
Saturday, February 6, 2016

Mother Earth’s New Vibration

Mother Earth and her Solar System entered into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension on October 28, 2011 and will be completely merged into the Fifth Dimension on May 22, 2016. The time factor involved in Mother Earth’s mergence into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension is not a “blink of the eye” occurrence, but involves two sequential processes of mutual Energy Exchanges occurring between the Universe and Mother Earth with her accompanying Solar System’s Sun and planets. Mother Earth’s mergence into the Fifth Dimension began accelerating on August 18, 2014, when she and her accompanying Solar System’s celestial bodies were each bestowed an individual Sanctification for the Fifth Dimension by God through the Universal Energies. Mother Earth will be the final Solar System’s celestial body to be Sanctified from May 9 to May 21, 2016 in God’s Sanctification process. In addition to God’s Sanctification process for Mother Earth and her Solar System, the Universe will also be providing Seven Universal Emanations of Light, Love, and Harmony to permanently stimulate her growth and expansion into the Fifth Dimension. Five of the Seven Universal Emanations of Energy have already been installed. The two remaining Universal Emanations of Energy will occur on February 25, 2016 and April 9, 2016. Once the installation of the final two Universal Emanations of Energy have completed, Mother Earth will just require God’s final Sanctification to be fully merged into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! 

Mother Earth, dear Ones, began her own process to align into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration on June 24, 2015 by initiating a self generation process to produce her own Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field. By producing and generating her own Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field, she will also be aligning her own vibratory frequency to synchronize with the Universe’s Fifth Dimensional Harmony Vibration. On February 25, 2016, the Sixth of the Seven Universal Emanations of the Universe’s Light, Love, and Harmony will be installed into Mother Earth’s body. In addition to the Sixth Emanation of Universal Light, Love, and Harmony being permanently installed upon Mother Earth, God’s Harmony Vibration, God’s Auric Field of His/Her Individuality within the spectrum of Energy encompassing the entire Universe, will also be permanently installed upon Mother Earth on February 25, 2016! There will be three significant resulting effects produced through the collaborative efforts of God’s Harmony and the Sixth Universal Emanation of Light, Love, and Harmony assisting Mother Earth and her Solar System’s celestial bodies into the Fifth Dimension. The first effect will result in a substantial increase in the Presence of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe upon Mother Earth and within her – Mother Earth’s vibratory frequency will begin resembling and corresponding more directly with the vibratory frequency of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension!

The second effect resulting from the Energy of February 25, 2016 will be an increased awareness of God’s Presence upon Mother Earth! With the permanent installation of both God’s Harmony and the Sixth Universal Emanation of Light, Love, and Harmony and Mother Earth’s New Vibratory Frequency, Mother Earth will become elevated enough to sustain and manifest God’s Presence! In the experience of Mother Earth’s Third and Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Fields, God’s Presence on Earth was best likened to the essence of a flower as opposed to the actual manifestation of a flower itself. God’s Presence is in ALL Things of the Universe through the Light, Love, and Harmony encompassing ALL Things in the Universe. But in the experience of the Third and Fourth Dimensions, God’s Presence primarily functions as the Essence of God, like the essence of a flower you can only draw internal experience through your conscious perceptions of the visualized flower. In the Universe’s Fifth, as well as the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Dimensions, YOU ARE IN GOD’S PRESENCE, dear Ones! Like the essence of a flower you internally know by appearance, fragrance, and all of its other idiosyncratic characteristics, you will know and recognize God’s Presence in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension through your timeless relationship with Him/Her! This will not be the Essence of God you will encounter in Mother Earth’s New Vibratory Frequency, it will be God’s Presence in all spaces, at all times, and for every experience upon Mother Earth!

The third resulting effect of the Universe’s Energy of February 25, 2016 will be twofold. With the increase of Mother Earth’s New Vibration resulting in Mother Earth’s ability to sustain and manifest God’s Presence, you will not only be given more direct guidance from God’s Presence through God Source directly, but you will also be able to begin implementing Mother Earth’s New Vibratory Frequency manifesting within her Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field! Though every Lightworker Soul is withdrawing from his or her experiences garnered in Mother Earth’s Third and Fourth Dimensional worlds, you are not on Earth to right every wrong and offer judgment of all offenders, dear Ones. From February 6, 2016 to March 15, 2016, every Man of Destiny Soul will be choosing in Freewill to aspire to become a Man of Light Soul for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, and the responsibility it entails by becoming the Light, Love and Harmony of the Universe, or not! The choice may not be as easily made as you would assume, dear Ones, as all of Man of Destiny Soul’s experience is drawn from Mother Earth’s Third and Fourth Dimensions, where God’s Presence is by all cognitive perceptions of Reality merely God’s Essence! With the influence of Mother Earth’s New Vibratory Frequency, Man of Destiny Souls becoming Man of Light Souls will also realize that God’s anthropomorphic characteristics they presumed were valid or the Truth about God’s Presence, were never real!  

