
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Harmonizing in Brotherhood Spirit

Your Spiritual Purpose with God, dear Ones, is essentially an indescribable facet of your Life with God. You value and cherish the Unity with God status you have, and have always had for that matter! At times it may have seemed as if you were standing alone at your way station on Earth feeling abandoned, underachieving in what you had promised God to do, and lacking in the hope you needed to go any further. Those days are over, dear Ones! For the Energy from March 15, 2015 through June 14, 2015 will merge two Spiritual Events as if they were One solitary sequence of Energy for all Lightworker Souls. From March 15, 2015 until April 15, 2015, the Universal Energies will be Activating you with God into Mother Earth’s own Fifth Dimension Activation. The Activation with God Energy will serve as a preliminary Energy for the Sanctification of your new role and duties with God within Mother Earth’s Activating Fifth Dimension! The second Spiritual Event, the Sanctification of your new role and duties with God will occur from April 15, 2015 through June 14, 2015.

Mother Earth’s Activation of her Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration from February 27 through April 1, 2015 and your Activation with God beginning on March 15, 2015 is not an “accident” or mere “coincidence,” but one designed to better enhance your leadership role for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transition. Your present dreams and meditations, dear Ones, are currently serving to fill you in with the details of what you will do and how you will Create your specific role within the Legion of Light! Any doubts or hesitations you may have at this Time are just your conscious thoughts intruding from your human form, not the Truth of who you are within the Universe with God! Let that sink in, dear Ones, – for you will no longer be on Earth to “look after” or be “in waiting” for Man of Destiny Souls’ progress or the lack there of. Instead you will be wholeheartedly on Service to God and only for God, to demonstrate and role model the Ways of Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe!

You will find that the Energy boost during the Activation with God Energy from March 15, 2015 through April 14, 2015, will be expanding and more fulfilling in your personal world through the revitalizing Brotherhood Spirit that interconnects all Lightworker Souls with each other and with God. Not the kind of superficial friendship or camaraderie you may have experienced in the past with others, but at the much deeper Soul level – the True Way of Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! The Activation with God Energy will also guide you into rapid assimilation with the emerging Energy of the New Horizon as if you were being reborn with Light and Love, and it is so! For the Harmony Vibration of the Fifth Dimension will lead all Lightworker Souls to innately recognize each other’s works through the Harmonizing Energy of Brotherhood Spirit. In aligning within the Legion of Light, the aggregate whole of all Lightworkers Mother Earth will be emerging as a Unit of Oneness with God – as the Nation of Light and Love upon Mother Earth!

If you have ever seen an image or picture of all the “light pollution” caused by all the artificial light on Earth, for instance, you have a representative image in your mind about how the Activation with God Energy would appear from above Earth. But rather than being labeled as “light pollution,” you would be seeing an example of how clustered Lightworkers serving as “Pods of Light” in Activation with God would appear around the world! The Light and Love stemming from these “Pods of Light,” dear Ones, will eventually become increasingly bigger, brighter, and more vibrant in scope and practice. But for now, as the Biblical passage (Mat 18:20) states, “where two or three gather in My Name, there I AM with them,” the “simple” Power of your gathering will be enough to reproduce the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe in physical form through you! Eventually Man of Destiny Souls will become aware of your presence and in doing so, he or she will begin initializing the intention to seek his or her own process of progressing into Unity with God with you!

The Activation with God Energy will serve as a preliminary stage for being Sanctified by God for your new role and duties upon Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. The Sanctification by God Energy will neatly dovetail with the Activation with God Energy from March 15 through June 14, 2015. You will not even notice the shifting, dear Ones, for you will be in a sequence of Energy serving to exemplify the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe upon Mother Earth for all Souls! As the Lightworker “Pods of Light” increase and expand with the strength of the Universal Light and Love on Earth, the Harmonizing Brotherhood Spirit will be expanding the individual basis of each Lightworker Soul to unite the aggregate whole of all Lightworker Souls into a Unit of Oneness with God. Thus, dear Ones, you will never be alone or disappointed in your efforts to Serve God while you are Harmonizing in Brotherhood Spirit! In fact it will be as if Time did not even exist during this Time Period, for everything will be happening as if it were all merging at One Time!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Love is the Reason

