
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Destiny Begins! Part 2

The month of September 2010 will continue to direct the Flow of the Universal Energies into implementing our chosen Destiny and will continue to do so through mid-November 2010 when the Energy of Change will leave NO DOUBT that the New Millennium is here! Learn now to understand the process of Change so that you may contribute your portion of Love and Truth into the New Millennium as these Changes will be here to stay! Fear not from the Realm of the Spirit and trust that the veil of illusion will be removed to reveal your chosen Destiny!

The Universal Energies of September 12, 2010 will continue with the planet Mercury in apparent retrograde motion. There will still be time today to reinforce your thought processes to better plan for your Destiny in the New Millennium. September 12th will also mark the last day the Realm of Negativity will have to affect the formation of the Brotherhood of Man. See this day to let you gain an internalized sense of the New Reality being produced by the Legion of Light’s Path of Light. Do not be influenced by the external Chaos and Confusion as these are signs that the Spiritual Change comes soon!

September 13, 2010 will grant the process of gaining a new sense of security, one built upon enhancing our intuition. This will allow those who have moved past the stage of “by sight only” to process a thought immediately and “know” its validity. Experience will be needed but will develop the thought-conclusion process to become a new sensory tool in the human experience.  Stay balanced and remain free of emotional confusion and you will witness this new experience!

September 14th will beckon the call for Brotherhood once more to promote the prominent role of Man of Destiny. Many will hear the call but will not trust enough to know the difference between their heart and mind. The Realm of the Spirit can only be processed in your heart and there you will find the place that will Create the Joy of Living. While your mind functions to place its emphasis on survival your heart will bring YOU life! Follow the road to Life and move yourself beyond the path of survival!

On September 15, 2010 the Universal Energies will encourage All Man to enter into the Realm of the New Millennium. He shall now be able to inwardly listen to discern the Truth from Falsehood and move himself more readily into the New Millennium. Do not look at what you lack for there you will recreate more lack. Instead look to the world AS IF you can hear and smell and touch the Joy of Living all around you! In this manner YOU will begin to Create your path in the place of your Love.

All Man listen to your heart within and know that halfway measures will only take you halfway to where you must be. Progress and Prosperity await you on September 16th if only you turn your heart of stone to Love and there you will find the treasure trove of your happiness! The New Millennium will not wait much longer for you for soon you shall hear a message from Above! God waits for you to open your heart enough to listen within and hear your Truth.

If All Man truly seeks to Change the way of his world he cannot be complacent as his best and keep looking for a return to the days of yesterday when all felt predictable and secure. Look now for the Universal Energies of September 17, 2010 to place him on the verge of a Change he can gain from, though the Change to come will not be his longing for messages from his leaders to return him back to yesterday. It is gone All Man and you may fail to distinguish for yourself that the Realm of Negativity seeks to hold you as their puppet by taking the economy hostage so they can gain in return. Love and Truth will prevail in these days for your Destiny is here!

September 18th will bring Man of Destiny’s projects of Love to the forefront so that he may enlist them into service with the Legion of Light who continues to open the Pathway of Light for all to enter. All Man do listen to these words of Hope and Prosperity, YOU do not have the luxury of time to retreat from the Pathway of Light! Step into the New Millennium and witness the Love and Truth of who you really are! Looking back at these days with regret for what you had will only continue your victim’s mindset so step forward and look to your heart and Progress yourself to where you truly belong — in the New Millennium!

The rapid movement to bring in the New Energy of Change will be completed on September 19, 2010, as now the call to All Man will come with deadening urgency. You shall be on your own, All Man, to accept or reject your call towards the New Millennium. Now is the time for you to follow your path of Flow to where it may lead you. Be warned though, All Man, should you reject your call the Realm of Negativity will track you down like a beast seeking its worship for the power they command, and it is so! Do not be fooled All Man for you will be deceived once more!

The New Earth of the New Millennium will begin to emanate its Light for All Humanity to see and be in awe on September 20, 2010 as all who have accepted the gift of September 13, 2010 will know and see the Truth of this New World! The Brotherhood of Man is more than an idea of Utopia as now it will be the Truth for all who shall know and see! Sharing and Cooperating will go hand in hand and will begin the Spiritual Prosperity promised to all!

