
Sunday, November 17, 2013


From December 5, 2013 onward you will know that everything occurring is Real in every sense of the meaning you can derive in the term “New Horizon,” dear Ones! There are three reasons in this Truth. First you are a Co-Creator in Unity with God and beginning to demonstrate this detail to yourself. Second your Soul is, in effect, in the process of revealing your Eternal Self of the Universe! The third event that will demonstrate that you are in the “New Horizon” will be the Activation of the aggregate whole of the Legion of Light into the New Millennium on December 19, 2013! This will be an entirely separate event from the March 4, 2014 date of Activation for every Soul, as you will become among the first Souls to align into the Energy of the New Millennium!

This will not directly change anything for Man of Destiny Souls but it will for you! For Man of Destiny Souls collectively decided that they were not “ready” to make the evolutionary shift to align his or her Spiritual Pathway in Unity with God! Needless to say the days from December 5, 2013 through December 18, 2013 will be paramount to your own Spiritual Destiny. This will not mean that you must do something differently out of concern for Man of Destiny Souls, rather, it will be the Time to seek your own alignment into the Energy of the New Millennium Activation. This Energy will be emitting a much higher vibratory frequency than has been normally experienced upon Mother Earth, and for two days, December 8 and 9, 2013, this High Frequency Energy will be available to allow those who are prepared like you, dear Ones, to receive and begin to engage within it!

You may be asking why such a change of plan would occur. The answer is simply that you and all of your previous experience with the Universe will serve you well in assisting Mother Earth into the New Horizon through your acclimation into the places of leadership and prominence on Earth! The original plan was to have Man and Light come together as a cooperative unit within the New Millennium Activation on March 4, 2014, but this is not to be. The plan now will see you witness your brothers and sisters of the Light emerge from his or her hidden places of anonymity and seclusion. For you will no longer be in wait, dear Ones, your Time of Arrival will begin on December 19, 2013!

Previous dates during the past twenty years have suggested the possibility of beginning the New Millennium prior to March 4, 2014, but they have come and passed away. It was the Collective Consciousness and all that Man of Destiny Souls collectively believe to be the Truth that stymied these previous dates of probability. If you were to look at a brief history of the past twenty years you would see the pattern of how the Collective Consciousness comes to accept a new idea and moves to implement it. Looking at the idea of today’s “smartphones,” you will see that some twenty years ago the personal computer was introduced to bring acceptance to the idea that you can do more from your home with access to the new information provided by the internet. Ten years ago the idea of social connectivity through a phone line and email introduced everyone to websites like AOL, My Space, and Facebook. Today you have access to the entire knowledge bank of the world with a smartphone in your pocket or purse.

In much the same way that people make decisions about the latest social trends to decide if they will participate or not, so will the New Millennium Activation bring every Soul to decide whether to act or not. But it will not take twenty years to realize what will be occurring for Man of Destiny. See these decisions to take only two years for the majority of Man of Destiny Souls to decide to begin his or her participation! This will largely come through you, dear Ones, for as you begin the process of penetrating the Collective Consciousness through the osmosis effect of what you can do with the Light and Love in your Heart and Soul, so will the recognition of Light and Love. Thus, it will be your efforts and activities of inspiration with Light and Love that will lead to Man of Destiny’s acceptance into what is Real in the New Horizon!

While the New Millennium Activation on December 19, 2013 will be occurring for the aggregate whole of the Legion of Light, Man of Destiny Souls will also have his or her own day of celebration. This will come on December 16, 2013 when the evolutionary step to assume the responsibility of evolving into a being of Light and Love will begin! And in this way will Man of Destiny Souls become ones to inherit Mother Earth as Caretakers for the sacred body of Mother Earth and not destroy her through the misuse of the ancient skill of Creating with Light and Love! You are in the place of leadership now, dear Ones!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Consciousness of the Universe

We have all had the experience of being at the right place at the right time at least once in our Life – where everything seemed to go better than planned or maybe even beyond our wildest expectations. This “coincidence” is not a perchance meeting of time and place, but an experience of Harmony! Harmony – where all things around you are in a state of Oneness – is the experience of the Universe and beginning on December 5, 2013, dear Ones, you will begin to find the “coincidence” of an internal and external experience – being at the right place at right time – occurring more frequently and consistently than ever before! The reason is that your Lightworker Soul has already met all preliminary and prerequisite conditions for Harmonizing with the Universe beforehand and is once again ready to do so!

The Universal Energies of December 2013 will begin slowly until December 5, 2013 arrives. Then the internal signal to begin in earnestness will be easily ascertained, verified, and enacted upon by the aggregate whole of the Legion of Light! For Man of Destiny Souls it will be much like he or she were attempting to run a marathon race without the practice or proper training for the strength, endurance, or stamina required for such a race. Some will begin to prosper with the Consciousness of the Universe while others will develop the determination and fortitude to begin to understand the New Consciousness! There will also be a third group of Man of Destiny Souls that will falter and stumble never to get up again! These Souls will choose to nullify the value of Spiritual Knowledge and thereby remain as basic Souls, deciding that there is no need to advance his or her Spiritual Self into the Higher Vibration of the New Millennium! In fact, no one will even notice they are gone!

