
Friday, January 4, 2013

Doorway of Creation

When the Doorway of Creation opens on February 6 and February 7, 2013, dear Lightworker, you will be opening to your Heart and Soul’s desire of Joy! It will be easy, as the Co-Creator with God status bestowed upon you in the past recent months will be empowering and increasing your role upon Mother Earth. There will be nothing extraneous to do except to grow and understand the New World with your new guidance system of Love, Harmony, and God Source to lead you! Many will not understand that lack and fear will not be within your vernacular, much less in your Heart and Soul, dear Lightworker!

In the Post-Unity with God period commencing February 7, 2013, dear Lightworker, your Service of Light and Love will be just BEGINNING! Your beginning will allow you to Create beyond your wildest hopes and dreams as you let the imagination of your Heart and Soul harmonize with the Universe in order to bring in whatever it is that you need without limits, for you will now be UNLIMITED in unison with God’s Presence upon Mother Earth! The anxiety you may feel at this time will be for naught as you will now be Creating with the Pattern of the Universe rather than the Third Dimensional pattern of the “past” Earth meant for learning to experience with Lovingness.

Everything from December 3, 2012, when the New Millennium began, through the Energy of Commencement beginning on February 6 and 7, 2013 has been for finalizing the infrastructure of the New Millennium, where Mother Earth will become the Abode of Peace and Harmony! Even if it may not appear that way to the masses, Mother Earth as the Abode of Peace and Harmony will be finalized on February 2, 2013 and you, dear Lightworker, in Unity with God will feel it Internally, where all Creation begins!

Through the Internal Process of the Heart and Soul directly aligned with God and God Source, dear Lightworker, you will be assisting God and Mother Earth to Re-Create the world for the New Millennium! It will begin with you and all other Lightworkers currently aligning into his or her next Station of Service to establish the New Parameters of Freedom and Justice! By aligning with God and God Source, dear Lightworker, you will be Internally “hearing” Truth and Knowledge to begin, and by doing so, you will also become a Beacon of Light for others in need of direction, consultation, and Love!

The New Horizon is before us, dear Lightworker, do not expect everyone to understand what is happening, If you are questioned, do not debate, just merely state what is in your Heart and Soul for it will be God Source speaking through you to assist those who come to understand that the World is in process of becoming the New Millennium! It is in this way that the God Presence upon Mother Earth will be spread and bring about each individual Soul’s Internal Process of understanding with Lovingness that all will expand and begin!

The Doorway of Creation will open on February 6 and 7, 2013 to allow those who have chosen to Unify with God the Mother and Father of ALL Things to seek and Create his or her Joy in Living. Every Soul, Man of Destiny and Lightworker Souls, has had the opportunity to choose to go forward into the New Millennium and become a Co-Creator in Unity with God. Some will not choose this way yet because their Soul needs to gain experience beyond the Third Dimension in order to develop a level of knowingness to exist within the New Millennium Energy. But this, dear Lightworker, is how the process of Enlightenment begins, with everyone finding his or her own unique experience to become aware of his or her Spiritual Purpose!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Inner Transformation

Unity with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things will begin on January 14, 2013 and end on February 4, 2013. For you, dear Lightworker, this time period will mark the beginning of all that you have come to do upon Mother Earth! There will be three main groups forming after the Unity with God process completes. The first group is composed of all activated members of the Legion of Light and Man of Destiny Souls ready to move forward while the second group will include those who will postpone Unity with God until a later date due to the lack of Spiritual preparation for the New Millennium. The third group will simply be moved aside to wait for separation from Mother Earth. By January 30, 2013, dear Lightworker, you will know who will be in each group by the Love Energy he or she will emit!

For those largely in the second group it will be at least one more year before they will complete the Inner Transformation for the New Millennium. They will not be ones to lead in their own right but will serve to lead their offspring into the mindset of “New Millennium Awareness.” The last group will be placing themselves into a place of “least harm” to themselves and others. For these one’s, dear Lightworker, only prayers will assist them in their transition to the place of learning with Love. So for those who will be ready with the Energy of the last week of January 2013 the Energy will serve as the springboard to his or her Joy in Living!

Every Soul upon Mother Earth has been processing for the Inner Transformation in one way or another since December 5, 2012, shortly after the New Millennium began on December 3, 2012. The Inner Transformation will be functioning to reorder one’s sense of priorities for the New Millennium and beyond! And as you can see in the outside world, dear Lightworker, it has not been such a wonderful transition for everyone with pent up anger, frustration, and negativity towards the world in general!

