
Monday, October 8, 2018

Our Language of Love

Humanity’s least common denominator in defining our humanness is our ability to facilitate and demonstrate our Heart and Soul’s Language of Love.  How we find meaning in our Heart and Soul’s natural status is the entire reason for this revelation – the ending of humanity’s Separation from God! 

A choice was not provided for us.  Our Ascension Vehicle  – Mother Earth – has already decided that everyone and everything dwelling upon Her body will enter within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension on October 28, 2011. 

If we pay attention to the many signs of Her decision, our ability to fully express our innate Heart and Soul’s Language of Love will develop as a natural process as individual as a flower revealing its own unique color, scent, and beauty.  If we do not heed Mother Earth’s many signs of her intentions, we will only render confusion!

Humanity’s least common denominator is in our ability to facilitate and demonstrate our Heart and Soul’s Language of Love!  If we were to reduce our Life’s most precious moments of Love, Joy, and Happiness, we would all recognize the expressions of our Heart and Soul’s Language of Love at work – as the Universal Expressions of our own commonality within the Universal Community that is now evolving through Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! 

Humanity must now decide once and for all – “Will I fulfill the Calling of my Soul’s Spiritual Purpose within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension?”  The moment of Choice for humanity will complete on December 14, 2018 and will serve as the impetus and momentum to humanity’s participation within the Long Year!  The Long Year, Dear Ones, will also reveal the ending of humanity’s Separation from God!

The Long Year began on August 25, 2018 and will not be complete until October 9, 2021.  Will it also serve as humanity’s opportunity to flourish within the full content of our innate Heart and Soul’s Language of Love? 

The answer to this riddle will not emerge outside of us, but within us – within the content of our Hearts and Souls!  Many will feel lost and without direction during the Long Year.  Our Life’s direction has already shifted to our inner core – within the content of our Hearts and Souls!  By ignoring - or not acknowledging - the content of our innate Heart and Soul, there will always be a constant message serving to remind us where we are – rendering the confusing collective content of the world’s standards, rather than expressing the content of our Hearts and Souls. Everything in the world is a process of learning and experiencing!

We were not born with direct conscious access to our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose or even with the full content of our Soul’s Memories intact.  We need to learn to remember and re-discover our inner direction by experiencing our world.  We also learn to discover the Spiritual World all around us through the experience of expressing our innate ability to facilitate and demonstrate our Heart and Soul’s Language of Love.  We are on the verge of entering with Mother Earth into the fullness of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension as well as initiating a process of enacting our Life’s entire direction through our inner core – within the content of Hearts and Souls!  This leads humanity to discover and act upon our innate ability to facilitate and demonstrate our Heart and Soul’s Language of Love, thereby bringing an end to humanity’s Separation from God!

Humanity’s only choice these days is to act upon The Calling to everyone’s Soul on December 14, 2018:  “Will I fulfill the Calling of my Soul’s Spiritual Purpose within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension?” thus, choosing to follow our designated Ascension Vehicle Mother Earth’s lead further into the experience of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. 

Everything and everyone upon Mother Earth remains within Transition!  Our Choice to fulfill the Calling of our Soul is also a choice to continue in Unity and Oneness with Mother Earth in the Universe’s Fifth Dimension

Humanity’s apparent belief in separation from everyone and everything does not actually exist, Dear Ones.  It is an illusion of our physical senses and only exists within Solar Systems experiencing the apparent Separation from God. 

All is in Unity and Oneness and constantly revealed whenever we facilitate and demonstrate our Heart and Soul’s Language of Love!  

Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Disrupter

Prior to incarnation upon Mother Earth, we humans each made three promises to God … 

* I promise to find my group.
* I promise to fulfill my task for humanity.
* I promise to fulfill my task with Mother Earth. 

Incorporated within these three promises is the entire direction that our Life will be guided in order to fulfill our Soul’s Primary Spiritual Purpose. We make choices at every turn on the way to fulfilling our promises.  Sometimes we meet our Soul’s Primary Spiritual Purpose directly.  At other times we stray away from the direct path.

During The Long Year – from August 25, 2018 through October 9, 2021 – every human being will find the true direction of their Soul’s Primary Spiritual Purpose – or not.  Humanity will no longer be straying from the path of our Soul’s Primary Spiritual Purpose.  Change will become synonymous with The Long Year, Dear Ones.  All Life upon Mother Earth is now within Transition!

