
Showing posts with label New Earth Ascension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Earth Ascension. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Long Year

Everything and everyone upon Mother Earth is now within Transition!

Some will say it’s a phase.  Others will call it a temporary chapter.  Whatever you may call it, there will be no return to the past!  Everything and everyone on Earth is moving into its rightful place. 

What comes next is a Realization.  Some will call it an eternal day but the Sun and Moon will continue to rise and set.  Some will notice 3 years will have passed as the seasons still came and went.  Most will know it as the Long Year – but only after all is said and done. 

The Long Year will begin on August 25, 2018 and seem to come to a close on October 9, 2021. 

The framework of The Long Year will be serving to develop humanity’s integrity, trust, and responsibility with Mother Earth and the Universal Community.  Our enhanced integrity, trust, and responsibility will also lead to the maturity of humanity.  Only in a mature state of integrity, trust, and responsibility will all of humanity become unified for and with our common Home – Mother Earth! 

The Long Year will have several overlapping stages in order to enable humanity’s transitions fully into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension.  Mother Earth will begin producing her body’s necessary changes to initiate her Fifth Dimensional body on April 25, 2020.

The Long Year will begin initiating just prior to the conclusion of Mother Earth’s “Great Melting” on December 27, 2018.  This is Mother Earth’s process to eliminate humanity’s use of her former Fourth Dimensional Vibratory Frequency.  

Will humanity be the same?  Will humanity have completed its own Transition?  The only thing that can be said that’s True now is that everything and everyone upon Mother Earth is now within Transition!

If tomorrow never comes it would be much like a long and enduring night. This is the effect it will bring, Dear Ones.  The Long Year will be humanity’s final Transition. 

Some people will act the same – with no awareness of the presence of the Long Year.  Others will try to act the same, while having some awareness of the presence of the Long Year. 

The few who will be fully aware, conscious, and awake will be the ones who have endured the entirety of humanity’s final Transition!  Being fully aware, conscious, and awake to what, you ask?  Being fully aware, conscious and awake to The Realization that a New Day – a New Era – and a New Reality is upon Mother Earth! 

Without the availability of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimensional Vibratory Frequency – after December 27, 2018 – what will humanity do?  What will be different?  What can we do now? Though nothing will look out of place or different to our eyes, what will differ will be Mother Earth’s New Vibration, radiating for everything and everyone upon her. 

On December 27, 2018 it will be Time for humanity to begin the Re-Organization of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension! 

Some will assimilate and do their part.  Others will be in doubt and hesitant.  Still, others will not be capable of responding to Mother Earth’s New Vibration – living as if they were from a long past era of time. Only their memories will be alive – not their Hearts and Souls!

Beginning with the Re-Organization of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension, Mother Earth and all of humanity will need to be collaborating as a cohesive team, together and unified with our one common goal – To Re-Create our home upon Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension! 

The Re-Organization of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension will begin on December 27, 2018 and conclude on August 12, 2020. 

What will follow from August 13, 2020 through March 28, 2022 will be an “Unsettled Period” of Time.  Our linear experience of time via the clock and calendar will be a thing of the past. Time will be experienced as the movement of our Soul – our Hearts and Souls serving to lead all our thoughts, words, and deeds on Earth. 

Will everyone know and realize the difference?  Will everyone know and realize the content of his or her Heart and Soul?  Will we all become our Hearts and Souls?

There is seemingly not much Time left and much preparation is required for humanity’s final Transition.  Humanity still needs to learn to allow their own internal guidance system – their Heart and Soul – to lead them.   

Until December 14, 2018 all of humanity is still within a decision process – whether to respond to the Calling – the choice to decide to acknowledge and enact one’s Soul’s Spiritual Purpose within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension.

What we all have available within us now is the substance of our Hearts and Souls. Humanity’s final Transition is entirely about discovering the entire content of our Hearts and Souls.  Nothing more!  If we have succeeded in discovering the content of our Hearts and Souls before the Long Year arrives, we will have already initiated our part in humanity’s final Transition. 

Thus, with the discovery of the content of our Hearts and Souls will come our next stage – preparing for the Re-Organization of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension!  Some can now create with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional Vibratory Frequency.  Most cannot.  

On August 22, 2018 there will finally be enough awakened humans on Earth to utilize Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional Vibratory Frequency and overcome humanity’s use of her former Fourth Dimensional Frequency!  

We must achieve a New Realization first.  The Realization of a New Day – a New Era – and a New Reality is upon Mother Earth!

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Relearning in Community Spirit

The Sun is the Source of our Life’s Energy.  

Every day of our Lives upon Mother Earth we can observe the true Source of our Life’s Energy.   Humanity often is not even conscious of it.  Whenever we take notice of the Source of our Life’s Energy we are glancing at our Solar System’s Sun. 

At nighttime we will not see our Energy Source – the Sun.  Nevertheless, we can discover the entire network of our Universal Source at work – the Universal Grid of Sun-Stars brightly shining its radiating Light! 

The Universal Grid of Sun-Stars functions as the energetic of Unity and Oneness – a cohesive Community of Sun-Stars.  While some are bigger, others are smaller than our own Sun.  Each has ONE common function – to serve as a Source of Energy for each unique Life form to enable them to perform their unique Service within the Universe. 

As above.  So below.  Everything in the Universe is organized as a Collective Community!

The entire Universal Grid of Sun-Stars serves as a Collective Community by having ONE primary intention … to serve as an enabling Source of Energy for each unique Life form to perform their unique Service within the Universe. 

Our own Solar System functions as a Universal Community at our local level and location within the Universe.  This collective Universal Community serves to disperse our Source of Energy for each unique Life form to do their own unique Service within our Solar System. 

Our Mother Earth has a very unique role within our Solar System.  Mother Earth is our Solar System’s Creator Planet.  She serves to support each unique Life form in fulfilling their own Service within their own local collective Community. 

As above.  So below. 

Humanity has mostly forgotten how to live as a Community.  The Source of Energy within our local Solar System - our Sun – makes no distinction between who, or what, is more worthy – or who should have more or less – or even who deserves more, or less, of Its abundant energy.   Our Sun is in Service to provide Its Life sustaining Energy to Mother Earth - and through Her – to each unique Life form in order to fulfill their own Service within the Universe. 

There is an immense difference between the terms community and society

A community results from an internal bond developing from a feeling of unity and solidarity towards an intended common goal. 

Societies can be initiated through the efforts of a group to attain a corresponding common goal.  Society places its emphasis upon the unique bond of the social group as a whole - rather than the individual – thus, creating a society that must sustain itself through the practice of laws and regulations in order to enforce the society’s common goal and to unify around that intention.   

A society is an artificial human artifice.  A collective unified community is an innate and natural endeavor of the Universe. 

As above.  So below. 

On August 3, 2018 there will begin an internal precedent rising within humanity for Relearning in Community Spirit.  Not everyone will immediately be drawn to participate, Dear Ones.  

The question – “Will I fulfill The Calling of my Soul’s Spiritual Purpose within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension?” –  requires an answer soon.  Every Life form upon Mother Earth remains within a Choice process – until December 14, 2018.

As above.  So below. 

The Calling to fulfill our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose will emerge through the One Pathway of the Universe – the Pathway of Light, Love and Harmony.  Our Hearts and Souls serve to lead our every endeavor through harmonizing our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional world. 

On August 22, 2018 there will finally be enough awakened humans on Earth to utilize Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional Vibratory Frequency in order to overcome humanity’s use of Her former Fourth Dimensional Frequency. 

The purpose of humanity’s utilization of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional Frequency will not be to conquer and destroy the Fourth Dimensional habitat. Humanity’s major emphasis will be upon Relearning in Community Spirit.  Humanity’s presence must be integrated – through Mother Earth - within our Solar System into the Universal Community at large! 

It will still take another year of futile and ineffective efforts by the majority of humanity to learn and realize that Mother Earth’s former Fourth Dimensional world will not be returning.  

In the meantime every Soul Relearning in Community Spirit will be achieving the greatest amount of growth and acclimation within Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimensional world – simply by allowing his, or her, Heart and Soul to lead their every endeavor on Earth! 

