
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Season of God Part 2

The final week of August 2011 will bring us closer to our entry into the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium on October 28, 2011 as we are now in the Season of God. In these days until the end of September 2011 we will be bringing finality to our choices by learning whatever it is that we will need to learn with Love. For the most part it has been the Lesson of Love and Forgiveness as Love has the Power to bring us back into balance and allow us to once more progress in our Hearts and Souls. In the remaining week of August we will step forward to gain what Love will seek of us!

On August 25, 2011 the Universal Energies will have us choose our Way of Truth to become closer to our True alignment for the forthcoming Fifth Dimension’s Energy. We will have four days to align ourselves with the demands of this Energy increase. Many will know this Truth unconsciously and will proceed with their daily lives as if their Soul did not exist. However there will be a strong presence of the Legion of Light who will readily avail themselves to those who will seek and ask but they will not yet seek attention for themselves!

Our Mother Earth will be increasing her Energy and strengthening herself for her Path of Ascension when we begin to enter the Fifth Dimension. She will send earthquakes beginning on August 26, 2011 to regions not known for them but do not let fear engulf you for she will vibrate with Love to expand and ready herself. For those living upon Mother Earth our main focus will be upon learning about the Joy of Living for this will be the way of Sharing and Cooperating with the New Security Consciousness of Brotherhood. Let Love and Joy lead your Heart and Soul into the New Millennium!

There are many ways to seek and learn about Love. On August 27, 2011 the Energies will have us focus upon Self Love for this will begin our journey of expressing and understanding Love to share within the Brotherhood of Man. Allow yourself to experience Joy by applying the Power of Love with yourself. What would bring you Joy if you were to place no limit on the how, what, and where of Joy in your life’s experience? You will find that without boundaries Joy comes to you naturally and in this experience you will be offered a key for understanding what it will be like in the Fifth Dimension! Life’s demands and issues without Joy is a life in the Illusion and not real. Live Life with Joy for this is the Way of Love!

By retreating yourself from your everyday routine and examining your Heart and Soul on August 28, 2011 you will be breathing Life back into your Heart’s Expression. Our Heart’s Expression is the conduit between the Spiritual World of Creation and the Physical World of Manifestation. We Create by expressing our Heart’s request for whatever it will be that we desire to experience in the Physical World. Many have learned to concede and accept the current world conditions and do not challenge the Illusion. Soon there will be Total Transformation for everyone as some are already in the process of doing this!

The Earth will soon ascend into the Fifth Dimension while Man of Negativity will continue to fight to control whatever he will consider to be his very own assets. The World belongs to God now and August 29, 2011 the Universal Energies will finalize God’s claim for everything as the Portal of the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium will be in alignment with our solar system. Man of Negativity will feel the lost of his assets as a challenge to his ego and it is so! God did not place the Earth’s natural resources into the hands of a few to control but were placed there to share and enjoy with each other. The New Economy will not allow any to gain a monopoly against anyone in the Brotherhood of Man. Let Light and Love bring Brotherhood Consciousness with Sharing and Cooperation amongst us all!

The New Economy will gain momentum until the entryway of Fifth Dimension shall open on October 28, 2011. On August 30, 2011 the Universal Energies will set into motion situations where there will be a strong need to Share and Cooperate with one another. There have been many opportunities that have been passed upon and overlooked. In these days the window of opportunity will be short but with the need to learn Sharing and Cooperating to increase our Humanity Consciousness! Stand ready to respond with Light and Love!

The Foundation of Brotherhood Consciousness is the Spiritual Realm from where we Create all that we need. On August 31, 2011 Joy of Living Consciousness will blend with the Spiritual Realm to assist in refining our Creations for the upcoming events of September 2011 as there will be many chaotic events to endure and demonstrate to everyone that God is in Charge of the Earth. Many will blame and curse God while others will blame one another and persecute anyone who will not value their opinion. Fear will be prevalent but God and His Legion of Light will prevail!

August 2011 will be remembered as the Activation of the New Millennium as God has returned to reclaim the Earth as His and not man’s. September 2011 will be remembered as the culmination point of Man of Destiny’s Negativity as it will bring him very close to destroying himself! Though many will loose everything they have worked for during their lives they will be awakening to Love and Brotherhood as the Way of Life! Do not cry for them during this time period for it comes with purpose – to teach everyone the way of the Lightworker and what it takes to become One!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Season of God

The Season of God will begin on August 18, 2011 and will be an enduring experience for many until November 17, 2011! It will also mark the beginning of the fourth phase of our entry into the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium – Progress of the Heart. During this extended time period those who have invested time into their Heart and Soul’s future will harvest their bounty in Spiritual Prosperity while those who remain compulsive about issues dealing outside of their Soul’s future will struggle until they will look within and find the essence of their Spiritual Self!

