
Friday, December 14, 2012

Harmonizing with ALL Things

At the core of everything that exists in the Universe is the Energy of God Source. Unseen and untouchable yet can be felt and heard within the Soul of every living being. The Energy Field that makes communication possible between one Soul and another Soul is the Energy of Love that encompasses each particle of God Source so that it can expand, grow, and prosper as its own unique Expression of God’s Love. At this point of time our Mother Earth and Milky Way Galaxy are at an Expansion Phase with the Universe and this is why, dear Lightworker that every living Soul within the expanding Energy Field of the Universe is in a process of growth and expansion beyond any other known time frame!

When the Universal Energy of January 11, 2013 arrives for us to begin to truly consider our possibilities in Expanding our Soul’s Spiritual Pathway, we will also be bringing Love and Harmony to Activate our Purpose with Joy. This will be the way in which all who have chosen to expand beyond his or her known Spiritual Properties will be not only ready for Unity with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things but will also ensure that every pitch and chord is struck in accordance with the Harmony of the Universe!

By Harmonizing with ALL Things in the Universe, dear Lightworker, you will be able to consider where you would take your Love to begin an experience of Co-Creating with God! You have already been Ordained, Activated, and given the Responsibility of Mother Earth’s Transition into the New Millennium! Now, you will be achieving your final stage in the week to come, dear Lightworker, when you will begin to merge and commingle all your Energy of Love with God and the Universe from January 14, 2013 through February 4, 2013! When this stage is complete, rest assured that you have passed through all preparation stages of the Heart and Soul!

The process of preparing the Heart and Soul was not as arduous or as dramatic as one would think, but actually served as a reminder to whom you really are and what you have come to do. These opportunities offered the “path of least resistance” so that by the middle of February 2013, you will vastly improve and increase your ability to “Harmonize with ALL Things!” So what has appeared to be a “test of endurance” was in Reality, an Expression of Free Will provided to everyone willing to progress, expand, and become Unified as a Co-Creator with our Creator!

Soon it will be time to relax, dear Lightworker, and despite your steady anxiety to bring about the New World and New Millennium, we all must wait and stand back to see what happens to those who have not prepared his or her Inner Self. For they have not realized, dear Lightworker, that they too are being offered the opportunity to Unify with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things and to realize Joy in Living in everything that they will do! It is not a missed opportunity if you were not aware but it is if you choose to let it go by you! That is the difference in these days, dear Lightworker – to Progress with God or not to Progress!

After the opportunity to Unify with God Completes on February 4, 2013, big sweeping Changes will begin upon all lands of the Earth from March 2, 2013 until April 6, 2013. Man’s economic values will fade away from any recognizable form of understanding, for the Energy of the New Millennium will be prevailing and offering those who have chosen to Serve God and to assist Mother Earth in her Transition to Live in Peace and Harmony. Mother Earth will gather them to share her bounty and all she will have to offer as Co-Creators with God! Rejoice for it begins soon!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Activating with God Source Part 2

The New Millennium began on December 3, 2012. The next stage in the process to bring about the New Millennium’s core premise of Peace on Earth will begin on January 14, 2013. The Energy of January 14, 2013 through February 4, 2013 will begin activating the process of Unity with God so that those like you, dear Lightworker, become empowered with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things as a Co-Creator upon our Mother Earth! But before the Unity with God process begins there will be an initial period of time dedicated to learning what will be needed for Unity with God.

Learning for Unity with God begins from January 1, 2013 through January 10, 2013. There will be no ritual process or even a formalized ceremony to acknowledge that you are Unified with God. But there is the requirement to fulfill your Heart and Soul’s Pathway on Earth. “What is my Pathway on Earth,” you may ask? It is intrinsically aligned with your Heart and Soul and is what brings Joy and Happiness into your Heart with what you Love. Many will continue looking outside of him or herself, but even through a process of negation, “This is not it,” “This does not make me happy,” they will still be led to where they will eventually need to be.

