In mathematics, increasing the value of a number is as simple as adding the number one to the initial value (x+1). A power series is similar except the initial value is increased by the factor of an exponent (x^n), thus the initial value increases rapidly in a power series compared to simply adding one to the value of a number. In the same way, dear Ones, the Energy in the very near future will be increasing exponentially to assist you in increasing your power to Create. Not just once but on three separate occasions! The first is just about upon us and begins from September 21 to October 21, 2014. The second will be from January 16, 2015 through February 17, 2015, and will be the most intensive period of these three and coincides with the commencement of the Legion of Light’s leadership role for Mother Earth’s transition into the Fifth Dimension on February 7, 2015. The third period will last from May 24 until June 26, 2015. This last and final period of the Power Series will serve to thoroughly establish the Way of Light and Love with God upon Mother Earth!
The month of October 2014 will be a very motivating and breathtaking month at the same time. First there is the Energy that will signal to all Souls, especially the Legion of Light, that the Time to begin with God is here. This has been building up for some time and will finally arrive on October 7, 2014. Many heavenly signs have already alluded towards this direction in the past year but it has taken the Energy of August 18, 2014 to sanctify it with God’s Presence. The beginning of the first Power Series from September 21 to October 21, 2014 will apex with the Energy of October 7, 2014. In the skies above a “red moon” eclipse will be displaying on October 7 & 8, depending upon your geographical location and time zone. The internal motivation in this “red moon” will be an internal driver beyond your wildest expectations, dear Ones! In fact, worldwide it will provide many with a sense of revitalized internal motivation to Change his or her immediate world!
Between the “red moon” of October 7 & 8, 2014 through the next “red moon” on April 4, 2015, there will begin a series of individual human rights movements to address the lack of prosperity for all humans. Some of these events will be bigger than others but they will all be founded on the emphasis in the “Right to Create!” These movements will be somewhat like the worldwide Occupy Movements of the recent past but will be more involved as people around the world, especially in the United States will be seeing how there is more than just economics involved with the “Right to Create!” Most of humanity now sees the “Right to Create” as an economic issue and in a sense they are correct. Economics is only a small part of the Universal equation to fully integrate the Love in your Soul with the material world. But as awareness increases that sharing and cooperating will also be part of the equation, so will the awareness that “We are ALL involved!”
In the upper Dimensions (from the Fifth through the Eighth) of the Universe, the factors of Space, Time, and Dimension operate differently than they do in the lower (the First through Fourth) levels. It is as if you were playing a game of soccer or European football in slow motion with the ball moving at only one quarter speed of real time. And no matter how hard you tried to exert yourself to catch up with a loose ball, you can’t and won’t because it is not your body you need to call to action but your Heart and Soul! This is the lesson to be learned in the lower levels and as long as you are not doing things with your Heart and Soul, things will be in slow motion for the experience of the Fifth Dimension that we are now in! For Lightworker Souls it will only be a small matter of Time to acclimate once more with the Fifth Dimension’s Universal speed. For Man of Destiny Souls, the Time of the Power Series will serve as an introduction to actual speed of the Fifth Dimension. When the third and final introductory period of the Power Series completes on June 26, 2015 there will be less than one year when the full speed of the Fifth Dimension will need to be consciously addressed with Peace, Love, and Harmony in all thoughts and deeds. This will begin on March 25, 2016! By then, dear Ones, you will be more than ready, you will be in the fullness of what it means to be a Co-Creator in Unity with God in all ways!
Alexandrian Kosmos uses the Astrology of the Future, Metastrology, to forecast the Flow of the Universal Energies for the Lightworker. Metastrology will astound you with its accuracy and insight for our entry into the 5th Dimension and Universal Community!
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Unlimited in Unity with God
The most valuable commodity on Earth is not gold, silver, platinum, or even palladium, it is the personalized relationship you have with God. So far, you can attest to the experience of being in Unity with God through the various Spiritual experiences and skills you have gained thus far, but as Time progresses from September 1, 2014 through December 28, 2014, dear Ones, you will find that Unity with God is not “in name only,” but a brand new experience! In the past, Unity with God meant that you needed one foot in man’s world to maintain your material existential needs and one foot in God’s World in order to maintain your Spiritual connection to God. This made things feel as if there were really a separation between God’s Spiritual World and man’s material world, but nothing could be further from the Truth!
