
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Unity and Oneness

The Energy of May 15, 2012 will usher in the physical presence of the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium upon the Earth Plane! The following day, May 16, 2012, will provide the “Time” for everyone to adjust the intent and purpose of their Heart and Soul in this New Energy! Do not let this be a burden for you, dear Lightworker, for you have already begun all your own adjustments back on April 18, 2012 when the aggregate whole of all Lightworkers upon Mother Earth, the Legion of Light, took the major step to begin their own adjustments to activate their own Project of Light! This will aid you more than you can consider for now, dear Lightworker, for you will be initiating the Process of Unity and Oneness that will begin with the Season of Growth on May 17, 2012!

Unity and Oneness is the blending of all Love Particles of Energy from the Fourth Dimension and returning them to the Source of All Unity and Oneness – God! The Fifth Dimension’s physical presence requires a state of purity in all that proceeds into it, which will only be Love Energy! This will mean that only Love Particles of Energy will be allowed to blend and return in the Process of Unity and Oneness! All other particles soiled with fear and all its byproducts from the Fourth Dimension will be cleansed, recycled, and restored to a Loving state of condition elsewhere! There will be nothing to fear!

The return to a State of Lovingness through the Process of Unity and Oneness will essentially be a “start over” point for everyone! This is an evolutionary step up for Man of Destiny and one step closer to where you began, dear Lightworker, the Sixth Dimension! The Process of Unity and Oneness is the reason that Man of Destiny has been placed in his or her own forty days and forty nights of purification process that will allow him or her to readily progress into the New Horizon that will arrive upon Mother Earth from June 17, 2012 through June 29, 2012! The forty days and forty nights of purification began on May 7, 2012 and will end on June 16, 2012!

The Process of Unity and Oneness will be mandating everyone to Brotherhood Consciousness – the mindset of Sharing and Cooperating with one another! How will this work with lack of supporting evidence in the past that Humanity can actually share much less cooperate? The Love Particles of Energy mentioned above will be permeating into everything and everyone – and will bring everyone to recognize everything and each other as a Being of Love! Family! Unity! Oneness! The Process of Unity and Oneness is an evolutionary stage of the Universe and is a Universal Law that brings All to coalesce into ONE UNIT without the loss of individuality!

There will be no interference in the Process of Unity and Oneness! There will only be the choice to participate or not! You, dear Lightworker, already know and understand the Process of Unity and Oneness, but it has been a long “Time” since you witnessed an entire galaxy permeating within the Purity of the Energy of Love! This is why no matter how many times you have wanted to “go home” and leave the witnessing of the Man of Destiny’s evolution to others, it was critical you honor the stages of Man of Destiny’s evolution for the Source of all Life – God! Welcome to the New Horizon about to appear from June 17, 2012 to June 29, 2012!

Life is a process of learning, growing, expanding, and becoming Love! There will be more opportunities to learn, grow, expand, and become Love in the Season of Growth. Some will be taking baby steps, while others grow and expand by leaps and bounds. You, dear Lightworker, will now have the opportunity to demonstrate and role model how Love produces an Unlimited Purpose in working in unison with other Lightworkers, the Legion of Light. You will know each other and who each other is by the revealing of the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium’s Energy of Love! Let Love bring you the Joy in Living to Create a world of Freedom for all! Love is the way! Love is the Presence of God!

Friday, May 4, 2012

A New World Emerges Part 3

The Energy of May 7, 2012 will begin forty days and forty nights of purification among Man of Destiny. Man of Destiny is a strident Soul seeking to become like you, dear Lightworker, an Enlightened Soul of Light and Love! He or she was not born Enlightened or made aware of any differences between Souls. Rather he or she originated within the evolving Earth Plane. His or her progress in becoming Spiritually Enlightened is and always will be here upon Mother Earth, until he or she understands that “All is One” with Mother Earth, the Milky Way Galaxy, and the Universe. Once that this condition has been met, he or she will be allowed to transverse the Universe to assist other Souls in the Enlightenment Process like you, dear Lightworker!

The need for everyone to purify his or her Heart’s intent will arrive with the commencement of the New Horizon upon Mother Earth from June 17, 2012 through June 29, 2012. Our current days are to prepare our Hearts and Souls for this wondrous event as the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium make their physical presence known to everyone on May 15, 2012! There will not be much for you to do, dear Lightworker, except to get yourself ready to exceed your wildest expectations about what you have come to do in the name of Light and Love!

