There will be many Projects of Light beginning on October 18, 2011. Most will start out small and unnoticed by anyone except for God. They will gain momentum as everyone’s Energy and Balance acclimate into the New Horizon. The most essential traits of the Fifth Dimension, Brotherhood Consciousness, Lovingness, and Truth, will already be available. These traits will assist everyone in beginning his/her Destiny in the Fifth Dimension where we will all be Creating for our Heart and Soul’s Destiny rather than to make a living! Look forward and apply all the knowledge you have learned thus far to process within your Heart and Soul!

Many will feel displaced by their circumstances of life on October 19, 2011 as the Universal Energies will now compel us towards Progress. Are we living for our Heart and Soul’s Purpose or are we merely being dictated by societal conditioning to “do what is expected?” There will be little doubt that our Heart and Soul will be responding to the Energies for the days between now and the Portal’s entry date will have us question ourselves about our future. There will still be those who will not understand the decree of the Energies, but allow them to gain understanding in the standards we will all need to live by – Brotherhood, Love, Truth, and the common goal of Joy in Living!

Mother Earth will be expanding her own Horizons beyond what she has ever experienced. And likewise she has expectations for us to also expand and grow beyond our own concepts in the Fifth Dimension with her. On October 20, 2011 if we learn, process and, apply what we will receive in our Heart and Soul, concerning our Joy of Living and immerse it with Love, we will make rapid strides before the onset of the Fifth Dimension. There will be as much hope as anxiety in the world as events will reveal their course of action for Change! Let those who will not and cannot comprehend that the World belongs to GOD be given the way of learning!

Our Pathways in the Fifth Dimension will not be standardized for an economic need but rather, for our Heart and Soul’s Purpose. For this reason it will be critical to know and understand yourself and your motives so that you may learn what brings you Joy, as without self knowledge we become rudderless and moving with no intent or purpose. On October 21, 2011 the Universal Energies will surround us with the most appropriate Energy for seeking Joy so that if we align our Destiny into the Fifth Dimension with our Joyful passion, we will align ourselves with our Heart and Soul’s intent! Our New Pathways await us and will inspire us to Live in Joy everyday!

To Activate and Become will be the response our Heart and Soul desires! The biggest difference between our current dimension and the Fifth Dimension will be our need to be internalized rather than externalized, in other words, let the Soul feed the physical body rather than the other way around! For on October 22, 2011 our need to begin our Destiny by invigorating ourselves with Truth, Love and Self Knowledge will serve to strengthen and reinforce our progress into the Fifth Dimension. Many will not understand what will be happening as the shift into internal processing instead of responding to external stimuli will have them even more confused. Let this not be a worry for this will be the way that everyone will find his or her Joy in Living!

On October 23, 2011 the Universal Energies will bring Man of Destiny to the forefront. Will he be ready to step forward into a New Dimension? Or will he wager his bet upon a future that will “normalize” with hopes of a good job, food on the table, and a little extra for his habits? The Legion of Light will stand ready to lead and role model Joy of Living in the Fifth Dimension! This day will also signal a semblance of stability in Mother Earth’s Pathway of Ascension as all matters pertaining to her Path will be a mute point! Everyone will Ascend with her as long as they will have Love in their Heart and are willing to seek their Joy of Living!

October 24, 2011 will begin the last phase before the Ascension of our Earth and Milky Way Galaxy on October 28, 2011. There will be three categories of Humanity at this point, those who will know how to express with Love and Live the Path of Joy, those who will seek to learn how to express with Love to find their Joy of Living, and lastly, those who will seek growth in their own Soul’s Progress. The vast majority will be in the last category as the experience of Creating will be new to them and will leave them in need of nurturing so that they may trust Humanity once more and also, the need of learning the key tenets of Brotherhood Consciousness – Sharing and Cooperating!

The final week into the Ascension process will be the most Chaotic and Confusing for many as these days will transpire as if time stopped moving! Time as we currently know it will be fusing into a new spectrum of measurement – Time as Movement of the Soul! Now will be the time to begin as the present moment will be the most important in the Fifth Dimension, for there is no better time reference than NOW! Look forward and realize that God’s Promise of Joy in Living is upon us!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Window Part 2

In this forecast of October 9 through 17, 2011, The Window of the Fifth Dimension will become visible to all who will gaze inside themselves with their Heart and Soul’s Eye.  For with the Eye of our Hearts and Souls we will Create everything that we will ever need and do to attain our Joy in Living and thereby enhance and increase our life’s Spiritual Prosperity! Many will still not understand how to Create and will proceed into the Fifth Dimension with the expectation that they will need to purchase their life’s Joy in Living! This will not be so!

