
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Mother Earth’s Rejuvenation Process

Our common references to time in our lives are largely based upon the symbols of the clock and calendar. The clock in our modern societies is a gauge for managing our daily affairs in the most efficient way possible, for example, in arranging our time of awakening, our arrival at work or school, or coordinating our meals into our schedule. We use the calendar to accommodate our many personal concerns, such as scheduling events outside of our weekly work or school routine or in the many monthly and annual events in our lives needing time to acknowledge, celebrate, or accommodate. Our clocks and calendars are actually artificial replications of earth’s movement around the sun, as a clock is a device imitating earth’s approximate 24 hour movement in the day while the calendar is a formatted replication of earth’s 365 and ¼ day journey around the sun. In attempting to define time itself, most definitions allude to the most obvious aspect time produces through an elapsed duration: an observable beginning and an observable endpoint. Time in the Universe, however, is a consequential result produced through our Universe’s constant motion and vibration, as our Universe is designed to Create Events, not time itself! Universal Events include the formation of Galaxies, the birth of individual Sun-Stars, and the Creation of new planets in a Sun-Star’s own solar system. The eventual result of each and every Universal Event is the manifestation of experience, the experience each Soul acquires towards manifesting Joy!

The Universe is in a constant state of motion and vibration to Create Events through the Creation of Light, Love, and Harmony! Everything within the Universe, dear Ones, is comprised of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! As we as Lightworker Souls begin to reacquaint ourselves and reacquire our Soul’s many innate abilities and skillsets to use with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibratory Frequency, we will not only be discovering our current dependence upon our modern society’s clocks and calendars to be of little use, but also, obsolete towards the manifestation of our Soul’s Joy! Our Souls perpetually function with the Time of the Universe – Time as an experience of manifesting our Joy! When we recognize that we are truly innate Creators of Joy, we are essentially beginning the initiation of our Soul’s Purpose through the experience of Time as the Movement of the Soul! Not everyone on Earth entering into the fullness of her Fifth Dimension on March 27, 2017 will have an adequate understanding of his or her innate ability to Create Joy, much less the comprehension of her or her own Soul’s unique and individual Purpose! But then, not everyone entering into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be able to call him or herself a Fifth Dimension’s Innovator! On January 15, 2017 Mother Earth aligned her Crown Chakra into the Universal Grid of Sun-Stars and thereby achieved her complete Integration with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension!

If our experiences with Time in the Fifth Dimension continue to be dependent upon the symbols of the clock and calendar, we will not only continue being completely out of synchronicity with our own Universe’s unique ability to Create Events, but also, our Universe’s entire purpose for Creating such Events – the experience each Soul acquires towards manifesting Joy! From January 29 through February 4, 2017 Mother Earth and her accompanying Sun and Solar System will initiate a process of rejuvenating and healing every part of her external body for her role as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet! Mother Earth’s Rejuvenation Process of her external body will be coinciding with Mother Earth’s “echo response” on January 31, 2016 manifesting as a result of the alignment of her Crown Chakra. Although Mother Earth has previously produced an “echo response” with each of her previous Chakra alignments since April 30, 2016, her Crown Chakra’s alignment will be serving to rejuvenate and heal all her external body! The outcome produced by Mother Earth’s “echo response” on January 31, 2017 will include many weather related and geophysical changes to introduce her required adjustments for assuming her role as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet! What we are now witnessing through the anomalies produced by Climate Change evidence will seem in retrospect as trivial, like comparing a region’s transition of the seasons, from spring to summer, summer to autumn, autumn to winter, and back to spring! 

Mother Earth’s Rejuvenation Process to rejuvenate and heal her own body for her role as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet will not occur in an instant, but much like Climate Change suggests – through the movement of time transitioning from an observable beginning to an observable endpoint. There will be a great personal benefit garnered through Mother Earth’s Rejuvenation Process for each and every Soul aligning his or her own Seven Chakras for Mother Earth’s role as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet – the experience of a Rejuvenation for his or her own body to assist in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! The Rejuvenation of Mother Earth, including the Souls responsible for the Re-Creation for her Fifth Dimension’s role, has already been initiated through the alignment of her Crown Chakra, dear Ones, and will gain even more momentum once she aligns her Heart Chakra into the Universal Grid on March 8, 2017! Many of Mother Earth’s physical changes will begin occurring after March 27, 2017, when she completes her entire Fifth Dimension Transition, for now she is just initiating the physical adjustments she will need to make her true physical changes for the Fifth Dimension. Mother Earth’s true physical changes for the duration of our entire Fifth Dimension experience will occur from April 25, 2020 through March 29, 2042! By then, every Soul upon her will be better prepared to align with the Synchronicity of the Universe’s role and experienced enough to manifest his or her Joy!  