The experience of “separation” is actually caused by the separation of dimensions within the Universe. There are now eight dimensions and at one time each previous dimension served as God’s Home. Growth and expansion with Love led to the formation of each succeeding new dimension and introduced a totally new experience with Love for each Universal level. At this point in time Mother Earth is in the Fifth Dimension. Being placed in the Fifth Dimension with Mother Earth is not for your experience, dear Ones, as you were Created in the Sixth Dimension but for Man of Destiny Souls to learn the experience of Creating with Love in all ways possible.
Mother Earth’s Ascension from the Fourth to the Fifth Dimension will be for Man of Destiny Souls to place the learning he or she has acquired into practical movement and action in his or her everyday world. If there should be any unwillingness on the part of Man of Destiny Souls to ignore his or her lessons of Love, there will not be any form of Creation in his or her world. This will become especially True from October 8, 2014 through December 4, 2014 when Man of Destiny Souls will begin moving into the process of Creating with Love. Many will fail for they will try to apply Love in all they will do but not be capable of sustaining Love through all of their endeavors. Through your demonstrations and role modeling with Love, however, they will try emulating you instead, dear Ones. This is OK for there will still be a lingering influence of negativity upon Mother Earth until December 28, 2014, when the Man of Destiny Souls who did not choose to move into Unity with God will leave Mother Earth! This will not hinder your Project of Light and Love in any shape, way or form, but make it easier for you!
All abundance comes from the Universe! You will be finding this to be especially True for you during the next two months, dear Ones, when there will be two abundance periods activating. The first period of abundance will come to you from September 1 through September 22, 2014, while the second will begin from September 29 until October 22, 2014. During the first period, dear Ones, your Co-Creator in Unity with God status will be expanding to evolve you back into a “Super Creator” mode with the Universe! The more you eliminate dependency from man’s diminishing and decaying world of control and illusion, and begin to place both of your feet into God’s Spiritual World, the more your Love will be able to attune to your “Super Creator” status!
The second period from September 29 through October 22, 2014 will be directly aligning you with the Harmony Vibration of the Universe in order to fulfill your Joy in Living. The Harmony Vibration during this Time Period is a direct corollary Vibration from God’s Eighth Dimension and is serving to bring growth and expansion throughout the Universe! Wherever your feelings are about the world at this time will directly mirror your inner world and your attunement to God’s Spiritual World. It may at first be difficult to release man’s world because of our former dependency upon it for our existential needs, but to release it now will ease any burden this will cause in November 2014, and that will be a good thing!
To be Truly Unlimited in Unity with God is simple – just listen to your Heart and Soul, apply your Love, and watch your Love come into manifestation! Many will have difficulty in the transition to God’s Spiritual World, especially Man of Destiny Souls who will continue to use his or her five senses rather than his or her seven Chakras to transition into the Beginning of the Beginning with God! In God’s Spiritual World you will simply need your Love to participate as opposed to man’s world that requires labor, currencies, and ideas that can economically evolve into trends that build economic uniformity rather than a Unity of Love! By being the first to release and participate in the process of being Unlimited in Unity with God, dear Ones, you will also be demonstrating and role modeling to Man of Destiny Souls the feasibility of God’s Spiritual World in the New Paradigm of the Fifth Dimension!
The experience of “separation” is actually caused by the separation of dimensions within the Universe. There are now eight dimensions and at one time each previous dimension served as God’s Home. Growth and expansion with Love led to the formation of each succeeding new dimension and introduced a totally new experience with Love for each Universal level. At this point in time Mother Earth is in the Fifth Dimension. Being placed in the Fifth Dimension with Mother Earth is not for your experience, dear Ones, as you were Created in the Sixth Dimension but for Man of Destiny Souls to learn the experience of Creating with Love in all ways possible.
Mother Earth’s Ascension from the Fourth to the Fifth Dimension will be for Man of Destiny Souls to place the learning he or she has acquired into practical movement and action in his or her everyday world. If there should be any unwillingness on the part of Man of Destiny Souls to ignore his or her lessons of Love, there will not be any form of Creation in his or her world. This will become especially True from October 8, 2014 through December 4, 2014 when Man of Destiny Souls will begin moving into the process of Creating with Love. Many will fail for they will try to apply Love in all they will do but not be capable of sustaining Love through all of their endeavors. Through your demonstrations and role modeling with Love, however, they will try emulating you instead, dear Ones. This is OK for there will still be a lingering influence of negativity upon Mother Earth until December 28, 2014, when the Man of Destiny Souls who did not choose to move into Unity with God will leave Mother Earth! This will not hinder your Project of Light and Love in any shape, way or form, but make it easier for you!
