
Saturday, September 7, 2019

Our New World Technology

The World is fast approaching the beginning of a New Reality for humanity.  We begin to initiate Our Society of Light from September 7, 2019 through February 17, 2020.  

Through trial and error – rather than intentional steps – humanity has been in the process of developing evolutionary stages towards Our Society of Light.  We have evolved our concepts of what it means to live in the World.  We began by expanding our attention from small groups and villages and local geographic regions and cultures with people living nearby to knowing and understanding that many different peoples live all over Mother Earth’s entire surface and that many ideas and customs are not like our own.  

Humanity’s learning has often been slow and painful.  This truth is most apparent when it comes to recognizing that Love is the essence of everything that we naturally and authentically think, say, and do – when we are operating at our Soul’s level.  We are at peace.  Choosing to express Peace and Love, we are raised to the Soul’s level of consciousness.  In that alignment, the superficial small self/ego level of consciousness softens and quiets. 

Here we are now, Dear Ones, with much of humanity still thinking, speaking, and doing things from an emotional and sentient level of the mind.  The five senses are unable to understand the changes happening on Mother Earth and within Her Solar System. There is much fear in the Collective.  

Humanity is being granted an opportunity to function as a mature human race living on and with Mother Earth – in Unity and Peace and Love and serving to preserve our common home.

Ponder the maybes, what ifs, and probabilities.  How about a world where there can be more to life than merely participating within the remnants of broken systems, past trauma, and outdated ideas of what reality can be and is. Humanity’s past continues to influence our ways of believing and thinking and being and doing what is “right” and socially acceptable. 

Humanity loves its technology and the freedoms provided through access to information and communications and mobility of movements, etc., etc. and more.  Newly awakening people want to know what’s going on with them and with the world these days.  They study and read a great deal.  In fact, in our pursuit of truth and knowledge, we can become addicted to learning.  There is, indeed, much to learn.  Nevertheless, we know enough. The time for study is over.  The time for using outside technology for our answers is complete.  The Way of you, the Soul, is a new territory to explore.  It is time to go within and to learn about and to experience and to expand our  ‘technology’ within.

Make a daily time and space of intentional Peace, stillness, and tranquility.  The Souls of humanity need to recharge and realign within this world’s transformation.  Our Society of Light will require few distractions and interferences from the present moment.   Focus on Oneness is required for the task at hand!  

Our Society of Light marks a return to the Soul’s level of manifestation and co-creation.  Change is happening at warp speed.  Are we ready?  

Are we willing to see anything and everything in a new and higher way?  Can we give ourselves permission to Know and to choose anything and everything in a higher way?  Are we willing to allow change in all its higher ways and forms to become established for the Unified World of humanity?  

These will be the enduring questions of our transitional experience.  We know that humanity’s change will not be overnight.  We are encouraged and guided to take “baby steps”.  Nature doesn’t stop.  Neither can humanity.  Many will choose not to evolve in the midst of recovering the full capacity of their Soul’s work.  Many will try!  Many will succeed!

When mankind’s individual goals become common goals, everything is possible – not a maybe, what if, or probability!  Humanity’s world is now entering into a New Direction! 

Tune in, turn on, and drop out of the matrix of the old paradigm through the natural loving vibration of your Soul!

Peace and blessings in Love and Oneness.  Namaste. 

Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Led by the Light

March 27, 2019 is marked as “Graduation Day” for Mother Earth Gaia and Her Kingdoms.  The whole of Creation celebrated Her attainment of and alignment to the 5th Dimensional Vibratory Frequency as a Creator Planet among Creator Planets.  

Since then, humanity has been receiving waves of high vibrational energy through the movements within the Great Central Sun and from Mother Earth and Her planetary brothers and sisters.  These movements have triggered a bifurcation of humanity’s energy into three streams of Awareness – those being

Aware AND Awakened
Aware TO Awake
and Unawakened and Unaware.

These streams are not permanent and are, in fact, very fluid and allowing so that each and every Soul may explore, practice and define his/her own role in Mother Earth’s New 5th Dimensional Reality.

To fulfill our role in Mother Earth’s New Reality is to become and BE Aware and Awakened within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension - all the while, leaving the antiquated 3rd Dimensional society behind.  Human societies of the 3rd Dimension are comprised of many individual and unique people who have been shaped and molded by the influences of their culture, environment and beliefs. This way was all well and good when predictable foundations of structure led us to assume our ‘responsibilities’ of Life.  

It was not until March 27, 2017 - when Mother Earth joined Her new 5th Dimensional Frequency with that of the Whole of Creation – that humanity had to make the choice to join with Mother Earth or remain among the Unawakened and Unaware.  “Will I serve to assist in Mother Earth’s transition?” or “Will I ignore the call of my Soul?”

Humanity is seeing and feeling the affects of Mother Earth’s 5th Dimensional Vibratory Frequency now.  All of humanity is transitioning and acclimating and integrating and adapting to these powerful gifts of healing Light and unconditional Love.  Humanity’s perception of Mother Earth’s transition is instrumental in producing the human collective’s own experience of expanded awareness.  

