
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Phoenix Awakens Part 3

The third part of the forecast for May 2010 will reveal the Key for the remaining days of May and on into the rest of the New Millennium’s time frame of a thousand years. The first part of the Phoenix Awakens foretold to us that the Universal Energies were in place to ready our Creation processes for the Phoenix’s awakening during the period of May 16th to May 21st. The second forecast, from May 12th to May 22nd, brought us to witness the Phoenix Awaken within us so that we would Progress our Purpose on Earth. Now the Universal Energies will offer Opportunities to Choose our course of action in the New Millennium with the assurance that our created products will begin their manifestation.

On May 23, 2010 an Opportunity will be provided to choose the Power of Unlimited Love in order to create our livelihoods within the newly created Dimension of Love. This will be the day in which Unlimited Love manifests into Man of Destiny’s chosen path for the New Millennium. No longer will Man’s soul be tied to the self-destructive mannerisms of the previous world but now it will be in a state of lovingness as the only way to be! Take this thought into your heart and perceive a world in which you will only commit yourself to what you Love, and not what you would do for the sake of security.

The World to Come is here on May 24th and the Flow of Unlimited Love permeates throughout the new dimension of Love and opens the pathways of Man of Destiny and the Light. May 25th will bring out the last chance to those clinging to the past with the final opportunity to move forward and learn to create with Love. This day shall also work to define the boundaries and the rules of the New Millennium with the formation of a partnership between the Brotherhood of Man and the Light with the force of God Truth. This action will begin the manifestation of a spiritual resurrection for Man of Destiny and the Light in order to introduce a New World Order.

As the dust begins to settle around the Massive Change occurring, May 26, 2010 will show the Key to Creating in the New Millennium. This Key comes by the simplicity of retaining Joyful thoughts in your mind and soul as a foundation and continuing with Truth in the soul of who you are – A SPIRITUAL CREATION OF GOD – and to work and live in an atmosphere of Unlimited Love! The Universal Energies of May 27 to May 31, 2010 will place emphasis on our new Key to Creating by sending forth an unprecedented series of absolutes and principles of guidance for expanding our chosen pathways in the New Millennium. Now it is time to grow into our newly found Purpose as the forth coming Energies of June 2010 will seal our hearts and souls with the force of Absolute Truth for the prosperity we will be gaining with the momentum of the New Millennium!

We have witnessed the Phoenix Awaken, not as a force outside of us but rather, within us! And now we begin to Create with Love and Truth as our guides as we were designed to do. This will be the foundation from which we will move forward and progress our soul’s work and longevity by working in unison towards a state of Eden here on Earth. All we have to do is to start in the place of Love!

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Phoenix Awakens Part 2

The previous forecast of April 29 to May 11, 2010 provided us with the foreknowledge that the Universal Energies were in place to ready our Creation processes for the Phoenix’s awakening during the period of May 16th to May 21st. The second period of this forecast, May 12th to May 22nd, will bring us to witness the Phoenix Awaken within us so that we will Progress our Purpose on Earth. This is the timing of Mary Summer Rain’s account of the progress Man must make towards revitalizing our spiritual ways in her 1987 book entitled Phoenix Rising.

May 12, 2010 will callout the Lightworkers who have remained withdrawn or in study of their tasks to begin to merge into the Legion of Light and move forward with the Brotherhood of Man. The occurrence of this timing comes as these ones are those who have almost forgotten their way in the darkness while keeping Man on his course of action towards the Light. The day for Man of Destiny comes the following day, May 13, 2010, and the momentum of this pathway will intertwine with the Legion of Light and the Earth’s pathway to progress Man of Destiny into a Partnership of growth to progress into the Brotherhood.

The Planetary Energies will increase their thrust of Energy on May 14th when the central focus of this day is to manifest the Brotherhood of Man and move forward into the Responsibility of processing our Destiny towards the ideal of an all encompassing Family. May 15th will continue this message and will direct the merging pathways with the Light and Love of God towards the Brotherhood of Man.

On May 16th the Universal Energies will grant the Earth the power to proceed with her Cause and Purpose and will provide an Opportunity for Man and Light to choose the Responsibility to be At One with the Earth’s Pathway. This day will also unite the planetary members of our solar system into joyous celebration for the foundation that our Earth will provide for the Brotherhood of Man. And now the Phoenix Awakens within us to lead Man of Destiny and Light with the Creative Abilities to create all we will ever need and do in the New Millennium!

By expanding our concept of Family on May 17th we will gain knowledge to process our Destiny for enacting our pathway within the Brotherhood of Man. Light and Man of Destiny with the constants of Love, Brotherhood, Family, and Partnership in their hearts will take the lead in demonstrating the way to enter the world of Joy and Happiness. May 18th will then provide a dimensional gateway from which Light and Man of Destiny will begin to recreate the world once more with God.