On September 21, 2010 the Universal Energies will align to grant access to those whose paths have been merged into the Legion of Light’s Pathway of Light to bear witness of the ease in which their lives shall begin to prosper. Pray for the Legion of Light’s continuous efforts to engage All Man into God’s Plan of Spiritual Prosperity for ALL! Let those within the grasp of Chaos and Confusion awaken to the opportunities at hand for not only themselves but their descendants who will not have to witness the struggles of All Man firsthand!

A New Day shall come to the forefront on September 22, 2010 like the calm before the storm! Enjoy the peace and relaxation of this day for there is much to learn and process for there is One Who Comes the Speak to all who are ready to listen. Angels of God, Legion of Light, you will know His Presence more readily than Man but assist All Man to be aware Whose Presence he will have with him to guide him with Love and Truth about his way on the New Earth. Let him also know that he will be secure and comforted from the Chaos and Confusion for a day so that he may learn to trust his inner guidance into the New Millennium!

We have entered into the manifestation stage of the New Millennium and will now have to learn to trust that what we receive from the Spiritual Realm will come with Truth and Love. Toss out your victim mindset All Man and take the risk of Creating from your heart instead of your mind for the days of waiting for the World to Come are over! 

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Destiny Begins!

The month of September 2010 will begin the process of implementing our chosen Destiny in the New Millennium. There will no longer be the time to sidestep or neglect the Spiritual Reality that will come at our disposal to Change the World, as this will be the time to make the Changes that have been in process for years. Let yourself become immersed in the process of Change and use it to Change the World as we know it today!

September 2010 begins with the planet of thought, Mercury, continuing in retrograde motion until mid-September. Use this time to become aware of your thought processes and be mindful of the Change occurring in our world. The Change that comes will establish the Foundation of our Destiny so that before we enter the month of October 2010 we will ALL BEGIN to understand one another and see our similarities rather than differences!

On September 1, 2010 the Universal Energies will provide a guiding Beacon from the Legion Light to lead in unison with Man of Destiny to offer understanding in our hearts and minds with Love and Brotherhood. The more we readily accept the concept of the Brotherhood of Man the more rapidly we will transition with the Spirit of Cooperation. Be aware however that the Realm of Negativity will try to instill their fears upon all who will listen to them, as they are not aware that their end is very near!

The Universal Energies will continue to provide a guiding Beacon from the Legion of Light on September 2nd and will also bring forth our Foundation of Destiny. The Foundation of Destiny will become the place from which we will draw our strength and fortitude to become and maintain the new standards of Living in Joy. Some will move forward rapidly while others will only begin to understand that not all is at it seems to be! The beginning of understanding will be a sign to all that the New Millennium is progressing forward!

The first of three Opportunities for each Soul to choose the way the New Millennium will begin in September 2010 will be offered on September 3, 2010 and will provide each Soul his Destiny and Foundation intact for its forthcoming Manifestation.  This day will also be the last in which the Realm of Negativity will be blocking the pathway towards the New Millennium’s Fullness! See them to assert and remind everyone that no State of Cooperation exists in commerce so why should they change?

September 4th will set into motion the Way of Progress to Create Man’s Pathway with God and the Legion of Light. This shall signal the Beginning of Man’s ability to become immersed into the thought processes of the New Millennium so that he can not only understand what is occurring but also act upon his thought processes with clarity. This day shall also diminish the actions of the Realm of Negativity’s ability to expand any further than the residue of negativity they will carry with them. No longer will they be able to spread their cancerous thoughts and beliefs to those who have been immersed into the New Millennium!

September 5, 2010 will bring into place a strengthening for the Choice made on the Opportunity Day of September 3rd and shall open the Way of Sharing and Cooperation. Open yourself to your Fellow Man who will also be open to sharing and cooperating with you. The world economy will stagger until the intent of sharing and cooperating becomes the basis of commerce. The Realm of Negativity will be displeased for they have hindered in every way possible to capitalize on their control and now shall have to learn that they will not control Humanity! Judgment comes soon for all who have not progressed with the Spirit of Cooperation!

The Joy of Living is the Promise to Man of Destiny on September 6th as he will be the one who has manifested his Pathway into the New Millennium through his Spiritual Ways of Sharing and Cooperation. The Legion of Light has long been in wait for these days as God has sent His most powerful representatives to ensure that these days will be fulfilled for all souls who have come to witness them! Let not the Man of Negativity deny you the Joy of Living in these days for he will have his time to ponder what he will need to learn!