From September 7, 2019 to February 17, 2020 humanity will be assisting in the initiation of our Society of Light.  Our former social structures are antiquated and in need of becoming inclusive and revamped towards our future 5th Dimensional reality. Our thought processes will shift and begin to address the infinite possibilities for our future experience within Mother Earth’s Universal Community of the Fifth Dimension. Thoughts and creations anchored in the actions and metaphors of the past will create more of the same. 

From September 7, 2019 to February 17, 2020, humanity is in a position of choice:  Will I serve to assist in Mother Earth’s Transition or will I remain unawake and unaware in 3d? 

There are no available methods of turning back. We stood in long lines to be here and to witness and to be a part of this transition.  No matter - Aware and Awakened, Aware to Awaken, or Unawake and Unaware - we will all be offering our assistance towards Mother Earth’s New Reality!  The Aware and Awakened continue (for now) to do most of the heavy lifting to initiate our Society of Light.  Those who are Unaware and Unawake will be unconsciously releasing control of the former 3D reality!  

The 3D reality was designed to allow humanity to have the experience of separation and amnesia.  We know enough about all of that now and we are ready to move back up the mountain to re-membering our Truth of Unity and Oneness.

Listen to your Heart and Soul, Dear Ones.  This is where everyone will be Led by the Light! 

Peace and blessings.  Namaste.

Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Shifting Dimensions

Our entire Life’s Plan is completely encoded within our individual Hearts and Souls. We cannot see, hear, or touch what is encoded within our Heart and Soul.  We can only discover it through our individual expressions of Joy – revealing our unique message to the world – our Life’s Purpose. 

Our Life’s Purpose sets the tone and motion needed to reveal our entire Life’s Plan.  Without a purpose we would just be led astray by the world’s vibrational current, rather than establishing our own course and destiny. 

Our current days differ greatly from our days of the past, Dear Ones.  Mother Earth is now transitioning to become a Fifth Dimensional Creator Planet. We could easily continue to ignore the transition She is undergoing.  We might even believe Mother Earth’s Changes are a cyclical experience. But they are not and the time has come for humanity to transition with Mother Earth!

Humanity’s transition involves adapting to Mother Earth’s new conditions.  Our transition involves becoming Fifth Dimensional Creators! The biggest issue in humanity’s transition is not that we aren’t capable of such a transition.  Humanity’s biggest issue is that humanity is segregated into three prominent constructs of belief: Third Dimensional, Fourth Dimensional, and Fifth Dimensional.  All three constructs serve to support that reality’s belief system.  The dimensions differ in their intended outcome. 

The Third Dimensional belief system is largely constructed for humanity’s sensory manifested physical world.  Our beliefs within the entire manifested social structure – that we agree to on a daily basis – are required to fulfill and sustain our Third Dimensional physical safety and obligations through our economic roles.  The organization of government and politics, our economic systems, education systems, etc. are all designed to keep us dependant upon those very systems we believe will keep us safe.  The Third Dimensional belief construct prohibits the achievement of our true human potential.  It purposely lacks motion and momentum towards revealing our Life’s Purpose and, in fact, does not believe in such a Life’s Plan.  

The Fourth Dimension serves as a transitory construct – a bridge to the Fifth Dimension.  This space enables humanity to achieve new beliefs through acknowledging that there is more to know and to understand.  The Fourth Dimensional belief construct is an awareness of Life beyond the Third Dimensional human experience. The Fourth Dimension also serves as a window for awakening to an Awareness of the Fifth, Sixth and Higher Dimensions of the experience! Herein paradigm shifts occur. A Fourth Dimensional level of consciousness is a major achievement in the evolution of humanity’s growth and expansion towards Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension.

Fifth Dimensional Consciousness concisely addresses the true expression of our individual, as well as our collective, Hearts and Souls.  The True Self has returned and is functioning and operating in unity – gifts and talents intact – to achieve humanity’s mature goals and objectives.  Humanity’s Unity and Oneness are required to fully integrate into the Fifth Dimensional realm of the Universal Community! It is our Fifth Dimensional Consciousness that fundamentally serves to suspend any and all concepts of our former Third and Fourth Dimensional worlds. Humanity is now transitioning with Mother Earth into a New Reality. It will not be achieved with a Third or Fourth Dimensional mindset, but in full awareness with Fifth Dimensional Consciousness.  

Humanity will have an opportunity to gain the movement and momentum towards initiating a social structure required for the true expression of our Hearts and Souls – Our Society of Light
The initiation of our Society of Light will not begin with everyone participating.  Many will still have to evolve and awaken to move into Mother Earth’s New Reality. Change is within and upon Mother Earth.

The initiation period will occur from September 7, 2019 through February 17, 2020.  Mother Earth and the Universal Community’s Grid of Fifth Dimensional Sun Stars will grant humanity this window of opportunity to initiate our Society of Light through the Fifth Dimensional Consciousness needed to manifest it. 

Are we all ready to remove and dissipate the chaos and confusion?  Time will tell. 

Peace and blessings in Oneness.  Namaste.

Received and written, edited and shared in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.