When the Seventh and final Universal Emanation of Light, Love, and Harmony is installed upon Mother Earth on April 9, 2016, you will finally begin to see the sign that she has completed her transition into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension – her manifestation of green skies at night! Beginning faintly at first from April 9 through May 22, 2016, dear Ones, the green skies will eventually prevail over our current blue skies in daytime. The only Souls caught unaware by the manifesting appearance of green skies at night will be the Man of Destiny Souls who chose not to enter into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. But it is not for them that Mother Earth Created a New Vibratory Frequency, it is for you, the Legion of Light, and all Man of Light Souls aspiring to Re-Create Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension with the guidance of God’s Presence through God Source in all spaces, at all times, and for every experience upon Mother Earth! Everything is drawing to a close in Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field and soon, very soon in fact, there will be no reason to let the standards of man’s world – comparison, competition, judgment, and fear – prevail over the standards of God’s World of Light, Love, and Harmony! For there will be no space, time, or need to experience the lesson of learning to Love in order to Create with Mother Earth’s New Vibration for the Fifth Dimension – for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension is Creating the space and time to experience the becoming of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe that IS ALL THINGS WITH GOD!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Legion of Light

The Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe comprise ALL Things of the Universe. Light is Created by applying Love with any one of the Eight Harmony Vibrations encompassing the Eight Dimensions of the Universe. The Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe are a Universal Triad of Unity, three parts embodying a whole throughout the Universe. Light can exist as a “dimmed” version of the Universal Light in the Third and Fourth Dimensions of the Universe, where Man of Destiny Souls are in the process of learning to become like the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe. Besides a Creator Planet and the Solar System supporting her, Lightworker Souls on Service to God in the Third and Fourth Dimensions of the Universe ARE the Presence of the Light, Love, and Harmony of Universe until the Creator Planet and her supporting Solar System are ready to merge into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. The Fifth Dimension, dear Ones, is where Man of Destiny Souls are no longer in “training” to become like the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe, but have chosen in Freewill to become the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe and emerge as Man of Light Souls! The process is long and enduring for all Lightworker Souls while Man of Destiny primarily learns to Love in all he or she will think, do, and say! For without Love, there is no Light! Without Light, the Universal Triad of Unity fails to properly align!

On February 17, 2016 there will be two world events coming to merge and produce the result of the Universal Triad of Unity’s proper alignment upon Mother Earth. The first event will manifest as the gathering of all Lightworker Souls upon Mother Earth into One cohesive unit of solidary as the Legion of Light. The second event will lead to a “meltdown” of ALL Things on Earth lacking the appropriate qualities and attributes for becoming like the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! For 10,000 plus years, dear Ones, you have been on Service to God to increase and expand the comprehension of the concepts of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe of all Man of Destiny Souls on Earth. In those 10,000 plus years, it was not the technical theory and semantics about how God’s Universe works or how God’s Universe requires strict ethical standards to pass “through the eye of a needle” to enter, but the effectiveness in your guidance for offering every Man of Destiny Soul the comprehension and wisdom for conceiving and merging with the Universal Triad of Unity – by expressing one’s Joy – Joy is conceived and expressed through the commingling of the Universal Triad of Unity, the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe, and one’s Soul. In the past as well as in the present, cultural and geopolitical divisions on Earth have led to more fragmentation rather than the Oneness of the masses about our Life’s Purpose. Is one’s body the purpose of his or her Life? Or is the Soul’s Purpose only an affair of the afterlife?