Man of Destiny, be the one who has Created his way to Joy on September 7th for you will be in the Rhythm of the Universal Energies which Create ALL THINGS! Activate Love from the Highest Source and place it into your Destiny so that it may rapidly manifest! The Brotherhood of Man will support your endeavors of Love and help to bring all Spiritual Projects into motion for they will work as a team of One with God and the Legion of Light!

Gather your projects of Love on September 8th and draw out the place you will need to release their boundaries. These days are filled with more than Potential to Change the World as the Universal Energies will provide you with the Ideas of how, when, where, and what if only you will take time to listen to your heart! The World is not waiting for a Super Man to Change IT from without for the entire Process begins within YOU!

On September 9, 2010 be aware that the lure of the Realm of Negativity may mock you into believing that the Chaos and Confusion that runs rampant may only be “fixed” through their expertise of manipulation. Do not listen to them for they will know that the New Millennium will ruin their purpose and in order to remain in power they will attempt to keep Humanity fighting against each other to build up their profits. Let the Brotherhood of Man build its momentum within YOU!

The Universal Energies of September 10th will see the Legion of Light diligently at work with further details of the Pathway of Light that they will continue to build for God and the Man of Destiny. These days will draw closer to the Day of Conclusion for those who will follow and those who will not. Let yourself not be one who staggers away for lack of willingness to take the Pathway of Light for it promises to bring forth the Joy in your heart!

September 11th will bring access for Man of Destiny to activate Love through the Universal Energies into his Foundation of Destiny. This shall bring him in line with the Brotherhood of Man and the Legion of Light’s Pathway of Light. Now will be the time to gain understanding and wisdom for what shall come to be in your pathway created with Love for there will soon be a doorway opening for understanding YOUR PURPOSE!   

Legion of Light do not let these days wear you down for the Pathway of Light you steadily build will lead Man of Destiny into the Light! All Man will eventually Change for he still does not understand the Way of the Spirit that will lead him to the Joy of Living. He struggles to follow the rules of Man and despises them and can easily be led by the Realm of Negativity’s ability to inflate his ego to think he can be as “powerful” as them. Have patience for All Man for he too shall come around to be in the Pathway of Light!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The New Awareness Part 3

The New Awareness of our pending direction towards the New Millennium is strengthening and gaining momentum as we will have been ushered into the next phase in the Rhythm of Creation on August 19, 2010. Now will be the time to take action to eliminate whatever fails to progress your Spiritual Prosperity as you will look about you and witness that the rules of man are failing and will continue to fail until All Humanity upon Earth is participating in the New Millennium with Truth and Love as their guides!

The remainder of August 2010 will see us progress into the Season of Harvest with its goal of establishing our Path of Destiny and building its Spiritual Foundation within ourselves. If you lack the ability and Truthful knowledge of your Path of Destiny look no further than your Heart and ask your inner guidance to recall the simplest Joy you have ever experienced. There may not be a marketable benefit for your Gift from God at this time but find it once more and there you will begin to find the way of your Spiritual Prosperity for whenever the Heart leads the Quest of Life the Spirit will follow to Create everything you will ever need!

The Universal Energies of August 21, 2010 will bring forth increased Love to Activate Man of Destiny’s Spiritual Foundation for the New Millennium. Stay strong and continue the Quest to Create your Spiritual Prosperity and allow all that you do not need to fall to the wayside even if this means long-term relations and situations! These will only hinder your path and deny your relevance to yourself! Mercury will be in retrograde motion now so use this apparent backwards motion to your benefit by redoing and rebuilding your Spiritual Self!

The Realm of Negativity will increase their efforts to thwart the Positive Flow of the Creative Energies of the New Millennium on August 22, 2010. They shall blame and belittle anyone who attempts to obstruct their plan to funnel the economy into their pockets, for they have not realized that they will have already cornered the economic markets so that all who are involved will owe their lives like slaves. Break the chains All Man for the Realm of Negativity will deceive you as well as themselves by encouraging you to believe that the old capitalistic values of man continue to work! In the meantime the Universal Energies will continue to Create the Pathway towards the Spiritual Foundation of Man of Destiny and the Legion of Light.

The State of Sharing and Cooperation will be the core value of what will come to be in the New Millennium. See to it that you practice and display these traits for there will come a time when you will be tested and there would be no better day than August 23, 2010 when the need to seek and find your Destiny is at hand! Share the positive strides you will make with another and Cooperate with those who will need to know of their way, Man of Destiny and Legion of Light! The Realm of Negativity will not see the value of Sharing and Cooperation and will remain true to their paths of fear for they see these traits as a weakness unless the term “usury” is spoken.

