
Friday, December 14, 2018

One Love

When our days are filled with doubt and uncertainty, we feel helpless.  Our minds wander from fearful thought to fearful thought.  Equilibrium is lost in the fear of this mind-space. 

We can make the choice to still the mind through the practice of meditation. 

Within this space of stillness, doubt and uncertainty are introduced to clarity and peace.  Stillness promotes the Mindfulness of Peace and Oneness.  Within this space – with devotion to our practice – we see, feel, and become One with the Universe.  Within this space we enter into the Heart of the Universe’s Guidance – the Expression of All Life!

The Expression of All Life within the Universe flows All That Is towards the fulfillment of Its entire Beingness – Its Heart’s Expression!  In service to All That Is, humanity also flows to fulfill its Collective Heart’s Expression – each of us serving to integrate our Spirit into the Expression of All Life! 

Within the Collective Human Heart’s Expression, the Expression of All Life serves as the pinnacle of the entire human expression! Within our meditational state of stillness, we see, feel, and become the Universe.  We are entirely within the Heart of the Universe and find clarity, peace and Oneness. 

Humanity is finally leaving the experience of Mother Earth’s Third and Fourth Dimensions behind!  Within the space of clarity, peace and Oneness, Dear Ones, you will see it, feel it, and become the Expression of All Life as Mother Earth completes Her own expansion – evolving the Fifth Dimensional world within us all!

On December 14, 2018 Mother Earth aligns Her Heart’s Expression within the Universal Grid of Fifth Dimensional Sun-Stars – serving to align Her evolving Fifth Dimensional world and humanity’s Souls into the Universal Expression of All Life on Earth!  Humanity’s Souls – responding to honor our promises towards fulfilling our Heart’s Expression within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional world – will participate in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional Experience. 

On December 27, 2018 our collaborative Expression of All Life will serve through our contribution to help in Mother Earth’s Re-Organization. There is no big or small, as our contribution matters and will serve in reorganizing Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension!

Though appearances seem otherwise, All is One – operating as One Single Unit moving towards the fulfillment of its entire Beingness – its Heart’s Expression!  The Heart’s Expression is the concentrated form of the Expression of All Life simply moving as Love concentrated into Purpose of re-unifying the Original Seed of Beingness!

In our meditational state of stillness we have the opportunity to be totally aware of the Unity and Oneness of everything within the Universe. In the world of senses, we see, hear, and feel the isolation caused by our misunderstood separation in the physical world. Our meditational state of stillness will always be our guide to Reality.  Here upon the physical plane we have a new paradigm expressing a New Reality to us.  When we recognize our combined Expressions of All Life as One Expression of All Life we will not only experience clarity, peace and Oneness, but also move to restore the Original Seed of Beingness upon Mother Earth!

This is where we are, Dear Ones.  Humanity is moving into Knowing its Oneness – an entirely new realm and new experience of the One Heart!

On December 14, 2018 we align with Mother Earth’s Heart’s Expression into the Universal Grid of Fifth Dimensional Sun-Stars.  Humanity begins – in earnest – the Reorganization of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension on December 27, 2018.

All is One Love!

Friday, November 30, 2018

111, 222, 333

Repetition is the Mother of Perfection and inspires cadence and creativity and synchronicity. 

Our thoughts are things.  Whatever we think, believe – or can imagine – manifests into the physical/material world that encompass our reality.  Creation remains constantly synchronized with our thoughts, beliefs and imagination.  We truly are the Creators of our reality. 

With that in mind, what if every single human being on Earth had one single simultaneous thought – the thought of God’s Love all at once?  Would we instantaneously transform into God’s Love – or, would we remain the same? Could we find the time to unify in this Way?  Could we actually think, believe and imagine a day when we have eliminated all of our differences in one day?

What if the One Thought of God’s Love was the key to synchronizing our world into lockstep with the Universe? 

What if this One Thought of God’s Love served to synchronize our entire world into unifying every human being on Earth? 

What would happen? 

What would happen, Dear Ones, is that the One Thought of God’s Love would manifest humanity’s Unity.  Everything would begin in unison!  Each and every one of humanity’s challenging differences would be eliminated.

111, 222, 333 

Our thoughts are things that manifest – materialize – in our world.  

We are all unified through the one instantaneous thought of God’s Love – even if we have forgotten that Truth and gotten lost within our own thoughts.  We are all unified through the one instantaneous thought of God’s Love – even if we believe that we did not Know this Truth.  We are ALL ONE ENTITY.

The date, Time and place have arrived upon humanity’s doorstep.  Humanity’s transition is now in motion!  What will we do?  What will we say we will do?  And most importantly, what will we now think, believe, or imagine we could do to manifest the physical things encompassing our reality? 

111, 222, 333 

Humanity’s Transition begins on December 6, 2018.  Two steps are necessary to initiate our Transition.  The first will originate with humanity’s response to The Calling for our participation in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension on December 14, 2018.  The second is contributing our part to assist in the Re-Organization of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension on December 27, 2018.

111, 222, 333 

The answers are all contained in the rhythm and cadence of our Unity – and located within our Hearts and Souls!   Allow the clarity of the synchronicities to serve you in leadership.  You will Know that you are not being led astray – but directly into our Unified New World!

111, 222, 333  

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

You Will Know

Recognize who you are within the vast Universe
And you will know 

Give from your Heart and Soul
And you will know

See the wonder in the World
And you will know ALL

With Thanksgiving, Gratitude, and Acceptance
Expectation leaves and expires

Fulfilling who you are and your Purpose
Within a World of Knowledge

A new chapter has begun on Earth
Know and recognize, Know and recognize

Your Purpose and Heart and Soul
Are you and the Universe, the Universe is You

You are ALL and ALL is You
And You Will Know