
Monday, January 31, 2011

The Time of God

In the past few months December 2010 provided an Anointing and Ordaining for our lives in the New Horizon to come while the Universal Energies of January 2011 supplied the Energy of Transformation to see to it that we shall all live in the Dimension of Love. February 2011 will complete the Transformation process by February 5, 2011 and will set into motion the beginning of the New Universal Year on February 17, 2011.

The time frame of this forecast will be from February 1st until February 9, 2011 when all the incoming Energy from the Universal Energies will be dictating to one and all, “Establish your Foundation of Lovingness for the Brotherhood of Man in the New Millennium.”  This shall become the creed and motto for entry into the New Millennium, as our egos begin to take a back seat to our True Self, the Soul of God, where we will do the work of God for ourselves!

On February 1, 2011 the Universal Energies will have us seek to find Love within ourselves. This will mean that in order to find the “Foundation of Lovingness,” we will need to begin with Self Love for this is where the Kingdom of God has always been, “within you!” Self Love will serve to guide you to where your heart’s Love will lead you into your Pathway for the New Horizon. Let the quest begin to seek the Foundation of Lovingness for your True Destiny in the New Millennium!

The Universal Energies of February 2nd will provide the need to seek once more for Self Love in order to be able to expand our Love Consciousness outward to our fellow souls upon the Earth. In seeking this need you will become an active participant in the Brotherhood of Man that is already ready for the Soul Conscious level. The Soul Conscious level is where we are nearer to our True Self and still remain on the Earth Plane to manifest at the core of emulating God as a Co-Creator with Him!

The Energies of February 3, 2011 will be strong for everyone with his heart in the Brotherhood of Man for the Legion of Light and Man of Destiny will have this day to activate their partnership together for a promising future in the New Millennium. Drop your walls to hear and know the plan for your life of Abundance and get to know one another once more. Prior to the start of the Universal New Year there will still be time to gather as soon will come the Universal New Year on February 17, 2011 when the new Creation process will begin once more!

Your highest Destiny will be available your choosing on February 4th and will be open until February 18, 2011. All the planets will be in concert to sing the songs of praise for God and the Earth Plane. Listen within to hear the song with your heart and take time to allow your Soul to grow and become encouraged with all that will be in Transformation for by mid-March 2011 YOU WILL BE IN THE KNOW Of YOUR DESTINY!

On February 5, 2011 the Universal Energies will continue their songs of praise for God and the Earth Plane. It will also be the time for unifying the people of the Earth into the Brotherhood of Man. These songs will lead you into your Destiny for which you have come upon Earth and all you will do in the future. Let these days of Transformation do the work for and with you as you become a Co-Creator with God!
Ponder on February 6, 2011 about the upcoming New Universal Year appearing on the horizon on February 17, 2011, a year in which thoughts and deeds of Spirituality will bring to you all the Spiritual Prosperity you can handle. Look now for these days to fill you with Love for yourself, Love for your fellow man, and LOVE FOR GOD for this will allow you with all your heart to fulfill your life’s journey in the New Millennium!

The Universal Energies of February 7th will take note of your inner heart’s call to your Destiny and correspond it to your level of Love for your task in the New Millennium. Leave what you see as the old reality elsewhere so that you may concentrate with all of your heart to feel the New Reality! In this way you will function with Truth and Love as your guides for only by feeling will you become aware that you moving in the right direction!

Man of Destiny, expand your heart and mind on February 8, 2011! The Universal Energies will allow you to unite your Pathway with all the Love you will bring through youself! Feel your thoughts of Love and let them guide you where you will need to go. Nurture them and do not let them fade for we will all need to make Changes to Transform ourselves into Beings of Love and Light! When all will be said and done by December 2011, you will look back and glow with Love and Light with all the progress you have made!

Until February 17th the Creative Energy of the Universal Energies will function to link the three keys of life, our Spiritual Self, our Soul, and our physical bodies, for the New Millennium so that we will be ready for the New Horizon. On February 9th the stage will begin to link all three of these Vibrations of Life into a New Self for the New Millennium. The process may be easy for some while others will continue to struggle with the concepts being introduced to them. Worry not for these ones, as they will have members of the Legion of Light to assist them!

The beginning of February 2011 will begin to congeal the physical and the Spiritual sides of ourselves into new beings for the New Millennium. The Great Transformation has begun and will not stop until everyone is in the Dimension of Love where all will be intertwined in the Brotherhood of Man and involved in Progress for not only their own Soul, but also everyone’s! Soon the Days of Love and Light will be in place but for now WE MUST DO OUR PART to bring them in! 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Changing of the Guard Part 3

The main theme for the month of January 2011 has been the process of Transformation in all that we will think and do. This will not be an easy process by any means but will be necessary for our growth in all things for entry into the New Millennium. The remaining days of January 2011 will continue the Changing of the Guard with more emphasis upon Spiritual Growth in understanding the New Way of Life. Some are still resistant to this Change and some even feel that they are not affected by the Universal Energies push to include them as they move their lives in lateral moves to progress themselves.

