
Thursday, April 22, 2021

The Light Has Won

Is there a Dimension associated with Time? The past has passed. The future has not occurred.

The NOW has no relevance to Time and only exists as an application in this Matrix for humanity to experience the Oneness of All That Is NOW.

The Soul exists within the ocean of All That Is NOW! Contrary to the way humanity has operated, we are not limited by any of the Dimensions of Experience –  3rd, 4th, 5th, or even the 22nd.

Within the Oneness of All That Is NOW, humanity serves to manifest and become our Soul’s Purpose through the application of our Soul’s Path of Light!

Our Soul’s Path of Light is not an end point contained within a wide spectrum of our Beingness. It is that aspect of Consciousness within All That Is NOW in motion within the Space of Timelessness! If we focus within the Realm of All That Is NOW and Mother Earth, we will bear witness that THE LIGHT HAS WON!

Your power, dear Ones, is in Creation. NOW.

Humanity’s innate power is its' ability to Create and Re-Create the entire world of All That Is NOW upon Mother Earth!

The Soul's primary goal is to prepare its physical vessel host to integrate enough Creator Light to lift its frequencies from the 3rd/4th dimensional environment into the base level of the 5th Dimension.

At that point the physical vessel becomes Soul Infused – empowered within a complimentary vessel. The individual aspirant is no longer simply a sustained soul. Each person is like a miniature whirlpool within the ocean of the Creator’s dynamic swirling energy.

After this stage of evolution, there will no longer be an Oversoul Higher Self in 3rd/4th dimensions.

Our current timeframe is defined by the parameters of Mother Earth’s shift into the Universe’s Fifth Dimensional Vibratory Frequency. This has no direct relevance to The Creator All That Is NOW. It becomes relevant to Mother Earth and humanity’s physical domain – to become the Vibratory Frequency of All That Is and to physically manifest upon Mother Earth!

Our unique and individual Path of Light is designed within us and intended to operate within All That Is NOW – within each and every parameter of each of the Universe’s Dimensional Frequencies! Our Path of Light is us – the individual me, myself and I of All That IS! – designed and intended to operate Collectively!

Mother Earth’s transition into the Fifth Dimensional Vibratory Frequency was completed on March 27, 2017. Humanity’s transition is reaching the final stages.

Currently, Humanity is within an Un-Settled Period. Some Souls are still utilizing and operating as 3D Beings. Others are firmly implementing Mother Earth’s 5D Energy!

The current Un-Settled Period will complete on March 28, 2022 when Mother Earth shifts into a Balance Period. Mother Earth –and humanity – will be “balanced” in the use of 5D Energy within the Realm of the Universe!

The Balance Period will occur on Earth from March 29, 2022 through November 20, 2023 – when a second Un-Settled Period begins.

The difference between the two Un-Settled Periods is that the first promotes and encourages the use of Mother Earth’s 5th Dimensional Frequency properties! The second Un-Settled period will be more challenging. Mother Earth and her Solar System must be in “balance” within the Universe’s Fifth Dimension!


Our individual Path of Light is a wonderful and innate gift and ability to implement and utilize within the All That Is NOW!

We do not exist alone with The ALONE. All That Is is in relationship within the Alone in Unity – in Oneness.

Peace and blessings in the Oneness of All That Is. Namaste.❤

Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation - Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Path of Light


The origin of our Path of Light is found within the Universal Realm of Timelessness. During our meditations – within our personal state of quiet and stillness – no time is experienced and no space is realized and no form suppresses the reality of Oneness!  Our Path of Light exists within the Realm of Oneness.

While the Path of Light may be forgotten because of our 3rd dimensional endeavors of Life, we remain responsible for initiating our Soul’s Path of Light!

Mother Earth’s organic transition into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension was completed on March 27, 2017.  She has patiently waited for humanity’s individual and collective response to the question … Will I walk my Soul’s Path of Light in the Oneness of All That Is and in alignment with Mother Earth Now?

As humanity expands its understanding of and around the fundamental elements interacting with mankind’s experience of 3rd Density – Space, Time, and Motion – our concept of reality also expands.  Re-membering that we are souls – multidimensional Spirits - inhabiting physical bodies within the Oneness of the Universe?  This is an ongoing discovery.  Now we embrace our Path of Light.

Mother Earth awaits humanity’s decision no more. An Activation Period for the Soul’s Path of Light occurs from January 30 through April 23, 2021.

Those individuals remembering their Ancient Home within the Realm of Oneness will emerge with their Soul’s Path of Light in Activation by April 23, 2021!  The individual Activation processes will create a groundswell – the Collective Activation towards the initiation of replicating our Ancient Home – the Realm of Oneness!

The Days to Come are here Now. 

Collective humanity is ill prepared for the pending result of The Long YearThe creation of the framework to develop humanity’s integrity, trust, and responsibility with Mother Earth and the Universal Community!

Humanity’s 3D pathway is complete and no longer valid.  Thus, leading the way for the service-to-self humanity to be led to a location of further individual learning to overcome the barriers of competition, comparison, judgment, and fear.

Our Soul’s Path of Light is an individual endeavor. It also operates towards a common goal – the achievement of finding relationships of Souls intertwined within the Realm of Oneness!

