
Friday, September 21, 2012

The Ordaining Part 2

During the second week of October 2012 the Universal Energies will be directing the Process of Ordaining toward you and your Project of Light, dear Lightworker! What may have seemed impossible or even as likely as “snapping your fingers” for its appearance will be happening! For when the Process of Ordaining completes on October 21st, 2012, you will be directed by God the Father and Mother of ALL Things to your place of Joy and Service to Him/Her!

The place of your Joy and Service to God will bring you into a role of leading, teaching, and healing others as a Co-Creator with God, which, will directly influence the Transforming Energy upon Mother Earth into one of Lovingness. What in the past has only been Pods of Lightworkers advancing their influence in stages through civilizations ready to understand the work of the Soul, will now be more than 144,000 Lightworkers working in unison with God’s coordination to introduce a New Horizon on December 3, 2012 where there will be no opposition left upon the Earth Plane against the Promise of God for Joy of Living for everyone!

In order for God’s Promise to begin on schedule with the Universal Energies, Man of Destiny Souls will have the opportunity to listen and pay attention to God’s Words of Truth being spoken through members of the Legion of Light! The Energy of October 11th through 15th, 2012 will provide the platform through which world events will require action to remove the corrupt and failing financial systems of control. And in this will come the great Fall of Babylon with all of its false values and incentives to keep control over the masses!

When the Energy of October 17, 2012 arrives there will be many egocentric Man of Destiny Souls without power and influence! For they have all failed to acknowledge that God the Father and Mother is the Source of ALL Things and not one’s ego! Though they will attempt to manipulate and regain control, they will no longer be heard or even paid attention to, for now Man of Destiny Souls will be ready to begin his or her own Pathway of becoming a Co-Creator with God on November 3, 2012!

There is a New Horizon forming within your Heart and Soul, dear Lightworker! You may not see it at this time but you can feel it! Its presence will be fully manifested on December 3, 2012 and is in its final stage of Ordaining by God from October 1st to 21st, 2012. Man of Destiny, as you will witness, will be removed from places of interference as you and the Legion of Light, dear Lightworker, make your God-Centered presence throughout the Earth Plane! So when Man of Destiny is given the opportunity to become a Co-Creator with God on November 3, 2012, he or she will be ready to Create with the purpose of imputing value into God’s Creations on Mother Earth. Some will take longer than others as they take time to reorient his or her Soul into this finalization stage with God.

In the times ahead the real issue after the Ordaining period completes will be credibility and belief by Man of Destiny. Some like you, dear Lightworker, already know and understand that we are all Co-Creators with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things. In the past, however, the dominance of ego by Man of Destiny stood in the way of accomplishing anything by the Legion of Light in unison. Unity with God will make a noticeable difference after December 3, 2012 – as All Projects of Light and Love will form in unison with God’s Presence upon Mother Earth!

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Ordaining

When the month of October 2012 begins there will be a noticeable difference in the Energy, dear Lightworker, for Love will finally begin to overcome the negative Energy of the Earth Plane! This will make a big difference, dear Lightworker, in your ability to Co-Create with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things! October 8, 2012 will mark the midway point to the day when ALL NEGATIVE ENERGY upon Mother Earth will collapse upon itself on December 3, 2012 so that all things may begin again!

As improbable as this may sound today, the Energy of the first week of October 2012 will begin the Process of Ordaining all Souls who will stand ready to fulfill their requirements of becoming Co-Creators with God through Unity with Him/Her. The Ordaining Process will begin on October 1, 2012 and will complete on October 21, 2012. Upon the advent of the October 21st Energy, dear Lightworker, you will be moving forward to assist Man of Destiny Souls enter into the domain of Co-Creator status on November 3, 2012. The likelihood that all Man of Destiny Souls will be ready by November 3rd is not highly likely at this time but God the Father and Mother of ALL Things will be giving them all the opportunity to do so!