On September 24, 2018 the influence of our Solar System’s “missing” planet will be returning! 
This “missing” planet has been referred to as Planet X, Nibiru, Tiamat, or Marduk.  

For our purposes here, Marduk is the preferred name of our “missing” planet.  Marduk signifies the energetic momentum of Change.  We will not yet be able to see Marduk.  We will be feeling its influence of Change!  Humanity now stands upon the threshold of a New Reality.  All on Earth is now returning to the Universe’s original intent and design – to Create Joy within the Universal Pathway of Light, Love and Harmony!

The energetic momentum of Change is not an instantaneous transformation.  The energetic momentum of Change is synchronic with returning to our original form and design – much like a “correction” in our current intentions. 

The Energy of Marduk serves as a “disrupter”.  Marduk’s influence will serve as a disruption of our daily lives unless our Life conforms to the original intent and design of the Universe’s Light, Love and Harmony!

Humanity now enters a new stage of evolution – our maturing into the Universal Community!  Enough of humanity is mature and aware enough now to realize that the purpose of Life is more than perpetuation of the economy of the planet.  Many will continue to perpetuate the old programs of economic purpose.  They will resist change.  

The influence of Marduk is All Change.  The influence of Marduk, The Disrupter, will not allow anything to operate outside the Divine Design of Universal Light, Love, and Harmony.  Markduk, The Disrupter, will not allow anything to function with “half assed” measures. 

Can we do it?  Can we learn to Live fully within our Hearts and Souls and simply transform our economic purpose too?

On December 27, 2018 the Re-Organization of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension begins! Societies built and founded upon the parameters of emphasizing an economic purpose will continue to fragment and fail.  We are now in the process of reorganizing our lives for prospering within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension.  

Yes, Dear Ones, this movement is already in motion – community by community.  Our future Society of Light will emerge around February 2020!  What matters now is aligning our Hearts and Souls with Mother Earth’s Universal Fifth Dimension. 

“Easier said than done,” some may say.  What is being done now to integrate their three promises to God? 

The Long Year will serve to develop humanity’s responsibility, integrity and trust with Mother Earth and the Universal Community – thus allowing all who seek to integrate his, or her, three promises to God to do so.

* I promise to find my group.
* I promise to fulfill my task for humanity.
* I promise to fulfill my task with Mother Earth. 

“What does a ‘group’ have to do with me?” one may ask.  Our group, Dear Ones, is the group of Souls we entered with upon Mother Earth to serve in our Soul’s Primary Spiritual Purpose.  We will know each other through our Soul’s memories – not our body’s memory – with a dèjá vu-like experience moment of Time!  These moments of Time will become more and more common.  It is Time to congregate!

Our promises to fulfill our tasks for humanity and with Mother Earth serve to achieve our Soul’s Primary Spiritual Purpose by the commonality of who and where we are.  We are one common species of inhabitants upon our common planet – Mother Earth.  She is the only planet humanity will have to claim.  

We must take care of Her together.  In separation we risk the over mining of her precious resources.  Climate Change is real and is already doing the damage that we needed to address yesterday, Dear Ones!  Climate Change is just one issue we will have to address together.  Other changes contained within Mother Earth’s physical changes will begin in April 2020.  

The process to initiate Her Fifth Dimensional body begins with the assistance of Marduk - The Disrupter.  All that is in alignment with the Universe’s Light, Love and Harmony will be returning to assist humanity to fulfill our three promises to God.

* I promise to find my group.
* I promise to fulfill my task for humanity.
* I promise to fulfill my task with Mother Earth. 

As we recall the experiences of Earth’s previous Golden Ages – Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu – remember that these great eras of Enlightenment on Earth did not simply rise up out of nowhere. They emerged through change and with the great assistance of Marduk, The Disrupter, to support everyone’s remembrance of the Universal Pathway of Light, Love and Harmony!

Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation 
- Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Peace and blessings.  Namaste.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Long Year

Everything and everyone upon Mother Earth is now within Transition!

Some will say it’s a phase.  Others will call it a temporary chapter.  Whatever you may call it, there will be no return to the past!  Everything and everyone on Earth is moving into its rightful place. 

