
Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Acclimation

The Season of God began on August 18, 2011 and will complete on November 16, 2011. Among the Changes The Season of God has ushered in is our Entry into the Fifth Dimension and the Thousand Years of Peace! The Legion of Light will lead the way and merge with their skills and talents to begin implementing the New Horizon in which everyone upon Mother Earth will live with Truth, Love, and Joy. Though it may still appear that Man of Destiny has not budged from maintaining as “normal” a life as he had in the previous dimension, he will soon wake up and realize that the Standards of the Fifth Dimension are not the same as before!

The Thousand Years of Peace began on November 1, 2011. It initiated the Time of Acclimation in which everyone is anticipated to align himself or herself with the New Energy of the Fifth Dimension and all that they will need to Create for their Joy in Living. Many will not be ready to immediately align themselves, not because they do not want to participate, but because of previous conditioning where the only option to Create was by Creating “purchasing power.” Purchasing power is only a small fraction of our inherent ability in becoming a Co – Creator with God! No longer think in terms of enduring for your needs but instead, believe in your ability to Create with your Heart and Soul!

We are presently in a Dimension where everything functions within the Laws of Love. When Love is not present in our activities and does not bring us Joy, our activities will become like an anchor upon our Energy and exhaust us. The process of rejuvenation comes when we engage in activities that we do with Love and give us emotional Contentment and Joy! Keep this in mind on November 9, 2011 as the Universal Energies will assist us in learning, understanding, and growing with the New Standards of the New Horizon! There will be three concepts to consider as they will all develop in importance in the days to come, 1) Brotherhood Consciousness to learn about Sharing and Cooperating, 2) Becoming Love to Create your Joy in Living, and 3) Becoming a Co – Creator as your Destiny with God!

Many politicians and governmental experts and leaders will be baffled by their efforts of “putting Humpty Dumpty back together again” as they cannot understand that their efforts to fix the controlled markets of the economy will only hinder our progress in the Fifth Dimension. On November 10, 2011 the Energies will begin expanding our need to understand the new concept of Security in the New Millennium and that will be by Unifying with God Consciousness! God Consciousness is the principle that “All Things are in God for God is All Things.” When we keep this in mind and accept that “We are in God and are God,” we will know that our future will not be contingent upon the fate of a broken egg!

We are currently in the Fifth Dimension – the Dimension of Love! God’s Presence is all around us but when we choose to enter into a state of fear God will not be present with us because we are ignoring the Truth that Love is all around us! It is up to us to choose which way we will turn. On November 11, 2011 we will become more in need of disengaging from our concepts of the past and expanding into the New Horizon. There is still much to learn and understand but as long as you will seek your Joy in Living with Love you will not fail in anything! Love was, is, and will be the Key to aligning with your Heart and Soul – your Inner Self!

There will be many who have been ignoring the Signs of the Heavens, but on November 12, 2011 there will be no way to claim ignorance any longer! The issue of Joy in Living and the lack thereof in most people’s lives will come to the forefront as Humanity will be given the choice to develop into their Destiny as a Co –Creator with God or not! This choice will only be available until November 30, 2011 and will be a life turning decision for many as they will ponder upon learning to trust their Heart and Soul and detach from their past conditioning. Bear in mind that everyone’s Inner Self will be prompting him or her “to listen” as external environmental conditions will motivate everyone to thoroughly examine their lives!

There will be much to rectify and reorganize in order to bring conditions back to the place where Humanity will become a Co – Creator with God once more! The time to celebrate will come later but the Energies of November 13, 2011 will produce a Doorway in the Heavens to allow those choosing early to explore the New Way of Life upon Earth! To know and understand that Humanity is capable of Creating will be the Foundation that everyone will need to accept and Acclimate into. For now let the past dissipate and become the past so that Love and Joy will lead you into your Spiritual Prosperity!

Many will find that growth and learning in the Fifth Dimension will come with a heavy toll upon their emotional states while others will find themselves at ease in progressing through the Doorway of Spiritual Prosperity! On November 14, 2011 the Universal Energies will bring stability into the alignments of the emerging infrastructure of the Thousand Years of Peace. Look for any obstacles not premised upon the Energy of Love of the New Millennium to begin falling away and becoming like dust in a storm! Do not seek the past for that is not where you will be heading!

The Legion of Light will begin to see their Pathways of Light gain momentum as the Season of God will almost be complete on November 15, 2011. They will have much to do and much to say about the direction in which all things will be for God Himself will lead them! This day’s Energy will also begin a celebratory mood for those who will listen to their Inner Self and seek the Promise of God’s Joy in Living! Seek to learn for the Energies will provide your Heart and Soul guidance in all you will need to know if only you will listen!

The initial stages to remove what has hindered and become an obstacle in the movement into the Great Transformation have been loosened from their foundation with the Energies of November 16, 2011. There will still be one more great obstacle to consider in the next several years and that will come from those who will carry their past with them into the Fifth Dimension. Some will learn vicariously when they come to understand what Changed while others will learn with the teachings of the Legion of Light on how to process with what Changed!  Change does not come in an instantaneous transformation but is a gradual one that moves with Time as Movement of the Soul!

