
Showing posts with label Joy and Happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joy and Happiness. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Long Awaited Change

While our nation is celebrating the 234th anniversary of its founding on July 4, 2010 we will have been blended with the Love Energy available from May 9, 1992 and realize it was the Universal Energies that harmonized this blending from March 21 to July 3, 2010. March 21st initiated the beginning of the New Millennium while April and May of 2010 would be the most difficult because now we have to choose to let go of the security we knew and trust that our Destiny is right around the corner with its foundation of Love, Family, and Brotherhood that would only require our acknowledgement and acceptance to progress forward.

To gain better understanding of what we must do to progress into the New Millennium the Alexandrian Kosmos forecast will be segmented for the month of April 2010 into three sections, April 1 to 10, April 11 to 17, and April 18 to the end of the month when the most breathtaking Energy will make us rethink that the impossible was possible. Needless to say April 2010 will be recorded as a momentum defining period of time in Mankind’s history.

April 2010 will begin with the continued progression of Energy begun on March 25th that is marking the Beginning of the Plan to create and grow into our share of the New Millennium. April 1st will offer an incentive towards this Plan by raising our level of Joy and Happiness for the simple exchange of accepting our purpose in the New Millennium. April 2nd will send us three patterns of focused Energy to help us Create our place in the New Millennium. The first will make us focus our thoughts on Love – thoughts that connect us to all persons and things – and this will Activate our Beginning in creating a pathway of growth for our Destiny.

The second pattern will be instrumental in providing a glimpse of how far we have come as Man is on the verge of learning to relax so that he may Flow with the Energies to become adept with the task so that he will be better off in the Destiny that awaits him. The next step will bring him into position to learn more about expressing his thoughts as deeds of Love. The third pattern ensures we will find our pathways if only we find the expression of our Joy in our daily lives and activate the beginning of our chosen pathway.

April 3rd will make us examine these goals more overtly than previously so that we no longer procrastinate and sacrifice our souls. The first point makes us examine the course to our Destiny and the Love we need to promote the fulfillment of our soul’s Destiny. When we finally take notice that fear is at the root of our society, we will broaden and expand our awareness towards the foundation of the Brotherhood of Man as a need, and create our pathways to let go of our fear. This is the Change that is needed to promote our souls’ growth. April 4th and 5th will reiterate our focus towards understanding the way of our Plan to create and grow into our share of the New Millennium.

April 6th will offer an Opportunity for us to choose to move into the pathway of our Destiny and become at One with the Partnership of Earth, Man, and God. The period of April 7th to April 10th will be the lull of April’s Energy Movements and will be the time to contemplate about where we will proceed with the next available Energies. Will we Become the purpose of our existence or will we continue in the fear that enslaves our souls to become what we may only dream about? The next forecast will be for the time period of April 11th to 17th a short but powerful period of Energy that will further reorganize the time consuming occupations of Man.