As humanity reclaims and acknowledges its sense of Collective Community upon Mother Earth, it Re-members who and what we are, thus, achieving movement towards our Society of Light emerging from September 2019 through February 2020. 

Humanity’s Society of Light will be a first-time achievement as a collective endeavor.  Emerging largely through the initial formation of many small Communities upon Mother Earth.  These small Communities will expand as interspersed endeavors upon all of Mother Earth’s continents.  The small collective Communities will merge into the Greater Community of humanity.  

We will achieve the common goal of our Society of Light – that of Re-Creating Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension! 

As above, so below. 

The one guiding reminder for humanity’s phase of Relearning in Community Spirit will come in observing the Three Conditions of Unconditional Love; namely …

Love is ALL THINGS.  
Love never judges. 
Love never obstructs Free Will.

A society is an artificial human artifice.  A community is essentially an innate and natural endeavor of the Universe.  There will be a major need to redefine the term “society” as an “expanded community” to achieve our collective endeavor of Re-Creating Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension by the collective whole of humanity. This will evolve through our Reorganization phase of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension.  

In Relearning our Community Spirit, Dear Ones, humanity also realizes our Fifth Dimensional Earth! 

As above.  So below!

Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation 
- Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Friday, July 6, 2018

The New Tomorrow

New Day Nova Gaia

No matter how arduous, confusing, or incomprehensible our lives may seem, all pathways on Earth lead directly into the Universal Pathway of Light, Love, and Harmony. 

Light is Light.  Love is Love.  Harmony is Harmony.  

The True experience of our Soul connecting within the Universal Pathway of Light, Love and Harmony will always achieve an expression of our Soul’s Joy.  Our Soul’s Joy is a mutual experience of both giving and receiving for the pure Love of giving and receiving - with no strings attached.  

The Soul gives and receives Love in a mutual and reciprocal exchange with the Universe.  Every experience on Earth – everything that we hear, see, touch, smell and taste consists of the Light, Love and Harmony of the Universe! 

Humanity tends to forget that we are all Spiritual Beings having our human experience while living in a material reality within physical bodies.  The Soul’s intention is to re-member how to express our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose - thereby connecting our Soul into the entirety of the Universe.

We are all functioning within various levels of spiritual knowledge as we seek to find our way into the Universal Pathway of Light, Love and Harmony on Earth. The majority of humanity looks outside of themselves for all of their answers.  They have forgotten that they have a strong, eternal and unbreakable connection to the Universal Pathway of Light, Love and Harmony.

Light is Light.  Love is Love.  Harmony is Harmony.  That being true, there is only ONE Pathway on Earth – the Universal Pathway of Light, Love and Harmony!

Yesterday carried us into a today that will lead us into tomorrow. The Universal Pathway of Light, Love and Harmony is not located right “here” or over “there” or even “beyond us”.  It is entirely contained within our Hearts and Souls!

Mother Earth is now shifting and turning Her body into a new direction – Her own NEW Universal Pathway of Light, Love and Harmony aligned through Vega in the Constellation of Lyra.   Slowly, but surely, She continues shifting and turning Her internal magnetic cores.  Slowly, but surely, humanity will also realize that the yesterday that carried us into today is not producing the same tomorrow.  A New Tomorrow is on the horizon.

Light is Light.  Love is Love.  Harmony is Harmony.

On July 10, 2018 the New Tomorrow begins to emerge - not outside of us, but within us all! The stirrings from our Soul’s Divine Plan have been emerging within us through the linkage of our Soul’s memories. 

The human physical mind can only interpret what it can hear, see, touch, smell and taste. Our Hearts and Souls, however, are designed to perceive the Universal Pathway of Light, Love and Harmony upon Mother Earth where everything is connected to the entirety of the Universe.

IF we remember to acknowledge that Light is Light, Love is Love and Harmony is Harmony, we will perceive the entirety of Mother Earth’s magnetic shifting and turning as a transformation of everything as it truly is – Light, Love, and Harmony! 

Not through a sequence of magic, but through a process of shifting and turning of our own – the shifting of leadership from the physical body’s mind to our Hearts and Souls. 

On July 10, 2018 a New Tomorrow begins to emerge! 

With our guidance achieved through our Hearts and Souls, our New Tomorrow will begin to steady and balance between what is needed and what no longer serves us to align us within Mother Earth’s Balancing Point on August 22, 2018 - when there will be enough individuals on the planet utilizing Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional Vibratory Frequency – to  surmount the efforts of humanity’s attempt to keep Mother Earth’s former Fourth Dimension “alive.” 

Light is Light.  Love is Love.  Harmony is Harmony.   Everything on Earth is returning to its original state of being. The Universal Pathway of Light, Love, and Harmony awaits us and will liberate whatever hinders and delays the Soul’s Spiritual Purpose. 

There is only ONE Pathway on Earth – the Universal Pathway of Light, Love, and Harmony! 

As our New Tomorrow emerges on Earth, humanity will all be on its way to emerging as the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe and becoming a Power of Oneness serving to fulfill and complete our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose on Earth – with Light, Love and Harmony to Create JOY!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The Choice

Chris Saunders.jpg

What do we believe our purpose on Earth to be? 

Are we here merely to maintain the social order that we were born into in order to serve as replacement bodies for our ancestors born before us? 

Do our beliefs about our purpose on Earth include a consideration for the environment that we exist within through Mother Earth? 

Religious systems teach that humanity is more than the physical body and that we have an internally derived purpose through the One Spirit called God.

Many have not carefully examined their own beliefs.  It is unlikely that they will do so in the very near future. Could it be that most do not want to acknowledge the process of Change in our world, where the only constant is Change itself?

“Safe thinking” accommodates our expectation that the future will be the same tomorrow as it is today.  Most humans follow the protocols of the past in order to ensure a foreseeable outcome for the future. This is the thinking process that minimizes risks in life by denying their existence.

By denying Mother Earth’s active role in mankind’s purpose on earth – as if our purpose on earth were established by individual willpower rather than a shared endeavor – humanity 
assumes that the landscape of our environment will always remain the same. 

This is the heart of our current predicament, Dear Ones.  We are accompanying Mother Earth as She journeys into a new and shared experience of Fifth Dimensional Time, Space and Motion!

We can go it alone in seeking our purpose on Earth.  Many have.  Many do.  There comes a point when we realize that we are not quite as independent as we would like to believe we are.  Humanity needs the contributions of others to achieve our intended purpose. 

The majority of humanity has been taught that their purpose on earth is best fulfilled by his/her economic purpose.  Purchasing power – through a “job title” – is one’s economic purpose. Our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose is fulfilled through the experience of connecting our Soul into the entirety of the Universe! 

As we progress further into the future, many will ponder upon their purpose on Earth.  Rather than pursuing a long-term solution for adapting into our Changing world, most will only consider solutions that serve to maintain the status quo within our current social structure.  

These are new times, Dear Ones, requiring us to ponder “outside the box”. Our preparation for Life within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension and The Calling to our Soul to fulfill our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose is almost complete!  A new paradigm of Time, Space and Motion is now in effect through Mother Earth’s evolution into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! 

The Soul is permanently connected into the entirety of the Universe.  The Soul requires our Conscious Awareness to access the entirety of the Universe.  Without the Soul’s Conscious Awareness – and permission – humanity will remain physical beings in a herd waiting to be led from one pasture to another.  

Now is our Time to gain the experience and protocol of making decisions from our Heart and Soul!

Since April 13, 2018 humanity has been engaged in a period of Spiritual Growth.  This period of Time will serve to integrate and enhance the experience of our Hearts and Souls in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension!  Everything is already in process – though many are not aware of the merging Collective pathway with Mother Earth’s own pathway.   

Who is in charge?  Who is determining our direction within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension? 

No one is actually in charge.  No one is determining our direction for us.  We are each entirely responsible for our own direction.  We are each entirely responsible for determining our own pathway within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. 

How can we choose our own pathway when we have not yet discovered our purpose on Earth? 
The Choice – the Choice to reveal our true purpose on Earth!  Herein lies the dilemma many will hope to postpone.

