
Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Reset

Everyone has run into a moment when a software program on his or her computer would not function as it was designed to work. The easiest answer would be to shut it down and restart the faulty program. In the same way, dear Lightworker, the Earth Plane will witness a restart, or Reset if you will, with the Energy of August 18, 2012. The Time of Reset will not be in any shape or form a calamitous or catastrophic event. Rather it will be an internal Reset of the conditioning and programming in all sentient beings upon the Earth Plane.

What the Time of Reset will do is simply this: it will bring to the forefront the need to internalize with God Source in order to return Spiritual Experience as the form of communication between God the Father and Mother of ALL Things and all Souls – Lightworker and Man of Destiny! This will not be a testing at all for you, dear Lightworker, but the Spiritual Experience with God the Father and Mother will be startling, unsettling, and disturbing to many who have never experienced at the Heart and Soul level like you, dear Lightworker! This Time of Reset will also serve as the Activation Point of your Project of Light!

There will be three days to choose to progress in the Time of Reset, August 19, 20, and 21, 2012. Those Souls who choose to progress with Spiritual Experience will align with the Energy of August 30, 2012 when the Separation of Souls will begin upon the Earth Plane as God the Father and Mother of ALL Things will be walking upon Mother Earth since August 13, 2012! Let this Truth not be unsettling to you, dear Lightworker, but understand that the entire reason you have come upon the Earth Plane will begin!

“Why now?” you may ask. Dear Lightworker, the Universe is a synchronized achievement of God that generates Light and Love to Create Extensions of Light and Love from the very pattern of Creation begun by God the Father and Mother of ALL Things. You, dear Lightworker, and Man of Destiny are His/Her Extensions of Light and Love! In the Enlightenment Pattern of Evolution for ALL Things, it is now time to acknowledge the Source of ALL Things so that all Souls may extend the Enlightenment Pattern of Evolution once more through his or her own achievements of Light and Love as Co-Creators with God! As it currently stands, the “passing of the baton” will not work with the majority of Souls still in Third and Fourth Dimensional mindsets!

This is why you, dear Lightworker, and your Task of Light will Activate with the Time of Reset as the Energy of the Universe brings you into the timing of your Project of Light! This will result in enhancing your Spiritual Experience and allow you to “listen” more closely and with more detail directly from God the Father and Mother of ALL Things! All you will have to do is listen to the inspiration that comes from your Heart! This will be True for every Soul despite past conditioning and programming as Spiritual Experience will become the Pathway of every Soul to develop, promote, and execute into their own Lives!

The result of developing the skill of Spiritual Experience will allow everyone choosing to move forward through the Separation of Souls Energy of August 30, 2012 beyond his or her physical experiences and on into the experience of Joy in Living! Joy in Living is a byproduct of Spiritual Experience and is not dependent upon time or money, it is merely an expression of God’s Love and you, dear Lightworker, are also an expression of God’s Love as is Man of Destiny! Most Man of Destiny Souls will be slow to recall this Truth and that is why you, dear Lightworker, will be here to remind him or her about Spiritual Experience in this Time of Reset!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Separation Begins! Part 2

There are basically two types of Souls upon the Earth Plane: the Lightworker Soul and the Man of Destiny Soul. There is no real sense that one is higher or lower, superior or inferior, or even that one Soul is closer to God the Father and Mother of ALL Things than the other! Far from the Truth the only difference between these Soul types is that the Lightworker Soul has acquired Spiritual Experience to Create his or her world with Light and Love. Man of Destiny on the other hand is learning to acquire Spiritual Experience to Create his or her world with Light and Love! The Separation of Souls will begin on August 30, 2012.

The Separation of Souls will not be an event marked by the “Judgment” of God as some suppose it to be rather it will be the time of Lightworker and Man of Destiny Souls to choose to walk alongside God the Father and Mother of ALL Things, Who will make His/Her appearance upon the Earth Plane on August 13, 2012. This event is already in motion as the Energy of August 2012 can attest and it will be this same Energy in motion that will bring you, dear Lightworker, into the forefront of all events pertaining to Man of Destiny learning to acquire the Spiritual Experience to become a Co-Creator with God upon Mother Earth!

The Separation of Souls on August 30, 2012 will bring everyone upon Mother Earth to recognize him or herself as a Spiritual Being who will acknowledge that God the Father and Mother of ALL Things is present upon the Earth Plane and that they will center their lives within the Foundation of Love that manifests within ALL Things! To understand these two Spiritual Truths will be a “leap of faith” for many, dear Lightworker, even for some of your fellow brothers and sisters of the Light who have lost their way with the dense negativity upon Mother Earth’s former dimensional self. To Live with Love and Joy will be the Way of Mother Earth as the Abode of Peace and Harmony!

