
Friday, October 29, 2010

The Brotherhood of Man

The Doorway into the New Millennium will appear before us on November 11, 2010. This will be the timing of Change in all that we will think and do upon Earth as we move forward and settle into our New Horizon. All Man at this point of time will become Man of Destiny and be forced to rapidly develop his thought processes to persevere in the New Millennium. Look now for real learning to occur for one and all as the Legion of Light moves forward with God’s Plan for all to enter the Brotherhood of Man!

The month of November 2010 will begin with a plethora of Spiritual gifts for All Humanity to expand and prosper in their concepts for the New Millennium beginning on November 1st. Use them wisely for they will only work when you have Love in your heart and the desire to know the Truth about yourself.

November 2, 2010 will begin to demonstrate the Power of the Spirit within us all. Develop and hone these powers for your Spiritual Prosperity that will now become available to you. The new rules of the New Horizon will continue to require that you have Love in your Heart and Truth as your guide. All else will fail to materialize unless it refers to your own Spiritual Pathway!

On November 3, 2010 the Universal Energies will function to show you the way to gain and develop your newfound skills of the Spirit. Let those who doubt or need to see signs of their own Spiritual nature within their physical world learn the Truth of their New Reality as this will be the most valuable lesson in understanding the new rules of the New Horizon.

Many will long for the “old days” when all was predictable and seemed in control. Let go of the past and ring in the new Spirit on November 4th! Your Spiritual Nature will gain precedence over your physical nature, as we will seek to understand why our thoughts may keep us from growing into our New Horizon. Choose to be responsible for all you think and do, as Love for yourself will be the beginning point for maintaining your Truth and Joy in Living!

All may seem overwhelming on November 5th but it will be a sign that all is ready for the New Millennium. This will be the point of life to release what may ail you or hold you back. Release these anchors of thought and begin to identify and claim your Spiritual Prosperity that will now find you in a state of confidence for the New Horizon! Relax and know that the Doorway that awaits everyone on November 11, 2010 is ready for your entry!

The Brotherhood of Man will be the call for one and all on November 6, 2010. The failure of one is the failure of us all as concern for everyone comes to the forefront. Sharing and Cooperating will be the keys for overcoming any issues for the Spirit of Brotherhood affects us all. Use this time to help another whose concerns may overwhelm him through his lack of understanding what new rules prevail in the New Millennium.

The role of the Spirit is to connect us all with everything there is. Whether you call it Christ, Buddha, or God it is all the same. On November 7, 2010 there will be little to fear as the Universal Energies will provide the last details for the Doorway of the New Millennium. Many will have a difficult time in relaxing for their anxiety over the mindset Change of the New Horizon will have them trying to relearn the Way of the Spirit. If only they would turn inside and see within their hearts that here is all the wealth and prosperity they will ever need!

Relax on November 8th Man of Destiny and take charge of your life and ways. The Legion of Light will provide the safety net for your leap of faith. This is not a religious movement and never has been. The Spirit has always been in your heart to Create your Joy in Living but now is the time to think for yourself and allow yourself to enter the Brotherhood of Man. Stop and fathom to think about the endless possibilities at your disposal!

God calls one and all to enter the Path of the Spirit that will place you in sync with the Doorway of the New Millennium. Leave your fears behind on November 9th and witness what you have only dreamed about in your wandering mind. Nothing should weigh on your mind these days, but if there shall be, it should be about how you will Create your life in the New Horizon.

The Universal Energies of November 10, 2010 will place a decision upon your heart on this day. Take time to consider your Spiritual values and come to understand that Love rules over all. The more you will Love and spread Love the more you will gain for love is the secret ingredient that makes everything grow in the New Millennium. Take it away and all that will be left is fear and survival mode and this is what we shall all leave behind!

The decision to enter into the Doorway of the New Millennium will be completed on November 11, 2010. Celebrate on this day for the world will never be the same again! Let all who will have chosen to enter come to work together to prosper in the Way of the Spirit. Some may be resistant but deep in their hearts they will come along to learn why God Created life upon Earth!

