
Saturday, May 4, 2013

You, Me, and We

At the Heart of ALL Things in the Universe is Harmony – Conscious awareness that everything and every Soul in existence is in Unity with God. Without comprehension or even awareness of Harmony as the foundation of Unity with God, there would be a continued belief that you and me are separate beings from separate regions on Earth. The Truth to the matter, dear Ones, is that we live on One Land, are One Nation and One People upon Mother Earth! Many will be initiated with the concept of Harmony from June 1, 2013 through October 17, 2013, when the Time to integrate Harmony into one’s foundation begins for all Souls, Man of Destiny and Lightworker Souls, in order to begin Creating with the Universe!

Those who will begin Creating with the Universe will understand and comprehend the concept of Harmony – We ALL live on One Land, are One Nation, and One People in Unity with God and the Universe! As the Process of Creating initiates, so will the increase of Light and Love upon Earth through the core Group of Initiators, predominantly Lightworkers who will be back into their original element of Creating with the Universe! While Light and Love upon Mother Earth continues to increase, so will the elements of Chaos and Confusion upon all lands! Not because Creating with the Soul is an unnatural act or even against the Laws of God, rather it will be the masses unaware how Harmony enhances the Power to Create his or her own Joy in Living with Love!

When the advent of the first week of Creating with the Universe completes on June 8, 2013, the New Moon on that day will signal that the “Project of You, Me, and We” will begin with a core group of Light, who will lead God’s Project to completion! Not one of these Chosen few will be elected to a single political position for they are not warmongers, despots, or even subject to the temptation of man’s ways, for they have all been tested by God the Father and Mother of ALL Things! Mother Earth will also be ready, for she has already initiated her own beginning on May 4, 2013, when she will align her Chakras to contribute her own share into the “Project of You, Me, and We!”

The “Project of You, Me and We” is the project of bringing every Soul into Unity with God and the Universe. Mother Earth’s Energy will be increasing and expanding with the Universe’s ever increasing and expanding Energy of Love and cannot be ignored! Those who already understand will be Creating with the Universe while those who do not will see their lives become even more chaotic and disorganized than ever before! That is, until they learn the Truth that the Universe only functions in Harmony with God and ALL Thing within it! Therefore before their Hearts and Minds filled with Third Dimensional concepts and learning will even progress they must understand that the world of “Me, Myself, and I” is no longer valid in the Fifth Dimension!

It will not be long before the “Project of You, Me, and We” completes on July 18, 2016 but those who will learn to Harmonize with God and the Universe will become Creators! Harmony is the foundation of Unity with God and the Universe, and by simply applying Love in all that you think and do, dear Ones, there will be nothing to fear or intrude in your process of becoming a Co-Creator in Unity with God! Let the Joy of Living bring you Joy and Happiness for the Time and Place to begin the Re-Creation of Mother Earth begins in your Heart!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

All You Need Is Love!

When the Energy arrives on June 1, 2013, the first stage of expansion of the New Horizon will be complete! Every Soul, dear Ones, will be a Creator once more! No longer will you be one to Create through the purchasing power of man’s currency systems but with God’s Currency of Love! This will bring noticeable differences in the Times ahead as the skills to Create begin to develop once more. Lightworker Souls will begin on May 20, 2013 when Creator of the Heart possibilities appear, while Man of Destiny Souls will begin on June 1, 2013. Many Man of Destiny Souls will not be readily adapting into his or her new role of Creator, but the ones who will adapt will be progressing steadily when they will know that they are Empowered with Love!

There are three categories of Creators: Creator, Co-Creator in Unity with God, and Creator of the Heart. The distinguishing difference between these three categories is that one in Creator status is in development of his or her seven Energy Centers, the Chakras, to the point that ALL SEVEN will be functioning and operating with Love. The Co-Creator in Unity with God and Creator of the Heart statuses both have ALL SEVEN Chakras simultaneously functioning with LOVE. The difference however, is that the Co-Creators in Unity with God, consisting of mostly Lightworker Souls, will need a “training wheel” stage until they will let go of man’s systems of restraint and limitations from his or her conscious awareness. It will not take long for these ones to just remember what working with the Universal Energies is like once more!

