
Friday, May 26, 2023

Passion and Joy

 Our individual Soul’s noblest Pathway is served through the discovery of our Soul’s Passion and Joy! By discovering our Soul’s Passion and Joy we not only realize our Soul’s Pathway but also our Soul’s peace of mind, peace in our heart, and peace in our Soul! Thus discovering what we were “meant to do” upon Mother Earth in the first place! Some individuals discover their Soul’s Passion and Joy at an early age while others through the trial and tribulation of accruing Life’s experiences to make their discovery upon a later stage in Life!

Humanity’s former world within Mother Earth’s 3D “training ground” is completely over and moving us to transition NOW towards Mother Earth’s 5D experience. Humanity’s 3D experience is largely fading and deteriorating from any relevance except to assist us towards making our decisions of our Self-Discovery – does anything in my current Life elicit my noblest Pathway in revealing my Soul’s Passions and Joys? Humanity’s days of “following the crowd” towards what is socially favorable in Life are no longer “THE WAY!”

This in itself will be a new discovery for many already caught unaware within Humanity’s transition of Mother Earth’s former 3D world to her 5D Realm. There will soon begin a series of choices to transition further with Mother Earth in the next few months beginning on May 26, 2023! This will involve several choices initiated by the May 26th decision. From July 21 through November 2, 2023 Humanity’s Mass Awakening will start uniting within the 5D Earth! Each movement serves as a steppingstone into Humanity’s Unity and Oneness!

The Energy of May 26, 2023 will be subtle to many focused on their weekend agendas but those aware will feel and intuit a cause to celebrate from a higher level! The prevailing feeling and intuition will be the decision of Man of Destiny Souls, Souls Created on Mother Earth to evolve to a Lightworker’s level of knowledge and understanding, choosing to become Man of Light Souls, true Lightworker Souls evolved entirely through the evolutionary process of Mother Earth! Thus beginning the internal discovery of the Soul’s Passion and Joy among the Masses!

The ruling 3D paradigm accomplished through the mode of socially emphasizing competition, comparison, judgment, and fear will have served to usher in its own demise! Humanity is a creature of Light, Love, and Harmony as there will begin a new paradigm towards establishing a 5D Realm upon Mother Earth when Man of Light Souls choose to socially EXPAND with Light and Love awareness from July 21 to August 13, 2023! No simple deed here as our nascent 5D Realm upon Mother Earth will begin to form and crystallize! The Truth is being realized!

Discernment is the key! Realizing the Truth that Humanity’s mere existence upon Mother Earth is more than just living a Life seeking material wealth and the security it brings is a realization of Truth! How to enact upon this realization of our Life’s unrealized fulfillment will be part of the Mass Awakening as the Enlightened Souls resonate towards the understanding of Mother Earth’s 5D Realm and all it entails! This will not be an instantaneous awareness but rather, a realization of the last 3 years overall experience (COVID, lockdowns, and the financial wars, etc.)!

As Humanity cycles through the experience of the last remaining 3D infrastructure upon Mother Earth, a New Hope is gearing towards understanding Life within the Galactic Earth! On November 2, 2023 Mother Earth and her Solar System will be aligning with our Galactic Center through our Solar System’s Sun into a New Age, requiring the 5D experience to not only be a distant thought or idea of the future, but the Reality of all existence upon Mother Earth and our Solar System! All accomplished by the realization and discovery of our Soul’s Passion and Joy!