The future is unclear to most of humanity today.  They believe that “If today is the same as yesterday, so then, is the future”.  Thus, there are no worries and no problems. We just continue in our economic purpose as if we were still reliving yesterday. 

Change is the only constant in our physical world. Many people will see the next economic downturn as a cyclic event and not truly what it is – an indicator of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimensional Vibratory Frequency coming to an end in December 2018! 

What do we believe our purpose is on Earth? 

These are the days of The Choice.  This is the moment for the individual to choose to reveal his/her true purpose with Mother Earth.  Each choice will affect each and every living Life form on Earth.  Humanity is the only Life form on the planet enabled to choose to bypass and/or ignore the Choice.  Bypassing and ignoring the Choice is a choice! 

The results of The Choice will not be instantly revealed.  

As humanity moves closer to the completion of its use of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimensional Vibratory Frequency on December 27, 2018, we will also be marking the end of individual endeavors of willpower to accomplish and manifest on Earth.  Our pathways within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension are a shared endeavor of Time, Space, and Motion.  There will be no other way! 

From April 13 through July 9, 2018 we are and will all be within a Time frame designed to enhance the experience of our Hearts and Souls for our application in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. 

If you could see the Choice – hear its presence or even touch it – you would likely believe it’s actually here.  But you can’t and you won’t.  You can only feel it and be made aware of it through your Heart and Soul! 

We are HERE and NOW, Dear Ones.  Only the endeavors and experiences of the Heart and Soul matter – not just for you – but for the entire Collective Whole of Mother Earth and the Life forms She supports upon her body! 

We are HERE NOW. There will be no turning back.  We are not leaving Mother Earth to find another planet and another purpose elsewhere.  Humanity is here on Earth as Co-Creators of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional world through The Choice to facilitate our true purpose with Mother Earth!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Merging into Our New Reality

The Calling to each and every Soul on Earth emerged upon us on December 1, 2017 and will not diminish its presence until December 14, 2018, when we will all have decided whether or not we will respond to it. In the past, our choices and decisions were rarely as direct and succinct as the choice before us – the choice to decide whether or not we are going to merge our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose into Mother Earth’s future within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. Although most of humanity has seemingly been within a perpetual cycle of Learning – Learning Love is All Things – throughout their experiences of Mother Earth’s Third/Fourth Dimensions, many will have to decide, once and for all, if they are truly capable of advancing beyond a primordial mode of existence. To assume that each and every human being on Earth will instantly summon the full content of his or her Heart and Soul beyond the lesson of Love would be a great misunderstanding and an even greater expression of expectation for everyone. Since April 13, 2018 we have all been provided with a period of Time serving to expand our Soul’s Spiritual Growth – to develop our ability to trust, to ascertain Truth with certainty, and to gain confidence with our Heart and Soul’s timely guidance. Our Soul’s Spiritual Growth period is relatively short, from April 13 to July 9, 2018, but it’s simply that everyone committing their role with Mother Earth will have much to do soon, dear Ones, for we are Merging into a New Reality!

Our Merging into a New Reality is already occurring and will become much more prevalent in our near future with Mother Earth. Most of the experiences we now encounter within our New Reality are commonly occurring in solitude and sometimes, even in some social situations. We are a great minority within the realm of humanity but with every change and transformation we each achieve towards the expression of the full content of our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose, the more the entire world around us changes and transforms through incremental increases in the presence of the Fifth Dimension’s Light Waves around us! Mother Earth is now transitioning to reveal the vibrational strength of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension and beginning to facilitate our Merging into a New Reality! We may now feel as if we are acting alone within our isolated locations on Earth, but we are not! Each and every Soul choosing to enable the full content of his or her Soul’s Spiritual Purpose is actually serving to increase and expand the Universe’s Fifth Dimensional Vibrational Frequency on Earth. Our growth and expansion is servicing our Unity Factor – the Unity Factor we now share with every liked hearted human being involved in utilizing Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency! We will still encounter spaces of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequency until December 27, 2018, when Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension extinguishes in potency except in the memories of humanity!

When we no longer question the “how, what, why, and where” of our reality, reality becomes a mere form of habit or tradition, a thing “handed down.” Our Fifth Dimension Experience will be entirely contingent upon the guidance provided by our Heart and Soul, especially when we begin our Re-Organization period with Mother Earth on December 28, 2018, thus leading us towards the initiation of our Society of Light from September 2019 through February 2020. Why does our response to the Calling matter? The segregation between Mother Earth’s Fourth and Fifth Dimensions is expanding as a Reality Split of Dimensions! We are enabled with an innate ability to experience Life without Time, Space, and Motion, albeit without our physical bodies but with our Spiritual bodies – our Light Bodies! Initially, it will be our Light Bodies that will serve as the “vehicle” of Merging into our New Reality! Our Soul’s Spiritual Nature Creates ALL THINGS, as our Soul’s ability to Create originates within our innate ability to commingle and blend the Light, Love, and Harmony provided by the Universe to use upon Mother Earth. The Calling to decide whether we will merge our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose into Mother Earth’s future within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension is here now. Its Presence is not apparent to all of humanity and most will likely not even give it credence, even if the compelling signs and signals of its Presence are becoming even more obvious!

What can be more obvious than our current state of economic turmoil, unpredictable weather patterns, compounded by a prevalent lack of harmonious international relationships? Humanity’s answers are not located in past responses but within our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose – within the Soul of each and every human being! Mother Earth’s “Balancing Point” will occur on August 22, 2018, when the balance of Mother Earth’s former Fourth Dimension Vibration Frequency will be diminished enough to be equalized and surpassed by humanity’s use of her new Fifth Dimension Vibration Frequency. If we were placed upon Mother Earth only to serve an economic purpose rather than a Spiritual Purpose, humanity would be classified as AI, artificial intelligence serving as subordinates and superiors in support of a hierarchal structure. Each and every human being on Earth is endowed with a Spiritual Purpose and is now being called to respond to the Calling of his or her Soul’s Spiritual Purpose. This is an event unlike any other we have witnessed in the past, dear Ones! This is an event that involves our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose and unifying it with every like hearted human being involved in utilizing Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency! We are now moving towards a world emphasizing the Conscious Awareness of the Light. Love, and Harmony of the Universe in accomplishing everything we contemplate, say, and do on Earth! For we are Merging into a New Reality based on the strength of our Unity and Oneness!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

The Awakened Ones

In understanding Mother Earth’s evolution into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension (as well as our own) we first need to understand a basic principle in quantum physics, the “observer’s effect.” The “observer’s effect” serves to explain how the outcome of a phenomenon strongly changes by simply being “observed” in process, even when a non-human “observer” serves to perform the “observation.” Our current phenomenon is Mother Earth’s presence within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension along with her entire population of inhabitants ranging from the tiniest to the greatest Life forms. If we continue focusing our attention upon the world we left behind on March 27, 2017, when Mother Earth completed the entirety of her Fifth Dimension Transition, we would all be “observing” an outcome from the past, as if we were trying to change a past that no longer serves or needs us! In essence, dear Ones, we Create the Purpose of the Matter we are observing! We are not just “waiting,” being tested for our “patience,” or serving to “observe” the past, we are here now to participate, contribute, and co-facilitate the arrival of Mother Earth’s “Balancing Point,” an instant of Time, Space, and Motion where there will finally be enough of Mother Earth’s former Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequency eliminated from our use on Earth and enough of humanity using her Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency to overcome the waning effects of her Fourth Dimension! Mother Earth’s “Balancing Point” apexes on August 22, 2018!

