
Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Great Activation!

On August 18, 2012 there was an Energy that came to “Reset” the “internal conditioning and programming in all sentient beings upon the Earth Plane,” By doing so, one would be preparing his or her Soul for a state of readiness when the Great Activation begins from July 25, 2013 through August 10, 2013. The Great Activation Energy will manifest quickly for those who decided to progress in Unity with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things. It will be as if you were “sleepwalking” for the past year and have finally awakened into a New Day, and it is so, dear Ones! So do not feel any sense of loss or discouragement for the past year’s “lack of progress” in the way you have been conditioned to measure yourself! Instead consider that your New Vibration is higher than at this Time last year from the Energy of the Reset that the Great Activation brings!

No longer will the past serve you in any way, shape, or form for your future will be open to all of the infinite possibilities of the Universe! Your Plan is engraved upon your Soul through the imprint of your birth date from the Universal Energies. You will find that the better you know your New Vibration through what is in your Heart, the closer you will be aligned to your Soul’s Plan. For it will be during the Time Period of July 25, 2013 through August 10, 2013 that your Soul’s Plan will begin to reveal itself in its fullness! Many will be pleasantly surprised for as you will see the past did not make you into a Co-Creator in Unity with God, your dedication to Light and Love did so!

Not everyone is as dedicated as you are, dear Ones, for in your quest to progress in Unity with God and the Universe you have also chosen not to be separated from God ever again! And in this Truth, you will begin to see the separation of Souls by those who dedicate their Soul’s Work to God and the Universe from those who disavow God’s Laws by continuing in the ways of man’s laws and standards! So by choice every Soul upon Mother Earth will stand on one side or the other to witness the redistribution of wealth in every land upon Earth through the Empowerment of being a Co-Creator in Unity with God or not!

God’s Presence upon Mother Earth coincided with the Energy of the Reset on August 18, 2012 by a few days. Two days after the first anniversary date of the Reset Energy will be August 20, 2013 when the second phase to align every Soul who has chosen to go forward in becoming a Co-Creator in Unity with God will be complete. The first phase from May 9, 2013 through July 24, 2013 brought to everyone the potential to Create as a Co-Creator in Unity with God while the second phase from July 25, 2013 through August 20, 2013 will bring forward full utilization of one’s ability to Create with the Universal Energies upon Mother Earth!

You have come into these days for more than you would have ever considered being possible in your Life, for the Energy of the Great Activation has arrived! From July 25 through August 10, 2013, the Energy will be strong and provide the momentum to lead you into the Pathway of your Soul! You will not let up or even subside in momentum for the Path of your Soul will become Activated with simply the Energy of Love from your Heart and Soul! By October 4, 2013 the separation of Souls will have completed and on this day so will the hindrance that may have previously slowed you down from becoming a being of Light and Love in full sight of the world, for you are Love, dear Ones!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Prelude to the Great Activation!

From May 9, 2013 through August 20, 2013, the Great Transformation to bring Light and Love upon Mother Earth will be taking place. On July 16, 2013 the first phase will be complete with all Souls upon Earth bestowed with the Power of True Creation in the Fifth Dimension to implement their role as a Creator with the New Universal Paradigm introduced on June 12, 2013. In what shall seem like a respite during the Great Transformation from July 17, 2013 to July 24, 2013, the Time will actually be a buildup of the Energy before the Great Activation occurs. For from July 25, 2013 through August 20, 2013, the Activation of all Souls who have chosen to go forward as Co-Creators in Unity with God will begin!

When the Great Activation begins on July 25, 2013, dear Ones, you will find yourself in a place of leadership to role model that Love is the Way of God and the Universe! And all you will have to simply do is remember and validate who you are in the Universe with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things! Once you complete this preliminary stage, it will be like moving from training wheels on a bicycle to mountain biking at full speed! So do not let the outer world interfere with your inner world!

Man of Destiny Souls will be unaware that True Creation in the Fifth Dimension is not only possible but also the way of evolving into the Fifth Dimension. The week of July 17 through July 24, 2013, however, will serve to Empower you, dear Ones, with the experience of True Creation to Create with the Universe once more! With your vast understanding, any difficulty that may arise can be overcome by releasing old memories and unlearning habits you may have carried over from the Third Dimension. So consider this, dear Ones, you are a Master Creator and know that Love is the Primary Element in all things, visible and ALL Things imperceptible to the physical eyes!