The Season of God will complete on November 16, 2011. The next Season of Creation is the Season of Rest, which is designed to seek rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation with joyful company. This Season of Rest will not be restful for everyone, as there will still be many more Changes to implement before the New Year will begin. Look to the beginning of December 2011 for the New Foundation of the New Millennium to be ushered into place. By January 2012 the Legion of Light will begin an unprecedented movement all around the world to bring the Joy in Living into its proper placement for living in the Fifth Dimension! Look forward and become your Destiny as a Co – Creator with God!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Doorway for 1000 Years

This forecast period begins with God’s Promise of One Thousand Years of Peace – The New Millennium! Though everything will “seem” as if nothing has physically Changed, it will be the quality and essence of Life that will Change! Everyone present upon Mother Earth will be in the Fifth Dimension, The Dimension of Love, and will become invigorated with the Energy of Love so that they may flourish within it!

The Ascension into the Fifth Dimension will introduce Humanity into an environment filled with Lovingness that will be unfamiliar and present problems related to this unfamiliarity. The keys to working within the Fifth Dimension will be to gain self-knowledge and understanding with your Heart and Soul – your Inner Self. Without these two key life enhancers there will be struggle to comprehend the New Dimension and failure to understand that the standards for living upon Earth have Changed!

Our need to utilize self-knowledge derived from our Inner Self will begin on November 1, 2011 when we will all enter through the Doorway of the New Millennium! There will be many who will still not be ready but as long as they learn that their Inner Self will lead them into the New Millennium, they will be fine. The Legion of Light will be moving forward to provide leadership and assistance to those who will come to ask while world leaders and their followers, who have not begun processing with their Inner Self, will become like puppets waiting for a puppeteer to make them perform, unbalanced and in confusion! Seek guidance from your Inner Self to begin Life anew and Create your Joy in Living!

On November 2, 2011 the Universal Energies will produce a third consecutive Doorway in as many days. The first on October 31st brought in the awareness of learning for a New Life while the second on November 1st ushered in the Abode of Peace as the place of New Life. The third Doorway will direct us to understand and process with the Way of Brotherhood to live our lives in our new Way of Life. Though many understand the concepts of Sharing and Cooperating, conditioning in the previous dimension has made too many to think in the sense of financial assets. This will not be so as the New Economy of Sharing and Cooperating will be inclusive and not exclusive of anyone for there will be No Rich and No Poor in the New Millennium!

Keep the above Doorways in mind whenever you will feel “left behind” with your Joy in Living. God’s Promise of Joy in Living is Truth and has begun! On November 3, 2011 the Energies will remind you what your Joy in Living will be about. By beginning within your Inner Self and exercising your Powers to Create there will be no limit as to what you can Create! And as long as you internalize and not seek from external sources you will begin to live Time as the Movement of the Soul! Dream and let your Inner Self transform your life into Love, Joy and Spiritual Prosperity!

The drama you will be witnessing in these days will be from those who have not reached into their Inner Self. Suffice it to say there will be many who still have not awakened from within and realized that the world is different! On November 4, 2011 there will be many misguided plans and attempts to “stabilize” the monetary systems by world leaders and politicians. All that they will attempt to do will be to remain in financial control and keep what they think to be theirs among themselves. Until they come to understand that the World belongs to God they will fail again and again as Brotherhood Consciousness and Joy in Living are the Way of Life upon Earth in the New Millennium!

The New Security of the New Millennium will not be based upon how many financial assets and valuables you can stash away in safe keeping but upon the strength of your Inner Self in Creating all that you will need for your Heart and Soul’s Pathway! The New Security Consciousness will begin on November 5, 2011 as the Universal Energies have ordained our Earth’s Pathway as the Abode of Peace and Harmony! Many precedents will be appearing in this initial stage of the New Millennium and though our Earth’s appearance will not “seem” as if anything has Changed, ALL HAS CHANGED!

On November 6, 2011 there will come great debates among the people of all nations as to whether or not there should be governments to control and constrict access to life’s necessities. The masses have endured with their governments and their policies and will realize that they have been duped! There will be much unrest in the month of November 2011 as many who took for granted that they were “cared for” by their governments will now enlist with the Individual Rights Movement already happening now! Joy in Living is the call to every Soul upon Earth and this will be one more sign to everyone that ALL HAS CHANGED!

There will be many who will remain anxious, restless, and even in fear over events appearing on their media screens on November 7, 2011. If there should be anything to fear in these initial days of the New Millennium it will be the loss of our connection to our Inner Self and its connection to God Presence! Surround yourself with thoughts of Love and Joy and be assured that your Inner Self will remain on task to Create your Joy in Living as the Universal Energies remain constant to usher in the New Millennium for our manifestations!

The Energy of November 8, 2011 will signify a transition day. God and his Legion of Light have initiated all actions to bring about the New Millennium and now it will be up to each and every single Soul to take Responsibility for manifesting what each has come to do. Some will still be resistant and try to seek a path of “security” in material things but that will not serve anyone in the Brotherhood of Man’s plan to Share and Cooperate with everyone! Look to your Inner Self and seek the way of your Joy in Living and make your contribution as a Co – Creator with God!