Our current economic system hinders and limits our Power to Create. This comes through our system’s demand that we purchase our life’s necessities with government approved currencies within a system that can easily be manipulated and controlled. In the Fifth Dimension we will all become Co – Creators with God and eliminate the need for currencies or a controlled economic system! We will Create all that we will ever need and do by offering our innate and inherent skills and talents to develop our Heart and Soul’s task! This will be the main reason that many will still be in disbelief and confusion about what they will do in the Fifth Dimension!

Our Earth will begin making her Ascension into the Fifth Dimension on October 28, 2011 with our solar system and Milky Way Galaxy. It will be a three-day process. On October 9, 2011 our Earth will proceed into a stage of expansion and contraction and will bring everyone upon her to know and understand of her intention to Ascend. The Legion of Light will be assisting her by spreading their messages of Truth and Love about what will need to be done in these remaining days until the Ascension occurs. However, the lack of comprehension of the masses will leave them not ready to understand that they will soon need to let go of what they are protecting and hoarding! This is so that they will learn to become Co-Creators with God!

The Season of God began on August 17, 2011 and will endure through November 16, 2011 when we will already be living in the Fifth Dimension! It will not be an overnight process in becoming a Co – Creator with God but on October 10, 2011 the Universal Energies will provide an impetus for everyone to learn and understand through the process of Flow. The internal process of Flow is ordained as our means for gaining wisdom and understanding in our lives. By internalizing in quietness and processing what Truth and Love give us as our way of becoming a Co – Creator with God, we will be ready to begin Creating with our Hearts and Souls before we enter the Fifth Dimension! Thereby keeping ourselves in a state of calmness and peace while the masses persist through the Chaos and Confusion!

The Full Moon of October 11, 2011 will be providing the Energy to channel and harness our emotional states into a conduit for measuring our preparation for our Joy in Living. Joy in Living is the state of calmness and peacefulness experienced when one is content with their life’s status, as in a state of Gratitude and Thanksgiving. Many will begin to find the inspiration for progressing themselves! This day will also mark the Realm of Negativity’s realization that there will be little time left for their ultimate goal of control and power over what belongs to God! There will be an unceasing increase in the already heightened Chaos and Confusion all around the world! Stand tall and place your Energy where you may best find calmness!

The more we begin to value and acclimate into our new surroundings in the Fifth Dimension, the more responsive our thoughts of Love and Joy will align with our Creative Abilities. On October 12, 2011 the Universal Energies will increase our awareness towards our Expanding Purpose in the Fifth Dimension. All along this has been God’s Plan and now it will be revealed to everyone! The Legion of Light will delight in the knowing that Man of Destiny has progressed his learning enough to prepare himself for the Fifth Dimension! Though most will not be ready for their new surroundings after October 28, 2011 there will still come a realization that those who will enter into the Fifth Dimension will find that they will have only one goal – to Create a brand new world!

Sides will have been chosen and on October 13, 2011 the Evolution of bringing all Humanity into the Movement of Light for the Fifth Dimension will begin. The battle shall linger until October 31, 2011 while our Earth and Milky Way Galaxy Ascend into our new resting place. There will be much loss to both sides but the Power of the Legion of Light and God will prevail over the forces of darkness. For when the new Energy of November 1, 2011 commingles with our Earth’s, it will open the Doorway of the Thousand Years of Peace for all who have sought out the Dimension of Love! Begin now to express your Love and Joy by opening your Heart and Soul!

Our entry into the Fifth Dimension will not produce instantaneous manifestations of “magic” to disillusion us. Rather Creation will simply become easier as the Particles of Light that make up all material things will contain more Light instead of mixed particles of Light and “shadows of Light” that we have in our current Dimension. On October 14, 2011 the Universal Energies will assist us in Creating with the basis of Love by beginning our Foundation of Love within us as our futures will depend upon Creating with Love and being responsible for Creating our own Joy of Living. These principles are an Absolute and imperative for Living in the Fifth Dimension!