Our experience of time on Earth is now transitioning from the acts of counting the minutes and hours of a clock and turning a calendar’s page to fully engaging in the experience of manifesting our Joy! It may not seem to be a simple act just yet, dear Ones, as most of humanity still depends upon the symbolic meaning of the clock and calendar to manage and arrange his or her time on Earth. But as Mother Earth initiates her Rejuvenation Process to rejuvenate and heal her entire body for her role as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet, time with the clock and calendar will lose all meaning! The initiation of Mother Earth’s Rejuvenation Process from January 29 through February 4, 2017 will find many Souls on Earth totally unprepared for the many weather related and geophysical changes she will be introducing to finalize her role as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet, but learning is a process of experience! The experience of Time as the Movement of the Soul within each and every Soul entering into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension on March 27, 2017 will only come as a result of experiencing Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! Mother Earth’s Rejuvenation Process will be serving to initiate each and every necessary condition needed to manifest the experience of Joy in every Soul. But it will be up to each Soul to recognize it – as Joy is an experience every Soul acquires through his or her Soul’s Purpose within the realization of Time as the Movement of the Soul!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Our Spiritual Pathways with God’s Directives

On January 15, 2017 Mother Earth aligned her Crown Chakra into the Universal Grid of Sun-Stars signaling her Integration with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension has been achieved! Few upon her will recognize, much less realize, the significance of her achievement with their attention focused upon the mundane world of their daily affairs. To enable the full expression of our Heart and Soul’s Essence for an extensive period of Time has always been a difficult task in our previous Third and Fourth Dimensional experiences. Nonetheless, in these days of transition there will be no deviation available from the initiation of our Spiritual Pathways with God’s Directives beginning on January 27, 2017! Our Spiritual Pathways with God’s Directives will not be realized through the external world’s many avenues, but through the internal world revealed within our Heart and Soul! Many will think they lack the innate ability to communicate directly with God but they are wrong, dear Ones! To deny oneself permission and authority to directly communicate with God is a continuance of living isolated and separated from God and allots one an inability to manifest Unity with God and the Universe! The initiation period of our Spiritual Pathways with God’s Directives will begin on January 27, 2017 and be completed on November 9, 2017. Mother Earth has essentially completed her Spiritual Pathway’s alignment as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet but it will be up to each one of us to align ourselves with her!  

Our Spiritual Pathways with God’s Directives may seem like an arduous and difficult task to accomplish without “special training” or direction for anyone who may not know or understand his or her individual Self – his or her Eternal Self seated in the Soul! Are we our body? Are we the name, title, or social position we commonly refer to our Self through our interactions with others? Philosophers have debated these philosophical questions for millennia but have never effectively resolved the question beyond his or her lifetime, if that. In the manifestation of our Spiritual Pathways with God’s Directives for the Fifth Dimension, our task at hand will be an individual journey of self-discovery for our Eternal Self! If one does not believe he or she has an Eternal Self or a Soul, that is a Freewill choice always available. However, Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension is premised upon the willingness of each and every participant to assist in the process of Re-Creating her for the Fifth Dimension! Serving willingly to assist in Mother Earth’s Re-Creation for the Fifth Dimension will not be an issue for any Lightworker Soul, but will present an immediate dilemma for every evolving Man of Light Soul who will only have his or her Three Primary Chakras of the Root, Throat, and Sacral Chakras aligned for participating in the Fifth Dimension. The immediate dilemma they will encounter will be an inundation of incessant prompts reminding him or her, “It’s Time to Work Together, Work Together dear One!”

The Universe’s Fifth Dimension Presence upon Mother Earth from March 27, 2017 onward, when Mother Earth will complete the entirety of her Fifth Dimension Transition, will be producing three noticeable differences compared to our experiences in her Third and Fourth Dimensions! The first noticeable difference will be an increased concentration of the Presence of Universal Light, Love, and Harmony upon Mother Earth, producing an enhancement in our innate ability to Create much easier and efficiently! The second difference will be produced through the effect of how “things” will appear to be moving faster, dear Ones! But in effect, it will not be that the “things” themselves are moving faster – it will be that everything will actually be vibrating faster through the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibratory Frequency! The third difference will involve our innate abilities to perceive the world around us! If one is primarily perceiving his or her world through the body’s five physical senses of seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touch, every Fifth Dimension experience will be no different than his or her previous experiences of the Third and Fourth Dimensions – as all enhancements for our Fifth Dimension experience will be achieved through the alignment of all Seven of our Chakras within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, not our physical senses! This will just be one more dilemma encountered by the evolving Man of Light Soul entering into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension on March 27, 2017!

