
Friday, November 30, 2012

Activating with God Source

When the final week of December 2012 arrives, dear Lightworker, you will be seeing the final stages of the New Millennium’s infrastructure being completed. Everything for everyone’s Joy in Living will now be at his or her disposal in order to Create the Pathway they were meant to Create upon Mother Earth! Do not let it worry you that some will not get “it,” or even understand what you will be doing, for now, dear Lightworker, you will be role modeling how one works with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things through God Source upon Earth!

Every Soul’s connection to God the Father and Mother of ALL Things is through the Life Force of God Source. It is this very connection from which Life in the Universe is Created, set into motion, and allowed to grow, learn and prosper as an expression of God’s Love. All things in the Universe go through a similar growth process. In Mother Earth’s case, it is the process of becoming a Nurturer of the Universe to bring Enlightenment to the Souls of the many so that they may also become Co-Creators with God.

The Energy that will complete the New Millennium’s infrastructure will be available from December 29 through December 30, 2012. This particular Energy will serve a threefold purpose upon Mother Earth. The first will increase the Energy of Love and Harmony externally upon the Earth Plane so that everyone will increase his or her own internal Energy likewise. In the long run this will bring many to become filled with Lovingness to increase their endeavor as a Co-Creator with God!

The second purpose will be an enhancement to the Co-Creator with God status bestowed upon everyone who has chosen to activate his or her Soul’s task and purpose with God Source. With the increase of Love and Harmony available, this Energy will bring success to anyone who will seek to become his or her own unique Expression of God’s Love through their connection to God Source! This will also set into motion a Social Transformation ignited through the Change of everyone internally seeking to activate their Soul’s task and purpose rather than to seek their physical needs first!

The third and last infrastructural component to be completed during these two integral days will be the designation of the Legion of Light to lead Mother Earth’s Transformation. Though this component has already been in motion since October 24, 2012, it will now be time for the Legion of Light to actively lead Mother Earth into her new place in the Universe with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things! This will bring a sequence of many rapid Changes upon Earth as the 20 year process to bring everything Energetically into the New Millennium completes on December 30, 2012!

Freewill will still be major issue, even in the times ahead. It will not be for lack of willingness to participate but more from the lack of experience, preparation, and knowledge. But once everyone understands that, “We are all Partners with God in Co-Creating Mother Earth into the Abode of Peace and Harmony!” then everyone will begin with momentous strides in Creating his or her own Joy and Happiness! And now it all begins, dear Lightworker, as the Energy of January 2013 will bring the initial activation process of Unifying with God through the Energy that makes everything possible, God Source!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Eye of the Universe

On December 16, 2012 the Sun will be crossing into the sidereal constellation of Sagittarius and align Mother Earth into position to begin her Transition into the Eye of the Universe! It will not be a long process and, in fact, everyone upon her will be ready in one way or another to make this Transition with her. This, dear Lightworker, is what everyone has been referring to as the Mayan “end of the world.” But it will not be the end! Rather it is Mother Earth’s Re-Creation and Re-Birth as a Nurturer of the Universe!

As a Nurturer of the Universe, Mother Earth’s role as the Abode of Peace and Harmony is ensured as will the Caretaker roles for those who are upon her body. Mother Earth’s role will bring you, dear Lightworker, to become the “designated” Caretaker of her Transition through the multifaceted gifts and talents you will be expressing for her nurturing and care as the only Creator Planet in our Solar System. While you assume leadership through the advanced tools you and other Lightworkers will collectively bring upon Mother Earth, there will be nothing for those not fully prepared to do but watch and wait!

December 16, 2012 will only mark the beginning as the Energy to propel Mother Earth into her long awaited Transition will eventually bring everyone into understanding the Way of Light and Love! Those who will “watch and wait” will be stunned and bewildered by events that will not make sense or even bring logical consequences. Vicariously, however, they will be learning from you, dear Lightworker, that the world is different! The choice to become Joyful in the Way of Living upon Mother Earth will be available to everyone but will only come when one is willing to learn and experience it!