Which way will you go Man of Destiny? The Universal Energies call you once more on January 22, 2011 as the Energy will become much more intensive in its crucial request for your entry into the New Millennium! There will be more weather patterns of precipitation upon the Earth as she attempts to cleanse herself of Man’s negative ways but you are learning the Way of Brotherhood Man of Destiny as you help and assist your fellow Man with the Earth’s inundations! Continue to Share and Cooperate and the Earth will release you from your reluctance to Change for the New Millennium!

The planet of Prosperity and Expansion of Thoughts, Jupiter, will be back in the sign of Aries on January 23, 2011 after a four-month journey in the sign of Pisces. The four-month journey has made us redefine our definition of the New Prosperity by expanding our concepts of what is Illusion and Reality and we will have until February 9, 2011 to implement what we have learned. Let this not be a burden to you Legion of Light for Man of Destiny will still be stirring to keep things as they are but they will not have long and neither shall be your wait Legion of Light!

The key in the Time of God will be and always was to Live in Joy with Love but somehow the message was misconstrued and adapted to serve Ego instead of our Souls. On January 24, 2011 the Universal Energies will remind us of what Living in Joy is all about with the Energies display of Love meant for adjusting to the New Energy of Lovingness and for our Foundation in the New Millennium. There will still be those without this Foundation and they will be expend their Energy trying to hang on to the past and thereby negate their own future.

The time on your hand Man of Destiny is precious for not only yourself but also those around you. Your time will be best spent considering your future rather than the past on January 25th as you will have the opportunity now to begin to exercise your right to Share and Cooperate with those who are not only your brothers in blood but kindred in the Spirit learning and adapting to the new rules! The new rules require that you live with Love and Truth in your heart to enter the Dimension of Love. The old world is passing away and the New Horizon awaits you!

If you could design your life exactly how you would like now will be the time as the Universal Energies configure themselves to share the message of a New Horizon coming to the forefront on January 26, 2011. There will be some days that may feel longer than this day but redesigning your life will allow your imagination to run free! The key once again will be Love. The Legion of Light will be getting closer to unifying and bringing with them a message of Brotherhood and Love for all to emulate and become.

Entertain the thoughts of Joy in your life and bring them closer to Reality on January 27, 2011. Joy is an inner feeling of contentment stemming from satisfaction with your effort to be in the Rhythm of Life. It is not as rare as you may think but will become more readily available as the Veil of the Illusion will be exposed for what it is – A FALSE LIE – as Truth of all things will be revealed to everyone! God is Love and not fear and greed expounded for a false sense of security in the future for now God’s Light and Love will be the goal to seek! 

The countdown to the New Universal Year will be at 20 days on January 28, 2011, as the Universal Year will begin on February 17, 2011. January 28th will introduce an Energy Vortex to become what Man of Destiny may desire it to be. The Energy Vortex has been withheld from him until he will seek his Spiritual Progress. What will it take for him to Change and refocus his life? More negative media to remind him of what he lacks in his life? More propaganda from the government to remind him of his daily condition? No, the Energy Vortex will wait for Man of Destiny to focus upon his Spiritual Self!

On January 29, 2011 the Universal Energies will bring those who placed their Love and Spiritual Self into the Energy Vortex to find Progress in their Pathway for the New Millennium. The New Millennium will not yet be a year old until March 21, 2011 but the call for bringing your life into the New Horizon will soon be here. Now will be the time to imagine where your future will take you so that you may conceive the Spiritual Prosperity for your time in Service to God!

The month of January 2011 has sent many dreams, thoughts, and visions for our minds to process. The trend will continue from January 30th until February 5, 2011 when the Changing of the Guard will be completed. Keep a journal and keep track of some of the dream sequences that will have you flying or being a superhero or even gathering with unlikely people. These will all be symbolic events to allow your mind to process what and where your likely direction in the Way of the Spirit will take you. Enjoy the process of your Spiritual Growth, Legion of Light and Man of Destiny!

The Universal Energies of January 31, 2011 will be setting up events for the Universal Year to come on February 17, 2011. These events are currently in process and will send many to truly seek their Spiritual Processes. Even in these days you will see political clout being traded as if there is no Transformation in the Changing of the Guard but be assured that we will all be in the New Millennium. January 31st will hint to those who access their Joy in these days and allow themselves to be led by it will prosper the greatest in the Days to Come!

February 2011 will begin the Universal New Year on February 17, 2011 and will function to establish the foundation of the New Millennium. The rules in Creating our lives have already been Changed where we will have to place the emphasis of our Soul’s task first in our lives. This Change will shift the problematic living standard of placing our bodies before our Souls and bring us all into line with the new standard. Truth and Love will need to also be at the beginning of any endeavor we will undertake. Now seek the Joy in Living with God Standards for your life in the New Millennium! 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Changing of the Guard Part 2

The momentum of the year 2011 has already begun and for the remainder of January 2011 the Universal Energies will continue to provide an influx of Energy to Transform our entire way of thinking and acting for the New Millennium. Though the effect will be subtle at first it has already begun and will be an ongoing process until everyone is involved and participating with the Laws of God rather than Man’s Laws. Now will be the timing of our Choice to enter the Dimension of Love or not.