The month of November 2011 will be a brief period of acclimation into the New Millennium. There will be much unrest. Some unrest will be from residual Chaos and Confusion from before the Ascension and some will be from the New Standards of the New Millennium. The time of December 2011 through January 2012, however, will bring decisive actions to not only implement but to instill the New Standards of the New Millennium into place all over the world! Look forward for the time of the New Millennium has been introduced to everyone open to receiving!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Dawning

During this last week of October 2011 we will be witnessing our Earth and Milky Way Galaxy Ascend into the Fifth Dimension. It will all begin on the evening of October 28, 2011 PDT and will take three days for us to pass through the Light Portal. Be prepared with Love in your Heart so that you may quickly assimilate with Mother Earth’s New Vibration! There will be many who will not be aware of this Evolutionary Universal Event and even as the month of November 2011 completes they will still not be aware of the Change except by their Heart and Soul’s recognition of Love!

Time will either become your best friend or your worst adversary in the days to come, as Time will be fusing with a new spectrum of measurement – Time as Movement of the Soul! When you will allow your Heart and Soul to lead you, Time will dissolve into an experience of Joy! On the other hand if you let yourself become absorbed into tedious activities so will your heightened sensitivity bring you extreme monotony as your senses become your guides toward your inward journey of finding your Joy in Living!

On October 25, 2011 the Universal Energies will be pointing everyone into a One Direction – the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium. How we acclimate there will be our choosing as our inner processes have been enhanced to seek our Joy in Living. Many will be aware that they have become more sensitive but cannot attribute their lack of understanding to the inner channels of their Heart and Soul! The experience is New and so will the way we experience! Learn to Create your world from within to find your Heart and Soul’s Joy of Living for the external world will lead you back into the great illusion!

When we recognize that our Inner Self, through our Heart’s Expression, Creates every possible experience we will seek, we will become selective and base our Creations upon what our Inner Self needs to enhance our Spiritual Prosperity. No longer will we seek to compare and contrast but instead, we will contribute to the Brotherhood of Man and increase our Responsibility to become a Co – Creator with God! The Energy of October 26, 2011 will bring such a revelation to ourselves if we open up and seek the Kingdom of God within us!

On the day before Mother Earth and our Milky Way Galaxy Ascend there will still be ample time to prepare for this once in a Great Age experience. Simply surround yourself with all your thoughts of Love and Joy and do not allow fear to come near you! If you will do this exercise of the Heart the Universal Energies of October 27, 2011 will do the rest for you. What shall follow in the next three days will be an instantaneous movement of the 10 million stars of the Milky Way Galaxy that will take three Earth days to complete! Become Love and Live in Joy!

The Light Portal and Gateway into the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium will align with our Milky Way Galaxy on October 28, 2011. There will be no need to panic or cling to fear as the surge of Love will begin to inundate our Lives! Become inspired and live as if you lack nothing in your Pathway’s entry for it is so! We will begin our journey with Unlimited Truth, Love, and Knowledge to gain our Joy in Living from God’s Universal Energies! Love and let your share of Spiritual Prosperity come to you always!

There will be strong waves of Energy bombarding our Mother Earth beginning on October 29, 2011. She will be making adjustments internally and upon her external surface as likewise we will also be making. God’s Universal Energies will be guiding the entire process of Ascension so there will be nothing to fear. Remain in a State of Lovingness and Joy and all will go well beyond your expectations! Many will not understand what they will be experiencing and will attempt to go forward with their daily routines. If there should be a word of caution it shall come in the way many will process this Change, it will come with extended periods of sleep to internalize and connect with the New Energy of the Fifth Dimension!

The Universal Energies will be accelerating to complete our unified Ascension into the Fifth Dimension on October 30, 2011. There will be extra assistance provided by God and the Legion of Light to bring forth Truth and Understanding for this period of the Great Transformation. Many will have only begun to Awaken themselves internally but will still not see the source of the Light which casts the shadows upon their walls. Externally they will still meander with their daily routines as if in a state of sleep while realizing that “something is different!”

There will appear a Great Doorway in the Heavens on October 31, 2011 that will foreshadow all the future events to come! The first day will signal that Mother Earth will be ready for her task of Creating the foundation of Peace, Love, and Harmony. The second day will signal that Humanity will be ready for their own Pathways of living with Peace, Love, and Harmony with God’s Promise of a Thousand Years of Peace! Let these days bring you to celebrate the reason that everyone has come to witness the New Reality! God’s Promise of Joy in Living will finally be here upon Earth!

It has been a long and enduring process to bring everyone back into a state of Lovingness. Though many will still not understand what has happened they will work slowly to remove the dust from their Hearts and Souls and remember that they are Co – Creators with God once more! The month of November 2011 will become a period of acclimation for everyone to learn and become acquainted with their new surroundings. November 2011 will also bring in much disbelief that anything even happened. However, December 2011 will manifest major external Change for the better and will open the way for everyone to live in Peace, Brotherhood, and Harmony! Look forward for the days of God’s Promise of Joy in Living are here!