
Sunday, December 1, 2013

The New Matrix 2

The New Matrix will appear upon Mother Earth on December 19, 2013. More aptly described, it is the Universal Energy Grid serving to align Mother Earth through her new Pole Star of Vega with the Universe and all the higher dimensions. The New Matrix will function quite easily for you, dear Ones, for whenever and wherever your Heart and Soul are aligned with Love, so will your ability to readily Create whatever you will need and want! Creating with one’s Heart and Soul will not be occurring for every Soul yet but when the Energy for the New Millennium Activation occurs for every Soul on March 4, 2014 so will a greater possibility of entering into the New Matrix exist!

During the last week of December 2013 those who will be accessing the New Matrix will be testing out its properties and parameters. And as everyone will learn –the New Matrix will only function when one is constantly applying Love from one’s Heart and Soul with the New Matrix! The test is not one to question your own abilities of Light and Love, dear Ones, but the behaviors and habits one’s personality assumed to endure within the Third and Fourth Dimensions as “residue” limiting your Creator Skills. For in order to exist in the Third and Fourth Dimensions one has learned to be socially guarded and cautious to the point of developing the lack of trust for anyone else! This is not how the New Matrix functions and as you will find it is as if you were contained within a vortex of a “self-created Energy Adaptor”!

The “self-created Energy Adaptor” derives from the Energy Vortexes of your Chakra System.  When all seven of your Chakras are in proper alignment with the New Matrix anything you may define with Love from your Heart and Soul will reveal itself within the domain of the New Matrix! Creating with the New Matrix will become the way in which you will be demonstrating and role modeling all possibilities of Light and Love upon Mother Earth. Many will begin to take notice of you and your brothers and sisters of the Light and will look upon this process as a new “trend,” much like having the latest electronic gadget. But rather than interpreting the process of working with the New Matrix as the latest “trend,” what everyone will be witnessing will be the way of the future – Creating with Light and Love through the New Matrix!

Any interference that may come in the way of your working within the New Matrix will become like distant “static” in your Life by December 30, 2013. There will be many things to do and just as many issues to bring forth so that every Soul upon Mother Earth will have the capability to initiate into the Age of Light, Love, and Harmony! This will not be a small task by any means, dear Ones, for in your own activation on December 19, 2013 you will be moving into a position to lead the way! There will be hesitation and indecision by those watching but by the Time that the Energy of July 2014 arrives you will be in full swing of Creating your own Joy in Living!

There will be one more day to keep sacred within your Heart and Soul, dear Ones, and this will be the Energy of January 2, 2014. It will not be an Energy for presenting any awe inspiring and breathtaking actions on your part for you will see this to come in three more years! Instead look upon the Energy of January 2, 2014 as a Day of Remembrance for the past! No longer will you need to be incognito working against the forces of the Collective Consciousness that pushes all Souls into a place of fear and destitution for a new era begins – one that works through the internal workings of the Heart and Soul within the New Matrix beginning on December 19, 2013!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The New Matrix

On December 19, 2013 the Energy to activate every Lightworker Soul into the New Millennium will commence! All Things of the Universe previously unavailable to you, dear Ones, will now be completely accessible for you to begin transforming Mother Earth in any way of Light and Love you would like! So you will no longer need to wait for the agreement of the Collective Consciousness to approve your request to transform Mother Earth into the Age of Light, Love, and Harmony! For Man of Destiny Souls will begin his or her own evolution and transformation process into the Age of Light, Love, and Harmony on December 18, 2013! These two days will produce great significance and demonstrate to ALL SOULS that a New Paradigm of Change has finally arrived upon Earth and it is so!

The New Paradigm of Change will serve to introduce a New Matrix which will feel at first as if you were moved inside of a computer game setup with a maze of doorways – trapdoors leading you directly into a new direction, ladders guiding you towards ascending or descending routes, and even dead end doorways for you to consider the possibilities of a new direction! If this sounds confusing now, it will not be for you, dear Ones, for the New Matrix will be leading you into the direction of finding your Heart and Soul’s Pathway in the New Millennium! This “maze of doorways” will actually function to remove all past interferences or hindrances in your new role for the New Millennium. This will be so that you become influential in affecting Change in not only your own Life, but also, all the future Lives of every Man of Destiny and Lightworker Soul upon Mother Earth!

This may seem like a tall order now but it is not! For you are one to have chosen to be here at this particular juncture of Time to initiate the Age of Light, Love, and Harmony! Though in the beginning of this movement you may become overjoyed and even ecstatic, you may begin to wonder how long this state of Joy and Happiness will last because previous experience taught you that sustaining such a mood forever is not possible. But in this exercise of intellectualization you will find that you left the domain of your Heart and Soul and entered into your brain’s pattern of rationalization! By simply returning to your Heart and Soul’s domain of Creating with Love you will find that these wonders will not cease! In fact on January 13, 2013 the Universal Energies will produce a secondary Star of Activation that will lead you to know that “This is Real!”