The Legion of Light is the aggregate whole of all Lightworker Souls on Earth and will gather together through the essence of Unity and Oneness with God on February 17, 2016! All Lightworker Souls are now physically separated by geographical boundaries and segregated even further by ages of the body, cultural influence and upbringing, and little uniformity in linguistic affiliations. However, each and every single Lightworker Soul will be unified upon Mother Earth through Unity with God and the commonality rendered in the shared linguistics of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! There are perhaps some 500,000 Lightworker Souls on Earth now and increasing even more through the desire of Lightworker Souls “on the other side” wanting to directly experience the Universal Event of Mother Earth’s Ascension into the Fifth Dimension on May 22, 2016! Your role of guidance for all Man of Light Souls choosing to enter into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will evolve as you begin to role model and demonstrate your gifts and skills of the Universe to Re-Create Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension. Though many Man of Light Souls will still have much to undo from the divisive distractions caused by gender, cultural, nationalistic, and racial bias, they will do so in Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension, as seeking Unity with God will be the main criteria for being in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! As you regain your gifts and skills of the Universe, so will the increase of your awareness towards other Lightworker Souls of similar intent – Unity with God in Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension for all Souls! 

The Unity with God factor in all Lightworker Souls, dear Ones, binds all Lightworkers Souls through their common language and the wisdom garnered in the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! In order to role model, demonstrate, and guide all evolving Man of Light Souls into the Fifth Dimension, dear Ones, the second world event of February 17, 2016 will occur and evolve as a “meltdown” to remove all obstructions and potential hindrances to the progress of your Service to God! The “meltdown” period will last from February 17, 2016 through June 29. 2016. This time period will be relatively short but effective – effective in reducing the influence of ALL Things on Earth lacking the appropriate qualities and attributes for becoming like the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! This will include governments, institutions, organizations, and people that may obstruct and impede the expression of Joy conceived and expressed through the commingling of the Universal Triad of Unity, the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe, and one’s Soul! World order as we know it now to exist, will be entirely restructured for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, primarily through the efforts of the Legion of Light! But, you will not have to do a single thing in the assumed battle of Light versus darkness, dear Ones, for the power and influence of Universe’s Light, Love, and Harmony will be doing all the work for everyone merging into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension!

Every person merging into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension is an embodied Soul, just as it is in our present day. The only difference between our present day and the world evolving in the Fifth Dimension will be the people seeking the initiation process of finding one’s True Self-Identity, recognizing Self as a Soul in one’s body. This will not be your project, dear Ones, but the endeavor of all emerging Man of Light Souls once the initial shock of so many familiar things in disarray has diminished! Your own project will come in the expression of the Unity and Oneness contained in Unity with God through your own Joy of Living – the direct corresponding manifestation of your Heart’s Expression! You will also find in your own evolution in the Fifth Dimension a long lost art requiring your direct attention – the long lost art of Creating seemingly out of nothingness – the art of Spiritual Pathway Creation to Create anything you will want and need to activate the pursuit of your Spiritual Pathway with God! Spiritual Pathway Creation is simply Creating by applying your own Love with the Harmony Vibration Field of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! After you become well reacquainted with the art of Spiritual Pathway Creation, EVERYTHING upon Mother Earth will be evolving to become exactly like the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe. But this time, with the Universal Triad of Unity fully engaged and manifesting on Earth for all Souls with God and the Legion of Light!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Our True Self-Identity

Our self-identity is constructed through our evolving responses to the age old question, “Who am I?” and primarily originates within our childhood stages of development. As a child, we relied upon our parental figures for nurturing, guiding, and educating us towards our adult stage of Life. Through the expression of our Freewill, we learned early on what foods we like and dislike, the style and manner of dress we like and dislike, and the qualities we prefer in other people we would select as our friends. By the choices we make in constructing our self-identity, we also learned about acceptable and unacceptable social behaviors through the encouragement or discouragement of certain behaviors with the behavioral modification techniques of our parental figures. Once we enter adulthood, we tend to define our self-identity with four internal modifiers, our self concept (what I think I am), our self knowledge (what I know about myself), our self esteem (what I am confident about), and our social self (what others think I am). Our self-identity is not a permanent status but tends to be a “work in progress” until we reach a stage of self acceptance for our positive traits as well as our faults. Beginning on February 11, 2016, dear Ones, all Souls upon Mother Earth will be presented with a progressive opportunity for self-growth to better define “Who am I?” Some will be thoroughly exasperated by the challenge while others will blossom into his or her True Self of the Universe!  