May 19th will mark the ending of the Season of Creation and will grant us a day in which we shall look inward to reflect upon what we have initiated and manifested so that on May 20, 2010 we can begin the Season of Growth. The Season of Growth will begin with an Opportunity for Man and Light to Choose to activate the Phoenix within us, which is the spirit of regeneration towards returning our pathways to the way of Joy!

May 21st will follow with a second Opportunity to Choose. This Choice grants the manifestation of our pathway in the New Millennium and derives from our focus upon our Destiny through the Unlimited Love we have accepted to push our Projects of Light and Love forward. On May 22nd we will receive a reprieve of sorts in that we will not be making a decision for our soul’s task on this day. That will come on May 23rd when we will be making two vital choices for our soul’s progress and purpose but that will be told in the next Alexandrian Kosmos posting. May 22, 2010 in the meantime is for processing the knowledge and direction that the Phoenix within us has provided as now is the time to step forward into the prosperity of life within the New Millennium!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Phoenix Awakens

The title of this month’s theme for May 2010 is in reference to Mary Summer Rain’s 1987 book entitled Phoenix Rising. Mary Summer Rain’s account of her days with an elderly Native American seer named No-Eyes provides the greatest background for the progress Man must make towards revitalizing our spiritual ways. Read Mary Summer Rain’s book once more or for the first time and you will find many parallels between No-Eyes’s visions about the resurrection of the Earth and today’s world.

May 2010 will continue the high Energy of April but will slow down by May’s end to make us focus upon the Way of Truth on Earth once more, as the forecast for May 2010 will be segmented to assist in processing this vital information. Not mentioned in last month’s post was that April 29th would be offering a dimensional gateway to transport our higher aspirations towards their manifestation while April 30th would serve to remind us of how far we have come on the journey to recreate our world. May 1st will then begin to advance our pathways with the use of the available Love Energy to begin the Way of Brotherhood as the Energies will once more begin to surge from May 2nd to May 21st.

The first of the three parts for May 2010 will consist of a forecast from May 1st until May 11, 2010 when all the Energies will be readying our Creation processes for the Phoenix’s awakening during the period of May 16th to May 21st. They will then decelerate their flow from May 22nd until the beginning of early June 2010 when the foundation of Truth and Love becomes intertwined within the hearts of Man and Light.

May 2nd will emphasize our need to begin the Brotherhood of Man while we gain an increase in our use of the Love Energy to contribute to our own and All Man’s progress. May 3rd will continue this emphasis and will reveal that the pendulum of Change has finally swung from the stronghold of Man’s negative ways to the Way of Security and Destiny with God. This will not be an easy task but it calls for us to let go of what is already slipping and trust that this is a sign that the Energy of Love will bring out the better for all involved.

May 4th will take us on a Leap of Faith towards our pathways in the New Millennium. For here we will need to be making our heart’s and soul’s adjustments to link with the Change for our future as the Earth Creates a bridge to lead us across the dimensional divide towards our pathway within the Brotherhood of Man. The Opportunity to choose this Responsibility is provided for in two days, May 5th and 6th, as the pending manifestation of the Brotherhood of Man comes one step closer to becoming a Reality on Earth!

May 7th and 8th will bring an increase in the Universal Energies’ intensity, as we will find that the Earth will continue to create her own Pathway to ensure that Man’s participation in the Brotherhood of Man is secured. On May 9th, 18 years to the date since the Love Beacon became available, the Phoenix calls upon the Legion of Light to order to herald in the manifestation of the Brotherhood of Man! Now is the time to identify the status of Man from man to see who has stepped up to his calling and activated his participation in the New Millennium for there are many tasks in need of resurrecting our World!

May 9th through 13th will have us in need of attending to the matter at hand: focusing upon the Ideal of Family to process our Destiny within the realm of Brotherhood and moves us into a growing Partnership with our fellow Man, Earth and God. There is no greater strength than to move in unison towards our Destiny, the marking of our soul’s progress towards our spiritual growth and goals! May 10th will bring forth the Path of the Lightworker to begin in earnestness as they will lead the way through the darkness and Man of Destiny will begin in his spiritual calling. May 11th will then finalize the Energy designed to manifest our Destiny into place. It is the message to “think with the knowledge of these days and it shall activate the Partnership to begin the Brotherhood of Man and create the pathway to change Man’s purpose on Earth and progress with Expanded Joy!”

The New Millennium was begun on March 21, 2010 and now it is the Responsibility of every man, woman, and child to proceed with the task at hand and step forward into the Brotherhood of Man. There will not be a second chance to move away from this Responsibility as now is the time that the Phoenix Awakens to call us all to participate! The next posting of Alexandrian Kosmos will take us through the timing of the Phoenix Rising and what will follow.