The month of November 2010 will mark a crossroad in the Destiny of Man as there will still be Chaos and Confusion for some who will be in process of learning and understanding about their new surroundings as they observe the Legion of Light demonstrate the Way of the Lightworker. There will be a new sense of justice guided by God to bring all lands to peace and prosperity!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Spiritual Transformation Part 3

The month of October 2010 will close by providing the impetus for a Spiritual Transformation in order to layout a foundation for everyone’s Spiritual Prosperity. This should come as no surprise except for those who have ignored the Spiritual calling in the past few months with their concern for maintaining the outdated rules of every man for himself. Truth be told, we are at a crossroad in our juncture to disconnect the past from our futures!

On October 24, 2010 the Universal Energies will shift into the sign of Transformation, Scorpio, and announce that the beginning of Spiritual Prosperity will be here at last! Let these Energies prevail in your life and allow them to assist you in manifesting what you will become in the New Millennium. They will bring in the comfort of Love and Brotherhood and provide much needed Trust with each other as we work our New Millennium pathways into evolving forces of Love!

There will be no need for fanfare when you will do what is your soul’s task such as the simplistic act of saying you care for another will do. What is it on October 25, 2010 that could bring us all to act so readily and responsibly? It will be to find that seeking your True Self is a worthy act of God. To know one’s self and what comes naturally will show you the beginning of displaying your Spiritual Transformation and thereby the act of becoming a Co-Creator with God!

Let the new rules of Love and Truth inspire you towards Creating your greatest potential as these new rules are as simple as letting yourself relax on October 26th as the Universal Energies will continue to promote the Spiritual Transformation that will usher in your Spiritual Prosperity. Brotherhood and Joy go hand in hand with Love to let us all blossom with growth towards God. Now will be the day in which to seek inwardly in your surroundings of Love.

Nestle inside of yourself on October 27th to reflect upon the progress you have made thus far. Let your reflective state keep you on course towards the New Millennium, as you will find many options opening up to guide you. If you feel like you are off course because you do not “see” your pathway manifesting look again but see with your Hearts “eyes” and be assured that the shifting emphasis from material to spiritual is in process.

With the Universal Energies of October 28th the Legion of Light will be called upon to provide leadership in a darkened world. They will see to it that the success of God’s plan will move forward by urging All Man to join Man of Destiny in the New Millennium. There will be doubt and confusion due to the lack of trust by All Man for he does not see with the eyes of his heart that Change is immanent!

There will be more doubt and confusion on October 29, 2010 as All Man’s lack of trust will keep his world darkened with fear for where there is no Self Love there is only fear. All Man’s fears will work against him at the entry of the New Millennium and bring him to follow the role model example of the Legion of Light.  Listen to those whose voices will become public in the call for Change. This will signal to All Humanity that the Legion of Light will make their stand to bring justice and fairness to all the lands!

The Universal Energies will call All Humanity together to listen on October 30, 2010: “All Man until you release your fearful mindset you shall learn the lesson of Lovingness before you may enter into the New Millennium. You shall gain merit once more when you will be mindful of Loving all others as well as yourself. Look now to the Legion of Light to display their gifts of Spiritual Healing and Insightfulness in the Way of God!”

At the ending of October 2010 the plan to integrate All Humanity into the New Millennium will be completed for in the month of November 2010 the Doorway to the New Millennium will come to a close. Use your time wisely on October 31st to prepare for this coming event, as you will bear witness to the fallout caused by All Man’s fears!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Spiritual Transformation Part 2

The transformative Powers of the Spirit will continue to run high through the middle segment of October 2010 and will bring many to a standstill in their attempts to run the course of their lives with a “business as usual” attitude. Stop and take the time and effort to deeply examine your life’s situation. The Spiritual Transformation of the New Millennium is here at last!

On October 12, 2010 the Universal Energies will sequence their dance in Creating the Pathway of Spiritual Transformation with a call for all to enter. Do not let this opportunity pass you by, as the entry way is open and will only be available for a short time. Come and play with the star that you are in the Eyes of God!