All abundance comes from the Universe! You will be finding this to be especially True for you during the next two months, dear Ones, when there will be two abundance periods activating. The first period of abundance will come to you from September 1 through September 22, 2014, while the second will begin from September 29 until October 22, 2014. During the first period, dear Ones, your Co-Creator in Unity with God status will be expanding to evolve you back into a “Super Creator” mode with the Universe! The more you eliminate dependency from man’s diminishing and decaying world of control and illusion, and begin to place both of your feet into God’s Spiritual World, the more your Love will be able to attune to your “Super Creator” status!
The second period from September 29 through October 22, 2014 will be directly aligning you with the Harmony Vibration of the Universe in order to fulfill your Joy in Living. The Harmony Vibration during this Time Period is a direct corollary Vibration from God’s Eighth Dimension and is serving to bring growth and expansion throughout the Universe! Wherever your feelings are about the world at this time will directly mirror your inner world and your attunement to God’s Spiritual World. It may at first be difficult to release man’s world because of our former dependency upon it for our existential needs, but to release it now will ease any burden this will cause in November 2014, and that will be a good thing!
To be Truly Unlimited in Unity with God is simple – just listen to your Heart and Soul, apply your Love, and watch your Love come into manifestation! Many will have difficulty in the transition to God’s Spiritual World, especially Man of Destiny Souls who will continue to use his or her five senses rather than his or her seven Chakras to transition into the Beginning of the Beginning with God! In God’s Spiritual World you will simply need your Love to participate as opposed to man’s world that requires labor, currencies, and ideas that can economically evolve into trends that build economic uniformity rather than a Unity of Love! By being the first to release and participate in the process of being Unlimited in Unity with God, dear Ones, you will also be demonstrating and role modeling to Man of Destiny Souls the feasibility of God’s Spiritual World in the New Paradigm of the Fifth Dimension!
Friday, August 22, 2014
Personalized Experience in Unity with God
During the next weeks, from September 1, 2014 to October 8, 2014, the Universal Energies will be bringing forth the Energy to begin Re-Creating of Mother Earth into the Fifth Dimension. For Lightworker Souls, this Energy will require no practice, training, or extraneous preparation for the Time to exhibit and be who you are in the Universe is here! Throughout the period of September 1 to October 8, 2014 you will find, dear Ones, two areas of your Life beginning to receive an overhaul. These are the abilities to Create your Joy of Living in Unity with God and an increased conscious awareness of the Harmony Vibration now permeating Mother Earth. These two areas, as you will see, will serve to increase your own Vibration on Earth so that you will not only be receiving but demonstrating the Power of the Universe within you at all times!
Alone, the abilities to Create your Joy of Living in Unity with God and an increased awareness of the Harmony Vibration will take you a long way into the New Millennium’s Portal and beyond. But the Period of Time from September 1 to October 8, 2014 will additionally provide you with three distinct Energy periods to assist you in deepening your power to contemplate, design, and implement your Project of Light and Love into its fullness by February 7, 2014. February 7, 2014, dear Ones, will be when you and the aggregate whole of the Legion of Light will be fully in charge of Mother Earth’s transition into the Fifth Dimension! The first period from September 5 –7, 2014 will serve to progress your own personal Spiritual Pathway in Unity with God in ways you have not consciously felt in what seems like eons! This will be the development of the depth you could not find in the Third and Fourth Dimensions!
The second period will include September 11 – 15, 2014. During this period, the Energy will concentrate upon enhancing your Creative abilities while in Unity with God. This will have more personal meaning to you as the days progress, dear Ones, for once the Energy of September 2014 arrives, you will be receiving a more personalized experience with God to assist you with your Pathway in the Fifth Dimension! This particular Energy will also be a springboard into your future as you once more begin to assume the qualities and traits of your Soul’s persona in the Universe! As Time progresses you will also find how much easier your task at hand will be and how much concentration you will have with little or no effort!