Man of Destiny Souls will not be allowed to interfere, hinder, or impede upon God’s Promise to bring everyone Joy in Living! In the short run Man of Destiny will see this time period as a “trial upon him or her” instead of seeing this as an opportunity to develop his or her entrepreneur skills to Create his or her Soul’s task! Rather Man of Destiny Souls will long for a process similar to looking for a job to take care of his or her needs without responsibility or ownership for what he or she is Creating. So while Man of Destiny decides his or her destiny, dear Lightworker, you among others will be leading, teaching, and uplifting them with encouragement to become responsible caretakers of his or her own destiny through the proper use and application of God’s Currency of Love in his or her Soul’s task!

There will be several decisions for all to consider during the first week in the Process of Ordaining. The first and foremost will be whether or not one will be a part of the future as a Co-Creator with God while the second will be to Activate with Love to acknowledge the Spiritual Nature of All Things in the Universe as well as one’s self. Once these two critical choices are made, the audience that will bring you into the prime of your Project of Light and Love, dear Lightworker, will be wide open for learning, absorbing, and taking to Heart, the lessons of using and applying God’s Currency of Love! During this Time of Decision there will not be much for you to do on your part, dear Lightworker, for God will be available to everyone during this time of choice!

At this point of time there are still many decisions to be made by Man of Destiny and even some members of the Legion of Light who have taken the ways of man as their own values of survival. While you, dear Lightworker, will have the capability to be a Co-Creator with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things on September 23, 2012, Man of Destiny and the “unaware ones” will have the opportunity to become Co-Creators with God on November 3, 2012. This gap of Time is crucial in establishing the foundation by those like you, dear Lightworker, an Ordained Co-Creator with God moving forward with your Project of Light and Love! The end of your wait for the fullest extent of what you have come to do, dear Lightworker, is right around the corner! So enjoy the quiet moments while you can!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Co-Creators with God Part 2

The Co-Creator with God Status that will be bestowed upon you on September 23, 2012, dear Lightworker, will only require two things: one, you remain in a state of Lovinginess to Create with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things and two, play to recharge your internal batteries! That will be all you will need, so do not worry or fall into despair about the current state of world affairs, for this will be the way in which Man of Destiny will begin to turn to God for all of his or her needs upon the Earth Plane!

God the Father and Mother of ALL Things will be leading the Legion of Light and Man of Destiny together on September 24 and 25, 2012 to begin His/Her Promise of Joy in Living for everyone upon the Earth Plane. Many dramatic events will occur worldwide and will not leave anyone or anyplace untouched with this Energy’s Presence! Now you will witness firsthand the Power of God’s Presence upon the Earth as the shackles that keep Humanity bound to another Human Being with unjust laws loosen and release to improve the impoverished conditions of the Soul!

Many Man of Destiny Souls will be in shock and disbelief rather than exuberant and cheerful about the extraordinary turn of events at the end of September 2012. But this is only the beginning of the Great Transformation to bring Unity with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things for Man of Destiny. There will only be three opportunities for Man of Destiny to become Unified with God. The first will occur from January 15, 2013 through February 14, 2013 while the second access period will happen from January 16, 2014 until February 13, 2014. The last and final opportunity will be offered from January 16, 2015 until February 13, 2015. By the point of this final chance many will become convinced and understand that God the Father and Mother of ALL Things walks upon the Earth!

There will still be a long way to go in terms of time and understanding, dear Lightworker! But you and all members of the Legion of Light will be beginning your Service of Light and Love as a team with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things! So remain focused upon God’s burgeoning World of Light and Love appearing at the end of September 2012 that will fully manifest by December 3, 2012!

You will also begin to recognize other members of the Legion of Light, dear Lightworker, by the manner in which they will speak the Words of God directly and speak about God in His/Her True Essence of Love without Judgment and not through religious terminology of separation from this world, but as He/She is, walking upon the Lands of the Earth! This time period will also begin the Brotherhood of Man and Light upon Mother Earth!

The Brotherhood of Man and Light will become the core foundation through which everything upon Mother Earth will be accomplished – by Sharing and Cooperating with one another! Instead of nations and industries negotiating upon ego based values, the Spirit of Brotherhood will bring what is best for each individual person involved! When the Energy of October 2012 will arrive, there will be a new Spirit of Love roaming the entire Earth. Those who resist it will see it as a plague in their lives of keeping Humanity bound to another Human Being! Know now, dear Lightworker, the Separation of Souls has begun!