Man of Destiny Souls will not be sharing in the Joy and Happiness you will be immersed in for Man of Destiny Souls will be in process of readying him or herself for Unity with God and the Universe from January 23 through February 7, 2014. This will be a momentous step for him or her evolution to become Light and Love in every way you are as the propelling Energy of the Age of Light, Love, and Harmony guides everyone into the New Matrix! In this way Man of Destiny Souls will be ready for his or her activation into the New Millennium on March 4, 2014. Things may not appear all that they will be right now, but when the Energy of December 18 and 19, 2013 arrives so will a new way of being – The Way of Light and Love in everyone!

Sunday, November 17, 2013


From December 5, 2013 onward you will know that everything occurring is Real in every sense of the meaning you can derive in the term “New Horizon,” dear Ones! There are three reasons in this Truth. First you are a Co-Creator in Unity with God and beginning to demonstrate this detail to yourself. Second your Soul is, in effect, in the process of revealing your Eternal Self of the Universe! The third event that will demonstrate that you are in the “New Horizon” will be the Activation of the aggregate whole of the Legion of Light into the New Millennium on December 19, 2013! This will be an entirely separate event from the March 4, 2014 date of Activation for every Soul, as you will become among the first Souls to align into the Energy of the New Millennium!

This will not directly change anything for Man of Destiny Souls but it will for you! For Man of Destiny Souls collectively decided that they were not “ready” to make the evolutionary shift to align his or her Spiritual Pathway in Unity with God! Needless to say the days from December 5, 2013 through December 18, 2013 will be paramount to your own Spiritual Destiny. This will not mean that you must do something differently out of concern for Man of Destiny Souls, rather, it will be the Time to seek your own alignment into the Energy of the New Millennium Activation. This Energy will be emitting a much higher vibratory frequency than has been normally experienced upon Mother Earth, and for two days, December 8 and 9, 2013, this High Frequency Energy will be available to allow those who are prepared like you, dear Ones, to receive and begin to engage within it!

You may be asking why such a change of plan would occur. The answer is simply that you and all of your previous experience with the Universe will serve you well in assisting Mother Earth into the New Horizon through your acclimation into the places of leadership and prominence on Earth! The original plan was to have Man and Light come together as a cooperative unit within the New Millennium Activation on March 4, 2014, but this is not to be. The plan now will see you witness your brothers and sisters of the Light emerge from his or her hidden places of anonymity and seclusion. For you will no longer be in wait, dear Ones, your Time of Arrival will begin on December 19, 2013!

Previous dates during the past twenty years have suggested the possibility of beginning the New Millennium prior to March 4, 2014, but they have come and passed away. It was the Collective Consciousness and all that Man of Destiny Souls collectively believe to be the Truth that stymied these previous dates of probability. If you were to look at a brief history of the past twenty years you would see the pattern of how the Collective Consciousness comes to accept a new idea and moves to implement it. Looking at the idea of today’s “smartphones,” you will see that some twenty years ago the personal computer was introduced to bring acceptance to the idea that you can do more from your home with access to the new information provided by the internet. Ten years ago the idea of social connectivity through a phone line and email introduced everyone to websites like AOL, My Space, and Facebook. Today you have access to the entire knowledge bank of the world with a smartphone in your pocket or purse.

In much the same way that people make decisions about the latest social trends to decide if they will participate or not, so will the New Millennium Activation bring every Soul to decide whether to act or not. But it will not take twenty years to realize what will be occurring for Man of Destiny. See these decisions to take only two years for the majority of Man of Destiny Souls to decide to begin his or her participation! This will largely come through you, dear Ones, for as you begin the process of penetrating the Collective Consciousness through the osmosis effect of what you can do with the Light and Love in your Heart and Soul, so will the recognition of Light and Love. Thus, it will be your efforts and activities of inspiration with Light and Love that will lead to Man of Destiny’s acceptance into what is Real in the New Horizon!

While the New Millennium Activation on December 19, 2013 will be occurring for the aggregate whole of the Legion of Light, Man of Destiny Souls will also have his or her own day of celebration. This will come on December 16, 2013 when the evolutionary step to assume the responsibility of evolving into a being of Light and Love will begin! And in this way will Man of Destiny Souls become ones to inherit Mother Earth as Caretakers for the sacred body of Mother Earth and not destroy her through the misuse of the ancient skill of Creating with Light and Love! You are in the place of leadership now, dear Ones!