During the same September 1 to October 8, 2014 Time Period, Man of Destiny Souls will have his or her own assignment. From September 4 until October 6, 2014 Man of Destiny Souls will need to concentrate upon two issues to progress his or her Life into the Fifth Dimension with you, dear Ones. These two issues involve gaining Spiritual Purpose Experience to move forward into Unity with God and seeking Truth to activate him or herself into Unity with God. If Man of Destiny were to come seeking with an open Heart and Soul there will be no dilemma for him or her, but if he or she were to assume that another Man of Destiny Soul has the answers for him or her, then she or he will be led astray and move further away from the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon with God! This particular dilemma will bring into motion the third noteworthy period beginning in September 2014.
The third noteworthy period will last from September 18 to October 8, 2014 when a new rhythm begins upon Mother Earth. Man of Destiny Souls will find the rhythm to be “too fast” for his or her particular liking but this is the experience of the True Rhythm of the Universe! This will be especially felt from September 21 through October 22, 2014 when disharmonious pockets of man’s systems begin to fall like sandcastles in a brisk seaside storm! This scenario will soon become so common that Man of Destiny will have no choice but to turn to God and the Legion of Light – for here will be the answers and the way of entry into the Fifth Dimension. But it will take a “great panic” in November 2014 when Man of Destiny will finally realize that what he or she thought to be his or her own things will lead to the recognition of the True Owner of ALL Things – God the Father and Mother of ALL Things! In this way Man of Destiny Souls will begin to prosper by the miracles of an open “Heart and Soul” for the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon!
Alone, the abilities to Create your Joy of Living in Unity with God and an increased awareness of the Harmony Vibration will take you a long way into the New Millennium’s Portal and beyond. But the Period of Time from September 1 to October 8, 2014 will additionally provide you with three distinct Energy periods to assist you in deepening your power to contemplate, design, and implement your Project of Light and Love into its fullness by February 7, 2014. February 7, 2014, dear Ones, will be when you and the aggregate whole of the Legion of Light will be fully in charge of Mother Earth’s transition into the Fifth Dimension! The first period from September 5 –7, 2014 will serve to progress your own personal Spiritual Pathway in Unity with God in ways you have not consciously felt in what seems like eons! This will be the development of the depth you could not find in the Third and Fourth Dimensions!
The second period will include September 11 – 15, 2014. During this period, the Energy will concentrate upon enhancing your Creative abilities while in Unity with God. This will have more personal meaning to you as the days progress, dear Ones, for once the Energy of September 2014 arrives, you will be receiving a more personalized experience with God to assist you with your Pathway in the Fifth Dimension! This particular Energy will also be a springboard into your future as you once more begin to assume the qualities and traits of your Soul’s persona in the Universe! As Time progresses you will also find how much easier your task at hand will be and how much concentration you will have with little or no effort!
During the same September 1 to October 8, 2014 Time Period, Man of Destiny Souls will have his or her own assignment. From September 4 until October 6, 2014 Man of Destiny Souls will need to concentrate upon two issues to progress his or her Life into the Fifth Dimension with you, dear Ones. These two issues involve gaining Spiritual Purpose Experience to move forward into Unity with God and seeking Truth to activate him or herself into Unity with God. If Man of Destiny were to come seeking with an open Heart and Soul there will be no dilemma for him or her, but if he or she were to assume that another Man of Destiny Soul has the answers for him or her, then she or he will be led astray and move further away from the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon with God! This particular dilemma will bring into motion the third noteworthy period beginning in September 2014.
The third noteworthy period will last from September 18 to October 8, 2014 when a new rhythm begins upon Mother Earth. Man of Destiny Souls will find the rhythm to be “too fast” for his or her particular liking but this is the experience of the True Rhythm of the Universe! This will be especially felt from September 21 through October 22, 2014 when disharmonious pockets of man’s systems begin to fall like sandcastles in a brisk seaside storm! This scenario will soon become so common that Man of Destiny will have no choice but to turn to God and the Legion of Light – for here will be the answers and the way of entry into the Fifth Dimension. But it will take a “great panic” in November 2014 when Man of Destiny will finally realize that what he or she thought to be his or her own things will lead to the recognition of the True Owner of ALL Things – God the Father and Mother of ALL Things! In this way Man of Destiny Souls will begin to prosper by the miracles of an open “Heart and Soul” for the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon!
September 2014
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