A funnel is a uniquely shaped instrument generally used to transfer liquids from a larger stemmed container into a smaller one. The conical shape of the funnel serves to minimize waste and the spillage of liquids by transferring the liquid content through the cone’s decreasing diameter into the narrow opening of a new receptacle. In the same sense, dear Ones, you will be asked to become like a “funnel” with the Universal Energies from March 6, 2015 through June 14, 2015. In being like a “funnel,” you will find yourself in a process of prioritizing your Life’s choices for what you would like to do and become in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. In fact Man of Destiny Souls will also be in a similar decision process for choosing what he or she would like to do and become once Mother Earth completes the Activation of her Fifth Dimension’s Harmony Vibration on April 1, 2015. All will go well for everyone, dear Ones, simply by allowing your Heart and Soul to lead your Love into your future Joy of Living!

Love is the reason for all choices and decisions in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension. As simple as this may sound, dear Ones, many Man of Destiny Souls will still not understand the parameters of the Fifth Dimension and will sadly continue as if nothing were in a process of Change! They will be right in one sense, as no one will be deceived by his or her physical senses for there will not be any major cataclysmic or traumatic events indicating that a developing Process of Transformation were underway. The backyard tree will not be uprooted, the car will remain in the driveway, and even the local stores will be open for business. Mother Earth’s participation process into the Fifth Dimension is within to choose to initialize or not! Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension Transformation is, and always will be, an internally derived initialization process for all Souls to perceive and respond to. Lightworker Souls will become the primary initiators in the Fifth Dimension.

The choice process through the “funnel” effect will serve All Souls in one of two ways. The first will eventually move all Lightworker Souls into his or her station of readiness within a Lightworker support team. The second will assist Man of Destiny Souls to become better aligned and prepared for moving into Unity with God! No Soul will see immediate results until the Universal Energies arrive from May 16 through June 15, 2015. It will not be because some Lightworker Souls are better prepared than others or that Man of Destiny Souls are so far behind in preparation, but the fact that Mother Earth is on a schedule with the Universe to align within the Universal Energies herself. The next stage in Mother Earth’s schedule with the Universe will be to build her Foundation for becoming a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet from March 23, 2015 through July 5, 2015. Moving in alignment with Mother Earth’s schedule will lead every participating Soul into a state of readiness with her Activated Fifth Dimension’s Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe!

In growing and becoming like the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe, dear Ones, your Creations in Mother Earth’s Activated Fifth Dimension’s Harmony Vibration will manifest effortlessly for you and all who will also initiate accordingly! You will find that though the physical reality will still be in a state of flux due to the “mixture” of a diminishing Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration and a responsive Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration readily available, you will only be drawn to the Harmony Vibration of the Fifth Dimension! Man of Destiny Souls will not know how to distinguish the difference between the shifting Dimensions and will enduringly seek to keep things as status quo as possible, no matter how difficult or incoherent his or her actions may be! There will be three major Crossroad Choice processes left for all Man of Destiny Souls. The first will appear on the horizon from March 25 to March 27, 2015. The penultimate choice will be from June 15 to June 17, 2015 and the final Crossroad Choice will occur from June 29 through July 1, 2015.

The “funnel” effect will also be working from the perspective of Mother Earth and her Transition within the Fifth Dimension. For Man of Destiny Souls the diminishing Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration will be narrowing the opportunities available to move away from the experience of the Fifth Dimension. This will not directly affect Man of Destiny Souls choosing to fulfill the highest possible destiny of all Man of Destiny Souls – to become Man of Light Souls in order to become Co-Creators in Unity with God and the Universe! It will be the Reptilian Souls, the least evolved Man of Destiny Souls in comprehending and understanding God’s Universe of Love, who will be the most directly affected during the Crossroad Choices available from March 25, 2015 through July 1, 2015. For Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension “funnel” will serve to lead all Souls into his or her own direction of learning, activating, or simply starting over in his or her own process with the Universe. Freewill is the Way of the Universe otherwise nothing would ever Change!