Mother Earth is a Spiritual Being participating within a Universal Event: Mother Earth and her Solar System’s integration into the Universal Community of Fifth Dimension Life forms! Mother Earth is not just participating in the phenomenon of our common event, she is serving to fulfill the entire content of her purpose and intention sealed within her Heart and Soul just as we are! Mother Earth’s “Balancing Point” will occur from July 10 through September 1, 2018 and will reach its apex on August 22, 2018. In order to fulfill our roles in the Universe’s Fifth Dimension we will need to achieve our own Spiritual Growth to develop our ability to trust, ascertain Truth with certainty, and gain confidence with our Heart and Soul’s timely guidance. Without our Spiritual Growth there would be no understanding, no awareness of change, and no insight into new possibilities with our Fifth Dimension Experience!! The only way of becoming open to understanding, developing our awareness to change, and gaining insight into new possibilities will be to “observe” our evolving world through a New Perception, a New Perception conceived through our “observing,” – Creating the Purpose of the Matter in our evolving Fifth Dimensional world! Many will continue to place their hopes, wishes, and dreams upon the multilayered levels of Chaos and Confusion now deconstructing and dissolving within Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimensional world. Everyone that is, except the “Awakened Ones!”

The “Awakened Ones,” dear Ones, will be doing the majority of the “observing,” – Creating the Purpose of the Matter in our evolving Fifth Dimensional world – through their internal states of Mindfulness and a New Perception succinctly formulated for revealing our New Reality – our Fifth Dimension Experience! By being attentive in “observing” the phenomenon of Mother Earth’s presence within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension rather than “observing” the past, things that largely appeared hidden from our sight will begin their revealing, much like directing our attention towards the seeds of our spring planting until they finally begin to reveal their sprouts of growth in our new garden! The key to becoming an “Awakened One” is achieved through the releasing one’s major indicators of his or her prior Fourth Dimensional experience – comparison, competition, judgment, and fear! By not contributing further into humanity’s experience of comparison, competition, judgment, and fear, dear Ones, there only exists a New Reality with the Universe’s Light, Love, and Harmony to experience – our Fifth Dimension Experience! Mother Earth’s former Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequency will still be present within our evolving Fifth Dimension world until December 27, 2018, when Mother Earth completes her “Great Melting” phase to eliminate our use of her body’s former Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequency. This will be a great enhancement for the work of the “Awakened Ones”!

The “Awakened Ones” are keenly aware they are “observing” in the manifestation of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension New Reality – Creating the Purpose of the Matter in our evolving Fifth Dimensional world! They are also aligning into their roles as the teachers, guides, and role models in the Re-Organization of humanity’s societies for the Fifth Dimension occurring from December 27, 2018 through August 12, 2020 in order to usher in the emergence of our Society of Light from September 2019 through February 2020! Though the movement of our evolving Fifth Dimensional world will still appear slow and staggered in many places around the world, it is not dependent upon every Soul’s involvement! It is more dependent upon the sharing of the Spiritual Knowledge within the “Awakened Ones,” the Ones on Earth keenly aware they are “observing” the manifestation of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension New Reality! We are all now emerging on a pathway designed to rediscover and reclaim the entire content of our individual Soul’s Spiritual Knowledge. Not to simply rediscover and reclaim our Soul’s Spiritual Knowledge, but to Align, Apply, and Activate our Soul’s innate gifts and talents to Create a Fifth Dimension New Reality upon Mother Earth! Depending upon what we are now “observing”, we are either contributing to the Creation of the Purpose of Matter in our evolving Fifth Dimension world or wishing for a return to the past in the deconstruction of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimensional world. It’s all a clear Choice, dear Ones, just as it is a Choice to be an “Awakened One”!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Our Spiritual Growth

In the days to come, we will all be realizing the great strength, wisdom, and courage we truly possess within us. The days of enacting our great strength, wisdom, and courage will not be originating from the influences of our past but directly initiating from the path we are now choosing to realize – our Fifth Dimension Experience! The main objective of our Fifth Dimension Experience is the actualization of our Spiritual Purpose, the experience of connecting our Soul into the entirety of the Universe! We may already be quite adept at finding our moments of meditational silence to access the Universe and even more attentive to our Hearts and Souls than most of humanity but in transitioning into our Fifth Dimension Experience, we will all need to shift from our mind’s logic and reasoning center to our Heart and Soul’s Center – our Heart Chakra! In facilitating our true potential within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension we must move away from our old Third and Fourth Dimensional conditioning and begin responding from our Hearts and Souls! What does the experience of our Hearts and Souls look like, feel like, or even require? We each have an individualized unique plan within our Heart and Soul but it’s up to each one of us to discover, acknowledge, and implement it. From April 13 through July 9, 2018 we will all be entering into an extended period of Spiritual Growth. Not as a testing period but to develop and enhance the great strength, wisdom, and courage we truly possess within us!

Mother Earth is now within her “Great Melting” process, Mother Earth’s phase to eliminate the use of her body’s former Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequency from April 19, 2017 through December 27, 2018. Our Spiritual Growth period from April 13 through July 9, 2018 will chiefly involve the development of our ability to trust, to ascertain our certainty, and to gain confidence with our Heart and Soul’s timely guidance. We would become further disillusioned if we were to think our Fifth Dimensional world would just magically appear before us fully intact, as Mother Earth’s physical reality not only involves the laws of nature but also influences our physical bodies. Our greatest ally now is our Power to Choose – our power of Freewill to activate movement towards our chosen direction in Life! It will not take every individual human being on Earth to establish our Society of Light, just a few kindred spirits who actualize the great strength, wisdom, and courage they possess within them – as teachers, guides, demonstrators, and role models of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency now available to everyone! As our days within Mother Earth’s own Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency progress and accumulate, so will the development of our ability to trust, ascertain Truth with certainty, and gain confidence through the leadership of our Heart and Soul’s timely guidance. This will not come in an instant but with the Reality Experience of Space and Time in Motion – Time as the movement of our Soul! 

The world’s current stage of Chaos and Confusion is an embodiment of the many Souls on Earth still thinking, doing, and expressing the same thoughts as in the past, failing to realize that everyone and everything on Earth is now within a process of Change and Transformation! Our Spiritual Growth period will be proceeding in unison with Mother Earth’s Progress as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet and will not slow down until humanity and Mother Earth begin the next stage of their unified evolution – the Re-Organization of our societies for the participation of all humanity in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension from December 27, 2018 through August 12, 2020. Only our Higher Self and God now know the content of our Heart and Soul’s unique individualized plan but neither will just reveal it to our Conscious Self, unless we begin responding to the Calling, the Calling to our Society of Light emerging within us from September 2019 to February 2020! While the majority of the world’s population continues to embody the Chaos and Confusion of our current days, every Lightworker Soul is intuiting, feeling, and adjusting his or her innate connection to his or her Spiritual Purpose. The timing when all Lightworkers’ impulses to begin merging together as a collective endeavor will come from July 10 through September 1, 2018, when Mother Earth and her Sun’s Solar System will be entering a “Balancing Point” within the Universal Grid of Fifth Dimension Sun-Stars. 

Mother Earth and her Sun’s Solar System will attain a “Balancing Point,” an instant of Time, Space, and Motion where there will finally be enough of Mother Earth’s former Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequency eliminated from our use on Earth and enough of humanity using her Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency to overcome the waning effects of her Fourth Dimension! This proposition will lead to an even greater need in humanity to transition into Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimensional world! It will not come in an instant, dear Ones, as many will still be in the need of learning and understanding that everyone and everything on Earth is now within a process of Change and Transformation and this will only come as the result of our collective Spiritual Growth! Our Spiritual Growth through the development of our ability to trust, ascertain Truth with certainty, and gain confidence with our Heart and Soul’s timely guidance will lead each and every Soul into realizing the great strength, wisdom, and courage he or she truly possesses within! Our Fifth Dimension Experience is a collective experience that depends on the leadership of our Hearts and Souls! With the leadership of our Hearts and Souls guiding every endeavor in our emerging Society of Light, we will all know and understand we are all simply examples of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe experiencing the bond of Unity Consciousness through service to God and the entire Universe! 