By Harmonizing with the Consciousness of the Universe, dear Ones, you will find that there will be many wonderful Changes occurring. For you it will be an especially easy transition becoming your Eternal Self once more, the Soul you are with the Universe! Your Eternal Self will serve as a great asset for you as you begin to lead, role model, and demonstrate how the Consciousness of the Universe functions, just by being yourself! Letting completely go of all the current collective consciousness standards will be a task for some Souls for the economy of man’s currencies will still persist for three more years! But for those who come to understand the meaning of the dictum “The Freedom to Create!” there will be much Spiritual Prosperity through Joy and Happiness!

Many Lightworker Souls have been in a state of readiness or preparation for the past twenty years. But because social beliefs and conditions were not yet ready for your ultimate work of Light and Love, dear Ones, you managed to do well in learning to cope in your Time of Preparation. External conditions upon Earth will finally arrive to reveal the superstructure of the New Millennium on December 19, 2013. This will not be the fully developed version that will activate on March 4, 2014 when every single Soul will be participating in the Consciousness of the Universe, but will mark your final activation point with the New Millennium Energy! December 19, 2013 will also serve to introduce the Power and Emergence of the Legion of Light to the world!

Look forward, dear Ones, for your Time within the Consciousness of the Universe with God is right around the corner! No longer will you need to be idling in a Time of Preparation as what you have come to do will be here at last! But first there will be the need to reacquaint yourself with the experience of Harmony – where all things around you are in a state of Oneness – so that your movement with the New Millennium Energy of December 19, 2013 for you will be a place without need or want! For in your Oneness with God and the Universe ALL Things that ever was, is, and will be, are in YOU!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Vibration of the Universe

Energy Vibrations permeate throughout the Universe. Some forms of Energy Vibrations we can see, like the Light of the Sun during daytime and Starlight at night. Some forms of Energy we can feel, such as the warmth of the Sun and the strength of the wind. Beginning on November 23, 2013 there will be a New Energy form that we will internally feel at first but not initially see – this will be the Energy of God’s Presence coming into full manifestation upon Mother Earth! Some Souls like you, dear Ones, will be developing advanced and very powerful sensory perceptions with the advent of this New Energy form on Mother Earth, as this rare occasion will serve to enhance your innate gifts and skills from the Universe! You will understand what will be occurring but many Souls will not even grasp or comprehend where this New Energy form will be coming from!

From November 23, 2013 through May 9, 2014 the Energy of God’s Presence will intensify in continual increments of increasing magnitude to establish His/Her Presence upon Earth! In like manner Lightworker Souls will also be incrementally intensifying in magnitude during this Time period! For you, dear Ones, will be developing along with the increasing Energy Vibration of the Universe, and with this Energy will come the reason you were originally chosen to be here upon the Earth Plane at this Time! For during this Time you will begin to exhibit the innate gifts and talents that made you unique within the Higher Dimensions where you were Created!

Some Lightworkers, for example, will begin exhibiting their amazing powers to heal the Soul as well as the physical body, where they will simply touch another Soul’s aura and bring upon instantaneous results. Other Lightworkers will begin revitalizing and reorganizing antiquated professions and practices on Earth to usher in the New Standards of the Universe, while a select few members of the Legion of Light will begin to reorganize and overhaul the dysfunctional practices of government! No job or task will be too big or too small for you, dear Ones, for the arrival of God and the Universe will commence upon the Earth Plane on November 23, 2013!

Man of Destiny Souls upon Mother Earth will be in awe and wonder at what he or she will be witnessing. They will not be eager or even preliminary participants with the many Changes that will be occurring after the Energy of December 5, 2013 arrives, but once they realize what will be happening is REAL they will become inspired through the activities and actions that the Legion of Light will be activating!! The procedure of bringing Mother Earth into the domain of the Universe will not be an overnight process and will not be completed until March 27, 2017. This may seem like a long way away but when you consider this, you have been in wait for over 10,000 years for the New Millennium and Fifth Dimension to arrive, what are a few more years, give or take?

There will be no diminishing or withdrawing of God’s Presence upon Earth as every Soul and Being in the Universe becomes aware that the Owner of ALL Things is Present within our Reality once more! This will bring great cause to rejoice and celebrate the Oneness of God and the Universe for the expansion and growth of the Universe never ceases! And as we merge into the increasing Love upon Mother Earth so will the cause for Peace, Love, and Harmony become the new mantra of all Souls and beings on Earth! Never lose sight of this Truth, dear Ones, for the Time you have been waiting for is about to begin on November 23, 2013 through you and the Vibration of the Universe!