In the days after God the Father and Mother of ALL Things becomes Present upon the Earth Plane there will be an Activation of the Universal Energies to unite everyone willing to use God’s Currency of Love for Unity with God for two days, August 16 and August 17, 2012. The next day, August 18, 2012, will bring the Energy to progress your Project of Light, dear Lightworker, to begin the Enlightenment of Man of Destiny and the fallen Lightworkers. All you will have to do, dear Lightworker, will be to listen to your Heart for there God will speak to you and detail the Plan of your Activation!

The next three months after August 18, 2012 will be a period of reaping what you will sow. It will not be a “pretty” sight for everyone in the initial attempt as a Spiritual Being but because you, dear Lightworker, have been endowed to lead, teach, and heal with your activated gifts and talents you will succeed beyond your wildest expectations! God’s Currency of LOVE will supercede all currencies of man and render them valueless! For Love will be the only Currency that will allow you to become a Co-Creator with God in the New Millennium! To understand that the Foundation of Love is what the Separation of the Souls will be based upon will become the need for everyone to understand, know, and honor to gain their Joy in Living!

The initial Energy of August 2012 will serve to encourage and inspire everyone to recognize his or her original state as a Spiritual Being. It will not be an easy transition as it will involve individual as well as societal change so radical that the return to recognizing your family by the Spiritual Bond of Love, rather than by isolating standards of color, creed, nationality, ethnicity, or even blood, will be inspiring a New State of Freedom to commence! This will become the turning point in uniting and forming the Brotherhood of Man and Light. The Brotherhood of Man and Light will form into the Family of God and will be upheld by the Spiritual Bond of Love in each Soul’s Heart and consciously choosing to become a Co-Creator with God. The choice will be up to each individual Soul whether to walk with God or not for there is no higher or lower, superior or inferior, only LOVE to Create the New Millennium!

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Separation Begins!

The Energy of August 2012 will be some of the most densely compressed and multilayered Energy ever to be experienced upon the Earth Plane! The reason is twofold: 1) to sustain the Energy of God the Father and Mother of ALL Things upon Mother Earth from August 13, 2012 onward and 2) to ensure that you, dear Lightworker, will also activate and bring fruition to your Project of Light upon the Earth Plane without interference! These two initiatives will progress with the New Horizon and begin the Separation of Souls between those who will be willing to learn to Live with the New Spiritual Standards of the New Millennium and those who will not adapt and continue to live by the code of man’s laws!

By recognizing the Power of Spirit and progressing with the Energy of the New Horizon many will come to learn, know, and understand that God the Father and Mother of ALL Things will be walking upon the land of Mother Earth! This should not surprise you, dear Lightworker, but let it sink in and bring you confidence for this will bring you and your Project of Light into a position of ease and comfort in utilizing your Spiritual gifts and talents. By August 18, 2012 the Energies will be providing a boost for you and all activated members of the Legion of Light that will cause everyone upon Mother Earth to take notice for it will be time to step forward!

In parallel to your stepping forward, dear Lightworker, you will begin to witness the Separation of Souls! Not by the accounts of God the Father and Mother of ALL Things but by the individual choice that propels the need to uphold the standard of man’s currencies of exchange over God’s Currency of Love! The choice to live as a physical rather than a Spiritual Being of Light and Love will dictate the direction in which one will travel in these Days of Separation so that by the end of August 2012 living and understanding the New Spiritual Standards of the New Millennium will not be a choice but the Standard for everyone!

In these days of the New Horizon’s arrival there will be even more Chaos and Confusion and the reason will be that the Energy that will begin in August 2012 will function to “seal the doorway” in the direction of returning Mother Earth into the Abode of Peace and Harmony. The “sealing of the doorway” will have many Man of Destiny Souls not understanding or much less applying the New Spiritual Standards of the New Millennium but this is why, dear Lightworker, your Project of Light will assist in educating their understanding and comprehension about what the World of Light and Love is all about!

Before the end of November 2012 every country, nation, and continent will have new leadership composed solely of members of the Legion of Light in place. There will be much resistance to this movement in September 2012 by those who esteem the value of man’s currencies of exchange over God’s Currency of Love but it will be short lived and bring an end to the control and domination of the few over the masses. With the Energy that will begin in August 2012 the Separation of Souls phase will begin to demonstrate that The World belongs to God the Father and Mother of ALL Things and will bring into place Mother Earth as the Abode of Peace and Harmony! Remain strong, dear Lightworker, for your work is only beginning and so is the transition to return the world to its rightful Owner – God the Father and Mother of ALL Things!