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Unity Consciousness

How we measure our “success” in the world today is all contingent upon how we define who we are within it. If we believe our “success” is derived from our ability to control and manage our interactions with the external world, we will always pay homage to our interactions so that we can maintain our “success” – no matter how much we “pay” for it. If, however, we understand our “success” derives from allowing our Heart and Soul’s ability to lead our interactions within our external world, we will always be led towards the manifestation of our Heart and Soul’s Joy and Contentment! Our Soul’s ability to lead is vitally important to manifesting our entire world, for our Soul’s leadership serves to connect and integrate all of our experiences within it. In the seemingly long days between the completion of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017 and the manifestation of our Soul’s Divine Plan to initiate our Society of Light from September 2019 through February 2020, our Soul’s leadership is of utmost importance, not only in manifesting direct correspondence with our Hearts and Souls but also in our emerging New Reality all around us! Right now things may not exactly correspond with the content of our Hearts and Souls and won’t for just a little bit longer. This is not due to our lack of effort or an inconsistency in our thinking, dear Ones, but Mother Earth’s efforts to allow each and every Soul upon her to CHOOSE to experience the fullness of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension with her!

Mother Earth’s Plan to initiate her physical body’s Fifth Dimension Changes will occur from April 29, 2020 through March 25, 2042. So what may now appear to be Chaos and Confusion is just that, a chaotic and confusing preparation period serving to allow the process of generating our Soul’s leadership to manifest. Most of humanity is not and will not be seeing this as a Time of choosing to fulfill his or her roles in our New Reality but as a time of redoing and replicating the past, much like trying to rebuild a floodwater ravaged home back upon the same flooded plain it was previously built on. Mother Earth (as well as our entire Solar System) is now initializing her own process to activate her physical transformation. Mother Earth’s current landmasses and bodies of water will all be transforming when she initiates her body’s Fifth Dimension Changes. Are we all ready for CHANGE? Are we ALL even open to CHANGE? In order for our transition of preparation to complete for Mother Earth’s physical transition, we must all transform our current states of mind from a conscious mindset of the physical world to one of our Soul’s Unity Consciousness. This will be a major shift for the majority of humanity, especially those who simply define “success” in terms of his or her ability to control and manage his or her interactions within the external world they live in. Simply stated, our future “success” is aligned in the Unity of our entire Universe’s Light, Love, and Harmony that we are ALL a part and whole of!

Our Heart and Soul’s innate perception and awareness of Unity Consciousness easily translates and relates with the Universe’s Light, Love, and Harmony. Our conscious mindsets simply do not, and cannot, realize more than what we see, hear, and perceive through the body’s five sensory organs. From December 1, 2017 through December 14, 2018 each and every Soul on Earth is receiving the Signal to The Calling of our Society of Light. Many will not be readily responding or even be capable of receiving the Signal of the Calling due to their current state of mind – the mindset of maintaining the world’s present as an improved past. If we were to remain on the path of the present, we would not only continue to remain in a perpetual state of competition, comparison, judgment, and fear but also miss the entire reason we even shifted with Mother Earth into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension – to Live within an entire world Created by and for our Soul’s Unity Consciousness! There will be many reminders serving to demonstrate Mother Earth’s intent to initiate her physical body’s Fifth Dimension Changes until December 14, 2018, when the Signal’s Presence to the Calling wanes and Mother Earth moves to complete her “Great Melting” phase on December 27, 2018, Mother Earth’s process of eliminating our use of her body’s former Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequency. Are we all ready for CHANGE? Are we ALL even open to CHANGE?

On March 27, 2018 it will be a year since Mother Earth completed the entirety of her own Fifth Dimension Transition, thus enabling her full capacity as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet. We are now within our own transition to enable and acclimate our Heart and Soul’s abilities with her in the Universe’s Fifth Dimension through our innate Soul’s Unity Consciousness. Though we may, and will, still experience periods of hesitation, doubt, and uncertainty, the only remedy will come in the form of operating through our Heart and Soul! Without the guidance of our Heart and Soul in our days to come, we would all continue as relics of the past, promoting competition, comparison, judgment, and fear as if we were purely physical beings. But everything and everyone on Earth is in a process of CHANGE whether or not they recognize it! We all have access to our Soul’s Unity Consciousness and will need to transform our current states of mind from a conscious mindset of the physical world to one of our Soul’s Unity Consciousness. Our days will seemingly become even more difficult to see the Universe’s Light, Love, and Harmony until we realize they are within us all and remember, all we have to do now is release our Heart and Soul’s Light, Love, and Harmony to begin Mother Earth’s Re-Creation for humanity’s Fifth Dimension Experience! We all have a part to do but have to recognize we are the CHANGE! We are the Opening to ALL THE CHANGE through our Soul’s Unity Consciousness!

Monday, February 19, 2018

A New Beginning

Recognizing and understanding a reading of our current air temperature depends upon where we live in the world today. In the United States our thermostat’s temperature reading is measured in the Fahrenheit scale and recognizes the point where water freezes as 32°F while its boiling point is set at 212°F. The rest of the world uses the Celsius scale which establishes the freezing point of water at 0°C and its boiling point at 100°C. Both scales are correctly responding to the exact same question – what is our current temperature? But because of the differences noted between the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales, someone lacking a familiarity with both scales would likely not realize that a moderate temperature reading of 70°F in the United States is accurately giving an equal reading of 21°C elsewhere in the world. Scales and measurements used to interpret the familiar world around us are relative to our perceptions and understandings. In the same way, Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimensional world is also susceptible to the interpretation of our own perceptions and understandings of our world. How we perceived and experienced our world with Mother Earth’s former Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequency world will greatly continue to influence many people’s perceptions and understandings of her Change and Transformation as a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet. What will make the difference however, will be the power we give to the role of our Heart and Soul within Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension!

Mother Earth completed the entirety of her own Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017. Now it’s our turn to complete the entirety of our own Fifth Dimension Transition, as humanity’s time of preparation will soon be coming to an end! Our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose, the experience of connecting our Soul into the entirety of the Universe, is designed to fulfill the unique reason we were all born on Earth within this Time, Space, and Motion! To further deny our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose will only hinder humanity’s progress within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. Many on Earth will renege the awakening his or her Spiritual Purpose for yet another day even as we are now entering into the window of a New Beginning towards the initiation of our Society of Light! Our Society of Light is contingent upon a Unified Humanity addressing and taking action upon the conditions of humanity with shared ideals, solutions, and responses. Most of humanity seems to already be realizing that there is something different about our current world, that something unusual is occurring, or that something new might be on the horizon. But what “it” is that is different about our current world is being responded to from our local rather than from a unified perspective. We all have our own relative perceptions and understandings but now it’s Time to unite into Mother Earth’s Space and Motion to do what we all were born to do – to enable our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose within Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension!

From February 20, 2018 through May 12, 2018 we will all be entering into the window of a New Beginning towards the initiation of our Society of Light. Naturally no one is obligated to see this Time as an opportunity to transform our human societies for our participation in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, as many have not yet even begun to conceive what our future will be like beyond what we now know. Will humanity’s future continue to be structured upon a hierarchal system based on the financial assets one has? Will our future be organized around the technology of an artificial intelligence patterned to make all of our decisions for humanity? Or will our future simplify our societal structure to emphasize our shared human endeavor of Joy and Happiness through the expansion of our collective Heart and Soul? – our individual Soul’s Spiritual Purpose serving to contribute within a collective Fifth Dimensional world! Everything about humanity’s future is still moving as a decision in process until June 4, 2019, when we will have to solely rely upon our Heart and Soul to make every decision we encounter! We are still in a learning phase with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency and have been since Mother Earth entered the Universe’s Fifth Dimension on October 28, 2011. Only now we are proceeding into the initiation of a New Beginning towards our Society of Light. Or will we just wait until the inevitable occurs – the entire Fourth Dimensional structure collapses!

We can all see the signs of decay and deconstruction occurring all over the world, dear Ones. How we interpret the signs is still much like reading our local thermostats with our own relative perceptions and understandings, as most of humanity only sees, hears, and feels what directly affects his or her own local world and essentially does not see, hear, or feel what is going on in the rest of our world! This will all be changing as humanity enters into a New Beginning towards the initiation of our Society of Light! The manifestation of our Society of Light will not occur in an instant but in “manageable pieces,” as the Power to Choose our future is still our own! But who can or will disable or disengage our ability to choose our future? Surely not Mother Earth or our Universe. We have a large majority of humanity that still chiefly perceives and understands his or her own local vicinity rather than the world of humanity at large! From February 20, 2018 through June 4, 2019 this vast majority of humanity will be inundated with a process of Spiritual Maturity – a process of learning to trust and rely upon his or her Heart and Soul so that they may be enabled to proceed into our Society of Light! Naturally no one is obligated to see this Time as an opportunity to transform our human societies for our participation in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, as many have not yet even begun to conceive what our future will be like beyond what we now know. From what we know now, many will actually choose an Exodus rather than to experience what we were born to do!