Through the implementation of all Seven of our Chakras for Mother Earth’s participation in the Universe’s Fifth Dimension, we will come to experience a new perception of our world similar to an ability to listen to the color of your dreams! Not because we will be immersed within a dreamlike trance everyday in the Fifth Dimension, but rather, our need to internally process two or more concepts at the same time! What may seem confusing or perplexing at first, dear Ones, will not be for long, especially once we become more involved and absorbed within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension experience and become the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! Our Universe is constantly moving and vibrating! It is not a stationary, motionless, and static Being of Light, Love, and Harmony shining intermittent Light to remind us that another night and day befell upon us! The Universe and our local Micro-Universal representatives, our Mother Earth and her Solar System, are constant generators of Light, Love, and Harmony! Our Eternal Self seated within our Soul is likewise a generator of Light, Love, and Harmony but also has one additional feature – the capacity to Create and manifest Joy! Our Heart and Soul is designed to Create and manifest the Joy it deems to radiate as its own! When we have little understanding of our Heart and Soul’s Joy, we express less than our Soul’s true joy. But when we are aligned with God’s Directives in our Heart and Soul, our Spiritual Pathway with God’s Directives comes to Life! 

Our internal direction is only revealed through our Heart and Soul’s alignment with God Source – God’s Spiritual Presence in manifestation serving as the Inspiration of our Spiritual Pathway with God’s Directives! Inspiration, dear Ones, originates within our Heart and Soul! At times we find an external avenue of expression in the world leading us towards the message of our Heart and Soul’s expression, but this is an acknowledgement, not Inspiration! Inspiration is the key to manifesting God’s Directives for leading our Heart and Soul towards our Spiritual Pathway in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! Every Lightworker Soul is destined in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension to teach, guide, demonstrate, and role model every facet of Life in the Universe’s Fifth Dimension while every evolving Man of Light Soul will be seeking the experience to initiate his or her Spiritual Pathway with God’s Directives! Initiating one’s Spiritual Pathway with God’s Directives will not be an easy task for everyone upon Mother Earth from January 27 through November 9, 2017, as chaos and confusion become the new norm upon Mother Earth until she finally removes the Fourth Dimensional façade from her body! The removal of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimensional façade will predominantly be accomplished through Mother Earth herself. But the acknowledgement, acknowledging what things no longer work on Earth, will be an individual process much like the initiation of our Spiritual Pathways with God’s Directives – through the Inspiration of our Heart and Soul’s Joy gained with our direct communications with God!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Mother Earth’s Crown Chakra

On January 15, 2017 Mother Earth will be aligning her Crown Chakra into the Universal Grid of Sun-Stars! Mother Earth’s alignment of her Crown Chakra will be the sixth of her Seven Chakras to be aligned into the Universal Grid and serve to enable her full participation in the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. Although external appearances on Earth are still presenting a Fourth Dimensional “façade” to our senses, this will not be the case after March 27, 2017! Mother Earth will have one more Chakra to align into the Universal Grid, her Heart Chakra on March 8, 2017 and finally complete her entire Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017. On March 27, 2017 Mother Earth will begin shifting her body’s Geomagnetic Pole in alignment with the Sun-Star of Vega to empower every Life form upon her with the ability to grow and expand to its fullest potential with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency. Much like a sound is so much easier to hear when you’re closer to the source of the sound, Mother Earth’s alignment with the Sun-Star Vega will be accomplishing a similar task by aligning with Vega’s proximity of 25 light-years from Mother Earth as opposed to her current north pole star of Polaris with a distance of 433 light-years away. Our Solar System’s proximity to Vega as a relay station of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency will not only be serving to enhance Mother Earth’s own growth and expansion within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension, but also, our own!