October 15, 2011 will leave just thirteen days left until we will Ascend into the Fifth Dimension, despite all the continuing Chaos and Confusion. On this day the Universal Energies will have us acknowledge the Progress we have made thus far as there will be many things that will appear as though they are not Progressing. Therefore do not be deceived by what you shall hear and see from media reports that will report news items that will maintain that everything about our world is the same as in the past! Instead, know inside of yourself that everything will be moving into a better place – the Fifth Dimension!

Our Ascension into the Fifth Dimension is an Absolute! There will not be anything or anyone to prevent God’s Promise of Joy in Living from going into motion, so even as the events of October 16, 2011 reveal themselves, keep yourself focused upon the Absolutes that come with God’s Promise of Joy in Living – 1) There will be a New Beginning! 2) There will be a New Purpose for our lives! And 3) Brotherhood Consciousness will be the New Standard by which we will be measured! Bring all of your hopes and dreams to the forefront and allow your Heart and Soul to Create them for it is time!

The Legion of Light will be stepping forward on October 17, 2011 as Man of Destiny will begin to retreat and reluctantly relinquish what he long felt was his “God given right” to control. Some will remain stationary until October 31, 2011 knowing and regretting that their assumed role to act as “god” was not theirs! Others who have known no other world but the Earth Dimension will not know what to think or do and cause more Chaos and Confusion! There will be many hard lessons to realize in these days as the Legion of Light will begin to organize and demonstrate their own inherent gifts from God and lead the world into the Fifth Dimension!

After the Three Day Ascension Process into the Fifth Dimension, November 1, 2011 will usher in the Doorway of the Thousand Years of Peace! Though there will still remain residual Chaos and Confusion, it will take until January 4, 2012 for all Energies to blend, merge, and coagulate together. So do not loose faith and fall back into the past way of thinking and acting for we are on the verge of a New Horizon! Let your Heart and Soul be your guide in Creating your Joy of Living in the Fifth Dimension!

Friday, September 30, 2011

The Window

The month of October 2011 will bring in much needed transparency into revealing our Earth’s Path of Ascension. Many Projects of Light will become visible and begin to manifest as things that will no longer serve us in the Fifth Dimension will be discarded and disappear. Those who have readied themselves for the Fifth Dimension will be in a state of “anxious anticipation” from knowing that their Paths of Light will begin!

The Window of the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium will open on October 28, 2011. Many will find the experience awkward and unfamiliar as they become aware that the Energy of Love will be prominent and readily available. Most will remain as if they were still in the Fourth Dimension – distrustful, skeptical, and even resistant to Change! However once there, they will be on a fast tracked education into learning how to become a Being of Light once more for Light and Love is all there is! 

Many will continue to think that the world’s problems can still be fixed with the same old and tried remedies. Even in our own lives this will continue for some by habit. On October 1, 2011 the Universal Energies will bring everyone into learning and understanding that our future depends upon Creating with Love and being responsible in Creating our own Joy of Living. These principles are an Absolute and imperative for Living in the Fifth Dimension! The sooner we understand and learn these principles, the sooner we will adapt ourselves into our new environment and Create with our Heart and Soul’s intent!

On October 2, 2011 The Window into the Fifth Dimension will be available to examine, ponder, and seek before it finally opens on October 28, 2011. Allow yourself to daydream and imagine its purified Energy of Love by opening your Heart and Soul as you become aware of its immense presence! This exercise along with visualization and meditation will bring everyone closer to understanding that the Fifth Dimension will be the place where anything will be possible! Chaos and Confusion will continue to be the rule until everyone has understood and learned the way of our future!

Our Earth will be making adjustments even after she makes her Ascension with our Milky Way Galaxy. In the same way we must also persist in making adjustments within our Hearts and Souls to ready ourselves. The Universal Energies of October 3, 2011 will help us prepare for this by reminding us to Share and Cooperate in an experience of Brotherhood Consciousness. Some will prosper and understand while others will be “too busy” to realize that the entire process of learning for the Fifth Dimension depends upon an internalizing experience of the Heart and Soul. Everyone’s Purpose in the Fifth Dimension will depend upon everyone to recognize the beneficial experience that Brotherhood Consciousness will bring!