Our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose, the experience of connecting our Soul into the entirety of the Universe, is designed to fulfill the unique reason we were all born on Earth within this Time, Space, and Motion! On February 20, 2018 we will all be entering into the window of a New Beginning towards the initiation of our Society of Light. If we were all to continue to ignore the vast signs of decay and deconstruction in our world and allow someone else to fix it or manage the restructuring of it, we will all become complacent and stagnate with the resignation of the overall conditions of Mother Earth’s Change and Transformation. Humanity must unify, dear Ones, to address and take action upon the conditions of humanity with shared ideals, solutions, and responses! WE ARE HERE NOW and must do something more than just accept the decay and deconstruction of our past. We must continue to serve the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe by achieving our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose so that we may enable the experience of Spiritual Maturity in all of humanity, not just some. A New Beginning is upon us but we must all recognize our world’s signs and conditions. Not just from our local perspective but also from the perspective of our world at large, as our entire world is now entirely connected not only through instant communication, travel in just hours instead of days, and international trade, but also as a humanity participating within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension!

Friday, January 26, 2018

Our Star Destiny

Who we are today is a mirror reflection of our past conditioning originating from the influences of every thought, emotion, perception, and choice we have ever achieved. Today, our past will no longer serve us, as we are all within a process of releasing our past conditioning and influences and proceeding into a new experience with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional world. The process of releasing our pasts to accommodate Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional world will not be an easy transition for every Soul – for our entire transition with Mother Earth is an internally guided transition! There will be very few, if any, external signs and signals right now showing us the way out of our former Fourth Dimensional world except the extensive signs of decline and decay in the society that formed to keep it all intact. Our only guidance, dear Ones, will come through our Resonating Hearts serving to remind us that we all have a new destiny within Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimensional world – our Star Destiny through Mother Earth and her Sun’s Solar System fully integrated into the Universal Community of Fifth Dimension Souls! What connects us more to the present than our past is the contingency of a predictable and foreseeable future in knowingness. When the predictability factor of our future begins to decline and decay, so does our sense of trust and knowingness. Thus we can only mimic the thoughts, words, and deeds of our knowable past! So where is “change” to be found? 

Change is a thought, an emotion, a perception, and a choice all at once, as true change leads us into a complete transformation of our entire beingness, dear Ones – WE BECOME AT ONE WITH THE PROCESS OF CHANGE! The internal awareness of our Becoming At One with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional Process will begin to form as the central theme within us from February 20 through May 12, 2018! It is not that our internal awareness of change was previously absent, misplaced, or complacent within our Hearts and Souls. It is just that the timing of our extensive societal decline and deconstruction is just beginning to appear in front of us with the telltale signs concerning our imminent Change – frustration, displeasure, and anxiety about our common future! We are now assuming our Star Destiny – our Star Destiny through Mother Earth and her Sun’s Solar System fully integrated into the Universal Community of Fifth Dimension Souls! There will be three major Earth events marking our direction towards our Star Destiny in February 2018: the completion of Mother Earth’s Activation mode towards our “New Normal” on February 10, 2018, the initiation phase of our Divine Plan forming our Society of Light beginning on February 20 through May 12, 2018, and the Apex Point of Mother Earth’s “Great Melting” process serving to eliminate the use of her former Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequency peaking on February 28, 2018!

While each one of Mother Earth’s arranged events in February 2018 could easily result in the motivation to induce change within each and every individual Soul on Earth, the likelihood is that it will take more than Mother Earth’s three events of February 2018 to produce Change as a thought, an emotion, a perception, and a choice all at once to generate the true change in every Soul leading into a complete transformation of his or her entire beingness! You are now in a position of leadership amongst the majority of humanity through your awareness of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition, dear Ones! Your internal awareness and perceptions will be guiding you all along the uneasy path now forming throughout the decline and decay of our old society, but first we must acknowledge our Soul’s Divine Plan in order to initiate our emerging Star Destiny! By prioritizing our Soul’s Divine Plan before anything else in our current lives, we will also be leading everyone towards the Change we will all need – Change as a synchronic thought, an emotion, a perception, and a choice all at once leading us into a complete transformation of our entire beingness – WE BECOME AT ONE WITH THE PROCESS OF CHANGE! Our Star Destiny now looms just beyond the horizon! Our Star Destiny will not be just a cause to root for, but a process leading to a Destiny involving all of humanity in the years, centuries, and millennium beyond our current lives within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension!

The common theme bonding Mother Earth’s three events of February 2018 is the fulfillment of humanity’s Unity with God and the Universal Community of Fifth Dimension Souls! How we integrate as the human race into the Universal Community of Fifth Dimension Souls in the coming years, centuries, and millennium will all depend upon how we all transition through the three events of February 2018. Moving towards establishing our “New Normal” on February 10, 2018 involves our aligning with Mother Earth’s Activation Energy of Change and seeing Change for what it truly is: Change is a synchronic thought, an emotion, a perception, and a choice all at once leading us into a complete transformation of our entire beingness! The initiation phase of our Soul’s Divine Plan from February 20 through May 12, 2018 is our application stage of Mother Earth’s Activation Energy of Change and provides us with the impetus to activate and begin our internal process of revealing our Divine Plan into Motion! The Apex Point of Mother Earth’s “Great Melting” occurring on February 28, 2018 will be serving as our Activation Stage towards transforming an alignment of Change into the application of Change as a synchronic thought, an emotion, a perception, and a choice all at once! If every Soul on Earth were to achieve the intentions of Mother Earth’s three events of February 2018, we would all not only be moving towards achieving the unification of humanity on Earth but also our Star Destiny!

When WE BECOME AT ONE WITH THE PROCESS OF CHANGE we not only stop denying, resisting, and avoiding our transformational process of Change, we also come to realize we can do more than just keep refueling our internal feelings of resentment – the frustration, displeasure, and anxiety concerning our common future – WE BECOME CHANGE! The responsibility of realizing and actualizing the manifestation of our “New Normal” for our coexistence in the very near future involves all of humanity! It is now every Soul’s responsibility to implement his or her Divine Plan into Motion, as our Soul’s Divine Plans are designed to merge together and form the entire foundation of our Society of Light! Our current society is in a state of extensive decline and decay and will continue to do so until a new paradigm of our Life’s focus is recognized and set into motion to Create it. This is all now happening, dear Ones, through the transition we are all currently participating in through Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition! Our entire transition with Mother Earth is an internally guided transition! With Mother Earth’s three events of February will also come our need to externalize and express our Soul’s Divine Plan, not only to set our Society of Light into motion, but also to Create our Star Destiny – our Destiny through Mother Earth and her Sun’s Solar System fully integrated into the Universal Community of Fifth Dimension Souls!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Our Resonating Heart

Seeing, being, and expressing all that we are within Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimensional world will only be possible if and when we fully shift all of our attention from what is in front of us to what is within us – for within us is our entire Soul’s Divine Plan involving our participation in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional world! If we were to continue focusing our attention in front of us, all we would do is continue building walls of division instead of building the social connections we will all need to foster and nurture our Society of Light’s emergence! Mother Earth’s entire Fifth Dimensional world is completely premised upon the Unity of humanity! A Unified humanity is not a homogenous likeminded mass of people thinking and replicating the same actions of the past but a Unified world of people freely seeing, being, and expressing the wholeness of their Soul’s Spiritual Purpose – the experience of connecting our Soul into the entirety of the Universe – in each and every endeavor of experience! Though it may now seem to be a difficult proposition to expect each and every Soul on Earth to initiate just a single part of his or her Soul’s Divine Plan in unison, we are now within a great period of Change and Transformation! Thus dear Ones, we will all be compelled to transition into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional world with or without our consent or knowledge! The only way we will ensure the fulfillment of our Soul’s Divine Plan is by responding to our Resonating Heart!