On January 11, 2011 the Universal Energies will begin to offer an Opportunity to choose to enter the New Millennium’s Dimension of Love. This Opportunity will last through January 12th and will set the precedent of all our future experiences. Most will partake and learn how to “go with the Flow,” and to relax after years of stressful living as if in an addiction, It will take some time as some will not have the conceptual vernacular to understand what it shall mean to be without fear to motivate them.

January 12th will continue the choice for entry into the New Millennium’s Dimension of Love. The most basic rule upon the Earth Plane is the rule of Freewill. This rule will mandate us to expand our experiences with whatever our Soul desires whether we perceive it as good or bad depending upon what it is we will need to learn. Now however the Earth and our solar system have chosen to shift the experience upon Earth towards learning to understand the meaning of Love and working as a unified team in Brotherhood. This change will also bring the lesson of Trust to the forefront.

The Legion of Light will begin to form ranks on January 13, 2011 according to his/her assigned task of Light and Love to benefit Man of Destiny’s beginning in the New Millennium. Some Lightworkers will come from obscure and diverse backgrounds. These placements were made for the sake of Earthly experience for those who will bring in the Hand of God upon Earth do not have the experience of negativity or fear in their hearts so do not be swift to judge the person next to you for they may be an Angel in disguise!

We will still be in the Universal Season of Rest on January 14, 2011 as in the background the Legion of Light and Man of Destiny will prepare themselves for their calling and activation in the coming Universal Season of Creation’s beginning which will be on February 17, 2011. In the mean time spontaneous laughter and camaraderie will fill the call for making and forming relationships for the Brotherhood of Man. Likemindedness will attract likemindedness in these days as the formation of the Brotherhood of Man will kindle new relations for the purpose of becoming solution minded rather than whiners and complainers for the Changing of the Guard will also call for a Change in Power!

The basis of all that will begin the Changing of the Guard will be that Truth will be available to one and all. No longer will those in Power have the ability to state an untruth without a swift reprimand from those whose task it will be to check them. On January 15th the time for Man of Destiny to step forward will be upon him as he will no longer be allowed to shirk his duties and responsibilities to himself so that he may become a True Man of Destiny with accountability and responsibility for his Soul’s task. Listen carefully to your heart’s voice within and respond to the call it is asking you to undertake!

The planet assigned to Activating our hearts and intentions, Mars, will be in the sign of Aquarius on January 16, 2011. This will signal that preparation for the call to Brotherhood will engage us into activities with others as a response to common needs and ways of support. Kind words will go a long way today as will instructing another in the ways of Lovingness which will help them for a lifetime.

The Universal Energies will bring into motion Man of Destiny’s foundation for developing a Loving attitude in all endeavors he will undertake in his future on January 17, 2011. This will come as great encouragement for the Legion of Light who will have to wait while God’s Hand in Man’s life begins to take shape for the New Millennium. Have faith Legion of Light for the wait will be worth it! Take time to prepare for your new task in the New Millennium.

The Energies of January 18, 2011 will be displaying the symbols of success for Man of Destiny as he will now be able to utilize his Foundation of Love in his pathway. This will be a success for older Souls but those of Man who have much to learn or have forsaken their own Soul’s work will need to process thoughts of Love to remember that God cannot enter into the negativity of their world but can only be sought through Love. Legion of Light this process will be a welcome sign for the New Millennium’s Prosperity will be in God’s timing!

The availability of Man of Destiny’s pathway for the New Millennium will be contingent upon his ability to Love himself as well as others beginning on January 19, 2011. This shall come to mean that whatever endeavor he will choose for his pathway it must be through the Spirit of the Brotherhood of Man and for his Soul’s progress. Should he choose not to live with an attitude of Lovingness in the Brotherhood of Man he will be subjected to a lesson in which he will learn that Love is the only abode of God!

January 20, 2011 will be the last date in which the Sun will be in the sign of Capricorn. It will also be one of the final days that Man of Destiny will be allowed to choose his own Pathway and Purpose in the New Millennium. Consider this choice carefully Man of Destiny as the Legion of Light awaits your choosing for their own Pathways to prosper for the Sun will be in the sign of Brotherhood, Aquarius, on January 21, 2011.

On January 21, 2011 the Sun will be in the sign of Brotherhood, Aquarius. The Legion of Light will now begin to assemble into triads at first and then groups of seven and then into multiple triads times seven until the entire Network of Light is established upon Earth. They will role model to Man of Destiny the main issues of Brotherhood, Sharing and Cooperating, and Lovingness. Be ready for the Earth Plane to glisten with Love and Light!

The Energy of Trasforamtion will be with us through the end of January 2011 and on into early February 2011 for soon the Universal Calendar of Creation will begin and the Changing of the Guard will be complete. Now will be the time to learn and prosper with Love and Light while the Legion of Light readies themselves for honoring God and the Universal Energies with the ability to Create all things in Lovingness!