Learning for Unity with God is an internal process and cannot be discovered outside of one’s self. And as you will notice at the beginning of January 2013, dear Lightworker, many circumstances and opportunities will make themselves available to bring the internal process of Learning for Unity. The access channel for Learning for Unity is through God Source, which is the direct Universal communication source that forms between one’s Heart and Soul and the Universe to express God’s Love and Joy through the Soul. Once one has gained trust and credibility with God Source experience, opportunities in ones Life will serve to direct one into becoming Empowered through God the Father and Mother of ALL Things!

There will be two days during the first week of January 2013 in which the opportunity to gain great experience with God Source will become available, January 2 and 3, 2013. In the next two following days, January 4 and 5, 2013, the Activation process towards Unity with God will begin for those ready with God Source! As you can tell, dear Lightworker, the entire process is through the Internal Self and experienced alone by reciprocating God’s Love. And with the supporting cast of your fellow members of the Legion of Light, there will much to do and accomplish with your part in leading Mother Earth’s Transition into the New Millennium!

Though this stage of the New Millennium’s process may sound quite intimidating, this will be the last sequential step towards activating your Co-Creator role with God, dear Lighworker. Co-Creating with God will not only involve placing Love for your Heart and Soul’s purpose to Create your Pathway of Service but also, aligning yourself with God Source for direction. What this will do for you, dear Lightworker, will be to allow you to “Harmonize” with God to bring you direct instruction from God pertaining to your Service of Light!

This will not be a time of fear but a time of High Spirits and Rejoicing for those who are aware and know the Truth about what will be occurring! And it will all begin when everyone begins to learn and experience Unity with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things! God Source will serve to lead you where you will need to be and with whom you will need to connect but it all begins with you, dear Lightworker, Activating with God Source to become who you truly are – God’s representative on Mother Earth!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Activating with God Source

When the final week of December 2012 arrives, dear Lightworker, you will be seeing the final stages of the New Millennium’s infrastructure being completed. Everything for everyone’s Joy in Living will now be at his or her disposal in order to Create the Pathway they were meant to Create upon Mother Earth! Do not let it worry you that some will not get “it,” or even understand what you will be doing, for now, dear Lightworker, you will be role modeling how one works with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things through God Source upon Earth!

Every Soul’s connection to God the Father and Mother of ALL Things is through the Life Force of God Source. It is this very connection from which Life in the Universe is Created, set into motion, and allowed to grow, learn and prosper as an expression of God’s Love. All things in the Universe go through a similar growth process. In Mother Earth’s case, it is the process of becoming a Nurturer of the Universe to bring Enlightenment to the Souls of the many so that they may also become Co-Creators with God.

The Energy that will complete the New Millennium’s infrastructure will be available from December 29 through December 30, 2012. This particular Energy will serve a threefold purpose upon Mother Earth. The first will increase the Energy of Love and Harmony externally upon the Earth Plane so that everyone will increase his or her own internal Energy likewise. In the long run this will bring many to become filled with Lovingness to increase their endeavor as a Co-Creator with God!

The second purpose will be an enhancement to the Co-Creator with God status bestowed upon everyone who has chosen to activate his or her Soul’s task and purpose with God Source. With the increase of Love and Harmony available, this Energy will bring success to anyone who will seek to become his or her own unique Expression of God’s Love through their connection to God Source! This will also set into motion a Social Transformation ignited through the Change of everyone internally seeking to activate their Soul’s task and purpose rather than to seek their physical needs first!

The third and last infrastructural component to be completed during these two integral days will be the designation of the Legion of Light to lead Mother Earth’s Transformation. Though this component has already been in motion since October 24, 2012, it will now be time for the Legion of Light to actively lead Mother Earth into her new place in the Universe with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things! This will bring a sequence of many rapid Changes upon Earth as the 20 year process to bring everything Energetically into the New Millennium completes on December 30, 2012!

Freewill will still be major issue, even in the times ahead. It will not be for lack of willingness to participate but more from the lack of experience, preparation, and knowledge. But once everyone understands that, “We are all Partners with God in Co-Creating Mother Earth into the Abode of Peace and Harmony!” then everyone will begin with momentous strides in Creating his or her own Joy and Happiness! And now it all begins, dear Lightworker, as the Energy of January 2013 will bring the initial activation process of Unifying with God through the Energy that makes everything possible, God Source!