
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Evolving Light

Beginning on March 15, 2012, dear Lightworker, your opportunity to begin your Project of Light will emerge. This will not be a major breakthrough but will allow you to continue with more confidence in your Project of Light. Many will become aware of your diligence and perseverance to your Task of Light! This will be a sign of your understanding and comprehension about what is to come by the end of March 2012 – the need for everyone to seek Truth and Understanding! You, dear Lightworker, are at the forefront and stand ready to emerge from the trenches to advance and lead all nations of the world into the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium!

The Energy, now in the second half of March 2012, will be intense and will be pushing everyone to rethink his or her priorities. So much so that what has been the status quo of the Fourth Dimension, up until now, will be demonstrated as fallacies and erroneous beliefs for the Fifth Dimension! If there will be a time to remain calm and inward seeking it will be now, dear Lightworker, for you are meant to lead everyone into the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium with Courage, Truth and Love!

Our Mother Earth and Milky Way Galaxy's upward Ascension into The Fifth Dimension will not be complete for three more years, but the time is now to initiate the required qualities of endurance – Truth and Love! Both of these qualities will not function in isolation and must be ascertained within the Truth of your Heart and Soul! You already understand this Truth, dear Lightworker, but it will be those who will come to you in the very near future that will need understanding and clarity.

The Energy to come in the remaining days of March 2012 will be intensive and pervasive and thereby leaving no one to be able to ignore the Great Transformation already underway! Man of Destiny will be allowed to choose the way of his or her learning. Will he or she choose the Way of Truth and Love, or will he or she choose the Way of Learning about Love? The Opportunity to choose will avail itself on March 16 and 17, 2012 and will provide the impetus to build the internal foundation to implement the basis of the Brotherhood of Man and the Joy in Living for everyone!

Quickly and rapidly the Energy’s momentum will dictate the Way of Truth and Love to be the way of the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium! March 18, 2012 will open a gateway for Man and Light to begin working together to prepare for the many Changes to come. Many will begin internally seeking to learn and grow for the sake of their Inner Self – their Heart and Soul. This will be the signal of things to come, dear Lightworker, for many will be internally preparing to seek Truth and Love for the Fifth Dimension’s necessary Spiritual Standards of Living!

If those who seek you readily move to debate, do not engage them. They will only be trying to comprehend the Way of Truth and Love in terms and concepts that they have not yet come to grasp. Simplifying will do no good either for the experience of Living with Truth and Love is an understood by all of the Legion of Light, the Way of Peace and Tranquility! Those who will know will listen and engage you for insight and further understanding. The road in which the masses will favor, however, will be to keep externally ignoring the Spiritual Standards of Living for the Fifth Dimension and live Life as if we were still in the Fourth Dimension. Do not let this worry you, dear Lightworker, for there are many other Lightworkers in God’s Legion of Light who stand ready to teach the Way of Truth and Love from the “other side!”

If you will feel tired or fatigued in the coming weeks, honor it and follow the way into your Heart and Soul and listen to the quiet that allows you to hear God’s Whispers of Truth and Love to you, dear Lightworker! Now is the time to prepare and ready yourself for the revealing of the Way of Truth and Love to everyone! You, dear Lightworker, are the Gatekeeper of Truth, Love, and Knowledge that will bring everyone to know and understand that the world is different and to allow everyone to acknowledge the Truth of who we all are, beings of Light and Love!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The March of Change Part 2

Everything in the Universe is bonded together with the adhering Energy of Love. Without the Energy of Love nothing would remain or exist within the Movement of the Universe. What will come to be in the remaining days of March 2012 will be a test of this Universal Law: If the Energy of Love is not applied into what is being Created by Humanity upon Mother Earth, that which is being Created without Love shall cease to exist within the Fifth Dimension’s binding Energy of Love! This will be the Test of Lovingness!

To better understand the momentum that this Energy Movement will take upon the Earth, dear Lightworker, think about what you would do when it is time to move or reorganize your home. Do you keep what no longer serves you as it did in 1985? Would you keep up the maintenance of an appliance or vehicle that costs you more to repair than to purchase a new one that would serve you longer? The Universe, dear Lightworker, is in such a phase – The Time of Reorganization – for the Fifth Dimension!

The Reorganization process will be functioning in the micro as well as the macro level. This will mean, dear Lightworker, that you and everyone else deemed to remain in the Fifth Dimension, will also be reorganizing. This will come as a process for removing and displacing experiences that no longer serve you in remaining in a constant State of Joy and Contentment. Call this a healing process that will clear your memory banks so that you, and everyone else, will grow and prosper in the Fifth Dimension. This healing process will be administered with the Energy of Love and will work if only you would apply it! In much the same way our Earth and Milky Way Galaxy will be adjusted and renewed!