The Enlightenment of Man of Destiny has been going on for thousands of years. Now it is his or her opportunity to learn and understand his or her Spiritual Purpose with God! Many will not see this opportunity to experience Brotherhood as a blessing. Instead, they will react with fear and interpret what they will see as the “world ending!”  Far from the Truth, everything upon Earth will be unifying and moving closer to attaining Unity so that Mother Earth can and will become the Abode of Peace and Harmony!

Oneness and Unity is the goal of Mother Earth’s presence within the Fifth Dimension’s increased state of Lovingness! Mother Earth’s goal will reflect upon Man of Destiny and the Legion of Light to increase their own state of Lovingness through the Oneness and Unity of Brotherhood Consciousness – working together to Share and Cooperate with each other and for each other! By working together to Share and Cooperate, everyone will collaborate to ensure that Joy in Living is experienced and becomes a birthright! You, dear Lightworker, are already activating the movement towards Unity to the forefront!

For four days, May 10 through May 13, 2012, you will feel the stirrings and longings of Mother Earth seeking her place in the Universe! She will become the Abode of Peace and Harmony and knows that she is still in preparation for this momentous event from June 17 through June 29, 2012! For now, dear Lightworker, see these days of revealing as the transformation from Fourth Dimensional attitudes and beliefs of learning with Love to the Fifth Dimension’s iridescent halo of Love that permeates all thoughts and actions with Love!

A New World emerges and there will be no one able to escape the effect of Living in Lovingness through Brotherhood Consciousness! Many have only dreamed of these days but you, dear Lightworker, know in your Heart and Soul that the experience of Oneness and Unity is the Way of God! When all will awaken to realize this Truth, they will come to understand that Love is and always will be the Way of God! For now, expect Man of Destiny’s fear of the unknown to delay his or her progress into the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium. But this is why, dear Lightworker, your experience and knowledge of Oneness and Unity will become your greatest asset for you know and understand that Love is the Presence of God!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

A New World Emerges Part 2

There is “time” and there is “Time.” Most people live in the sense of “time,” time as recognized through the rhythm of a schedule that is marked by sequential physical events to monitor a routine with work, rest, and play. “Time,” with a capital “T,” is where the Soul aligns with the movement of the Universe – “Time” as the movement of the Soul! This is the movement of the Soul communing with the Universe to monitor its sequential states of being, events that the Soul naturally seeks to align with in the Spiritual communication with the Universal Energies! This phenomenon is called the experience of the timelessness! You, dear Lightworker, already know the experience of “Time as the movement of the Soul!” This is what has been influencing your daily routine to remember since April 18, 2012, when all Lightworker Projects of Light were activated!

Considering that our experiences in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium will be based upon “Time” as the movement of the Soul, and not “time,” we all need to begin to understand how the world of Joy in Living will begin. It will not be an externally driven process as it now is in the Fourth Dimension, but rather it will be the internal experience that will propel the Soul’s movement through the experience of timelessness, “Time!” Though this may sound confusing in the verbal sense, it is natural for you, dear Lightworker, for you are from the Sixth Dimension and had to “step down” from your natural state of “timelessness” in volunteering to assist with the Enlightenment process of the Earth Plane!

The experience of “timelessness” will begin for everyone on the Earth Plane on May 15, 2012. Many will be “sleepwalking” on the Earth Plane because of their lack of experience in the nurturing of their own Soul’s growth! While these “sleepwalkers” will be transitioning from an externally driven life to one of internalizing with Love from the wealth of the Fifth Dimension, you, dear Lightworker, will be ready to go! It will be a humungous shock to the system of those who have deprived their Soul’s growth and learning, so remember to keep them in your prayers!

During the first week of May 2012 there will be an opportunity to choose the direction of growth one will take to experience the fullest expression of the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium. Most will choose to work on growth with an emphasis upon learning and understanding with Love in order that they may progress into Brotherhood Consciousness. The others who already understand the mindset of Brotherhood Consciousness will progress rapidly and begin the First Wave in the Process of Unity! The Process of Unity, unifying and merging all Love Energy with Mother Earth and our Milky Way Galaxy, will become the foundation of the New Horizon and will eventually merge everyone into it!

This process will be one of the last major milestones before the New Horizon appears at the end of June 2012! You, dear Lightworker, will be on the forefront of this transition in all that you will become and more by simply following your Heart and letting it lead you to where you will need to be. A New World designed for the Joy in Living begins to emerge in the near future so let Love become the foundation of all that you think and do and watch as it returns you, dear Lightworker, to the place of timelessness, “Time” as movement of the Soul with the Universal Energies!