Imagine a life without the experience of Negativity. There would be no need to shield and shelter your Heart and Soul from the experience of fear and pain or even having to act defensively towards another person. Imagine this and you will understand the Choice everyone will be given on October 4, 2011. This Choice will bring into fruition the experience of life with Brotherhood Consciousness and Joy. Does it seem too hard to imagine lifetime after lifetime without the experience of Negativity? The Fifth Dimension is called the Dimension of Love and will manifest Creation to the fullest degree in all that has been hidden in the Fourth Dimension’s lessons and experiences in learning to Live with Love!

Brotherhood Consciousness to begin our journey into the Fifth Dimension will be role modeled by the Legion of Light beginning on October 5, 2011. God’s Legion of Light will ensure that His Promise of Joy in Living will be fulfilled. Some Lightworkers will provide leadership while others will serve as Teachers and Healers of the Soul to raise understanding and comprehension amongst the masses. Other Lightworkers will serve to progress the Project of Light in other needed capacities such as promoting Joy. In so doing the Legion of Light will be role modeling Brotherhood Consciousness without the knowledge of each other except by the identifying essence and quality of “knowing” the presence of another Lightworker!

Man of Destiny and the Legion of Light will begin to work together in the Project of Light on October 6, 2011. This too shall be a choice amongst Man of Destiny as he functions to make sense of the Chaos and Confusion all around him! The stage of progressive learning will be over and now it will be time to enact the principles of Creating with Love and being responsible for Creating our own Joy of Living. Many have lost the capacity to Create as they have learned to become dependent upon an economy favored for the few and only serving the few, in a way that has enslaved everyone into their grasp and hold!

The process of Creating is dependent upon two qualities inherently available to us. These are the capacity to receive and give Love and to Live in Joy. We make daily choices to apply one or both of these qualities in our lives and at times we will just take what will come to us. On October 7, 2011 the Universal Energies will be give us the Opportunity to Choose to Create our foundation of understanding for Creating our Fifth Dimension Destiny of Joy. It will be a personal choice as the founding principle of the Universe is to Create with Love and Joy in as many ways possible. This way we will learn to experience Love and Joy in all its many dimensional facets!

On October 8, 2011 the Universal Energies will begin to slowdown the preparation of our world for the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium for it is done. Now the massive concentration of Energy will shift towards preparing everyone for the Portal’s Entry date on October 28, 2011. Massive Turmoil will blend with the Chaos and Confusion already present in the world. Many will not understand with their Hearts and Souls and will delude themselves and others with extreme measures to resist their own Transformation! This too will be an Opportunity to advance with Expressions of Love, Brotherhood, and Joy but will be widely misinterpreted except by those who will call themselves Lightworkers within the Legion the Light!

Before the Change of Dimensions occurs there will be a need to process, learn, and apply Love and Joy in all we think and do for these will be necessities of Life in the Fifth Dimension. There will still be many unresolved issues that will continue into the Fifth Dimension as those who will not have gained a rudimentary understanding of Love and Joy will bring Chaos and Confusion with them. For this reason the Legion of Light will be readily available to lead, teach, and bring understanding to a world in the midst of rapid Transformation!

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Transition Part 3

In the remaining days of September 2011 all issues concerning Humanity’s Spiritual progress or lack thereof will come to the forefront and be addressed as we will have less than a month until the Portal of the Fifth Dimension appears on October 28, 2011. These lingering days will mark the beginning point for all progressive movements and actions to realize Humanity’s Spiritual Evolvement. This will be the reason that it will be critical to increase our awareness in learning and understanding that empowerment and achievement in the Fifth Dimension will only come through the New Spiritual Knowledge that we gain for our future now!

There will be many battle lines drawn between the forces of Light and Darkness that will define an Individual Rights Movement where everyone will be forced to enact their choices to either live in a world of Lovingness and Peace or not! There will also be many confrontations with violence and destruction worldwide until the year’s end. The Individual Rights Movement will also bring witness to the rise of the Legion of Light who will plan, engage, and lead the Final Battle between Light and Darkness which will decide if Freedom will become a longing of the Heart or if it shall become the Way of Life for everyone!

On September 23, 2011 the Universal Energies will continue forming, merging, and intensifying the call for a New Foundation of Peace – A New Jerusalem – as the world’s turmoil will increase and expand to raise our awareness in Brotherhood Consciousness. This call will begin to awaken everyone into realizing that there are no boundaries or barriers in living the Human experience except by the illusionary walls of separation that we place between others and ourselves. There will also come with this realization an understanding that there is only one minority and one majority in the world – the few who would control the world’s financial assets and those who are indebted as their financial slaves! Awaken your Heart and Soul’s progress by recognizing your need to express with Truth, Love, and Joy!