There will be limited examples of Man of Destiny Souls becoming Co-Creators in Unity with God in the immediate days to come. It will not be due to misunderstanding the basis of True Creation in the Fifth Dimension, but rather, the lack of understanding that Love is the Primary Element of the Universe. For without comprehension or understanding about Love’s role within the Universe, True Creation in the Fifth Dimension is impossible! Self Knowledge will serve as the beginning point of Man of Destiny’s Spiritual Journey to gain the required skills of True Creation in the Fifth Dimension, and will only begin when he or she understands that Love, as the Primary Element of the Universe, serves to coagulate and coalesce as a Vibration, much like his or her own Soul. For only when he or she will finally express him or herself as a Vibration of Love and begins to resonate as an equivalent expression of Love through the Pattern of the Universe, will True Creation begin!

By recognizing you are already Love, dear Ones, you will have no major problems whatsoever during this transition period! When the second phase of the Great Transformation begins on July 25, 2013. the Universal Energies will begin moving much like a mountain river barreling downwards with its springtime thaw of snow, rapidly and single minded in intent, to replenish Life in the land below! The completion of the Great Transformation arrives on August 20, 2013. And with it you will see that the New Horizon has arrived upon Mother Earth and signal that the Time to begin the Life of Light and Love will be upon us all!

Friday, June 21, 2013

The New Universal Paradigm

When the Energy of June 12, 2013 arrived, a new chapter in the history of Mother Earth began – God’s Presence Energy manifested upon the Earth Plane! God’s Presence upon Mother Earth will not only bring in Peace, Love, and Harmony but will also signal that the beginning of an entirely New Paradigm for Living on Earth will manifest! The entire process of participating and becoming a part and a whole in the New Universal Paradigm is voluntary, therefore, dear Ones, you will not see everyone immediately responding. Instead they will be one’s to allow the New Universal Paradigm to incubate and develop within to better understand and comprehend it.

The New Universal Paradigm will begin its introduction on June 29, 2013 when True Creation in the Fifth Dimension begins! No longer will you need to Create through the means of “purchasing power” with man’s currencies for the things you will need to subsist, rather, know that True Creation in the Fifth Dimension  upon Mother Earth only exists through God’s Currency of Love! For everything in our Solar System is now in the Universe and will only operate in the way and manner of the Universe to Create and Expand with Love. Likewise, dear Ones, all you will be doing is emulating the Universe to Create and Expand with Love!

All Souls are designated Co-Creators in Unity with God, as Lightworker Souls regained the Power to Create with God on May 19, 2013 while Man of Destiny Souls gained the Power to Create in Unity with God on June 1, 2013. For Lightworker Souls it will simply be a process of remembering how to work with the Universe once more. Man of Destiny Souls, on the other hand, will be in a period of trial and error especially with the Test of Love that will begin on July 2, 2013 and complete on August 3, 2013. Man of Destiny Souls do not have Spiritual Experience with the Universe and will be in a three year period of learning and understanding that Love is the Way of Creating in Unity with God and the Universe.

The Dance with the Universe begins with the enhanced Energy of July 2013 to begin an unprecedented era upon Mother Earth with the New Universal Paradigm in effect! During the first two weeks of July 2013 there will be a series of choices to set into motion the Experience of Joy by each and every Soul upon Mother Earth. In the final days of these choices, July 13, 2013 through July 15, 2013, the choices will be to be one to begin to stand in Joy of Living with God and the Universe or not! Skeptics and false prophets will be abound during this time for most Souls on Earth do not have experience with the Universe like you, dear Ones, and will adamantly demand a return to what they know through the experience of man’s currencies rather than gaining Spiritual Purpose Experience with God’s Currency of Love!

The New Universal Paradigm will begin activating on July 16, 2013! The Energy of July 16, 2013 will bring forth the core foundation of Joy in Living for every Soul upon Earth – the Brotherhood of Man and Light to provide the Sharing and Cooperation leading all of one mind, as Co-Creators in Unity with God, into the New Millennium! From July 17, 2013 through August 10, 2013, the Energy of Expanded Creation will begin the Creation of Light and Love upon Mother Earth through you, dear Ones! And when this Time period is over on August 20, 2013 there will be a New Awareness that things are not the same anymore! For the New Universal Paradigm Created by God the Father and Mother of ALL Things will be in effect forever upon Mother Earth!