What comes next is a Realization.  Some will call it an eternal day but the Sun and Moon will continue to rise and set.  Some will notice 3 years will have passed as the seasons still came and went.  Most will know it as the Long Year – but only after all is said and done. 

The Long Year will begin on August 25, 2018 and seem to come to a close on October 9, 2021. 

The framework of The Long Year will be serving to develop humanity’s integrity, trust, and responsibility with Mother Earth and the Universal Community.  Our enhanced integrity, trust, and responsibility will also lead to the maturity of humanity.  Only in a mature state of integrity, trust, and responsibility will all of humanity become unified for and with our common Home – Mother Earth! 

The Long Year will have several overlapping stages in order to enable humanity’s transitions fully into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension.  Mother Earth will begin producing her body’s necessary changes to initiate her Fifth Dimensional body on April 25, 2020.

The Long Year will begin initiating just prior to the conclusion of Mother Earth’s “Great Melting” on December 27, 2018.  This is Mother Earth’s process to eliminate humanity’s use of her former Fourth Dimensional Vibratory Frequency.  

Will humanity be the same?  Will humanity have completed its own Transition?  The only thing that can be said that’s True now is that everything and everyone upon Mother Earth is now within Transition!

If tomorrow never comes it would be much like a long and enduring night. This is the effect it will bring, Dear Ones.  The Long Year will be humanity’s final Transition. 

Some people will act the same – with no awareness of the presence of the Long Year.  Others will try to act the same, while having some awareness of the presence of the Long Year. 

The few who will be fully aware, conscious, and awake will be the ones who have endured the entirety of humanity’s final Transition!  Being fully aware, conscious, and awake to what, you ask?  Being fully aware, conscious and awake to The Realization that a New Day – a New Era – and a New Reality is upon Mother Earth! 

Without the availability of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimensional Vibratory Frequency – after December 27, 2018 – what will humanity do?  What will be different?  What can we do now? Though nothing will look out of place or different to our eyes, what will differ will be Mother Earth’s New Vibration, radiating for everything and everyone upon her. 

On December 27, 2018 it will be Time for humanity to begin the Re-Organization of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension! 

Some will assimilate and do their part.  Others will be in doubt and hesitant.  Still, others will not be capable of responding to Mother Earth’s New Vibration – living as if they were from a long past era of time. Only their memories will be alive – not their Hearts and Souls!

Beginning with the Re-Organization of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension, Mother Earth and all of humanity will need to be collaborating as a cohesive team, together and unified with our one common goal – To Re-Create our home upon Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension! 

The Re-Organization of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension will begin on December 27, 2018 and conclude on August 12, 2020. 

What will follow from August 13, 2020 through March 28, 2022 will be an “Unsettled Period” of Time.  Our linear experience of time via the clock and calendar will be a thing of the past. Time will be experienced as the movement of our Soul – our Hearts and Souls serving to lead all our thoughts, words, and deeds on Earth. 

Will everyone know and realize the difference?  Will everyone know and realize the content of his or her Heart and Soul?  Will we all become our Hearts and Souls?

There is seemingly not much Time left and much preparation is required for humanity’s final Transition.  Humanity still needs to learn to allow their own internal guidance system – their Heart and Soul – to lead them.   

Until December 14, 2018 all of humanity is still within a decision process – whether to respond to the Calling – the choice to decide to acknowledge and enact one’s Soul’s Spiritual Purpose within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension.

What we all have available within us now is the substance of our Hearts and Souls. Humanity’s final Transition is entirely about discovering the entire content of our Hearts and Souls.  Nothing more!  If we have succeeded in discovering the content of our Hearts and Souls before the Long Year arrives, we will have already initiated our part in humanity’s final Transition. 

Thus, with the discovery of the content of our Hearts and Souls will come our next stage – preparing for the Re-Organization of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension!  Some can now create with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional Vibratory Frequency.  Most cannot.  

On August 22, 2018 there will finally be enough awakened humans on Earth to utilize Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional Vibratory Frequency and overcome humanity’s use of her former Fourth Dimensional Frequency!  

We must achieve a New Realization first.  The Realization of a New Day – a New Era – and a New Reality is upon Mother Earth!