
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Love as the Foundation of All, Part 3

We are currently living in one of the most exciting times in the history of our solar system and our universe. There will be times when Chaos and Confusion will dominate over a state of calmness like the waxing and waning of the Moon but as things begin to settle down, the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium will prevail. For now, the Power to implement and begin your entry into the Fifth Dimension will come by fortifying your life with Love as your Foundation in All you will think and do!

There will be some who will think that they will be Raptured and literally be lifted into the clouds on May 21, 2011 but this will not be so. Instead they will have to wait until after October 28, 2011 to ascend into the Fifth Dimension where they will be Present with God and all His Promises! For on May 21, 2011 the Universal Energies will bring forth within us the Power to utilize Unlimited Love! This gift will allow us to Create our Pathways for the New Millennium and bring us all in line with the required Love for living in the Presence of God! Take the Opportunity of this day’s Energy and become a Co-Creator with God!

The Opportunity to process and express ourselves with Unlimited Love will lead us through a triad of Gateways for Fifth Dimension on May 22, 2011. These Gateways will increase our knowledge in 1) contemplating our possibilities, 2) in applying Truth within our possibilities, and 3) in allowing us to understand our possibilities for the New Millennium! Open yourself up to these New Possibilities and you begin to KNOW that your Destiny will allow you to work within the Brotherhood of Man!

A second triad of Gateways for the Fifth Dimension will open for our continued contemplation on May 23, 2011. Seek your Heart and Soul’s Expression on this day and you will find that the Brotherhood of Man will grant you Eternal Peace and Security! Choose it and you will come to understand 1) the Truth of Living in Joy, 2) the Truth that you are a Divine Expression of God, and 3) the Truth that you are Unlimited with Love! The Opportunity will be yours to express your Destiny to its fullest, Man of Destiny and Lightworker within the Legion of Light!

The influx of Gateways will be over on May 24, 2011 but will provide another Opportunity to assist your Pathway with Unlimited Love for the Fifth Dimension and to be in the Presence of God. The Unlimited Love within us will function to align ourselves into becoming Expressions of Love to Experience Love as we have only known in our dreams. Man of Destiny and Legion of Light, all of your burdens and continued suffering will soon be over as you transform yourself into the Light and Love that you truly are!

Man of Negativity will allow all of these Opportunities to be Present with God bypass him in order to develop his plans to control and try to enslave the world through financial, energy, and food market manipulations. He has forgotten or deceived himself from knowing that Light and Love surround him! On May 25, 2011 the Universal Energies will prepare to demonstrate to him that the Power of God and His Forces of Light will be in charge of the Earth! Know that Love and Joy are the right of every living being upon Earth and will be the way of Fifth Dimension! Man of Negativity will not hinder these rights for there will be repercussions for him if he shall not let loose of the thread of his imagined control!

The Law of Attraction does not discriminate between the feelings we hold behind the thoughts we use to Create. It simply responds and Creates the thoughts that we choose to hold and become! On May 26, 2011 the Universal Energies will send us a lesson of Love to learn how we Create for ourselves. There will be many astounded and amazed by their newfound Power to Create with Love while others will be dismayed by the lack they continue to feel, see, and Create! This day will bring Truth and Love to serve as a benefit to assist us all in entering into the Fifth Dimension and the New Millennium. If your thoughts and feelings are in Balance, so will your life be. Keep steady for the Chaos and Confusion that will arise from day to day or from time to time will depend upon your state of Balance in all you will think and do!

The key to May 27, 2011 will be to foster and raise your level of understanding about Truth and Love. These two starting points will lead you back to where you hold your childlike Joy and camaraderie and will allow you to see as child who does not carry prejudice, bias, fear or worry. Meditate and visualize these days of Living in Joy without worry and allow them to flourish in the core of your Heart and Soul! This will demonstrate to you how life will be in the Fifth Dimension and the New Millennium! Relax and know that all is well and in place for your choosing!

When you operate on the Eternal Level of Truth and Love you will become aware that there is no evil or “sin” in any avenue of expression upon Earth. The experience will simply lead you to understanding and learning. Where there is only conditional Love and the conditional Truth we will remain in a cycle of learning and keep retriggering retribution cycles against our Heart and Soul. Look now for the Universal Energies of May 28, 2011 to provide the level of Love and Truth we hold of ourselves, for the Law of Attraction does not and will not discriminate against our wishes or choices of action. Choose wisely and you will prosper and become an entity of Eternal Truth and Love!

The learning curve for everyone will now become steeper for the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium and will not become a place to practice negative actions! May 29, 2011 will have us assimilate and implement our gift of Unlimited Love into practice for when the end of 2011 will be here, there will be Universal Energies in which we will have to align with and become! Man of Destiny and Legion of Light you have the insight and objective of the days to come, choose your Destiny wisely and become a Co-Creator with God as you were meant to be!