Our Resonating Heart is our internal connection unifying our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose with our direct access to God the Father and Mother of ALL THINGS in the Universe! Our Soul’s direct access to God complements our Spiritual Purpose, for how could we serve within our Spiritual Purpose without receiving direct guidance from God? Mother Earth and all her inhabitants are now within a great period of Change and Transformation! What may now seem like an eternal exercise of patience is actually serving as the final preparation stage of humanity’s initialization into our Society of Light from September 7 through December 10, 2019. Our Society of Light will not develop by increasing and expanding our attention to what is in front us but by increasing and expanding our attention to what is within us! Mother Earth completed her “Vega Effect” alignment on December 23, 2017, Mother Earth’s process of shifting her internal magnets to align with her new Magnetic Pole Star of Vega, leading to the opening we will all need to reveal the entire content of our Soul’s Divine Plan for the Fifth Dimension. Many will suppress and reject the message of his or her Spiritual Purpose not knowing what may be in store or what he or she may lose in the end. If we were to continue focusing our attention in front of us, all we would do is continue building walls of division instead of building the social connections we will all need to foster and nurture our Society of Light’s emergence!

On January 14, 2018 we will be almost a third of the way into the journey of seeing, being, and expressing our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose within our Society of Light. In order for humanity’s remaining 7,000,000,000 Souls to assist in the initialization of our Society of Light, each and every Soul must begin understanding and accepting the fundamental concept within our Society of Light’s structure – the Unity of humanity. Though it may still seem impossible today getting everyone involved in the Unity of humanity, there will be an initializing group of advanced Soul’s perceiving and conceiving Mother Earth’s movements within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. If we were to continue focusing our attention in front of us, all we would do is continue building walls of division instead of building the social connections we will all need to foster and nurture our Society of Light’s emergence! Matters and issues pertaining to our former lives in Mother Earth’s former Fourth Dimensional world will be culminating in the next few months, as Mother Earth is still in the process of the “Great Melting,” Mother Earth’s process to eliminate the use of her former Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequency from her body from April 19, 2017 through December 27, 2018. So what will it take for everyone to begin seeing, being, and expressing just a single part of his or her Soul’s Divine Plan in unison? When we all fully shift all of our attention from what is in front of us to what is within us!

The month of January 2018 will seem much like everything is moving into place for a renewal of the same old and familiar Fourth Dimensional world but it will just be a mere façade! If we were to continue focusing our attention in front of us, all we would do is continue building walls of division instead of building the social connections we will all need to foster and nurture our Society of Light’s emergence! Seeing, being, and expressing our level of consciousness within Mother Earth’s former Third and Fourth Dimensional worlds was at best a challenge – finding  a way to enable our gifts and skills into the level of purchasing power we would need to match our needs and wants just so we may have the time to do our Soul’s internal work. In Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension New Reality our Soul’s innate gifts and talents will “suddenly” begin to blossom and assume a more important role, as our Resonating Heart will be summoning us at every moment of time we are “alone.” We’ve never been “alone” in our sojourn upon Earth, dear Ones, as we are continually being watched and cared for by God the Father and Mother of ALL THINGS in the Universe as well as the Angelic Realm! We are not artificial intelligence Created to be like God, but sentient intelligence to be at One with God through Unity with God! We all have the power to choose to respond to our Resonating Heart and this will be the dividing factor between those who choose to participate in our Society of Light’s emergence or not!

The month of February 2018 will be serving to remind every human being upon Mother Earth – we are actually Spiritual Beings within physical bodies, as two events will merge to prompt us of this truth! On February 10, 2018 Mother Earth will complete the Activation mode of her Fifth Dimension New Reality so that we (who are participating with her) will truly begin seeing, being, and expressing all that we are within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional “New Normal.” The second event will occur on February 28, 2018 when Mother Earth reaches the apex point of her “Great Melting.” Obviously not everyone will know or understand what is occurring with Mother Earth or her processes to align with the Universe’s Grid of Fifth Dimension Sun-Stars. However, they will all be receiving the same vibration as you are, dear Ones – the internal calling to respond to his or her Resonating Heart! If we were to continue focusing our attention in front of us, all we would do is continue building walls of division instead of building the social connections we will all need to foster and nurture our Society of Light’s emergence! Humanity’s destiny is to soon enable the Unification process with an initializing group of advanced Soul’s who can perceive and conceive all of Mother Earth’s movements within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension. We can all wish, hope, or dream that good things will happen to everyone in our future days to come on Earth but it is an individual choice – to respond to our Resonating Heart NOW!

Friday, December 15, 2017

Our Universal Message

We are all Self-Contained Universes manifested within the Space, Time, and Motion of our local Sun-Star system fully supported by the many diverse Life enriching processes of our Universe. If we were to fully comprehend and understand our roles as “Self-Contained Universes” – serving as conduits to support, sustain, and replenish our local Sun-Star system with the Universe’s Light, Love, and Harmony through our unique individualized endeavors that Create our own Light, Love, and Harmony – we would all naturally be synchronized within the rhythm, time, and motion of the Unity and Oneness comprising our entire Universe! Even though we may all have encountered some detours, deviations, and divergences in the past towards recovering our true roles as Self-Contained Universes, we are now rapidly advancing onto a direct pathway towards achieving our true roles once more! The opening of our direct pathways will come as a result of Mother Earth’s “Vega Effect,” Mother Earth’s process of shifting her internal magnets to align with her new Magnetic Pole Star of Vega on December 23, 2017. Although the majority of humanity will awaken much later in comprehending and understanding their true roles after Mother Earth completes the “Vega Effect,” it will become so much easier and simpler for YOU to assume your own true role as a Self-Contained Universe once again! All you will have to do, dear Ones, is heed the Calling to our Society of Light within your Heart and Soul!

The completion of Mother Earth’s “Vega Effect” on December 23, 2017 will not produce an abrupt ending or completion to our current world’s state of endless chaos and confusion. Rather the “Vega Effect” will actually increase and expand it, for we are now witnessing the final days of our seeing, being, and acting as if we were still living under the direct influence of Mother Earth’s Third and Fourth Dimensional Vibratory Frequencies! The vast majority of humanity on Earth still largely lacks a conscious awareness of Mother Earth’s Transition into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension and is completely under the impression that somehow, things will soon return to a “normal” state of conditions. Thus, the unaware responses of humanity, dear Ones, will largely lead to an ensemble of various attempts to counteract Mother Earth’s “Vega Effect” as well as Mother Earth’s newly established connection with the entire Universal Grid of Fifth Dimension Sun-Stars! Governmental agencies will increase and expand their rules, laws, and regulations to compel an even greater control upon their state’s conditions and situations. The governmental emphasis of increased and expanded rules, laws, and regulations will not lead to the alleviation or a diminishment of Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimensional world. Rather, humanity’s governmental agencies will actually serve to expand and increase fear and anxiety upon planet Earth! It will be as if they were attempting to stop the Sun from shining on tomorrow!

We are all Self-Contained Universes manifested within the Space, Time, and Motion of our local Sun-Star system fully supported by the many diverse Life enriching processes of our Universe. We can all easily ignore and disregard our true roles as Self-Contained Universes within our local Sun-Star system. In our past experience with Mother Earth’s Third and Fourth Dimensional Vibrations, every Soul could actually ignore and disregard their true roles for many lifetimes, as the emphasis on Earth was upon helping Man of Light Souls evolve in becoming aware of their own roles with Mother Earth! But the days of ignoring and disregarding our true roles now belong in everyone’s past, dear Ones, as Mother Earth will be enabling the potency of the “Vega Effect” on December 23, 2017 and beginning to produce her own evolutionary processes for her Fifth Dimension body! Mother Earth’s own processes with an enabled “Vega Effect” will allow her to generate even more growth and expansion within the Universal Grid of Fifth Dimension Sun-Stars. Thus stimulating our own Soul’s need to grow and expand with her! If we are not aware of our true roles as Self-Contained Universes at this moment of Space, Time, and Motion, what would we be doing in a future without Mother Earth? We will all have much to consider about our near future and will need to decide once and for all – are we truly Self-Contained Universes or are we just performing a ritual within our mind’s limited projections? 