The common goal of achieving our Soul’s Path of Light with the achievement of fulfilling the supporting relationships of our collective Path of Light achieves the result of locating Souls within our Soul Tribe!

Needless to say the discovery, the act of obtaining, or remembering we even have a Soul with a Path of Light is just a preliminary phase of achievement towards recovering our inclusion within the Reality of Oneness. So NOW IS the Activation of our mutual Path with Mother Earth’s 5D World to Re-Create Mother Earth with the Space, Time, and Motion of our Path of Light!

In the meantime, Dear Ones, keep your focus to your personal state of quiet and stillness – where no time is experienced and no space is realized and no form suppresses the Reality of Oneness!

Monday, December 28, 2020

The Long Year


(Originally published Aug 22, 2018)

Everything and everyone upon Mother Earth is now within Transition!

Some will say it’s a phase.  Others will call it a temporary chapter.  Whatever you may call it, there will be no return to the past!  Everything and everyone on Earth is moving into its rightful place. 

What comes next is a Realization.  Some will call it an eternal day but the Sun and Moon will continue to rise and set.  Some will notice 3 years will have passed as the seasons still came and went.  Most will know it as the Long Year – but only after all is said and done. 

The Long Year will begin on August 25, 2018 and seem to come to a close on October 9, 2021. 

The framework of The Long Year will be serving to develop humanity’s integrity, trust, and responsibility with Mother Earth and the Universal Community.  Our enhanced integrity, trust, and responsibility will also lead to the maturity of humanity.  Only in a mature state of integrity, trust, and responsibility will all of humanity become unified for and with our common Home – Mother Earth! 

The Long Year will have several overlapping stages in order to enable humanity’s transitions fully into the Universe’s Fifth Dimension.  Mother Earth will begin producing her body’s necessary changes to initiate her Fifth Dimensional body on April 25, 2020.

The Long Year will begin initiating just prior to the conclusion of Mother Earth’s “Great Melting” on December 27, 2018.  This is Mother Earth’s process to eliminate humanity’s use of her former Fourth Dimensional Vibratory Frequency.  

Will humanity be the same?  Will humanity have completed its own Transition?  The only thing that can be said that’s True now is that everything and everyone upon Mother Earth is now within Transition!

If tomorrow never comes it would be much like a long and enduring night. This is the effect it will bring, Dear Ones.  The Long Year will be humanity’s final Transition. 

Some people will act the same – with no awareness of the presence of the Long Year.  Others will try to act the same, while having some awareness of the presence of the Long Year. 

The few who will be fully aware, conscious, and awake will be the ones who have endured the entirety of humanity’s final Transition!  Being fully aware, conscious, and awake to what, you ask?  Being fully aware, conscious and awake to The Realization that a New Day – a New Era – and a New Reality is upon Mother Earth! 

Without the availability of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimensional Vibratory Frequency – after December 27, 2018 – what will humanity do?  What will be different?  What can we do now? Though nothing will look out of place or different to our eyes, what will differ will be Mother Earth’s New Vibration, radiating for everything and everyone upon her. 

On December 27, 2018 it will be Time for humanity to begin the Re-Organization of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension! 

Some will assimilate and do their part.  Others will be in doubt and hesitant.  Still, others will not be capable of responding to Mother Earth’s New Vibration – living as if they were from a long past era of time. Only their memories will be alive – not their Hearts and Souls!

Beginning with the Re-Organization of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension, Mother Earth and all of humanity will need to be collaborating as a cohesive team, together and unified with our one common goal – To Re-Create our home upon Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension! 

The Re-Organization of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension will begin on December 27, 2018 and conclude on August 12, 2020. 

What will follow from August 13, 2020 through March 28, 2022 will be an “Unsettled Period” of Time.  Our linear experience of time via the clock and calendar will be a thing of the past. Time will be experienced as the movement of our Soul – our Hearts and Souls serving to lead all our thoughts, words, and deeds on Earth. 

Will everyone know and realize the difference?  Will everyone know and realize the content of his or her Heart and Soul?  Will we all become our Hearts and Souls?

There is seemingly not much Time left and much preparation is required for humanity’s final Transition.  Humanity still needs to learn to allow their own internal guidance system – their Heart and Soul – to lead them.   

Until December 14, 2018 all of humanity is still within a decision process – whether to respond to the Calling – the choice to decide to acknowledge and enact one’s Soul’s Spiritual Purpose within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension.

What we all have available within us now is the substance of our Hearts and Souls. Humanity’s final Transition is entirely about discovering the entire content of our Hearts and Souls.  Nothing more!  If we have succeeded in discovering the content of our Hearts and Souls before the Long Year arrives, we will have already initiated our part in humanity’s final Transition. 

Thus, with the discovery of the content of our Hearts and Souls will come our next stage – preparing for the Re-Organization of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension!  Some can now create with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional Vibratory Frequency.  Most cannot.  

On August 22, 2018 there will finally be enough awakened humans on Earth to utilize Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional Vibratory Frequency and overcome humanity’s use of her former Fourth Dimensional Frequency!  

We must achieve a New Realization first.  The Realization of a New Day – a New Era – and a New Reality is upon Mother Earth!