The Universal Energies will be gaining momentum towards providing the material of future wealth for All Humanity on October 13, 2010. No longer will you need to be security conscious in the material world’s chase of the Illusion as the main goal. Instead the main goal will be to become conscious of your Connection and Partnership with God. There you will find all you will ever need and more to develop your Spiritual Prosperity!

Two of the most influential days in the lives of All Humanity will occur on October 14 and 15, 2010. Here you will find that the promised Pathway for everyone is at the forefront of All Humanity to endeavor and become. October 14th will provide the initial thrust of the Energy’s movement by producing the Partnership with God to enter the lives of all. The God Partnership will provide the beginning of Destiny in the Pathway of Oneness.

October 15th will then follow up October 14th’s thrust and bring All Humanity to move with all the Love he can muster to move forward and progress himself to begin his Destiny. For without Love all in life will be for naught like a ship without a rudder to guide it. Take charge All Humanity and move forward as the Spiritual Being you are to make the progress you will need to become the Truth of who you are!

Welcome to your New Horizon, Man of Destiny, as you learn to truly prosper for yourself within the Brotherhood of Man on October 16, 2010. The Legion of Light has been in wait for these days of Spiritual Prosperity since they were long predicted. There is still much to do and much to learn about the New Horizon so take the time you will need to process these new thoughts and do not worry, fear, or stress on the past!

Keep your thoughts and prayers geared towards the highest aspirations you desire on October 17, 2010 for these thoughts are your channel of Creating all you will need. Focus your thoughts upon Love and Joy and retain them within to behold your product of Love! Do this ritual daily even if only for five minutes. The Pathway into the New Millennium is here and there is no treading back to the land of sorrow and pain!

Do all that you will to immerse yourself in the Love available on October 18th and allow yourself to freely think of what you will do for Love of yourself! This is the call for action to bring forth the growth in your Soul’s Purpose with all that you were meant to do upon Earth. Look to where you are and practice visualization and rest assured that you will become one of self-reliance!

October 19th will mark the halfway point of the Universal Energies’ Purpose for the month of October 2010. The Universal Energies shall bring the Legion of Light into action for the Spiritual Transformation taking place and usher in the Brotherhood of Man into place. This shall be All Humanity’s foundation of strength and place of security for all future endeavors of the Spirit. Look now to see and hear words of Hope come to one and all for the New Millennium is here!

Be open and aware on October 20, 2010 and feel the Love all around you, as you will be in God Presence! All you will need to know this day is that you will be able to differentiate between who is there for God and who is there for himself. God Presence in the form of others will bring their heart’s share of willingness to Cooperate while those out for themselves will continue to only lookout for themselves and theirs.

On October 21, 2010 the Universal Energies shall begin to unite all the elements of Truth and Love, Brotherhood, and Destiny into a Pathway for the New Millennium. Seek your Higher Guidance to assist you in forming your highest ideal of yourself and the way to be shown to you. Higher guidance will demonstrate to you your chosen way be it through a dream, a vision, a feeling, or “inner knowing.” Take time in quietness to better understand and learn!

The Project of Light is almost complete but for now it will be the time for Man of Destiny to step forward to initiate his own Pathway of Light on October 22 and 23, 2010. Let these days become ones of glory for you and your loved ones, as the final decisions to progress into the New Millennium come into place and build the foundation of the thousand years of Peace and Joy among All Humanity!

The Sun will be exiting the sign of Libra on October 23, 2010 and will enter into the sign of the Scorpion. Let this be the date that you move into the Realm of Love and Truth to gain your share of Spiritual Prosperity. Continue this Pathway and the promise of remaining connected to your God Source will be yours to enjoy. Be one of focus and wisdom and move into the Brotherhood of Man to become a Creator with God once more!

The remaining time of October 2010 will show the month to continue emphasizing a Spiritual Transformation for All Humanity. These days will demonstrate a critical turning point in Man’s Progress towards Light once more and bring about the Changes we all need to make to become divine again. In the Spiritual sense we are divine but would you recognize it in its physical manifestation? This is where we will be long before December 2012!