Life within our true roles as Self-Contained Universes will not occur if we are focused upon rebuilding our former life of the past. Our true roles as Self-Contained Universes will only open when we acknowledge and enact our innate power to Create Light, Love, and Harmony in order to support, sustain, and replenish our own local Sun-Star system – our Sun-Star System with Mother Earth! We are all endowed with this innate power and ability but who will have the strength and courage to begin to see, be, and live in the context we were meant to live – as Self-Contained Universes upon Mother Earth and her Solar System within our Milky Way Galaxy? The key to recognizing and expanding into our true roles as Self-Contained Universes will come through the enactment and expression of our Soul’s unique individualized Universal Message to the world around us and internalizing these words – I AM AT ONE WITH THE LIGHT, LOVE, AND HARMONY OF THE UNIVERSE! Our unique individualized Universal Message is within us and can only be uttered and expressed through us. If we all recognized and realized our true roles as Self-Contained Universes at this very instant, everyone on Earth would not only enter into a brand new dimension of experience in unison, but also realize a new consciousness of reality through a new experience of Space, Time, and Motion within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency! That’s what the Calling to our Society of Light is about!

The expanded and increased chaos and confusion on Earth will be consuming our entire year of 2018! It is not that Mother Earth is reneging on her decision to Ascend into the Fifth Dimension or that every Lightworker Soul on Earth is not ready. It is just that the remainder of humanity must choose and decide  – which way will I go and what will I be doing within our Society of Light? It is entirely a personal decision for everyone, just like the choice to enact and express our Soul’s unique individualized Universal Message! We are now at a major crossroad upon Mother Earth, dear Ones, and everyone is involved whether or not he or she consciously realizes it. If we choose to continue to ignore and disregard Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension processes, we will all be succumbing our futures to Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension bodily changes. But if we choose to recognize and realize a new reality of consciousness is arriving upon us, we would need to move in that direction now! We all have within us a piece of the multilayered multifaceted jigsaw puzzle that embraces the entire consciousness of our pending Society of Light. If one piece is missing, the connection point of the other pieces goes without completion. Our true roles as Self-Contained Universes contain our entire Soul’s unique individualized Universal Message. If just one unique individualized Universal Message is missing, we may not reach the conscious awareness of something new and possible. Your unique individualized Universal Message makes everything possible!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Calling

Our entire world is now within a great period of Change and Transformation. Where a few years ago we could easily find reliable advice and guidance from “experts,” we cannot today, as their advice is hardly valid or even meaningful in Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimensional world. We must now transition towards trusting and learning to access our Soul’s Higher Self, our own intuitive guidance system leading to the promotion of our Soul’s Progress towards our Spiritual Purpose – the experience of connecting our Soul into the entirety of the Universe! Without a defined Spiritual Purpose in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension we will not only remain susceptible to seeking and pursuing endeavors completely against our Soul’s Progress, but also, ignoring the sagely wisdom and advice of our own Soul’s Higher Self! These days will not be easy, for our world’s Change and Transformation is entirely due to Mother Earth exuding her transformational power into her evolving Fifth Dimensional world! All we can do as cohabitants upon her body is to Create Motion with her – to choose and decide to acknowledge and enact our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose through our power to express and enact our Spiritual Nature within our own reality! However involved and complicated this may now seem, dear Ones, will become relatively easy for everyone in the very near future! But for now, the loneliness we may have felt in our past in seeking our Spiritual Purpose will finally be esteemed in the Calling to our Society of Light!

The Calling to our Society of Light is a signal now being felt by our Hearts and Souls activating our preparation for our Society of Light’s advent. Our Society of Light will not begin to emerge upon Mother Earth until September 2019 to February 2020. It is not that our Society of Light could not reveal itself in its entirety now. Rather, it is that there are more than 7,000,000,000 Souls on Earth needing to decide which way they will go and what they will be doing within our Society of Light. If our human experience within Mother Earth’s physical world could move as rapidly as our thoughts, most of humanity would sadly not know what to do or what to Create beyond their basic needs of food, water, and shelter within our Society of Light. Then again there is the time factor involved for these 7,000,000,000 Souls to learn and prepare. But alas, Mother Earth’s Plan to evolve within the Fifth Dimension is already in motion and will continue doing so for a while! All we can do for now is to encourage and inspire the masses in the remaining Time of our present moments. But for you, dear Ones, you must finish your own transition FIRST! For without you in a state of readiness, everything in movement towards our emerging Society of Light would be for naught and largely serve to only reproduce our previous Third and Fourth Dimension experiences on Earth! We must ALL move on from the past and move on to assuming the new responsibilities of our Society of Light!

The Calling of our Society of Light was actually set into motion with the completion of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017. Our Society of Light did not instantly appear before us, as our Society of Light is within us and must be raised, nurtured, and cared for by all of us as the expression of who we all are – we are all Light Beings capable of Creating Mother Earth with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! We will never attain the fullness of our Soul’s capabilities until we have an entirely new social structure supporting our Soul’s endeavors! Today we now have Mother Earth as well as her Universal assistants, our Sun and Solar System with the entire Universal Grid of Fifth Dimension Sun-Stars, helping us in the achievement of our goal – a new social structure to support the endeavors of our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose through our Society of Light! Mother Earth is already moving to eliminate the use of her Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequency through her “Great Melting.” The “Great Melting” will be in effect from April 19, 2017 through December 27, 2018. Thereby, compelling us to shift all of our endeavors on Earth into Fifth Dimension mode, even if we don’t have one yet! Every Soul on Earth will be receiving the signal – the signal to awaken the stirrings of our Hearts and Souls beginning on December 1, 2017 to enable us to enact upon the Calling to our Society of Light. If you think our societies are chaotic now, just wait for the Apex of the “Great Melting” to arrive!

Mother Earth completed her entire Fifth Dimension Transition on March 27, 2017, thus enabling her to fully operate with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Vibratory Frequency on her own. She will continue to make many more changes and adjustments in the very near future, thus leaving it up to each one of us to choose and decide – which way will I go and what will I be doing within our Society of Light? The Apex of the “Great Melting” will occur on February 28, 2018. If what has been considered the collective “norm” of our current days – the injustice of justice, economic inequality, and peace through the demonstration of war – seems to be a sign of social progress, then most of humanity will not even be the least bit concerned or interested in our Society of Light. But should they be? The Apex Point of Mother Earth’s “Great Melting” will occur on February 28, 2018 while the Activation mode of her evolving Fifth Dimension New Reality is coming to a completion on February 10, 2018. Shouldn’t everyone be concerned or interested in our Society of Light? Yes, dear Ones, for we are now building the entire framework of our Society of Light, including our tasks and roles! Our tasks and roles will not just appear upon us – our tasks and roles within our Society of Light are within us and will only become an expression of us when we begin to respond to our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose so that we may assume our tasks and roles in Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension New Reality! We are almost there!

Our responses are now being elicited from the Calling to our Society of Light. The Calling to our Society of Light will only seek our responses from December 1, 2017 through December 14, 2018. While Mother Earth and the Universe seek to know our responses concerning our future tasks and roles, Mother Earth is already moving with her own momentum to Create the Space, Time, and Motion to promote everyone’s participation with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! Mother Earth’s “Vega Effect,” Mother Earth’s process of shifting her internal magnets to align with her new Magnetic Pole Star of Vega from September 25 through December 23, 2017, is already serving to accommodate the connection of our Souls within the entire spectrum of the Universe. But it will up to us to complete the connection through our power to choose which way we go and what we will do within our Society of Light! This is the framework of our future in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension New Reality now developing! It is not that we couldn’t build the required framework of our Society of Light at a later date. It’s just that the longer we wait, the more we will have to unlearn, almost as if we were surrendering our Souls to a ghost of the past. The Energy of the Calling to our Society of Light is here now. We are now endowed with the capability of turning the entire direction of our social structure from one emphasizing economic means to one emphasizing the Freedom of our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose through our Society of Light! It is here and it is NOW!