God and His Universal Energies will always allow us Free Will to seek and find our way of learning to become physical beings of Light and Love. The Energies of May 30, 2011 will give us another Opportunity to experience and explore the Way of Living in Joy! People and things may have to be removed from your life but remember that the learning curve will be steeper for we will soon be in the Fifth Dimension and all it will require of us. Seek Joy for this will be the way to start the process to rebuild and rekindle your Heart and Soul!

The month of May 2011 will end with two more Opportunities for our choosing on May 31, 2011. The first will be a continued choice for experiencing and exploring the Way of Living in Joy while the second will be for the reason that we are entering into the Fifth Dimension – our Heart and Soul’s Expressions of Love! The Truth in our Hearts and Souls have been crying to release the conditions of man’s world for the Truth and Love in God’s world and now it will be here with the Presence of God and His Forces of Light! Now will be the time to carefully consider the direction and course of our Solar System and our lives within it. The choice and responsibility will be ours to choose and become!

The month of June 2011 will become a month of releasing and liberating ourselves from what is not Eternal Love and Truth and will begin the process of transforming our lives into the corresponding Energy Form needed for the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium. Though many will not realize the benefit of this Transformation much like the Israelites in the 40 year Exodus from Egypt, they will soon come to learn to prosper and Live in Joy by creating a Foundation of Love in all they will think and do! 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Love as the Foundation of All, Part 2

The rapidly approaching date of the Fifth Dimension is just around the corner. The date in which its Energy and Transformative Powers will be available will be October 28, 2011. As we move closer to this date look around you and see, hear, and feel the Change all around the world! These days of the Great Transformation will require that we each take Responsibility for our own state of readiness so that we will be ready to work with God in the New Millennium!

Love as our Foundation will be a requirement for living in the Fifth Dimension as will Truth, Truth about our Soul’s Path and Purpose and Truth about the world in which we will live in. Though we may feel that our goals and purpose for the current world’s standards will be adequate enough, they will not even come close to God’s Standards for the New Millennium! Many will not be ready for this Shift in Consciousness but will be willing after they realize that they were deceived into believing that they would have until December 2012! They will now begin to experience the long forgotten goal of creating Peace and Prosperity for everyone with everybody’s abilities and cooperation after October 28, 2011!

On May 11, 2011 the Universal Energies will begin the process of filtering Man of Destiny’s and the Legion of Light’s intentions for the Fifth Dimension and pending New Millennium. Will we have our Hearts and Souls aligned with our highest good with God or will we desire to live in the residue of the current dimension’s state of fear and greed and all other avarices? The choice will be yours to make. Let Light and Love be your guides and allow the process of revealing your Path of Truth to begin!

There will be much to release in order to prepare for the advent of the Fifth Dimension. Lighten your burden of stress and worry Man of Destiny and prepare for your Pathway of Light and Love to express your Heart and Soul’s content! May 12, 2011 will be the day to express concern for your Soul’s progress for whatever you release with Loving feelings will advance your future sevenfold! Do not concentrate upon the lack you will feel, as this will bring the Law of Attraction to work against you. Instead be Joyful for the days to come when the battle between Man of Negativity and the Forces of God and will begin!

Look to the west when the sunset shall come and be assured that the morning’s dawn will come. Just the same the Fifth Dimension and the New Millennium shall come and on May 13, 2011 the Universal Energies will prepare us with impressions of ways to make our priorities for those days to come. Love as our Foundation will be the place to begin for if there is anything you will not like or makes you feel uncomfortable, release it and replace it with what you do Love! This will be the easiest step as many will start but few will endure!

Why try if few will endure you may ask but the reason is simple: many today cannot even commit to a simple dietary change or addiction recovery. And here is the Truth – IT TAKES SEVEN MONTHS TO CREATE ANY THOUGHT INTO ITS MATERIAL FORM! The Energy of May 14, 2011 therefore will manifest on December 14, 2011 and this Energy will see that we all will need to be ready for the pending battle between Man of Negativity and the Forces of God! The Fifth Dimension and New Millennium is not about money, power or fame but a place in which Love and Truth will rule with the Brotherhood of Man so that all will live in Prosperity and Joy. In the mean time many will endure suffering and hardship by the hand of Man of Negativity who will claim his victory until he will finally be brought to his place of rest!

The shift of emphasis will begin with the Energy of May 15, 2011. Now will be time for Man of Destiny to segregate himself from the influence of Man of Negativity. This will not be easy by any means as we will all need confidence and endurance! With endurance in our Hearts and confidence from our Souls we will all begin to hear the call around the Earth to unify and stand with the Legion of Light as we will all adorn ourselves with armor of Love and shields of Light! Man of Negativity has placed many of his own in high places all around the world but they will not be able to prevail against the Brotherhood of Man’s weapons of Truth!