Creator of the Heart status will be using the highest expression of one’s Creative Potential, not what most think to be the Crown Chakra, but the Heart Chakra! For in one’s Heart is where Love is expressed, understood, and transformed from thought into its material correspondent – through the process of Creation! This is Man of Destiny Soul’s eventual goal through his or her process of evolution of working with Light and Love from the Universe in the Fifth Dimension! Though it will not be an instantaneous transformation for Man of Destiny Souls, Lightworker Souls will be in place all around Earth to lead the Great Transformation of Mother Earth into the Abode of Peace and Harmony!

As one may deduce in the transformation from man’s currencies to God’s Currency of Love, there will be many issues of concern by those who place the value of man’s currencies above God’s Currency! They will call this time “terrible, even worse than the 1930’s Great Depression” and it is so for them! For God’s Universe Creates and bring expansion through Love and in the same way, dear Ones, you as a Creator with the Universe will be Creating and expanding with Love! By the time the Universal Energy of February 11, 2013 every Soul upon Mother Earth, Man of Destiny and Lightworker Souls, will be in the place of Love and Joy!

When the Energy arrives in the final week of May 2013 there will be a newness that has not been felt upon Mother Earth for a long time! The Energy of this final week will be the “starting gate” of a brand New World – a world in which every Soul will begin Creating his or her own sense of Joy in Living! Some will feel anxiety and nervousness due to the sense of “unknowing” and lack of direction, but do not let these feelings overcome you for God Walks the Land and will not let anyone who Creates with Love fail! All you will have to do is refresh yourself with the song “All You Need Is Love” by those great inspiring philosophers of our time, Lennon and McCartney!

All you need is love
All you need is love
All you need is love, love
Love is all you need!

That’s all you will need, dear Ones!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Creators of the Heart

The Universe is as vast as an ocean and our solar system is much like a drop of water within its humongous body. On February 2, 2013 the Universe began to introduce itself into our Solar System in order to begin releasing enhanced “Love Particles” of Energy to allow everyone to Create with the Universe. The difference that these “Love Particles” will produce, dear Ones, will be an enormous step in Re-Creating Mother Earth with the Universe, and so will the results! The transition in Creating with the Universe will not be difficult for those designated as Co-Creators in Unity with God beginning on May 17, 2013!

The difficulty for everyone else upon Mother Earth will be the lack of understanding with Love for Love is the key in doing anything and everything in the Fifth Dimension! Responsible decisions and choices made in these days will include Love as the motivation and inspiration for any endeavor. If not, there will not be a material counterpart Created! The Rules of the Fifth Dimension have changed so what one will do by habit will only produce a waste of time and effort! Therefore let the Spirit of Love lead you to Progress with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things in the Fifth Dimension!

Those who will become Masters of Creating with Love will be ones designated as Creators of the Heart! On May 19 and 20, 2013 the Universal Energies will produce the first of two waves leading to the designation of Creator of the Heart, the second will be on June 15 and 16, 2013. These two waves from the Universe will bring the Creators of the Heart into the place of Harmony, where their designation will be assisting Mother Earth’s transition for the Fifth Dimension as the Abode of Peace and Harmony. There are only three years to physically prepare Mother Earth but with her assisting Creators of the Heart she will be more than ready when the Energy of February 11, 2016 arrives!

Decisions and choices made during the week of May 16 to 23, 2013 will bring in measures to segue and incorporate Joy in Living into every Soul’s Life! But since the vast majority of Souls on Mother Earth do not understand that one’s Spirit of Joy is the True measurement of aligning with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things, fear and worry will predominate upon Earth through June 2, 2013! After this point of Time in Mother Earth’s Great Transition to become the Abode of Peace and Harmony, Man of Destiny and Lightworker Souls will begin to form a cooperative relationship leading to the accomplishment of Re-Creating Mother Earth together!

Though untrusting of each other at first, they will both learn that they will need to work together from June 9 to June 25, 2013 for these days will be terrible! But what will appear as “terrible” to what is known and understood in the Third Dimension, will become a Great Blessing from God and the Universe, FREEDOM for every Soul upon Earth! And it will be those ones designated as Creators of the Heart that will be leading the way to bring the experience of Joy in Living for everyone! Your wait is almost over, dear Ones, so look forward to the Blessings that will soon come to everyone!

The Creator of the Heart status is open to everyone who has mastered the art of Creating with Love for only when one is open to all the possibilities in his or her Heart will one be able to Truly Create like God! Many will be learning but once this great step in Man of Destiny’s Evolution is accomplished, Mother Earth will truly resemble the Universe, where ALL Things are Created with Light and Love from God’s Heart!