In these days the Realm of Negativity will be at its strongest as they will organize to scheme to remain true to their course of controlling their interests in the economic realm. They will see that their rhetoric will almost convince the man on the street that the old ways are better for they will not willingly share or give up the value of the old capitalistic ways. Watch for the lines of the Battle of Light against the Darkness of Man to be drawn and witness the Forces of Light against the Realm of Negativity as a True Battle of the Spirit of God against the passions of man! The Darkness of Man will bring pain and sorrow but will be no force against the Universal Energies and the Legion of Light who will prevail in establishing the New Millennium!

On August 24, 2010 the Universal Energies will bring All Man to task to choose his side for the soon to come Judgment Day! All Man and Man of Negativity, you have been given generous time to learn of the Way of the Spirit and yet you continue as if you have not been warned. Time will not be on your side! Man of Destiny and Legion of Light proceed to promote your pathway and to establish your Foundation of Destiny!

The New Millennium will progress forward in the Name of God for those who know of His works. There will be many called by name and few will step forward for many are stranded between no knowledge and no time. Do you, All Man, not see the wonders of God all around you and within you? August 25, 2010 will have All Humanity in a day of accountability and shall require that your Foundation of Destiny be at hand! Let not this day pass you for you will be the most important person to God this day!

On August 26, 2010 there will be a second call for those who wait to enter the New Millennium as the momentum of the Universal Energies proceeds towards its becoming! Wait no longer All Man and Man of Negativity, for you will have numbered days to gain the Blessing of God for your works and deeds. Shall you not heed these Words of Truth you shall remain in the Joyless state of heart and mind and miss the entire reason you have entered the Earth Plane at this time! Look to those whose lives are not mired in Chaos and Confusion and live life in simplicity for the role model.

August 27th will bring the opportunity for All Humanity to grow into their life’s Purpose in the New Millennium. Use this timing wisely and you shall prosper or should you spend this golden opportunity you shall be one to be standing alone until you shall learn once more of the Way of the Spirit. The Realm of Negativity will do its maximum efforts to keep all in their grasp bound to their ways of economic fear for they will see no difference in gaining the Way of the Spirit through merit or as a negotiable commodity!

The Energy of August 28, 2010 will bring in the Day of the Blessing where the call for Cooperation and Sharing will be the new standard of civility. This Energy will boost those in place to negotiate with the Realm of Negativity, for deep inside they too will know that the Spiritual Boundaries have already been drawn. Will they accept defeat or will they continue their belief that the Way of the Spirit is a negotiable commodity? Let this day be a signpost for the Realm of Negativity’s change in their ways!

August 29th will provide Energy of Newness for our conscious minds to absorb and become. It will be as if you will no longer carry a load upon our shoulders and have been released from your stressors, for YOU have! Relax now and learn to Flow with the Universal Energies that Create ALL THINGS! The primary function of our Earthly pathways is to live the Life of Joy through Love and the only way to do this is to Live It! See and Benefit as the Foundation and Path of Destiny begin to open up for not only yourself but also the others seeking the Life of Joy!

On August 30, 2010 the Universal Energies will simultaneously merge the Pathways of Man of Destiny and the Legion of Light towards the work they will establish in the New Millennium. This shall be the Road to Follow for those who will wait and see what “Decision” they shall inherit after the Realm of Negation lets up on their reins of bondage, and THEY SHALL! Let these days mark the Way of Light as a Beacon that will serve as a sign that the Works of God upon Earth will be here to stay!

August 31st will be a day in which Freedom as the only occupation of Earth will become the standard to bear. All cry the call for Freedom yet cannot define it without terms of the old rules of man’s ways that become references to economics and selfish thoughts where someone will win and someone will lose. Freedom in the New Millennium will bring us all to Love and Trust one another and to care for everyone’s benefit. Use this day to think of these thoughts and gain your Freedom from the rules of man’s ways!

As the month of August closes there will be a need to wait for many more to enjoin the New Millennium’s movement. The cause for this is that All Humanity and our solar system is being inundated with New Energy to FORCE our old ways of thinking and believing to disintegrate. And as All Humanity receives the New Energy their learning and processing to make the Change of Newness will only come with the New Life Experience of Joy. You will Become a Man of Destiny and bear witness to becoming an Early Adaptor in the New Life on Earth! Much more Change will come in the next few months of this five-month-old process so stay in tune!