It will not be easy transition for those still in need of finding their Spiritual Self as the Season of God will be marked with unprecedented trials and events for Man of Destiny and especially, Man of Negativity! Man of Negativity will continue to attempt to control the world but will only create more Chaos and Confusion for his place of power in the world is over! The world now belongs to God and His Legion of Light who will spread Truth and Love into a darkened world in need of Hope!

On August 18, 2011 the Universal Energies will proclaim to everyone that the preparation stage will be over and that now you will be called to exhibit and act upon all that you have learned about Truth and Love! Many will feel lost and without direction for there will be false prophets who will mesmerize them by spreading fear and misleading them without the merit of Truth from God. Learn to discern the Truth from falsehoods that these and many so called “experts” will proclaim now by learning to listen within your Heart and Soul!

Brotherhood Consciousness will be the way of the New Security upon Earth. For this action to occur all will need to become aware of what brings them to the Joy of Living. Let the Joy in your Heart and Soul lead you on August 19, 2011 to the place where you may play and leave all stress and worries behind! Playful wishing would even be beneficial for you will be leaving your problems and issues behind and enter the Realm of Conscious Creating for your Soul rather than the needs of the body. Relax and learn to Flow!

Choices will be made on August 20, 2011 for choosing the way of your Joy in Living. Though this choice has always been available many have neglected their Heart and Soul to choose for bodily needs and adornments, but now that the preparation stage is over, it will be time to implement the way that Love will lead you to Joy! Act now by choosing with your Heart and Soul in mind and you will find great prosperity and success during the Great Transformation into the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium!

The Choice of August 20th will still be available on August 21, 2011. Many will simply ignore this critical choice of their Heart and Soul for they will immerse themselves with a “wait and see” attitude that will become a detriment for their Heart and Soul’s growth. Man of Negativity will now be faced with his own choice to Choose with his own Heart and Soul but will he let loose of his reins of imagined control to become a member of the Brotherhood of Man with his brethren, Man of Destiny, and the Legion of Light? Transform and become what you have only imagined yourself to be – A Co-Creator with God!

The internal process of becoming a Co-Creator with God will continue all the way into the entry of the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium on October 28, 2011. On August 22, 2011 the Universal Energies will be calling upon us to internalize and learn to Flow for it will be in such moments that we will consider what it will be that we will become in our future. Chaos and Confusion will still prevail in these days and will become even worse rather than better unless you will understand that the Mandate of the Universal Energies will have everyone becoming a Co-Creator with God in the New Millennium!

The Universal Energies will be intensifying with their action and purpose as the Season of God progresses. Ultimately we will become more aware of this Truth consciously or unconsciously as we Create our lives for our future learning, needs, and progress. Look upon the Energy of August 23, 2011 to begin the active Creating of the Path of the Brotherhood of Man. Watch and listen to media reports of effortless progress in Man of Destiny’s relationship with his world. These reports will rapidly fade as Man of Negativity will bemoan and complain that his comforts and wellbeing are not being looked after by his cohorts and will pressure them to “Get me results!” Man of Negativity will not ever be comfortable in his ways again!

“As ye sow so shall ye reap” it is stated in the scriptures. And it shall be so in the enduring Season of God for everyone shall be given the opportunity to openly harvest their seeds of Joy and good tidings on August 24, 2011. Seek the rewards of your Heart and Soul and prosper! Though most will still be in a state of Confusion because their minds will not understand, they will now begin to question their traditions and beliefs for they will make no sense any longer! Listen within and learn to Relax and Flow!

This forecast has covered a brief period of time in the opening of the Season of God. This will be a very critical period of time as it will set many precedents in everyone’s learning and processing to become active participants in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium! Open your Heart and Soul and witness the Great Transformation with open eyes. Many soon will blame rather than take Responsibility for their own Great Transformation. Let Light and Love be your guides with Truth!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Activation Part 2

This forecast will cover the remaining days of the third phase into the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium. We will move into the fourth phase on August 18, 2011. The third phase is the Activation phase of this movement that began on April 15, 2011. The first lasted from April 15 to June 15, 2011 and gave us the mantra of “Are you Living in Joy?” as the question to lead us forward. The second phase started on June 16 until July 16, 2011 and functioned to begin the process of bringing Balance and Justice upon All Things on Earth while the current phase, which began on July 17 until August 17, 2011, will actualize our New Security for the Fifth Dimension – Brotherhood Consciousness.

