
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Aligning with God

The month of December 2011 will bring much Change and Transformation in the way that all Humanity will experience Life upon Earth. No longer will systems that honor debt slavery as a means to reduce another human being’s freedom be tolerated upon Mother Earth, for these systems serve Man and not God! Fear and rumors will begin to traverse the world and bring those who manipulate and control with their systems of debt to the place where their Hearts and Souls do not exist, in their ego! Their egos will be the first to go, then their pride, and that will be followed by what they deem to be their own but is not, everything belongs to God!

The Change and Transformation will occur slowly and enduringly in the eyes of Humanity but in the Eyes of God it will be in an instant as the Energy of the Great Transformation sweeps across the world to introduce understanding in the Ways of God! Look forward for the Universal Energies will be upon Mother Earth and lift her into the Pathway that she has chosen to become, the Abode of Peace and Harmony! Do not let fear overcome you in these days for Mother Earth will honor those who honor her in return!

As the month of December 2011 begins we will still be in the Acclimation Period for one final day, December 1, 2011. This day will serve as reminder to everyone that they will still have the opportunity in not only living in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium but also to develop their lives into a state of continuous Joy and Contentment! Let there be Light and Love to guide your Heart and Soul beyond the Chaos and Confusion of the present day!

In order to purify and cleanse Mother Earth’s body and assist her in becoming the Abode of Peace and Harmony there will be an extended period of Transformational Energy beginning on December 2, 2011. The Transformational Energy will be segmented into a sequential series of Energy bursts designed to verify the readiness of everyone upon Earth. The United States Eastern Seaboard will be the first region to be verified for understanding in the Ways of God as the Legion of Light will diligently assist to supplant the systems of Man for the Ways of God! The choice will be for everyone to choose which way they will go as there will be much to consider as Man’s systems of manipulation and control will begin to quake!

The Legion of Light will no longer be passive and patient for they have all been ordained to assist Mother Earth with her task! On December 3, 2011 the Universal Energies will bring forward Mother Earth’s expanding foundation of Love to serve as the Security basis of all who will become her Caretaker in the future. Many will see projects of greed melt like candle wax next to a flame as retribution for their lack of caring in Mother Earth’s Pathway! Look away from the Chaos and Confusion for there will still be much to do in these days of Aligning with God’s Plan!

There will be a call to Man of Destiny on December 4, 2011 to assist the Legion of Light in working towards fulfilling Mother Earth’s Pathway as the Abode of Peace and Harmony. Many will not understand as they will be in awe of what they thought to be security dwindling in value and importance! The new value of measurement will be Spiritual Prosperity which is measured by the increments of one’s Love and Joy in Living! By understanding with Joy and Contentment in your Heart and Soul, you will come to find that you will treasure Time as the movement of the Soul with all its benefits of health, joyfulness, and growth in the Soul! This will be the way in which God’s Plan will restore Freedom and rescind all the damage that Man’s systems of manipulation and control have caused!

The Universal Energies of December 5, 2011 will call upon the Legion of Light to begin with their contribution for the greatest Project of Light ever undertaken! There will be Energies of Truth. Love, and Joy spreading all over the Earth as Man of Destiny will be Responsible to Awaken himself by learning and applying the knowledge he or she will gain to understand that the Change and Transformation is for Mother Earth’s benefit and not his own. When he comes to understand his role as Mother Earth’s Caretaker and not her owner he will know that True Security comes from God and not by the Creation of purchasing power!

Man of Destiny’s learning phase will be short. He will need to become Responsible and Awaken by December 17, 2011 as the Universal Energy of December 6, 2011 will increase the demand upon his Heart and Soul to merge himself into the Brotherhood Destiny he has long known about but ignored! The Legion of Light and Mother Earth will be boosted in their aim to achieve God’s Plan of Joy in Living for everyone with Unlimited Love from all the sources of the Universe! Love exists in all things and increases conscious awareness when all who will be involved in this Project of Light expand with it!

To Live with Love and Joy will be the way of Life in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium. This is an Absolute and cannot be overturned as these days to implement God’s Plan will demonstrate in the near future. On December 7, 2011 all of the Energies aligned within the Absolute of God’s Plan will inundate Mother Earth with Love and assurance like midwives will do when a new baby is born. She will now begin to experience a New Way of Life and will be sharing all of her bountiful Creative Power with all who will enter the Brotherhood of Man and become her Caretakers! Sharing and Cooperating will be the way of achieving in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium beginning with Mother Earth’s example!

On December 8, 2011 the demand for growth and learning for the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium will be taking its toll upon those who will resist the call for the Brotherhood Destiny required. Movement will be rapid as the Energy of Change and Transformation will leave no stone unturned! Everything will be involved and will continue to be so until all will be said and done! Take time to meditate, visualize, or even to sleep longer to complete the internal work that must be completed in order to progress yourself, for in the end you will be happy that you did! Let Light and Love lead your Heart and Soul into the Spirit of the New Millennium for that will be where your Joy in Living will be taking you!

The Universal Energies of December 9, 2011 will signal the completion of inviting everyone into full participation into the New Millennium. Now will come the Opportunity to advance into the Destiny of Brotherhood. Actively teaching and leading actions of Change and Transformation on the social as well as on an individual basis will heavily involve the Legion of Light. Many will still not know what to do with the long lost practice of Brotherhood for they will lack trust and fear for the worse! Know the Truth now: We will be in the Activation Phase of the New Millennium! You will now be progressing beyond your wildest dreams in what you can and will Create with just the Energy of Love and the Power within your Heart and Soul!

Those who will continue to look outside of their Self to seek solutions for longstanding individual as well as societal problems and not look within themselves will be missing the point of the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium. Change and Transformation will continue to be the norm as the point of the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium is simply to Live with Love and Joy to find Freedom! Everything has Changed and all will continue to Change and Transform until everyone will find their own Joy in Living! Blessed are they who come to find the Kingdom of God within themselves!