The Crown Chakra serves as our Soul’s connection for achieving our “Integration with the Universe!” With the achievement of our potential “Integration with the Universe” accomplished largely through Mother Earth’s alignment of her Crown Chakra into the Universal Grid, every Life form on Earth will restore his or her Soul’s latent ability to be and become an exact model of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe upon Earth! It has always been possible to manifest as the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe, even within the parameters of Mother Earth’s Third and Fourth Dimensions! But most of the emphasis in the collective consciousness in Mother Earth’s evolution throughout the Third and Fourth Dimensions was upon competition, comparison, judgment, and fear – all the traits of the evolving Man of Light Soul’s collective evolution towards learning, knowing, and understanding the ways of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! Needless to say, could of, would of, and should of, still have no significance in Mother Earth’s current stage of her Fifth Dimension Transition – the alignment of her Crown Chakra on January 15, 2017, as Mother Earth and her Solar System’s “Integration with the Universe” will be devoid of meaning to a Soul upholding the standards of competition, comparison, judgment, and fear! This too, dear Ones, will change after March 27, 2017 when Mother Earth abandons her Fourth Dimensional “façade!” 

Mother Earth’s alignment of her Crown Chakra will serve as an integral part of our own Soul’s progress within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension from January 14 –February 13, 2017! The many Souls currently present on Earth will be advancing in five primary groups from January 14 – February 13, 2017! Lightworker Souls are within their own stages of preparation to teach, guide, demonstrate, and role model every aspect of prospering in the Universe’s Fifth Dimension to every evolving Man of Light Soul. The Man of Light Souls will be in his or her own various stages of preparation for the completion of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017! Man of Light’s stages of preparation will not be determined by the amount of money one has on hand, the vital supplies one has in preparation for disaster, or even the amount of arms and ammunition one has to fend off an invasion! Every Soul’s preparation after March 27, 2017 will be determined by the alignment of his or her Seven Chakras within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field! Every Lightworker Soul has all Seven of his or her Chakras aligned in unison with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! The evolving Man of Light Souls, however, will be in various stages of preparation depending upon the total Chakras he or she will have aligned for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! These Chakra groups will comprise the last four remaining groups entering into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension on March 27, 2017!

The first group will include the evolving Man of Light Souls who will only have aligned his or her Three Primary Chakras (the Root, Throat, and Sacral Chakras) in preparation for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. The second group will have his or her Three Primary Chakras with the addition of his or her Third Eye Chakra aligned while the third group of Man of Light Souls will have his or her Three Primary Chakras, Third Eye Chakra, and his or her Solar Plexus Chakras all aligned. The rarest amongst the groups involving the evolving Man of Light Souls will be the Souls who will now be marching in cadence with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition and aligning his or her own Crown Chakra with Mother Earth! Because Mother Earth still appears to our senses with a Fourth Dimensional “façade, most evolving Man of Light Souls will continue after March 27, 2017 as if we were still within Mother Earth’s Third and Fourth Dimensions – seeking internal Happiness and Joy from an external source rather than where they originate – his or her Heart and Soul! By continuing to seek his or her Happiness and Joy from an external source, dear Ones, many will not only miss the significance of Mother Earth’s alignment of her Crown Chakra, but also miss the second event to occur between January 14 through February 13, 2017 – our Spiritual Pathways with God’s Directives beginning on January 27, 2017, where the Mantra of Mother Earth will be, Work Together, Work Together, dear Ones!

Our Spiritual Pathways with God’s Directives will only function in the process of assisting the Re-Creation of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension! No one will receive God’s Directives by listening to a source outside of him or herself! The only way anyone will hear God’s Directives and abide by Mother Earth’s Mantra for the Fifth Dimension, “Work Together, Work Together, dear Ones” will be through the internal direction he or she will perceive from his or her Heart and Soul! Mother Earth’s alignment of her Crown Chakra on January 15, 2017 will serve as Mother Earth’s sign of readiness to initiate her process of Integrating with the Universe! When she aligns her Heart Chakra on March 8, 2017 she will begin expressing her Soul’s desire to Integrate with the Universe and begin the process on March 27, 2017! Many Souls upon Mother Earth will express a desire to become Fifth Dimension Innovators, but it will be the few chosen amongst the many called to participate, who will truly be and become the Fifth Dimension’s Innovators! Our growth and expansion, as Lightworker Souls, with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe has largely manifested through our individual assistance given to Man of Light Souls in the Third and Fourth Dimensions! But now upon entering the Final Transition segment of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition, it is Time to expand our undivided attention to the collective whole of Man of Light Souls and Mother Earth’s New Mantra – Work Together, Work Together, dear Ones, where everything works in Unity with God!