Light and Love will be the Way of the New Millennium! On May 16, 2011 the Energies will provide an Opportunity for the Legion of Light and Man of Destiny to choose and begin their Pathways with God. Man of Destiny’s choice will allow him to begin the Path of his Heart’s Expression while the Legion of Light will choose their Pathway with God to best express their Soul’s talents. The danger here will be that Man of Negativity, as a Man of Destiny, will choose his Heart’s Expression to continue in his pathway to control the Earth over God and His Plan of inclusion for everyone. Let Man of Negativity see the way of Light and Love to help him see his Pathway in God’s Plan of Joy!

These days will also begin to see world leaders out of sync with the plan that the Universal Energies will be providing. May 17, 2011 will see many looking more deeply at their options for they will realize that these few can no longer control the masses. Their days will be over and now it will be time to follow your Heart and Soul’s desires to Create and implement your Foundation of Love for the Joy of Living. The Fifth Dimension will be the portal from which we will launch our new beginning as a New Star of Action begins to take precedence over our earthly desires for attaining material goods to support Man of Negativity!

And so ends the Season of Sowing that began on February 17, 2011. The past few months since that date have begun the plan of our Hearts and Souls with the Energy of the Universal Energies. May 18, 2011 will be a day to rest and relax for the Season of Growth will bring in the time for seeing our Creations sprout and grow for their harvest in September 2011. Enjoy this day and take time to reflect upon what you have begun to Create for your future possibilities!

Man of Destiny the Season of Growth will be upon us on May 19, 2011. This Season of Creation will allow you to stand up and be counted for Light and Love will be available for your asking. Do you feel and understand what this statement will mean in all of your future endeavors upon Earth? No longer will you have to look to another to lead you for God will be in your Heart to grant you the knowing of what is Truth and falsehood. Take this Opportunity and BECOME IT for you have struggled too long in your evolution of growth towards becoming a Lightworker! The Legion of Light will heartily welcome you with their Light and Love from God!

For many generations the Legion of Light has appeared upon Earth to do the work and teaching of God’s Ways. And for many generations Man of Destiny has diluted and distorted the work and teachings of the Legion of Light to his own standards of living. This shall no longer work Man of Destiny for the Universal Energies of May 20, 2011 will bring your Path and Purpose for the New Millennium. Now you will understand for yourself Love and Truth from God and his Messengers of Light. This shall lead you to trust your fellow man and bring you into coherence with the standards of the Brotherhood of Man, which sustains itself by Sharing and Cooperating with one another instead of standards of “me and mine”! Take this message into your Heart and Soul, Man of Destiny, and learn to live as you were meant to be – Living in Joy with Light and Love!

The Fifth Dimension will be the Gateway of the New Millennium and shall be upon us on October 28, 2011. After October 28, 2011 the way of entry will be to become an active participant with the Brotherhood of Man and to actively seek the Joy of Living to manifest all of your Spiritual Prosperity. The way these gifts will be opened will be with Love as the Foundation in all you will think and do and Truth as the key to knowing who you are. Seek and find your gifts now and know that your quest for life in the New Millennium will become a Reality! 

Friday, April 29, 2011

Love as the Foundation of All

These days of Change for the Great Transformation into the Fifth Dimension will require that we Create with Love as the Foundation in All we will think and do for without Love we will remain in the current dimension’s Chaos and Confusion. Let these days allow you to seek and surround yourself with Light and Love so that you may prosper and live the life you were intended to live. If you seek insight for these days, let yourself listen!

Time will be growing short until the Fifth Dimension will be upon us by the ending of October 2011 and will avail itself to Change what you will think and do with Love and make it your habit. Do not think about what compels you into emotional stress and worry! These issues will not be as critical as bringing your Heart and Soul in line with the coming Fifth Dimension as God’s whole Universe was Created with Love and requires Love to sustain and maintain itself. For this reason we will all need to Create our lives with Love as the Foundation in All we will think and do!

The Universal Energies of May 2011 will press the issue of Love as the Foundation in All we will think and do and will send a Star of Action to mandate that this dictum be followed! On May 1, 2011 there will be the need to set your life’s priorities straight. Make your necessary adjustments and do not allow Chaos and Confusion to conquer you with fear and lack of action! Stand up and seek insight within your Heart and Soul and Listen! Your connection to God is within your Heart and Soul and in these conversations with God you will hear how to prepare yourself for the Fifth Dimension and the New Millennium! Do not let these Sacred Words leave you, instead become them for they will reinforce your connection with God!