Love is the reason ALL Things exist! To offer an extension of the Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration upon Mother Earth would be to deny her own Freewill, her own evolution process, and even her own existence. No one could do that to you or anyone for that matter, dear Ones! For Love is the Way of the Universe and the way of all growth and expansion within the Universe. Love is the Force used to Create the opportunities of expansion from each Universal Dimension to the next! By expanding through Universal Dimensions, dear Ones, the opportunity to Create additional growth and expansion exists for all Souls through the Loving Ways of God, the Father and the Mother of ALL Things in the Universe!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Activation with Fifth Dimension Harmony

What we see of our Universe represents a minute portion of its multilayered composition. Stars, comets, and asteroids are some of the things we can see with the naked eye or with the aid of a small telescope from a dark open location in nature. The vast majority of the Universe is composed of the Harmony Vibration that is invisible to the eye and resistant to the physical senses. Without perceptible “physical” boundaries or proportions, the Harmony Vibration of the Universe permeates throughout the Universe to provide the physical shape, form, and constraints of all material matter. The Harmony Vibration not only binds all material matter for our “perception” but also supports all matter in a “stationary” arrangement within the Harmony Vibration’s elusive and pliable “fabric.” There are different quantities, or concentration levels, of the Harmony Vibration existing throughout the Universe. The quality, or concentration level, of its Vibrational Frequency is dependent upon which of the Eight Universal Dimensions the Harmony Vibration will serve.

The primary Dimensions of the Universe are the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Dimensions. These are the “learning” Dimensions of the Universe and are explicitly used for learning how to Create with Love in all ways. These “lower” Dimensions are designed primarily for the learning of Man of Destiny type of Souls throughout the Universe. Lightworker Souls “serve” within the “lower” Dimensions to assist Man of Destiny Souls in learning, understanding, and advancing with the Spiritual Wisdom of ALL Things to progress into the Fifth and “above” Dimensions as Man of Light Souls. The Fifth through the Eighth Dimensions, dear Ones, are for assisting God with the growth and expansion of the Universe. The combined contributions of all Souls in Unity with God, Lightworker Souls and the advanced Man of Light Souls, serve to assist God through individual contributions of Love to Create innovations and advances to expand and increase the Presence of Love throughout the Universe.

The Time of ALL CHANGE upon Mother Earth will begin on February 27, 2015, for Mother Earth will be activating her Fifth Dimension’s Harmony Vibration. Mother Earth’s Activation of the Fifth Dimension Harmony will occur from February 27, 2015 through April 1, 2015. You will Truly feel Mother Earth’s Activation happening, dear Ones, as you gain the confidence and assurance of God in all the ways of the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe you are! The demonstration and role modeling of your leadership for Mother Earth’s Transition will be to assist Man of Destiny Souls well beyond May 16, 2016, when Mother Earth will become a New Creator Planet of the Fifth Dimension. The simplicity of applying Love form your Heart and Soul will easily convey who you are with God! There will be nothing or anyone able to stop you, for you will have the Hand of God with you and within you for all that the Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration has to offer!

Love adheres to the “fabric” of the Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration! Much like pieces of iron are drawn to a magnet, the Fifth Dimension’s Harmony Vibration attracts Love like a magnet and instantaneously Creates particles of Light! You will find, dear Ones, your Loving Nature will be of great benefit, for you are one who is synonymous with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe! Being synonymous with the Light, Love and Harmony of the Universe will reveal you to be in Unity with God! Many Man of Destiny Souls will not comprehend or realize how your world will be expanding and increasing in all ways while the world of man’s systems begins to crumble and fall! But it will not be a concern or worry for you, for you will be teaching Man of Destiny Souls how to apply the new rules and standards of the Universe at work!

The new rules and standards of the Universe will be revealed with the emerging Creator World opening up for you, dear Ones! All Man of Destiny Souls will need to become Man of Light Souls, ones who are synonymous with the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe to Create with Love like you! When the Energy of March 23, 2015 arrives you will find your own Powers of Creating with Love making progressive strides of advancement! By July 5, 2015 you will have reawakened the fundamentals of your own Spiritual Nature in order to regain the Spiritual Wisdom your Light and Love are within the Universe! It will not be a difficulty, dear Ones, just remember who you are in the Universe with God!