The way to find the New Foundation of Peace will be to learn and progress with your Heart and Soul’s calling to express yourself with your highest intent for the Fifth Dimension. There will be much need on September 24, 2011 to find your expression of Joy in Living as you will find that emotional stress and turmoil are bodily signs that the experience of Joy in Living is lacking and asking you to reevaluate your priorities. Seek Truth and Love within the Reality of your Heart and Soul to ensure that you will be ready for the new standards of Creating in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium!

There may be questions forming in your mind about how The Transition can be Creating two different Realities at the same time. The Truth is that the Fourth Dimension will be in a process of declining so that everyone and everything in its Dimensional Grid will learn to experience in the Dimension of Love! Many will not notice the effect of The Transition, even after October 28, 2011 but place more attention upon what they will perceive to be a lack of “normality.” The Universal Energies of September 25, 2011 will provide an impetus for seeking the Reality of the Fifth Dimension as our Earth will be completing her own Transition into it. There will be some who will be able to easily step into the Fifth Dimension’s Reality with only the assistance of their thoughts. Most however will still be incapable of transitioning yet as their minds will still only comprehend the current world and realize that EVERYTHING IS CHANGING!

Progress will begin once our minds accept the concept of Creating in the Fifth Dimension where we will be able to translate our thoughts into a manifested counterpart with ease – as long as it will come from our Heart and Soul’s Expression with Love! It will also be a necessity that our manifested counterpart be within the need of our Expression of Joy. The Energy of September 26, 2011 will have our Earth in a “no interference” zone in her Path of Ascension with our Milky Way Galaxy. Now it will be up to each and every one of us to adapt ourselves into her New Pathway and learn to Create within these New Parameters!

These New Parameters for Creating will ensure that whatever we Create will only be activated when we have our highest intent focused upon our Joy of Living. The Energy of September 27, 2011 will assist us in also achieving a “no interference” zone for whenever we will wander away from our focus of Joy and think about our past, so will our Heart deepen in intensity with our sorrow or fear! We will be making great progress in learning to Create in Fifth Dimension so let go of the past and focus upon your future of God’s Promise of Joy in Living!

Unifying in Brotherhood Consciousness will help us make sense of all the Chaos and Confusion occurring in these days. Do not let yourself become immersed with the high drama happening now, as the Energy of September 28, 2011 will not let the Earth’s plan to ascend with our Milky Way Galaxy deter her. This will begin a cleansing by Mother Earth to rid herself of negativity and all that she will not need for her Ascension. We will all benefit and must also replicate her actions by ridding ourselves with whatever will not align within Mother Earth’s Energy Grid.

The Fifth Dimension’s New Economy will be based upon local communities whose foundation is in Brotherhood Consciousness. Unity will bring Oneness to all who will bring their skills to Share and Cooperate with one another as this will become the foundation of self-reliance and subsistence. Preparation in Brotherhood Consciousness has already been introduced with the Earth’s many natural disasters. On September 29, 2011 the Universal Energies will further facilitate our need to learn to Share and Cooperate. Joy will become a commodity to share and express for it will assist many in remaining hopeful for the future to come!

On September 30, 2011 there will come an Opportunity to choose to express with the highest intent of your Heart and Soul. Truth, Love, and Joy will assist in expressing your Heart’s Expression to the highest degree and in this Opportunity will be the Pathway of expressing it with others. Many will still remain focused upon their own personal issues and concerns. This will be a benefit as this will assist them in processing the Universal Energies of The Transition into the Fifth Dimension. Others will remain in ego and not seek self-growth but rather they will gain knowledge and understanding that they will no longer control the Destiny of God’s Promise!

The Fifth Dimension will begin its destined course on October 28, 2011. There will still much to learn and process as the new rules and standards will have many in disbelief of what they will be able to do for Freedom is the longing in the Heart and Soul of every human upon Earth! In the Fifth Dimension this will be the only way to live but first must come the will of every man, woman, and child to become Responsible for its gain! This will be the parameter in which the Individual Rights Movement will be based and fought for by this year’s end!