There will not be much time left until the seventh and final phase completes on October 27, 2011 after which, our Earth will ascend into the Fifth Dimension on October 28, 2011. In the remaining days of our current phase we will begin to recognize that our fellow Human Beings are our True source of Security – Brotherhood Consciousness. Though most continue to see each other as “strangers” and with distrust, everyone will eventually realize that Man of Negativity and his profiteers of war divided everyone into the false divisions of enemies for his taking! Let Light and Love show us the way to Truth!

On August 9, 2011 the Universal Energies will strengthen to guide us into the Turning Point in Humanity’s history that began on July 22, 2011 and will last until August 12, 2011. This day will provide an Opportunity for Man of Destiny to prepare his Brotherhood Foundation to understand and to apply for his future. Though many will remain in fear and unable to process this choice, God’s Plan will be opening the way of Man of Destiny’s Freedom! Open your Heart and Soul and allow the Truth of God’s Plan to grant you Peace of Mind and Joy!

Listen to the words of politicians and leaders blaming each other for whatever ails their nations. Nothing at this time will be going “as expected,” except now, Man of Destiny will understand NOTHING IS THE SAME anymore! On August 10, 2011 the Universal Energies will be looking for Man of Destiny to seek and find his Joy of Living as the Joy of Living is and will be the most important element for life in the Fifth Dimension. Could it be easier than this? Look within and there you will find your Heart and Soul’s desire for Joy. With your new found Joy you will begin Creating your Path and Purpose within the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium!

As the current phase comes to a close the Universal Energies of August 11, 2011 will provide a clue to what you will become in the Fifth Dimension for they shall decree that every man, woman, and child will become the equivalent Joy of Living as they will request. If your life is currently a struggle with pain and suffering and you remain focused upon it rather than to seek to remedy it, you will be Creating more pain and suffering. The Universal Energies do not moralize as they will simply grant you what you shall focus upon. Shift your thoughts and Energy to the Plane of the Unlimited and there you will find all of your possibilities and promises as there are no conditions or barriers to Live in Joy!

To Live in Joy is the Promise of God to Man of Destiny in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium along with Truth and Love to guide him. Now you will see Man of Negativity’s corrupt and enslaving systems falling apart and failing on August 12, 2011 as there is no Joy of Living for everyone in Man of Negativity’s systems. See and know that each individual will be responsible for seeking his/her Foundation of Joy as the consent for his or her entry into the Fifth Dimension! Not by rituals, sacraments, or even religious advantage for this is a solar system event and not a religious event! Joy is the key for your future! Seek it and find it for Joy will Create your Path into the New Dimension!

On August 13, 2011 the Universal Energies will begin to set into motion the secondary condition of our entry into the Fifth Dimension. This will be Brotherhood Consciousness as a condition of living upon the Planet of Peace and Thanksgiving – our Mother Earth! She will be requiring all who will enter into her realm of influence to be Peaceful, Loving, and God honoring beings. She will already know of everyone’s past and will deny their entry if they should attempt to enter before they have met the conditions of seeking Joy and Brotherhood. The New Way of living upon Mother Earth has been Changed and anyone not transitioning will be directed towards processing and learning about Lovingness!

With Mother Earth’s new standards of living in place on August 14, 2011, Man of Destiny will now be asked to define his Purpose upon the Planet of Peace and Thanksgiving. Will he choose his Pathway of Joy of Living with Brotherhood Consciousness or will he choose to follow the Way of War? Many future decisions will be contingent upon this Opportunity as living with Truth and Love will be the place to begin. Do not be overcome with fear instead seek Truth and Love within yourself and know where you will be in the future!

War and rumors of war will prevail worldwide as the economic crisis upon everyone will begin to spread on August 15, 2011! These rumors will be started by ego driven leaders and politicians who will shout, “Retribution will be ours!” They will be stating Truth for they have chosen the Way of War and Greed as their pathway upon Earth and will have their way in the Fourth Dimension! There will still be time to make a change of Heart and follow the call of their Soul but if, and only if, they shall follow their Soul. Let Brotherhood and Joy be the way of your Truth!

Many will focus their attention outward and not pay attention to the inward call of their Heart and Soul on August 16, 2011. Joy and Brotherhood will be the way of the future but during these days many will still be in shock over repeated unnecessary events overtaking the world. Though they will be seen as tragic they shall be minor compared to the events to come in the month of September 2011! Many will call upon God but not be heard for He will not intercede wherever there will be decisions made of ego rather than Love! Learn and process the way of Joy and Brotherhood coming around the corner!

The Energy of August 17, 2011 will be for contemplation as the Universal Season of Growth will come to a close. Rest your weary minds and bodies for a full day for there will be much to do and Change in the Season of God which shall begin on August 18, 2011. Take time to ponder and consider the way of your Heart and Soul. They have been longing for you to be at Peace and Rest for a considerable amount of time. Today will be a day to focus upon Joy and Brotherhood as the Activation has begun!