
Friday, July 6, 2012

The New Horizon Part 2

On July 17, 2012 the Universal Energies will begin a three day period intended for quickly adapting into the New Spiritual Standards of the surging New Horizon Energy. Some like you, dear Lightworker, will not need to adapt your Standards but many of the Souls of Man of Destiny will burst their seams as they begin to internally recognize who he or she really is – a Co-Creator with God! This will signal to you, dear Lightworker, and all of your fellow members of the Legion of Light that the work before you will not appear as daunting as it may appear in the present.

This Gateway Energy will follow with a secondary surge of Energy that is preordained for you, dear Lightworker, and will elevate you and your Project of Light above all obstacles as Man of Destiny begins his or her task to align him or herself into the God Presence Energy of August 13, 2012.  This phase of time will also emphasize that Man of Destiny and the Legion of Light begin working together from July 18, 2012 until August 16, 2012! Most of Man of Destiny will be vicariously learning but some will not cede from what they expect to happen. The reason for this will be that Man of Destiny has no basis of understanding Truth like you do, dear Lightworker.

Truth and Love from God is Eternal as you, dear Lightworker, already know and understand. Truth and Love for Man of Destiny is relative to his or her Soul’s level of understanding. Many have been here upon the Earth Plane as many times as you have come to teach them about the Spirit and have learned. Some however have spent fewer lifetimes upon Mother Earth and have only accumulated “base knowledge” to advance into the times ahead. The latter ones will be the ones with the most to gain in the New Horizon appearing before us and will be slow to adapt. Do not judge them for their lack of effort for they will now be like elementary school students cramming to take a college level exam! Hail their efforts and send them Light and Love!

The end result in the near time ahead will be to learn and understand that the goal of Living with Eternal Truth and Love is to be in a State of Joy in Living! Joy in Living is the attainment of a continuous state of Joy and Contentment concerning Life’s circumstances. It is not measured with emotional pendulum swings of elated and depressed moods but rather through your Heart’s Expression! Your Heart’s Expression is the key to being in a state of Joy and Contentment and is an internal process. On August 3, 2012 the completion of establishing the foundation of your own state of Joy in Living will conclude so that the process of progressing from an internal to an external process may begin on August 4, 2012.

The Energy from July 17, 2012 through August 16, 2012 will be comforting and pleasing to you, dear Lightworker, for you will be back in your element of heightened Love Energy and in the Presence of God the Father and Mother of ALL Things after August 13, 2012! Many upon the Earth Plane will not understand this concept for they only understand with their external eyes rather than through their Hearts. In the next three years many will finally learn and understand this concept with the introduction to God the Father and Mother of All Things. Difficult as it may be to be introduced to an “event” recognized from the Sacred Books of all religions, it will become a Reality when everyone realizes that we are truly living in the Presence of the Father and Mother of ALL Things in the New Horizon

Friday, June 29, 2012

The New Horizon

The Time period from July 9 through July 16, 2012 will be an important one for Man of Destiny and Light for everyone will be making their final decision to advance into the Energy Flow of Unity with God or not! Some will not know what to expect but will be open to learning rather than continue to experience a world without Love. For you, dear Lightworker, the world will open to you and your Project of Light that awaits the advent of the God Presence Energy on August 13, 2012. This is not a drill but the real thing!

There will be many changes that will take most by surprise especially in the way that current world systems are operated. Social Trust is the common bond upholding it and when those who do not uphold the Spiritual Standards of the New Horizon with the bond granted by Social Trust, there will be consequences! Masses will rise up and relinquish their role as the “silent majority” and demand more transparency and accountability by those who aspire only to control, silent, and restrain any aspiration and hope for Freedom in the Heart!

The New Horizon is the beginning of the physical reality of the New Millennium and will become apparent on July 12, 2012. The Energy of this date will mark the transition from limitation in the expression of the Soul to Freedom of the Soul for everyone who has chosen to seek growth with Love and to Activate in Unity and Oneness with God! The Energy that will follow on July 15, 2012 and July 16, 2012 will enable the choice to Activate and Expand into a state of readiness for the day of God Presence Energy on August 13, 2012!