This phase will lead you and the aggregate whole of the Legion of Light into place by April 18, 2012 so that you may provide your service for God, the Universe, and Mother Earth in the Fifth Dimension. In the mean time there will be much to get ready as sequences of events will be signs to you, dear Lightworker, that it will be time to begin! There will not be much understanding or comprehension by Man of Destiny, who will remain in fear as if he or she will be hiding under a rock not understanding that even when chasing shadows there is Light!

By the end of April 2012 the next phase of Renewal and Reorganization will begin! There will be an increase of awareness to the Light and Love available by everyone! This will signal the completion of the current phase and will allow those who remain open to the experience of the Fifth Dimension by fully absorbing and immersing themselves without hindrance of fear or pain! Everyone will not realize this but they will be learning how to recognize a feeling they have never allowed themselves to experience! This open period of Renewal and Reorganization will last for seven weeks, from April 29, 2012 through June 24, 2012! This period of time will also coincide with the beginning date of the manifested Energy of the Fifth Dimension – May 15, 2012!

You, dear Lightworker, will be at the forefront of this Change upon Mother Earth! It will not be overnight like some would like but nevertheless it will seem that way within three more years when there will be vast Societal Change to nurture the new culture developing in the Fifth Dimension. The strong leadership you will offer in service to God and the Reorganization will impact how Humanity currently measures and values their lives! Keep Heart, dear Lightworker, we are almost there! If there will need to be anything more to say, look forward to the days when everyone will want to be like you, dear Lightworker, a LIGHTWORKER!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The March of Change

The month of March 2012 will begin with a bang as if you, dear Lightworker, would need even more incentive to get started on your Project of Light! The first three days of March 2012 will be trendsetting days to Energize you and your task beyond the point of anticipation! The first two days will focus upon invigorating you where everything in the Process of Creation begins – your Heart and Soul! By focusing within your Heart and Soul – your Inner Self – you will be Creating the Pathway that will bring you all of your future needs!

On the third day of this sequence, March 3, 2012, your concentration of Loving Thoughts will allow you to begin processing with all of the knowledge you will need to guide and manifest your Pathway of Destiny for the New Millennium! There will be much to ponder about during these three days but you, dear Lightworker, have the knowing and the desire to fulfill your Project of Light! Do not let those who still question their own state of being in the Fifth Dimension hinder your Pathway for most have chosen to make the adjustment into the Fifth Dimension at a much slower pace!

By the end of the first week of March 2012 a Readying Phase of Energy will begin for Man of Destiny. You, dear Lightworker, will be ready when you have set the Energy available on the first three days of the month into motion! The Readying Phase of Energy will be for Man of Destiny, who still queries within his Heart to know and understand what the difference between the Fifth and Fourth Dimensions is. He or she will come to terms in their own time but know that by seeking Joy with Love in these trendsetting days, everyone will make a huge impact upon the quality of his or her life, dear Lightworker!

The Readying Phase of Energy will begin on March 7, 2012 and will complete by month’s end on March 30, 2012. There will be so much confusion by that time that what has appeared to be “just rumors” and largely ignored will begin to move into motion! Trust with your Heart and Soul that the benefits will outweigh the saddened state of affairs! If there is to be more to know just remember the dates of April 18, 2012 and May 15, 2012 for these dates will be critical for your personal Project of Light!

April 18, 2012 is the date when all Projects of Light will emerge from within all of you, dear Lightworkers! You are carrying the Task of your Heart within you and on April 18, 2012, you will witness that God preordained it on December 2, 2011! You, dear Lightworker, will be ready before the Manifested Energy of the Fifth Dimension arrives on May 15, 2012! When the Manifested Energy of the Fifth Dimension arrives, stay in the Mode of Love as this will be a personal sign that God’s Presence is always with YOU!

When the Readying Phase of Energy completes by the end of March 2012 the Societal Change we have all been anticipating will be arriving. There will be no way to avoid it for the Universal Energies have already been preparing everyone internally to know and understand that the New Millennium is an Act of Universal Law! Even if conditions appear that the Great Transformation is not in movement, keep listening and watching your media reports that will remain focused upon believing that the world will return to the expectations and beliefs of the Fourth Dimension! We are on the threshold of immanent Change for the better!