Mother Earth will still be in the peak of her Transition through January 3, 2012. Her growth and expansion through her increased capacity to hold and give Love will be felt by everyone and will serve as everyone’s Beacon to guide him or her with Love through the New Millennium! Your work, dear Lightworker, will be much easier as you let your own Heart and Soul lead you to naturally align yourself into doing the task that you have chosen to do with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things! By the time we all arrive into the Energy of February 14, 2012 everyone will know on some level that everything is moving along with Mother Earth’s Transition to become a Nurturer of the Universe.

Not everyone will be actively participating and this will largely be due to his or her own fear of the unknown. All you, dear Lightworker, will be able to do for them is to send them Light, Love, and prayers, to bring them understanding and knowledge for their Soul’s greatest capacity. It will not be a fast Transition for everyone involved but remember, this is a long term Project of Enlightenment that will go on until every Soul is Living in Joy with God!

In the years to come the average lifespan will increase to 120 years. Some will Live even longer but it will not be for years of learning through negative experiences. Instead Life will come through Positive Promotion with Love and encouragement to Live in Joy! The next step with Mother Earth’s Transition will come on January 14, 2013 when the Process of Unifying with God in the Fifth Dimension will begin! Though many will be in fear they will eventually find the experience Loving, non-judgmental, and comforting to their Souls. The time to begin is December 16, 2012 when Mother Earth enters into the Eye of the Universe!

Friday, November 16, 2012

New Millennium is Here! Part 2

The atmosphere will be electric during the second week of December 2012 dear Lightworker, for the urgency to enact the Pathway you were meant to be doing will never have felt stronger! It will be time for subtle Change to become apparent to everyone WHO YOU TRULY ARE in your Service to God the Father and Mother of ALL Things! It will not take any effort on your part to enact and become WHO YOU TRULY ARE except through your Will to decide the Way of Expressing your Path of Love and Joy!

The New Millennium begins on December 3, 2012 and by December 10, 2012 you will feel the call and stirring of your Heart and Soul to engage yourself into Mother Earth’s Transformation. For on December 10, 2012 the Legion of Light, the aggregate whole of all Lightworkers upon Earth, will be in charge of bringing order into the Great Transition! The Energy will increase from December 13, 2012 through January 2, 2013 and apex from December 29, 2012 to January 2, 2013! The latter dates will also be when the Re-Creation of Earth will begin, not from mass destruction scenarios depicted in Armageddon types of movies and television shows, but to begin displaying God’s New Paradigm for Creating with Love upon Mother Earth that was introduced on November 25, 2012!

While everyone will not be moving in the same direction during the second week of December 2012 all of the Energy needed to Re-Create Mother Earth into the Abode of Peace and Harmony will be in place. The biggest misconception many will have during this time period will be in understanding how to be “Unlimited” when limitation has always been their “norm.” But in proceeding to understand, they will find that the more they look inward for their answers, the more they will learn about their “Unlimited” Pathway in the New Millennium. And when they will do so, they will find that they will have more in common and more to share with others as “Unlimited” and Multifaceted Expressions of God, who is Everyone!

The New Millennium Awareness of commonality and cooperation will also function to bring down all walls of separation and competition as the “we against them” mindset of the Third Dimension becomes disengaged and severed in all thoughts and deeds in the New Millennium! What will be waiting for everyone will be as Unlimited as the Stars of the Universe, who in their own role in the Universe function to display and demonstrate a New Expression of God’s Love! Likewise each individual Soul upon Mother Earth, Man of Destiny and Lightworker Souls, will have the potential to do so and thus, become as unique as each Star in the Universe as an expression of Love but also shining and contributing their Light collectively! And it will be through this method of individualizing like a Star of Love that the Universe will be introduced upon Mother Earth!

Some will be in wonderment about what they “should do” but once that they understand what they will be doing individually and collectively to contribute into the Re-Creation, there will be little hesitation. The time to learn and experience as a Multifaceted Expression of God’s Love will begin with the arrival of the New Millennium on December 3, 2012! So while learning to experience what it will be like in the future, all Souls will begin considering how to grow and bring in more Light and Love into their own existence, for this is the sustenance of ALL Things in the Universe! So now you understand, dear Lightworker, your role, your contribution, and your place in the Future of Man and Light! The New Millennium is Here at last