In addition to acclimating into the new physical environment of the New Horizon there will also be internal awareness that will allow all who have chosen this direction to become better prepared for the God Presence Energy. Many will make “holidays” and create additional days of rest to internally and externally align themselves into the Energy of the New Horizon! You, dear Lightworker, will have already prepared but if not, do so for the reason you have come to the Earth Plane is here!

Those who will ignore the need to internally prepare for the New Horizon and what it will bring will find themselves “complaining” of constant lethargic and sluggish body aliments that will force them to rest in order to align themselves into preparation for the day of God Presence Energy! It will not be a enjoyable time for them, dear Lightworker, but if they should gain the courage to ask if you will assist them, do so, for you will be working with God’s Energy to expand their knowledge of the New Spiritual Standards in the New Millennium!

Everything that has only been until this time period a hope, dream, or wish, will now become an Aspiration of Faith and Knowing for everyone, dear Lightworker, and you will be here to Enlighten all who will ask it of you to show them how. Love in every thought and deed will do wonders and some who have not experienced long bouts of trust with Love will become healed with just the Words of your Love from God! The New Horizon will make many long time aspirants of their dreams and wishes into believers and begin to experience his or her proper role upon the Earth Plane – Co-Creators with God in the New Horizon now appearing on Mother Earth!

Friday, June 22, 2012

The Tree of Life

The Energy of July 2012 will continue in one direction – establishing the New Millennium upon Mother Earth! The narrow channel of choices that began on June 24, 2012 will offer everyone until July 12, 2012 the opportunity to learn to live and prosper with Love or to directly activate into Unity and Oneness with God! Most will be in a learning phase so that they may acclimate away from their old beliefs, attitudes, values that will no longer be valid in the New Millennium!

The acclimation period will not be an enduring experience for you at all, dear Lightworker, for you are already in the process of activating into Unity and Oneness with God! With the Energy of July 4 and 5, 2012 the Heavens above will produce the Tree of Life within the spectrum of the Universal Energies! For two days the Tree of Life will offer everyone everything that they will need to Live with Lovingness in the New Millennium except the willingness to participate! Man of Destiny will be hard pressed to understand how he or she will progress into Unity and Oneness with God but that is where you, dear Lightworker, will come through to show him or her the way to progress.

There will be a weekly series of choices during the entire month of July 2012 to bring Man and Light to a stage of readiness for the God Presence Energy that will begin appearing on July 28, 2012. The first choice will appear on July 4, 2012 and concerns the quality of willingness that one will need to Share and Cooperate – Brotherhood Consciousness – in the New Millennium! Without the willingness to Share and Cooperate we would all still be in the Fourth Dimension but we are now in the New Millennium and will live Life upon Mother Earth with the Presence of God where it is required!

The God Presence Energy will be Changing and Transforming the entire Earth Plane and what were standard practices in the Fourth Dimension, for they are now transforming into Spiritual Standards of Living! There will be no tolerance for lying, cheating, or taking advantage of a fellow brother or sister in the New Millennium mindset for the Tree of Knowledge (the pathway of experiencing Life without Love/God) will be superceded by the Tree of Life (the pathway of Enlightenment with Love/God) with the Energy of July 4 and 5, 2012 and lead everyone willing to learn to Progress into Unity and Oneness with God’s Presence!

Man of Destiny will be under duress from the intensity of the arriving Energy. He or she will be considering his or her internal dilemma but not realize what a True Blessing this Energy will be bring before his or her very eyes! By the ending of September 2012 Man of Destiny will no longer be externally ignoring the prevailing Winds of Change for he or she will be receiving rapid repercussions for any of his or her acts of unlovingness! The process to acclimate into the New Millennium will be even more rigorous for those who have spent lifetime after lifetime disregarding the lesson of Lovingness regressing from growth for his or her own Soul!

The Energy of July 2012 will be a Blessing from God but will not appear so to Man of Destiny. You, dear Lightworker, will be advancing and progressing as rapidly as you will choose to do in order to bring your Project of Light into manifestation. Let your Heart lead you with Love so that you may Enlighten Man of Destiny’s Souls so that he or she will finally learn to understand the experience of the Tree of Life beyond the scope of understanding of Adam and Eve!