For the most part, children in our modern societies emerging as young adults are raised, guided, and nurtured for survival in an economic role in Life. Our educational institutions enhance our parental guidance towards survival in an economic role by emphasizing the “hard skills” needed for success as a doctor, lawyer, engineer, or other occupation over the “soft skills.” The “hard skills” are the essential skills required to perform a job, such as knowing the body’s anatomical structure and its essential systems to gain the knowledge for becoming a doctor, or knowing how to apply the Hagen-Poiseuille equation for determining the flow rate of a pipeline system constructed with various lengths and diameters for an engineer. The “soft skills” pertain to one’s adaptability within an organization, such as, effective interpersonal communication skills, being a “team player,” and social etiquette. The job world predominantly seeks one’s “hard skills” over his or her “soft skills.” You already realize this, dear Ones, either from the experience of visiting a doctor’s office when he or she was too busy to answer more pertinent questions or having been declined for a job because you did not have any “direct” experience in your job field. In Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension, one’s “soft skills” will be just as valuable if not more valuable than one’s “hard skills,” for the emphasis of the business world’s motivation for profit over the value of the “soft skills” will also be evolving to conform into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension!

There will be a worldwide economic downfall in the months to come that will result in each and every Soul being compelled to revaluate his or her self concept in order to assess his or her self-identity for Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension! All answers will not be as straightforward as most Souls would like, but the activation point will be produced by realizing that one’s True Self is a Soul designed to become a Co-Creator and Co-Facilitator of the Universe in Unity with God! Although most people on Earth will be more concerned about the economic downfall than the uniqueness of his or her Soul, the shift into Fifth Dimension Consciousness on Mother Earth will be an event for every Soul! You were primed and prepared early, dear Ones, to expand your own consciousness in order to demonstrate, role model, and guide all Souls into the Fifth Dimension! Most Man of Destiny Souls evolving to become Man of Light Souls in the Fifth Dimension will be too shocked to promote his or her own self growth, acting as if he or she were trying to survive on a sinking ship rather than a Soul preparing to enter the Domain of God! The shock will eventually yield when they will realize some people are being “successful in a New Way!” This will be the Legion of Light, dear Ones, serving to guide every Soul into the Fifth Dimension! The economic downfall will endure for more than a year, as the period from February 11, 2016 to March 27, 2017 will serve as the gateway for all Souls to make their internal adjustments for the Fifth Dimension. Some Man of Light Souls will acclimate easily while others will expire at the enduring work caused by responding to the age old question of “Who am I?”

Our True Self-Identity is a Soul naturally attuned with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! All Souls express their attunement with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe through their own unique and individual expression of Joy of Living. Our Joy of Living, dear Ones, is the expression of our uniqueness and individuality for which we were Created for by God! By expressing our own unique and individual Joy of Living in the days to come, we will be assisting God in the process of increasing and expanding all Mother Earth with the Light, Love, and Harmony the Universe for the Fifth Dimension! The Re-Creation of Mother Earth will primarily involve Lightworker Souls but as Man of Light recovers from his or her initial “state of shock,” they too will be activating into his or her True Self-Identity as a Soul! But that will more likely occur after March 27, 2017, when the Triad of Unity, composed of God, the Legion of Light, and Man of Light, will finally begin working in unison! For the many Man of Destiny/Man of Light Souls on Earth, the issue will not be the realization that he or she is a Soul, for religious services remind him or her of that, but the incorporation of his or her status as a Living Soul into the everyday experience! Right now, there are many conceptual and linguistic boundaries limiting his or her ability to conceive equality for all genders, nations, cultures, and religions, much less the concept that he or she is a Spiritual Being on the days not designated for religious service!

Our preparation for survival in an economic role in Life was well meant by our parental figures and educational institutions, as an economic role in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will not be completely eliminated! Instead, our preparation for an economic role will be expanded to include the parameters of our Soul’s Joy of Living! The “hard skills” of some occupations will still be required for the New Way of Life, but it will be the long discounted “soft skills” that will come into prominence during the gateway of internal adjustments for all Souls from February 11, 2016 to March 27, 2017! The “soft skills” of “effective interpersonal communication skills, being a ‘team player,’ and social etiquette,” represent the manifested traits of a Soul well versed in the protocol of Brotherhood Spirit! Brotherhood Spirit, dear Ones, is the Spirit of Sharing and Cooperating through every person realizing his or her True Self-Identity as a Soul becoming a Co-Creator and Co-Facilitator of the Universe in Unity with God! Man of Light Souls will eventually recognize him or herself as a Soul while practicing in Brotherhood Spirit and seeking his or her self-identity for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! Once he or she has recognized him or herself as a Soul, there will be more learning and that will come in learning to follow the Mantra of the Universe - “Align, Apply, and Activate,” align with God Source, apply the Spiritual Essence of Love, and Activate in God’s Will! Then and only then, will every Soul be synchronized in the same Harmony Vibration – to Re-Create Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension!