
Sunday, June 10, 2012

The New Millennium Begins!

For those who will be ready, the New Millennium will begin on June 15, 2012! This will not be a religious event at all rather it will be the Time of Spiritual Unity with God. Many will lack the preparation, much less the understanding to Experience Spiritual Unity with God! For you, dear Lightworker, the Experience of Unity with God will be uplifting, inspiring, and even stimulating since your preparation will allow you to readily manifest your Project of Light upon Mother Earth with this New Energy of Lovingness!

The Universal Energies will remain strong and persistent from this point forward to support you and all that you have come to do, dear Lightworker! For everything and everyone not bonded with the Energy of Love will wither and weaken from any “sense of importance” as the Energy of the New Horizon will guide Mother Earth into her role as the Abode of Peace and Harmony from June 17, 2012 through June 29, 2012!

On June 16, 2012 there will come the completion of Man of Destiny’s forty days and forty nights of purification that began on May 7, 2012. Did he or she take the opportunity to purify his or her Heart for these days of the New Horizon? Only time will tell when Mother Earth aligns with the Gateway of the Universe from June 17 through June 29, 2012! Watch and see how Man of Destiny will either remain an outsider to the workings of Love from within his or her Heart and Soul or begin to become Enlightened with the Love from the Universal Portal!

Man of Destiny will be given the opportunity to grow with Love in his or her Heart starting with the initiating Energy of the New Horizon. This opportunity will allow him or her to progress into the New Millennium with a greater sense of understanding, awareness, and the Truth for acclimating into his or her role as a Co-Creator with God! This will require that he or she become instilled with a new sense of identity, from a physical being to a Spiritual Being of Light and Love, like you, dear Lightworker!

Your role in these days, dear Lightworker, will be rapidly increasing in importance as you and your fellow brothers and sisters of the Light, the Legion of Light, become more active by teaching the Way of Love and Revealing the Truth in all world affairs! For this reason your unique Project of Light and Love will take precedence over anything else that you will do in these next few years! In due time, all Projects of Light and Love will merge and influence all affairs through the emerging Brotherhood of Man and Light that will begin on June 19, 2012!

You may have tired over the past years but know now that with the Fifth Dimension’s Love Energy, the Loving Presence of God will be upon the Earth Plane! The God’s Presence Energy will be initiated from July 28 until August 29, 2012 and will bring in reinforcements for the Legion of Light so that by the beginning of July 2014 the number of individual Lightworkers upon Mother Earth will have doubled! The doubling effect will increase and strengthen the Energy of Love and Light to a magnitude that will overpower and silence all traces of negative Energy upon the Earth Plane! And the best is yet to come!

The Energy of June 17, 2012 through June 29, 2012 will bring forth an experience that no one will ever forget! For now, dear Lightworker, just be ready and know you will be assisting Mother Earth and our Milky Way Galaxy in entering into an uncharted period in Man of Destiny’s development in his or her becoming Enlightened in the Ways of God! This all begins this week when the Experience of Spiritual Unity with God begins with the New Millennium’s Energy on June 15, 2012!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Experience of Unity and Oneness Part 2

The Experience of Unity and Oneness will be a surprise for many, but for you, dear Lightworker, you will be rapidly returning to a familiar environment where everything that you Create comes from a State of Lovingness and remains substantiated with Love! Man of Destiny will be in awe and envy of you and all that you will be able to do in the days to come, that is, until he or she will finally realize and learn that Love will be the only Energy that has permanence in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium!

There is one more week of preparation before all of the above begins on June 17, 2012 and it will be from June 8 through June 16, 2012. Man of Destiny and all Lightworkers will be offered the same opportunities to rapidly advance into the Experience of Unity and Oneness when our Mother Earth’s trajectory into the Gateway of the Universe completes on June 29, 2012. Man of Destiny’s lack of experience in working together will bring him or her to resist in this initial stage of progress!

By role modeling and demonstrating the traits of Brotherhood Consciousness – Sharing and Cooperating – you, dear Lightworker and the Lightworker teams that will assemble around you, will give Man of Destiny a large clue in what to expect in his or her future in Unity and Oneness! Your Pathway, dear Lightworker, will be widened to accommodate your Project of Light and nothing can or will hinder you for it is time to bring Spiritual Evolution to the forefront!

After so many lifetimes upon the Earth Plane, Man of Destiny will be reaching for his or her highest level of Spiritual Attainment! This time period is designed to give him or her Spiritual Experience to not only achieve a level of Love Energy to maintain his or her Life in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium, but to also contribute to his or her Enlightenment by becoming a Co-Creator with God! All he or she will need to do will be to apply the guidance and experience offered from you and your fellow members of the Legion of Light, dear Lightworker!

All Projects of Light will be gaining great assistance from Mother Earth, who has decided that she will no longer tolerate Man of Destiny’s acts of unlovingness upon her body! This comes by her recent decision to become the Abode of Peace and Harmony. The movement of Unity and Oneness will initiate Mother Earth’s role as the Abode of Peace and Harmony from June 17 to June 29, 2012. Following the movement into Unity and Oneness, Mother Earth will be aligning with the Fifth Dimension’s Love Energy that will finally allow the Loving Presence of God into the Earth Plane! The God’s Presence Energy will be initiated from July 28 until August 29, 2012 and will additionally serve to establish the Brotherhood of Man and Light upon Mother Earth!

These stages of growth and evolution to transform Man of Destiny from a physical being into a Spiritual Being of Light and Love have long been awaited! This will be a great period of growth for not only Man of Destiny, but also our Mother Earth and you, dear Lightworker, especially in your own growth to accept and remember that you are experienced with Light and Love! In the very near future you will become a role model in all things of the Spirit and will be called upon to display the many gifts and talents you chose for this incarnation. You, dear Lightworker, are wise beyond your physical body’s age because you know and understand that you are already a Co-Creator with God and know that the keys to the Kingdom of God are within you!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Experience of Unity and Oneness

The first week of June 2012 will begin the next stage of Enlightenment from June 2 through June 7, 2012 for bringing the experience of Unity and Oneness into the lives of everyone and everything upon Mother Earth. This brief period of “Time” will be very powerful indeed! For you, dear Lightworker will know and realize that you will be witnessing a new Spirit of Freedom transcending the world over! By the end of June 2012 our Mother Earth will be ushered into an extraordinary period of evolution for not only herself but also all of her inhabitants! The “Time” to celebrate and usher in Humanity’s evolutionary step of Enlightenment will be here at month’s end!

Humanity’s evolution will bring everyone and everything closer together with Love, Joy, and Brotherhood Consciousness to unite them. It will not be an overnight awareness but once everyone will realize that these next few years will be a blessing rather than the “end of the world,” True growth and expansion will take place in every Heart and Soul! You, dear Lightworker, will have better understanding and awareness than Man of Destiny, who will become even more fearful than he or she already is!

The beginning of June 2012 will continue to emphasize that all Humanity either learn and grow through experience to activate into the movement of Unity and Oneness or to begin activating into Unity and Oneness! On June 6, 2012 there will come the greatest Opportunity yet for everyone! To choose to be a part of the Greater Whole of the Universe or to choose to remain in a learning phase that will offer greater understanding about the unlimited possibilities of Love! The activation of these choices into the rapidly approaching future will depend upon which way each individual Soul will turn to God!

What will choosing to be part of the Greater Whole of the Universe or learning to understand about the unlimited possibilities of Love bring? Becoming a part of the Greater Whole of the Universe will bring in all possibilities of the Heart and Soul and what the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium are designed to be – to become a Co-Creator with God! Learning to understand about the unlimited possibilities of Love will be long and arduous for those who choose this way. But by learning and applying Love in everything they think and do will be like being sent to the “minor” leagues for further skill training rather than proceeding to play in the “major” league of Spiritual Play!

The Movement into Unity and Oneness will be ready to implement and begin from June 17 through June 29, 2012 when Mother Earth will be aligning with the Gateway of the Universe! Mother Earth’s transformational step will be inconceivable to Man of Destiny but will serve to remind you, dear Lightworker, about what you have come to do – to lead and teach Man of Destiny how to play in the world of Light and Love, just like you used to do back home! What have only been dreams of impossibilities will begin to emerge with your Creative abilities, dear Lightworker, and with your contribution to raise the standards of the Earth Plane into the New Spiritual Standards, Humanity will be redefined from a physical being to a Spiritual Being of Light and Love!

There will be many who will not understand what will be happening after Mother Earth evolves into the Gateway of the Universe. But you, dear Lightworker, are one who will understand and remain calm while many panic and go into their worst fears. Do not become alarmed! Rather tell them about the way games are played at “home!” Like playing musical chairs for seven children with seven chairs. Remember? No one loses and no one wins, you just play for the fun of it – and that is where learning to play and living in Joy begins – as a child once more, open to learning! Let your Heart’s Expression lead you with Light and Love to find your Joy in Living!