The appearance of the New Moon on May 2, 2011 will generate a time of beginning for your God connection to function and lead you into the Fifth Dimension unharmed. Allow your new found awareness to seek the Joy of Living for the Universal Energies will be strong and constant in their gift of Joy for one and all. This will become the key for your entry into the Brotherhood of Man, as Sharing your Spiritual gifts and Cooperating with others will become an asset! Imagine if you will a world without strife and competition to channel your Soul’s task where it will be needed rather than concentrated through economic channels without incentive for your Soul’s Prosperity! These days are near so do not let them catch you off guard!

The day to implement and begin your experience with your God Purpose will be on May 3, 2011 and will allow you to seek and find your Soul’s task for the days to come! The Fear of God will become the Fear of losing your connection with God and will remain so until you will become thoroughly immersed with Love to spare and share! The days to come will only require that you seek the Joy of Living with Light and Love and though this may sound impossible to some, it will be these ones who will struggle to understand how and why the rules of living on Earth have Changed!

On May 4, 2011 the Universal Energies will awaken everyone to the Infinite Possibilities available since April 2011. The economic issues and problems that have enveloped the world over will finally come to solutions, especially since these issues and problems were not real but entrenched with greed and the need to control by Man of Negativity, whose only concern is for power and authority as if he is god! His days of assumed power and control shall soon be over for Man of Destiny and the Legion of Light will display the Power of God and the Universal Energies to overcome them with the Power of Truth to expose their lies and deceit over what is God’s!

Love as the Foundation of All we will think and do will lead us all into the Fifth Dimension with God, as God will never be where there will be fear or negativity! Therefore stay positive and upbeat about your future on May 5, 2011, as the Universal Energies will open access to the Four Corners of the New Millennium – Truth, Love, Joy and Brotherhood! For it is a Promise from God that if you will seek the Truth of your Heart and Soul and apply Love you will be led into the Joy of Living and become a member of the Brotherhood of Man! Though Man of Negativity is still a Man of Destiny and destined to become a Lightworker one day, he will not see this Truth and will limit his own pathway in the New Millennium by doing so!

The Star of Action will almost be complete on May 6, 2011 when the Universal Energies will provide the Legion of Light the opportunity to teach and demonstrate to Man of Destiny the Ways of God. Some will listen but many will be diverted by their distorted circumstances that will keep them clinging to their old habits and follow the false economy of greed and imbalance! Let him who has ears listen and he who needs wisdom find it! For know now that the Ways of God are imminent and will not allow any who shall enter into the Fifth Dimension enter with the fear and negativity of the current world!

On May 7, 2011 a major decision will be at hand for everyone to consider a pathway based upon the principle of Love as the Foundation of All we will think and do. Consider the Promise of God and all that you will stand for in the New Millennium and trust that you will be safe! The Legion of Light will be ready to step forward to lead us into the Way of Light and Love and open the way to explore and experience the Fifth Dimension as it is meant to be – Truth applied with Love to Create Joy and a stress free world in the Brotherhood of Man!

The conditions for progress into the Fifth Dimension will require that we take to heart the Truth of who we are and what we will become. On May 8, 2011 The Universal Energies will send us into what may feel like self absorbed worlds of isolation but this will be a good thing, as we will begin to work out the details of our tasks and missions in the Fifth Dimension and the New Millennium. Contemplate and ponder about what brings Joy to your Heart and Soul and follow that cry from your Heart and Soul so that you will Truly express yourself with Lovingness for this will be the day to befriend your most important supporter, yourself!

The Star of Action will complete on May 9, 2011. This will signal to one and all that we who will be ready to choose to step forward into the Fifth Dimension will do so with the day’s Opportunity to choose that direction. Step forward Man of Destiny and Legion of Light for the call to Action against the walls of Illusion with our unified Hearts and Souls will bring them crumbling down and replace them with Love as the Foundation in All we will think and do! The major steps in bringing the world into Action will be completed and the next phase of the God Plan will begin soon!

A series of new steps will appear from the Universal Energies on May 10, 2011. In what may appear as tranquility between the current dimension and the implementing Fifth Dimension, the next phase will begin with our need to find our Truth in order to apply Love from our Heart and Soul into a Manifested Expression. We will each be given a task to implement and add into the Sharing and Cooperating state of the Brotherhood of Man. No man will be greater than or lesser than another, just an equal part of the whole as the next person. Sharing and Cooperating was the way that the great nations began because they needed to in order to survive. Now there will be a return to this stage to rebuild and return our world into a place without greed and fear to diminish the status quo of Man of Negativity and his plan to undo the God Plan. Woe will be he who would even consider such a plan against God for God and the Universal Energies will show him his True place and value to GOD!

The month of May 2011 will bring us closer to the Day of No Return – June 15, 2011, when our values will be transformed and bring us closer into the required values of the Fifth Dimension. This will be a day that will revolutionize our thought processes and accelerate our concepts of Truth and Love from the current state. Look forward and know that all your Heart and Soul’s values of Truth and Love will bring you closer into the Fifth Dimension and the New Millennium, but only if you will seek it!