Following the Unity with God process, dear Lightworker, you will begin to see the greatest transformation ever witnessed upon Mother Earth! No more waiting for internal decisions to be made! No more waiting for the Energy to drive the internal decisions into their direction! And no more waiting for Mother Earth to decide which way she will want to manifest her Pathway as the Abode of Peace and Harmony! On February 2, 2013 the Energy will bring Mother Earth to “rise up” to declare that she will be Creating her Heart and Soul’s Expression of Love – a New Earth body to resonate with the New Vibration of the New Millennium!

In shifting into her New Earth body, Mother Earth will also be shifting her Creation Energy. This will mean that only those aligned with the Universal Energies of the New Millennium will have the ability to Create upon her! So what about those who will be in the place of “least harm?” Without aligning into the Energy of the New Millennium there will be no ability to Create with negative energy upon Mother Earth! Hence, dear Lightworker, your Service of Light will be simple, easy, and carefree!

The process of Unity with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things is an Inner Transformation and cannot be accomplished in any other way! Your ability to align yourself with the Universal Energies and God Source, dear Lightworker, will lead you to Unite with God and the entire Universe! But it will be with your ability to sing and dance with the Energy of Love and Harmony that your Heart and Soul will bring in the rhythm of the New Earth – where you will demonstrate and lead the Way of Light and Love by example!

Friday, December 21, 2012

New Millennium Awareness

On August 13, 2012 God the Father and Mother of ALL Things brought His/Her Presence upon Mother Earth and now walks the land. The final stage of God’s Presence upon Earth is to Unify with all of His/Her Souls, Man of Destiny and Lightworker Souls! This will begin from January 14, 2013 through February 4, 2013, where everyone choosing to Unite and become a Co-Creator with Him/Her will be given the opportunity to do so. There will no longer be a separation from God and the Universe, dear Lightworker, as that was a condition of the Third and Fourth Dimensions. And since October 28, 2011, Mother Earth and the Milky Way Galaxy entered into the Fifth Dimension – the Dimension of Love – where God and the Universe transverse into our present world!

The sequence of Universal Events that will bring us to the stage of Unity with God will have long term societal consequences that will bear fruit in directing everyone living on Earth with Peace and Harmony within the next four years! The Way of Transformation will come through the Internal Self guided by God Source! Some, like you, dear Lightworker, already have access to God Source and this in fact will lead you with the ability to Create in 104 days rather than six months of sustained belief, thought, and commitment to what you are doing. This shortened time span will function through you with your Love in conjunction with God’s Love in the Fifth Dimension!

The shortening of the Creation Cycle will serve as your gift from God – your Joy in Living – to fulfill your responsibility in assisting Mother Earth’s Transition into the New Millennium! Your task, dear Lightworker, will be much easier, effortless, and in sync with what you have come to do! For you will be Unified with God and working with and for Him/Her in all that you will do! Additionally, dear Lightworker, you will have no other Soul to enslave you into his or her system of control for you will be Co-Creating with God, who has NO ONE or THING ABOVE HIM/HER!

The mantra of “God is First” will bring you into New Millennium Awareness that Unity with God acknowledges for you and everyone around you! This is the beginning and many more will eventually join you once that they too become aware that the New Millennium is truly here! You will be first in line, dear Lightworker, for you have come with advanced gifts, talents and skills designed to readily make you available for what only few can do and accomplish in these times of momentum gathering for a New World!

While the Mayan Calendar “end date” of December 21, 2012 will have many stating “nothing happened!” many will actually begin to take notice that something else was happening, Unity with God was just around the corner! On a conscious level, dear Lightworker, this will bring many to become more “open” to seeing outside their external eyes and begin to see more with their Internal eyes of the Heart and Soul! For when the first round of Unity with God completes on February 4, 2013 there will be great Joy and elation by those who will have caught the “New Millennium Awareness” bug!

Let these days of Joy in Living bring you to share and spread your message of New Millennium Awareness from your own Heart and Soul! Do this and allow God Source to speak with you and through you to lead you into the place of your Heart and Soul! And now you will know, dear Lightworker, that you will never be alone for you are entering the New Millennium with God!